with now: Welcome to The East High Alumni Page. Graduates, students who spent several years there but are not graduates of East, and current and former faculty are not only invited to check on old friends, memories of our high school and on current news of East, but to submit their own profiles, addresses, pictures, memories and class reunion information.
![]() East High Athletic Championships - The athletic director at East High is attempting to identify championships won by East High athletic teams and individuals during its history. If you were a member, or coached, a championship team, let us know and we will compile a list and forward it to the athletic director. District, City, Regional, State and other championships are welcome and information as to the sport (i.e. women's track), level (senior/junior high), and year of championship is needed. You may e-mail the information to (We know about the TSSAA list of state championships, but personal confirmation or correction of that information is welcome.) Mustang Roundup —
Alumni Edition
Video welcome from the editor Editor's Memo - a blog Commentary: The thrill is not gone Commentary: Keeping reunions affordable - A good example Commentary: How many East High alumni web sites do we need? How many is too many? An
alumnus writes: "The
good ole days at East bring back so many memories. I wish more people
would put their profile in here so we
could keep up with each other. We are all getting older now
and for many of us this is the only way we ever hear from each other.
don't just read these profiles.....put yours in too!" Let it work for you! If you are an East alumnus, join us on this web site. Here are some of the hundreds of appreciative comments being made about The East High Alumni Page: Historic Look: The
way we were, 8
days after creation of The East High Alumni Page on
January 27, 1996. Click
here to
take a look.
We try to keep up
with what's
happening with East High School and its alumni. Here are newspaper,
television, and web news stories. The earliest so far is dated
July, 1964 (though you may well find earlier material in our history
You can help, send us information about East High that has been in the mainstream news media, or tips about newsworthy items. Other
High School's official homepage.The Peer Power Foundation The Greater East High Foundation Links to alumni home
pages and businesses, if supplied, are included in
individual profiles.
If a page is sponsored, a credit line appears on the page with a link to the sponsor's site, if any. Keeping
our web pages less cluttered, less crass, by limiting commercialization:
For information about what you can include in your profile about your business, or about advertising or sponsorship possibilities, please read our Commercial Policy. The East High Alumni Page publishes notices of sympathy
those who have lost family members as we receive and can verify that
information. Obituaries of East alumni and faculty are also published.
If you have such information to share, please send all relevant details
to The East High Alumni Page seeks graduates of East to volunteer to serve as a board of advisors to our alumni page and also seeks an alumnus to volunteer as an assistant webmaster. Click here for more information. Policies -
submission, use, permissions, and legal: Use without permission of photographs copyrighted by K. L. Welch is prohibited. All rights reserved. Privacy Policy: unless otherwise
specifically indicated,
information submitted to The East High Alumni Page is deemed to be
information released for public disclosure and posting on The East High
Alumni Page website. Credits Policy: it is the general policy to credit the person submitting materials/information to The East High Alumni Page for the materials/information regardless of the original source of the material. Other Policies are also applied to this web site. Some are posted or linked on other pages, others are maintained by the editor(s) but not posted on these pages. |
with then:
Connecting with Fellow Alumni Class Index Page Profiles of Alumni 1,751 Alumni Profiles now on-line For ease of use, entries will be by the name by which they were known at East, if supplied.
![]() ![]() Welcome to ![]() ![]() Reunions !!!! Several Classes have on-going mini-reunions or class dinners. Also: Past
reunion coverage in stories and pictures.
Click the
button for details of these
and other reunions. Let us know of plans for your upcoming reunion . ![]() Click on the lamp to hear our Alma Mater ![]() East
circa 1967
Memories: "The Good Ole Days" at East. Do
you know ...
you almost went to Prescott High School? The answers are here
for you as you look back at East High School Feeling the East High
spirit by
now? Double the dose, listen to a rendition of the East High Fight
song that was used in the late 1950s and throughout the
60s and into the 70s. If you know of a better arrangement which sounds
more like our band played it, or have a recording of the East band
playing it, please contact
![]() For many years it was hoped that someone would have film of East High in the early years to document the time long ago. Suddenly, about 12 years into the existence of The East High Alumni Page several films became available, including one that is believed to be the first day of school at East High in 1948! Through the kindness of alumni who wish to share memories of these moments with you, these films are now available for you to watch from these pages. Go to our video page to see what we've got. We should also note there are videos available from our "In the news..." page as well, but these are more recent videos about alumni. ![]() The East High Alumni Page received the fastest responses and one of the most heartfelt ones when we introduced our section devoted to East Elementary School. For the first 37 years of its operation, East was home to the first through sixth grades as well as junior and senior high. Many students attended only East High for their entire primary and secondary education. There were no elementary school yearbooks in those days but sometimes there were class photos. This section relies on you very heavily for contributions of photos, facts, and memories. Take a look at our childhood years at East on our East Elementary School page. The East High Alumni Page joins a huge majority of the school's alumni in honoring the school, its faculty and staff, and fellow alumni. It comes to mind, however, that there are some few associated with East who stand out even from this august history, those who have achieved and excelled beyond the norm even among our prominent fellows, and those who gave their lives in military service to the United States of America. For these special honors, we have pages in recognition of their contributions. Please visit our Hall of Honor and our Military Memorial.
![]() ![]() East High
Sports Championships
While the purpose of East High School has been the education of pupils in behavior and academics, athletics have been a big part of the student body experience. Many fine athletes have attended East. Here we recognize some of the people and teams who won State Championships (or finished as runner-up). See the list. |
Latest Updates:
Latest profile addition & updates: February 10, 2025
Latest In
the News update: July 14, 2018
Latest Memories
update: July 1, 2015
Reunions update: March 17, 2025
Latest Visiting Memphs Events Listing Update: April 20, 2022
East Elementary section update: October 1, 2021
Latest Mustang
Roundup - Alumni Edition update: September 24, 2024
Latest Obituary
update: March 24, 2025
Latest Notices
of Sympathy update: March 24, 2025
Latest Military
Memorial update: September 13, 2007
Latest History
update: September 2, 2022
Latest At the school list update: not fully current
Latest significant layout, technical update, or additional sections:
January 6, 2017
The East High News Briefs
- with any urgent alumni news: updated as warranted
** If designated by asterisks, no valid new or updated profiles were received for this update cycle.
* The school address is 3206 Poplar Avenue, Memphis, TN. 38111 and is given as a convenience and and to assist in identification. The East High Alumni Page is an independent publication and is not located at the school.