Interview with East Principal Dr. Pamela McKinley September
24, 2024 - It was a week and a half into Dr. Pamela McKinley's third
year as prinicipal of East High School when The East High Alumni Page
had the opportunity to conduct an hour long interview with her. Some of
her answers were surprising, many enlightening. Read the transcript on
our latest release of the " Mustang Roundup - Alumni Edition."
"2023" ACT Scores Released by State
East Ranked 20th In Statewide Public School Average ACT Composite Scores

26, 2024 (updated June 26, 2024 9:05pm to explain the optional nature of East High) - The
East High Alumni Page continues to believe the best overall measurement
of academic achievement is the ACT score. It took the Tennessee
Department of Education many months more than usual to release these
scores -- in late March rather than October. Tennessee reports ACT scores
for the previous graduating year, so these are for those in the 2022 graduating cohort. It should also be noted that in 1989 the ACT changed its scoring but provided a concordance so pre and post 1989 scores can be compared. For further evaluation, some of scores from the top public high schools in Shelby County are also provided.
As one examines these numbers, it is important to remember that East
High School is not your typical school. It is what the local school
district calls an optional school. Other school systems often call
these magnet schools. East does not have an attendance zone. Admission
is by application. If you were a student who lived across the street
from East High, you would not automatically be assigned to attend it.
Depending on which side of the East High campus you lived on, you would
be assigned to Melrose, Douglass, or White Station High School.
Admission is by application and there are entrance requirements.
Initial selection reserves 50% of the seats for "qualified students who
live within their designated zone through February 13, 2024," which
apparently means students who live within what would be an East High
attendance zone if it had one.
The highest scoring composite ACT among public schools in Shelby County
is Houston High School, a Germantown Municipal School District school,
with a full point greater than East High's composite. Collierville
High, also in its own separate school district, is next highest, with
East High taking the third position. In statewide public school
composite ACT scores, Houston High ranked 17th, Collierville 18th, and
East 20th. The statewide average composite ACT score was 19.1.
Avg. English
Avg. Math
Avg. Reading
Avg. Science
Avg. Composite
East High
White Station
Houston High
Central High
All Shelby County Public Schools
Statewide (Tennessee) Public Schools
Starting with the 2015-16 data files, schools’ and districts’ average
ACT scores and percentages are calculated using the highest scores
students earn in the three years preceding their graduation only for
those students who are counted as graduates for a given school or
district, depending on the file. Please note that in prior years the
data reflected the most recent scores for students who were expected to
graduate in a given year whether they graduated that year or not.
[Editor's note: after repeated visits to the Department of Education
web site and discussing the delayed 2023 Tennessee Report Card with Memphis
Shelby County Schools staff, eventually our frequency of checks for the
information decreased. That is why there was a nearly two month delay
from the 2023 Report Card's release and the posting of information here.]
East High School graduates 162 in the Class of 2024
20, 2024 - Tonight at the Renasant Convention Center in downtown
Memphis 162 students were graduated from East High School. Among the
highlights announced was that the Class had one National Merit Scholar,
and not one, but ten students who achieved a perfect score on the ACT
test. It was said that there was more than $15.5-million in
scholarships offers made to the Class.
Editors note: the Memphis Shelby County Schools web site never got the
link it posted for the live streaming of the graduation ceremonies
right. However, it was available directly from youtube and you can
watch a replay of it here.
[ Correction: as noted above,
originally it was reported here that ten students achieved a perfect
ACT score. In August, 2024, the school's principal said the correct
number was one student achieveing a perfect ACT score. See explanation.]
East High Gets Grade of "A" From the State Department of Education
21, 2021 - “Only nine of MSCS’ nearly 200 schools received A grades in
Tennessee’s rollout of school letter grades. East High School was one
of the nine... Out of the district’s 198 schools, nine received an A
(4.5% of schools), 30 received a B (15.2%), 72 received a C (36.4%), 44
received a D (22.2%) and 43 received an F (21.7%). (The Daily Memphian,
Dec. 21, 2023)
“Similar to how classroom letter grades provide a snapshot of student
learning, school letter grades allow families and communities an
opportunity to see how well their schools are serving all students.”
(Tennessee Department of Education).
The state letter grades are based on “student achievement, student
academic growth, growth of the highest need students and college and
career readiness”
The other Shelby County School District schools receiving the “A” grade
this year are Medical District High School, Middle College High School,
Richland Elementary School, White Station High School, University High
School, University Middle School, Campus School, and
Winridge Elementary School.
There are several aspects of academic achievement and growth that are
measured with different weights given to each. East received a 5, the
highest score in most of these and the lowest East received was a 4.
Overall, East’s score was a 5. See the results for East High's scoring
on the Department of Education’s web site or a pdf of the page giving East's score here.
East High Graduates 98.3%
November 21, 2023 - The Tennessee Department of Education yesterday
released the 2023graduation rates for Tennessee high schools and East
High School's rate was 98.3% for its 119 student cohort. That's the
third highest among all the Memphis Shelby County School District high
schools. The two schools district schools with higher rates achieved a
100% graduation rate. They were City University School of Independence
and Hollis F. Price.Traditional academic competitors in the district
Central High had a 98.2% rate among its 290 student cohort and White
Station High's 458 pupils had a 89.8% graduation rate. The graduation
rate for all Memphis Shelby County District schools was 81.5% for the
same period. Top academic
schools in the county, based on ACT data in recent years, Collierville
and Germantown's Houston High graduated 94.2% and 89.4%
respectively, both with hundreds more students in their cohort. These
rates are based on the federal graduation rate guideline, which counts
only graduates who completed the required courses in 4 years of high
school (including summers). The state also has a slightly different
rate which provides some dispensation for students with disabilities.
Note: in the above photo of the 2023 graduation ceremony the students
are not facing the camera because the seating arrangement had them
facing the stage with their backs to the audience.
State Report Card on East High Indicates High Scores
November 28, 2022 - The Tennessee Department of Education today
released the school report card for the 2021-2022 school year. Here is
the summary for East High School where the score of 0 is poor and the
score of 4 is best. (Also, for an important measure, see the ACT scores.)
Achievement 2022
Growth 2022
Cronically Absent 2022
Graduation Rate 2021
Ready Graduate 2021

In the above assessment, the achievement score is assessed based on the
percent of students who met or exceeded grade-level expectations (i.e.,
success rate) on state math and ELA assessments. The Growth indicator
looks closely at the progress students are making within a school
compared to the average progress of all students across the state. In
the 2021-22 school year, ELA and Math state assessments were used to
measure growth in grades 3-12 using TVAAS. Cronically absent is
defined as the percent of students who missed at least 10% of the
instructional days that they were enrolled for during the school year. The
Graduation Rate indicator looks at the percentage of students who are
successfully finishing high school with a regular high school diploma
or an alternate academic diploma (AAD) in four years plus a summer. The
graduation rate reported reflects the prior year's graduating class
(i.e., the Class of 2021). The Ready Graduate rate represents the
percent of students who are ready for postsecondary education and/or
career before high school graduation. The Ready Graduate rate data used
for school accountability lag for one year; hence, the data reported in
the 2021-22 report card came from the 2021 graduating cohort.
Below are some further details. The East High Alumni Page would have
liked to, and tried to, use the same maxtrix as last year to display
the information but as is typical, it appears the Tennessee Department
of Education is presenting the data in a different way. Despite
considerable time reviewing this year's report card, as in the past, it
seems difficult to determine the actual academic results of the
students and certainly difficult to compare year to year and school to
school. Perhaps a statistician could evaluate the numbers and provide
comperable data. If you are such a statistician, your help would be
Met or Exceeded
Expectations |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
U.S. History
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
East High Alumni Page continues to believe the best overall measurement
of academic achievement is the ACT score. Tennessee reports ACT scores
for the previous graduating year, so these are for those in the 2021 graduating cohort. It should also be noted that in 1989 the ACT changed its scoring but provided a concordance so pre and post 1989 scores can be compared. For further evaluation, some of scores from the top public high schools in Shelby County are also provided.
Avg. English
Avg. Math
Avg. Reading
Avg. Science
Avg. Composit
East High
White Station
Houston High
All Shelby County Public Schools
Statewide (Tennessee) Public Schools
Starting with the 2015-16 data files, schools’ and districts’ average
ACT scores and percentages are calculated using the highest scores
students earn in the three years preceding their graduation only for
those students who are counted as graduates for a given school or
district, depending on the file. Please note that in prior years the
data reflected the most recent scores for students who were expected to
graduate in a given year whether they graduated that year or not.
East High Designated a “Reward School”
16, 2022 - Tennessee Department of Education logoSeptember 16, 2022
- The Tennessee Department of Education has designated East High
School as a reward school. “Schools are recognized as a Reward school
when they demonstrate high levels of performance and/or improvement in
performance by meeting their annual measurable objectives across
performance indicators and student groups. “
Schools are
evaluated on their achievement on (1) the Tennessee Comprehensive
Assessment Program (TCAP) assessments, (2) TCAP assessment growth over
time, (3) rates at which students are Chronically Out of School,
(4)performance on the English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA),
(5) Graduation Rate and (6) Ready Graduate Rate (the rate at which
students graduate while also having achieved milestones associated with
college and career readiness).
East High Shows Double Expected
Academic Growth for 2021-2022
19, 2022 - The Tennessee Department of Education this week released the
Tennessee Value Added Assessment System (TVAAS) results for 2022, which
measures the growth of academic accomplishment compared to what is
expected over a year’s period.
East High earned a composite
TVAAS score of 5, the highest level. Level five means that students
academic growth was twice, or more, than was expected over the
2021-2022 school year. Quite a few Memphis-Shelby County Schools (the
county school system) earned a level 5 score, as the school district
did as a whole.
It is important to note that
TVAAS does not measure academic achievement. Academic growth measured
by TVAAS can be extraordinary yet the level of academic knowledge of
the subject matter could be far below that which is desired. On the
other hand, high performing students who excel in learning the subject
matter could possibly not have as much TVAAS growth but, obviously, are
gaining a lot of knowledge of the subject matter.
Here is the breakdown by subject matter for the East High students in 2022.
Composite |
Algebra I
Algebra II
Biology I
English I
English II
U.S. History
state has changed what each of those levels mean, or at least how
it describes what they mean. This article is going to use a previously
provided description from past years which used plain language This
writer believes these descriptions generally still provide a good idea
of the academic growth but may be too general for educational
statisticians. See the Editor's note below. Here's how it used to
be explained:
Level 5 = much greater than expected academic growth in one year
Level 4 = greater than expected academic growth in one year
Level 3 = met the expected academic growth in one year
Level 2 = less than expected academic growth in one year
Level 1 = much less than expected academic growth in one year
[Editor’s note: the Tennessee
academic reporting system is, at least for this writer, difficult to
understand. Furthermore, if one is able to understand the methodology,
the state will change is in a year or two. This editor wonders if
that’s intentional to keep the public from holding educational
institutions accountable. Even if not intentional, it must be a
secondary result of changing the measurement and reporting criteria and
methods. Having said that, you are welcome to read the state’s 2021-22
Accountability Protocol at the Tennessee Department of Education's web site.
If you understand the protocol
as it relates to this article on The East High Alumni Page and have any
enlightenment or corrections, that would be welcome. Contact]

Downgraded Academic Reporting Standard Approved By Board of Education
28, 2022 - The administration of the Memphis-Shelby County School
district has adopted a downgraded grading reporting standard to what is generally
called a 10 point system. The eight members of the Board of
Education in attendance at the time of the vote all agreed with the proposal. The new scale is:
A = 90 to 100;
B = 80 to 89;
C = 70 to 79;
D = 60 to 69;
F = 0 to 59.
Prior to this vote, the scale for many years had been:
A = 93 to 100;
B = 85 to 92;
C = 75 to 84;
D = 70 to 74;
F = 0 to 69.
The administration claims the reasons for the proposed change are to
match the scale used by some Memphis area suburban school districts
grading policies and to better align with a Tennessee state grading
scale. The state scale, however, is for state financial aid reporting
and by law permits local school districts to set their own scale for
other purposes.
Class of 2022 Graduated
24, 2022 - Tonight 95 East High students joined the ranks of thousands
of East High Alumni. The 72nd commencement exercise of East High was
held at the Cannon Center for the Performing Arts in downtown Memphis.
The Cannon Center stand on the ground of the old Ellis Auditorium,
where quite a few East High graduations were held decades ago. It was
announced that the Class members have received $11-million in
scholarship offers.
Members of the Class of 2022 are invited to participate on The East High Alumni Page on the Class of 2022 page.
New East High Principal Named
28 2022 - Pamela McKinley has been named the new incoming principal of
East High School. McKinley will be replacing Newman Robertson.
McKinley is currently assistant principal at Overton High
School. She is a graduate of the University of Mississippi, has earned
a master degree Alabama A&M University, and a doctorate from Walden
University. McKinley says she will officially take the reins of East
High July 1.
East Announces Better Academic
Achievement than Other
Memphis-Shelby County Schools
Additional Academic Data for 2021 Released
April 16, 2022 - East High has
announced the following. "The district common assessment data came out
and we have more students performing at On-Track and Mastery than any
other High School!"
 A closer look at
the data released by the state suggests the district as a whole is not
performing as well
as would be desirable. Some of those statistics for East High School
are below. Editor's
note: some additional data was added (ACT scores, Ready Graduate
percentages, and graduation rate) later the same day as the original posting.
Students performing
academically or categorized as having mastery of the class subject
Overall |
37% |
Economically Disadvantaged
27.6% |
English Language Learner |
Not enough students |
Students with Disabilities |
Not enough students |
30.5% |
Black/Hispanic/ Native
American |
30.2% |
Students performing on-track
academically or categorized as having mastery compared to district
& state:
School (East High)
Memphis-Shelby County
School District
State of Tennessee Public
Students performing on-track academically or categorized as having
mastery in English Language Arts:
Achievement Overall 57.7% |
(ELA) By Race
American Indian/Alaska
Native |
Not enough students |
Asian |
Greater than 95% |
Black/African American
51.1% |
Hispanic |
42.1% |
White |
Achievement (ELA) By
Economically Disadvantaged |
44.6% |
English Language Learner |
Not enough students |
Students with Disabilities |
Not enough students |
Combined |
50.8% |
Black/Hispanic/ Native
American |
50.8% |
(ELA) By Level |
Below |
Less than 5% |
Approaching |
N/A |
On Track |
N/A |
Mastered |
N/A |
Students performing on-track
academically or categorized as having mastery in Math:
Achievement Overall 18.3% |
Achievement By Race |
American Indian/Alaska
Native |
Not enough students |
Asian |
50% |
Black/African American |
13% |
Hispanic |
15.4% |
White |
37.9% |
(ELA) By Group |
Economically Disadvantaged |
13.7% |
English Language Learner |
27.3% |
Students with Disabilities
Not enough students |
Combined |
13.8% |
Black/Hispanic/ Native
13.2% |
(Math) By Level |
Below |
N/A |
N/A |
On Track |
N/A |
Less than 5% |
Students performing on-track
academically or categorized as having mastery in Social Studies:
(Social Studies) 47.2%
(Social Studies) By Race |
American Indian/Alaska
Native |
Not enough students |
Not enough students |
Black/African American |
38.6% |
Hispanic |
Not enough students |
Not enough students |
(Social Studies) By Group |
Economically Disadvantaged |
31% |
English Language Learner |
Not enough students |
Students with Disabilities
Not enough students |
Combined |
42.2% |
Black/Hispanic/ Native
American |
42.2% |
(Social Studies) By Level |
Below |
18.1% |
Approaching |
34.7% |
On Track |
33.3% |
Mastered |
13.9% |
Students performing on-track
academically or categorized as having mastery in Science:
Achievement Overall 63.3%
(Science) By Race |
Asian |
Not enough students |
Black/African American |
55.3% |
Hispanic |
Not enough students |
White |
91.4% |
(Science) By Group |
Economically Disadvantaged |
46.4% |
English Language Learner |
Not enough students |
Students with Disabilities |
Not enough students |
Combined |
56.3% |
Black/Hispanic/ Native
55.8% |
(Science) By Level |
Below |
7.8% |
Approaching |
28.9% |
On Track |
52.8% |
Mastered |
10.6% |
Another measurement the state
makes is in student growth. This is called the Tennessee Value-Added
Assessment System (TVAAS). It measures how much academic advancement an
individual student makes during one year. It is very important to
distinguish between advancement and achievement. TVAAS is advancement
(also called growth), not achievement. For example, a student could
make more than a year's worth of academic advancement during a school
year yet still be below the "on track" designation. The scoring is one
to five, with Level 5 being the highest. Level 3 is generally described
as making the expected year's worth of advancement in a year's time.
Here are the aggregated, meaning the school as a whole, student growth
figures for East High for the 2020-2021 school year.
Student Growth
(TVAAS) Overall 3
Disadvantaged |
4 |
Language Learner |
Data not
available or suppressed for privacy |
with Disabilities |
Data not
available or suppressed for privacy |
3 |
Black/Hispanic/ Native
American |
4 |
Growth (TVAAS) by Subject
ELA Growth (English
Language Arts)
Math Growth
The state reports for the 2020-2021 school year East High had 44
teachers for an overall student to teacher ratio of 12:1. The school
retained 87.5% of its teachers in 2020-2021 from the previous year.
The state reported East High had 545 students for the 2020-2021 school
year. The demographics are below.
Number of Students Enrolled
American Indian/Alaska
Native |
Less than 5% |
Less than 5% |
Black/African American |
73.4% |
Hispanic |
5.3% |
Native Hawaiian/Pacific
Islander |
Not enough students |
White |
18.5% |
Demographics by Group
Economically Disadvantaged |
29.5% |
English Language Learner |
Less than 5% |
Students with Disabilities |
Less than 5% |
Black/Hispanic/ Native
American |
79.3% |
Foster |
Less than 5% |
Homeless |
Not enough students |
Migrant |
Not enough students |
Military Family |
Not enough students |
As previously reported here, the Class
of 2020 ACT aggregate composite score was 16.2. The state reports the
ACT score from the previous year at the end of a graduating class's
year. Therefore, the 2020 score is the most recent reported by the
ACT composite score by subject (2020) Overall: 16.2
15.7 |
Reading |
16.4 |
English |
15.4 |
Science |
16.7 |
In 1989, the ACT revised its testing and scoring. The
16.2 score for East High equates to about a 12 on the pre-1989 ACT test.
Similarly, the state reports the "ready graduate"
percentage for the previous year's graduating class. So the
following represents the Class of 2020 evaluation. This rate represents
the percentage of students who demonstrate readiness for college and
careers after high school.
Class of 2020 overall who
were ready graduates
graduate rate by student group
Economically Disadvantaged
English Language Learner
Not enough students
Students with Disabilities
Less than 5%
Black/Hispanic/ Native
The graduation rate as reported by the state is also for the
year 2020 and stood at 84.1% but also reported by the state earlier
was the 2021 graduation rate, previously reported here, was 96.1%.
Source: Tennessee Department of Education It should be
noted that the Class of 2021 was the first in which all students were
admitted to the STEM optional (magnet) program and there were no
"traditional curriculum" students enrolled. So the 2020 ACT scores,
ready graduate, and graduation rate apply also apply to traditional
students who attended East High mostly based on their residence within
the East attendance zone. Also, the classes of 2020 and 2021 education
methods were affected by the pandemic.
New Executive Principal Named
January 14,
2022 - Andy Demster,
the principal of Maxine Smith STEAM Academy has been named the new
Executive Principal to oversee that middle school and East High School.
He takes the position previously held by Lischa Barrett ('91 and
Faculty) Brooks, who resigned effective January 1 after nearly
24 years
with the school system. Both Maxine Smith and East High will have their
own principals as well. Newman Robertson will continue as principal at
East High.
The announcement of Demster’s
promotion was about the only news to come out of last night's second
Community Meeting at East High regarding the school district’s proposal
to move the Maxine Smith STEAM Academy, which has grades 6-8, into the
East High building while maintaining it as a separate school.
10:45 a.m. - The conceptual drawing of the proposed semi-circular drive
off of Holmes Street to serve what would be the main entrance for the
middle school, which was not available last night, is now available.
Please see the article at the right.
Genard Phillips, Chief of Business Operations for Shelby County
Schools, told the attendees that plans included upgrades to the
athletic practice field.
About 50 people were in attendance at the meeting, of which about a
dozen were school system employees.
More information about the proposed move of the Maxine Smith STEAM
Academy middle school into the East High building can be found below
and in the column to the right.
Second community meeting
January 13 regarding the proposed Maxine Smith STEAM Academy move into
the East High building
See the information in the Building and Campus section to the right.
More Details of Proposed Move of
Maxine Smith STEAM Academy to
the East High Building Revealed
at Community Meeting
9, 2021 [updated December 10, 2021] - Two high ranking officials of the
Shelby County School District tonight shared general information about
the school system plans and more specifically about the proposal to
move the Maxine Smith STEAM Academy middle school into the East High
building beginning in August, 2022. The event was the last of several
“Reimagining 901 Community Input Sessions” held this fall. “Reimagining
901" is the billing the school superintendent has given to his overall
plan for the school system’s future. About 50 people were in the
audience, more than 25% were school system employees. But there were
members of the general public, perhaps parents of pupils, and a few
East students in attendance.
The general information Deputy Superintendent John Barker and Deputy
Superintendent Angela Whitelaw shared was not particularly new,
especially for those who have kept up with the pronouncements of the
school system for the past year. What was new were more details about
the proposal to bring the Maxine Smith STEAM Academy students over to
the East building next summer. The co-location is a proposal by the
school district’s administration, it has not yet been approved by the
school board.
The co-location plan is physical only, both institutions would remain
separate schools. The middle school would occupy the eastern side of
the main building while the East High students would have classes on
the west side. For alumni from the first 3 ½ decades of East High’s
existence, that is not a radical idea. From when the school opened in
1948 until 1985, elementary students were housed in the eastern wings
of the school and higher level classes were held in the western wings.
In 1985, elementary classes at East were discontinued.
few East High students attended the meeting and expressed opposition to
bringing the middle school into the building. A member of the Student
Government Association said that those who had expressed opinions
within his hearing were against the proposal. Among the student’s
objects were the loss of the culture developed at East, that adding the
middle school would hinder the high school by taking away classroom
space, and that it could drive away teachers and staff. Students
repeatedly expressed concern that two teachers had left this fall but a
school official reported they left for personal reasons.
School district officials said that there was plenty of room in the
building since it has a capacity of 1,200 students and if the two
schools were co-located in the building at current enrollment the count
would be 926. There are 573 students at East High and 353 at Maxine
Smith STEAM Academy. Whitelaw did admit there would be some less space
for high school teachers in that some would have only one classroom
instead of two for their use. Many years ago, East High held about
2,000 students in grades 1-12 in the main building.
The officials said the plan would allow Maxine Smith STEAM Academy to
grow enrollment as well as allowing East High to continue to expand.
The middle school currently is co-located with the Middle College High
School in the old Fairview Junior High School building at Central
Avenue and East Parkway. In addition, the move would allow that high
school to grow since it would create more available space for it in the
Fairview building.
The deputy superintendents also said that having the two schools
together in the same building could provide shared resources as well as
the possibility of more successful combined grant applications.
appears the plan to co-locate the two schools would not entail major
physical changes to the building or campus. The primary visible change
would be a semi-circle drive off of Holmes Street that would provide a
drop off area for the middle school entrance on the east side of the
building and provide a “whole different look.” Despite that comment, it
was confirmed by a senior district official that there was no planned
change to the facade of the building. A look at the area, however,
indicates some or all of six large trees may be at risk of being
removed for the new drop off driveway. Some district office
staff that are housed in the school are expected out of the building.
Whitelaw said, “This should be the epic school for the city,” partly
based on its central location and between two major roadways. She
further said that East was on the cusp of being one of the top schools
in the state.
School district officials said they would be back in January with more
information about the plan and a rendering of what the changes on the
east side of the building might look like.
[ This article was updated December
10, 2021, to provide information that was inadvertently not posted with
the original upload.]
East High's Exective Principal to Resign
from Shelby County Schools
2, 2021 - Lischa Barrett ('91 and Faculty) Brooks, an East High
alumnus, who became the Executive Principal of East High
in 2017 to transition it into an all-optional (magnet) high school
focused on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM), today
announced her resignation from the Shelby County School system
effective December 31.
When appointed to the East High position, Ms. Brooks was the founding
principal of the Maxine Smith STEM Academy, a middle school located at
East Parkway and Central Avenue in the old Fairview Junior High
building. She became Executive Principal of that school at the same
time of the East High appointment.
East has always had another principal even while Ms. Brooks served as
Executive Principal. Initially Brooks guided the East STEM program
while the existing principal oversaw the traditional curriculum for the
students already enrolled at East. Newman Robertson will continue as
principal at East High.
In a resignation announcement, Ms. Brooks said that "Both Maxine Smith,
since it was founded in 2014, and East are two of the highest
performing secondary schools in our district and everything our
students touch turns to gold!"
East 2021 Graduation Rate Tops All
But 3 Local Public Schools
25, 2021 - The Tennessee Department of Education this week released the
2021 graduation rates for public high schools, which includes charter
schools. East High's 2021 graduation rate was 96.1%. For schools with
reported data, that is the fourth highest graduation rate in the Shelby
County Schools system with only Hollis F. Price Middle College,
Soulsville Charter School, Compass Community School Midtown Campus
having higher graduation rates. The East High grad rate is also higher
than the two other high schools in Shelby County (but separate school
districts) which have higher overall academic performance as measured
by the ACT and other indicators, Houston High School (91.4%) and
Collierville High School (95.8%). The East High Class of 2021 is the
first class of in which all of the pupils were in the "optional school"
(magnet school) T-STEM (Transportation oriented Science, Technology,
Engineering, Math) program. Of the 77 in the "graduation cohort," only
3 did not graduate.
State Academic Assessment for 2021
Shows Slight Improvement
According to the Tennessee
Department of Education, 12.5% of the East High Class of 2021 were
considered "ready graduates," meaning they are believed to be ready
for college and careers after high school. That is an improvement over
the previous year when it was 10.6% and the 2019 determination of 7.9%.
The state reports something called the "four
year graduation rate over time"
and shows East High at 84.6% in 2021.
East exceeded the district-wide rate in which 77.7%, but was below the
state average of 89.6%.
The state continues to change how it reports and displays school data
almost yearly making full understanding a complex task.
ACT Scores for 2019-2020
 The Tennessee Department of
Education’s report on ACT scores at East High for the graduating
seniors at did not show marked improvement over recent years.
The state normally requires all public high school juniors to take the
ACT. It should be noted that the
COVID-19 pandemic affected the spring 2020 classes, with in-person at
the school stopped in mid March, which may well have affected who took
the ACT and how seriously it was received by students. The requirement
for the ACT and other end of year standardized tests was suspended or
otherwise altered. Still, the number taking the ACT at East High,
according to the
state report, indicates that 99% of the specified cohort took it. The
East High Alumni Page believes the ACT is the best available means of
evaluating academic performance with the ability to compare different
schools across the nation as well as comparison among different class
years. (see Why ACT below)
Composite ACT Scores
Shelby County District-wide: 16.4*
*Excluding charter
schools and the virtual school
In 1989, the ACT revised its testing and scoring. The 16.2 score for
East High equates to about a 12 on the pre-1989 ACT
East High was once among the highest achieving academic secondary
schools in the region. Because of that heritage, The East High Alumni
Page chooses to compare it with the public schools currently showing
the highest ACT scores. Besides East, the only other Shelby County
school shown in this comparison is White Station, which for years has
been the highest ranking of the county public schools. Collierville
High (Collierville School District) and Houston High (Germantown School
District) have been separate from the county school system for a few
years. The Memphis City School system surrendered its charter nearly 10
years ago and those schools were absorbed into the county system. The
vast majority of today's Shelby County School District schools used to
be Memphis City Schools. White Station High School is 50% optional (the
local term for a magnet school), so half of those students are in its
college preparatory program.
The ACT "college ready" composite ACT score is 21. "The ACT College
Readiness Benchmarks are the minimum ACT test scores required for
students to have a reasonable chance of success in first-year credit
college courses at the typical college." (ACT)
Shelby County School District
Considers More Lax Grading Scale
28, 2021 - The administration of Shelby County Schools (SCS), which
includes all the schools that used to be Memphis City Schools as well
as some others, is proposing more relaxed grading scale based on 10
point spreads. The administration claims revising the grading scale
will "benefit students" by making the comparison with some other school
systems' grading more equivalent and decreasing failures. SCS cites the
some other area school systems with a relaxed scale, including
Arlington Community Schools, Lakeland School System, Millington
Municipal Schools, Metro Nashville Public Schools, Knox County Schools,
and the Achievement School District (high schools). The administration
admits, however, that changing the SCS grading scale could have the
potential to lower academic expectations.
SCS Grading Scale
Grading Scale Under Consideration


Memphis City Schools Grading Scale Upgrade,
1961 (see note below)

As shown above, Memphis City Schools upgraded its grading scale in 1961
from essentially a 10 point spread to a more stringent one saying that
it would better prepare the students for college and their future. At
least two of the nine member Shelby County School Board have expressed
support for adopting the relaxed grading scale.
NOTE: Memphis City
Schools no longer exists as a district, those schools are now part of
Shelby County Schools.

East High Class of 2021 Graduated
at 71st Commencement Exercise
June 16, 2021 - The 71st
Commencement Exercise of East High School
was conducted tonight at the Orpheum Theater in downtown Memphis.
Seventy-three students were graduated. Thirty-five of those graduates
are members of the National Honor Society and had a grade point average
of 3.0 or higher, that’s 48% of the class! Principal Newman Robertson
announced that class members received more than six-and-a-half million
dollars in scholarship offers. Executive Principal Lischa Barrett (‘91)
Brooks noted it has been exactly 30 years since she was graduated from
East High. She also said she has known many of the graduates since they
were in the sixth grade as she was principal of the Maxine Smith STEAM
Academy, a middle school with grades 6-8, and is now executive
of both schools. Congratulations to the East High Class of 2021!
T-STEM Academy at East High School
Designated a Tennessee STEM School
28, 2021 - This month the T-STEM Academy at East High School was
designated a "Tennessee STEM School." STEM stands for Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Math. East is a totally optional school,
meaning attendance is by application and acceptance, not by a zone in
which the student resides. It began conversion to a STEM school in 2017
and is now a fully optional high school. The name "T-STEM Academy at
East High School" is something the local school system is using, some
board members had suggested changing the name of East High when the
conversion was taking place because East had a bad reputation. But
officially, the name of the school remains East High School, at least
at this point. This designation of a Tennessee STEM School is separate
from the school's conversion to a STEM curriculum but is based upon it
having adopted that focus. It appears the state STEM designation is
more of a recognition of what is already occurring at East rather than
something new at the school, although the state does say such a
designation permits the school to get "early access to STEM initiatives
state wide."
SCS Claims East High Among
the Best Schools in Tennessee
Based on Magazine's Rankings
26, 2021 - At last night's Shelby county School Board meeting
superintendent Joris Ray called up administrators from 14 Shelby County
Schools High Schools to be recognized for leading institutions he
considers the "best" public schools in Tennessee based on rankings from
U.S. News &
World Report magazine.
East High School was among the schools applauded at
the meeting for
being "ranked among the top in Tennessee." The claim was based on
the magazine's 2021 list of public high schools.
While the potential of East High significantly improving the academic
accomplishment its students is welcome news to alumni, the report by
the school system does not seem to tell the whole story.
It does report that East was ranked as the 108th best high
school in
the state, and among SCS high schools it rated sixth, behind White
Station, Middle College High, Germantown High, Hollis F. Price Middle
College High, and Central High.
The magazine rates 23,553 high schools nationwide. In that national
list, East High is at number 7,142. Among what the magazine considered
Memphis metro area high schools, East is ranked 22, among schools in
Shelby County, eleventh. If the rankings represent a valid assessment,
and there are plenty of criticisms of the magazine’s rankings, saying
there are 107 public high schools in Tennessee and 7,141 in the nation
that are better than East
High raises the question of the definition of best. The magazine does,
however, rate East at number 555 among the nation’s 1,013 magnet
schools, which in the Shelby County School system are called optional
schools. East is a fully optional school, meaning it does not have an
attendance zone from which it draws students automatically. Rather
students must apply to attend and be accepted.
Shelby County School board members and administration are frequently
advocating for positive stories about the school system. Here they
claim that these rankings qualify East High as being among the best in
the state.
Top Class of 2021 Students
 Top left to right: Rank
#1 Daniel Graham
Rank #2 Azaria Boyd
Bottom left to right: Rank #3 Nathaniel Garner
Rank #4 Jennifer King
May 24, 2021 - With COVID-19 disrupting the typical testing for the
Class of 2020, the academic status of East High was not immediately
obvious. This was particularly frustrating because the Class of 2020
represented the first of the full four-year STEM optional curriculum
graduates. When recently the school identified its top academic
performing students for the Class of 2021, it seemed to perhaps be an
indicator of the progress at the school. For example, Mr. Nathaniel
Garner, ranked third in the class academically, scored the
highest on the ACT test in the Class with scores no lower than 30 on
any of the ACT categories. That included a perfect 36 on the math
portion. Such information should be received with caution, however,
because the high performers may not be indicative of the advancement of
the student body as a whole. Nevertheless, these reports do suggest a
reason for optimism.
East Teacher is West Tennessee's High School
Teacher of the Year, 2020-21
Update: Daniel Warner was named West
Tennessee Teacher of the Year by the Tennessee Department of Education.
High teacher Daniel Warner is Shelby County Schools High School Teacher
of the Year. He leads classes in U.S. history. Warner came to East High
through the Memphis Teacher Residency program in 2013, which he joined
right after college. He is not a stranger to accolades. One year
ago he was awarded a James Madison Fellowship to help develop
secondary education in American history and government. He used the
fellowship to study political science at the University of Memphis.
Warner advances as a Region-level Finalist and has a chance to be to be
named Tennessee’s statewide Teacher of the Year this summer.
Graduation Day, 2020 — Not
May 21 2020 - Today was the date scheduled for the East High School
Commencement Exercise with the Class of 2020 to have been graduated.
Due to the coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic and the schools closing their
physical facilities, the graduation ceremonies have been suspended.
The school district hopes to hold in-person ceremonies in June.
Shelby County Schools has posted a Class of 2020 web site to celebrate
graduating seniors. Access it at
Details about East's 2020-2021
School Year Revealed in Budget
the plan holds, when school starts in August, 2020, East High will be
an all optional (magnet) school with no geographical attendance zone
and all students having had to apply to attend. This coming school year
will complete the four year transition of East from a traditional
curriculum high school to the all optional school. The optional program
at East is called T-STEM, standing for Transportation
related-Science-Technology, Engineering, and Math. In the Shelby County
School district 2020-2021 budget East’s optional programs are described
as "College Preparatory/T-STEM/Diesel Technology."
For this coming school year, the district predicts an increase of 135
students for a total of 506 in its 9-12 grades. Although the main
building at East has held more than 1,500 students in decades past when
it held grades 1-12, the district now reports the capacity of the
school 1,338. East has two additional buildings added since that 1,500
enrollment but the nine classroom “annex” has been removed. The
estimated enrollment this coming year would be 39% of the buildings
reported capacity.
The district plans 34 classroom teachers at East High for 2020-2021
making the teacher to student ratio 1 to 12.
The budget indicates an expenditure of $3,775,716 for East, which is a
cost of $7,462 per student.
[Addendum: The $7,462 per student is the amount budgeted directly to
the school, it does not include the central office or other district
wide expenses. While the amount budgeted per student does vary by
school, the district overall average expense per student is $13,372 per
pupil if one includes those services that are shared among all the
schools on average, according to the budget.]
The East High Alumni Page has excerpted a page with additional
information about East from the district’s adopted budget.
You can see it here.
East Prepares to Complete Transition
to an All Optional High School
2020-2021 Course Catalog Released
3, 2020 - As plans stand, starting with the August, 2020, school term,
East High completes its four year transition into a totally optional
(magnet) high school. Students attend after submitting an application
and meeting certain criteria. According to the school, in this coming
school year, all courses at East are more rigorous and thus carry an
Honors, Advanced Placement (AP) or Dual Enrollment designation. The
school has released its course catalog for the 2020-2021 school year.
Alumni might find it interesting. See it here.
Class of 2020 Graduation Plans
Due to COVID-19 Pandemic
2, 2020 - Shelby County Schools, including East High, have been closed
since March 13 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The state legislature
passed laws that dictated that no student is to receive a lower yearly
grade than they had earned as of March 20, although there are on-line
and other methods pupils can raise their grade before the end of the
semester. Graduation-eligible students enrolled in quarter 4 Project
Graduation classes must complete all coursework by May 22 to earn their
credits and graduate on time.
The previously scheduled graduation assembly has been
postponed. The school district has announced a desire to conduct those
events in July. In the meantime, there are some other activities
celebrating graduating seniors. On May 18, a special web site
commemorating graduates will be launched and will include the names of
each graduate and commemorative programs. Tentatively there is a drive
through at schools for graduates to pick up their diplomas and awards
while observing safe social distancing guidelines. Then, if the
pandemic situation permits, traditional graduation ceremonies will be
held during the week of July 13-26. If that is not possible under the
guidelines, "virtual" ceremonies will be held. For more information,
Coronavirus Emergency May Effect T-STEM Achievement Evaluation
Requirement for ACT and End of Year Assessment
Exams Waived for This Year
April 10, 2020 - The
Tennessee General Assembly passed a law in reaction to the coronavirus
health emergency which waives the requirements for Tennessee public
school students to take what typically are required assessment exams.
The waiver includes the requirement that all public school juniors take
the ACT.
 The East High Alumni Page has considered the
ACT the best
broadly administered evaluation of academic achievement allowing not
only a comparison among local schools but also schools across the
nation and from year to year. The report on this year’s ACT which would
have been required of all East High juniors was highly anticipated as
it would give the first ACT scores for the T-STEM optional curriculum
students. The legislative waiver likely means that there may not be a
comprehensive report on ACT scores for East juniors released in the
fall. The ACT has rescheduled a nationwide ACT testing day for June 2
but it is unknown how that may affect Shelby County School students.
Typically, classes would be dismissed by that date and without the ACT
requirement how many East students might take the test is a question.
It is possible that the T-STEM pupils are motivated students and could
still take the test in sufficient numbers to provide some insight into
the academic success of the T-STEM program.
East is in the third year of a four year transition to
from the general curriculum to a fully optional (magnet) school
focusing on Transportation related Science, Technology, Engineering,
and Math (T-STEM) focus. This year, only the 12th grade remained in the
traditional curriculum.
East, along with all public schools in Shelby County,
remains closed due to the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. No date has
been set to resume classes and may think the schools will not reopen
this school year.
East Color Guard Looks Sharp
East High School Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps Color Guard
presented the flags at the Board of Education Meeting September 24,
2019. Prior to knowing the cadets were from East, this writer noted
they looked sharp and presented very well. The reason their school was
not known was that they were not wearing the East traditional red and
gray shoulder cords and if they were wearing a shoulder patch denoting
East it was not noticed. It was a pleasure to learn
they were from East High. First Sergeant Eugene Broadus (Retired), an
JROTC instructor at East accompanied the cadets to the event as did
Principal Newman Robertson, both pictured with the Color Guard after
they presented at the meeting.
East High gets top score for achievement
in meeting "Annual Measurable Objectives"
17, 2019 - On August 15, the Tennessee Department of Education released
its "TNReady assessment results" for the 2018-2019 school year.
East High rated a top level four for academic achievement on a scale of
0-4 but a one on academic growth. It should be noted that the scores
are not necessarily based on an absolute evaluation of students'
mastery of subject matter but rather on the school's Annual Measurable
Objectives (AMO). AMO is a goal set based on the students' previous
year level of academics and is set with the expectation that the school
will "decrease by half the percent of students whose performance does
not meet the standard over the course of eight years." 1 The
standard referred to means students are on track to master or
have mastered the curriculum's subject matter.
East also rated a one on the same scale for chronic absenteeism. As The
East High Alumni Page understands the protocol, that reflects 20.1 to
30% of the students at East in 2019 were designated as chronic
absentees, although it must be admitted the definitions are not fully
understood. The calculation is apparently shows the "lower bound of
confidence interval of percent of chronically absent students <
prior year percent of chronically absent students." 1
East scored a two on the 0-4 scale for the graduation rate in 2019. 1
It got a score of one for the "Ready Graduate" evaluation. "The Ready
Graduate indicator measures the percent of students who earn regular
high school diploma and meet success milestones that are aligned to
increase the probability for post secondary success." 1 The
rating matches the number of 2019 East High graduates designated as
having achieved the ACT College Ready benchmarks: a single student. 2
In 2019, East High completed its second year of a four year planned
transition to become an all optional (magnet) school. Students in
grades 9 and 10 were admitted only by application and meeting certain
requirements. (For more details, see our East
High T-STEM Optional School page.) Grades 11 and 12 were
traditional curriculum students who largely were enrolled at East
before the T-STEM program began.
The state Department of Education seems to change its reporting
methodology year to year. If anyone with definitive knowledge has a
correction to the above analysis, it is welcome. Send it to
You may read the Tennessee Department of Education's Accountability
Protocol at
1. Tennessee Department of Education
2. East High 2019 Commencement Exercise
One 2019 East High graduate met the ACT "college ready"
July 23, 2019 - On May 22, 2019, the East High School Class of 2019 was
graduated. During the commencement ceremonies, the names of students
with special honors were called, which consisted of those in the
National Honor Society, the top 19 graded  students, and
those who
achieved the ACT "college ready" score of 21 or higher. Notably, of
the 89 students graduating, only one met the college ready criteria.
Also of interest, that graduate was not among the other honorees and
was not the valedictorian or the salutatorian.
A few weeks later, the superintendent of Shelby County Schools was
asked at a County Commission budget committee hearing was asked how
of the system's valedictorians achieved the ACT college ready mark.
Joris Ray estimated it would be about 54%.
Since the ACT changed its scoring in 1989, and therefore there are East
alumni who were scored under the previous matrix, The East High Alumni
Page references the ACT concordance
which gives the approximate equivalent score between the two groupings.
An ACT score of 21 today equates to about a 20 in the pre-1989 ACT
The East High Alumni Page favors the ACT as the most reliable measure
of academic achievement. It is mandated that every public school
student in Tennessee take the ACT in their junior year of high school
(and they may take it after that if they wish). That permits comparison
among the local schools. Furthermore, the ACT is taken by thousands of
students across the nation, permitting further analyzation. Also
providing a significant measure of academic progress is the National
Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) but it is only given to a
limited number of students, schools, and grades across the nation each
The Class of 2019 is, if the current plans continues, the next to last
of traditional curriculum students at East High. The school is half way
through a four year process of converting to an all optional (magnet)
school focusing on T-STEM
(Transportation related Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math).
T-STEM students have to apply and meet certain criteria to be admitted
to East High. This conversion began with the ninth grade in 2017 and
progresses for a grade each year, meaning that with the beginning of
the school year in August, 2020, will be all optional students.
East High Has New Principal
20, 2019, updated May 22, 2019 - Dr. Newman Robertson has assumed the
position of principal
of East High School. He was elevated to the principal position in April
from an assistant principal job at East. A recent visitor to East
reports that students call him Dr. Rob. Robinson got his Ph.D. in
educational leadership and administration from the University of
Mississippi. He has been with the school system for 14 years. East is
his first duty as a principal.
Lischa Barrett (‘91), now Lischa Brooks, remains Executive Principal of
East High as well as the Maxine Smith STEAM Academy, a middle school.
She focuses on the T-STEM program at East while Dr. Robertson primarily
gives his attention to the traditional classes.
According to the optional school plan for East, the 2019-2020 school
year will have the 12th grade with traditional classes while grades
9-11 will be populated by the T-STEM (Transportation oriented Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Math) curriculum.
Dr. Marilyn Hilliard, principal at East since the summer
of 2015,
has taken the role of principal of the Virtual School operated by
Shelby County Schools.
of Improvements at East High
8, 2019 - Shelby County Schools will tomorrow report improvements in
reductions in chronic absences, and fewer expulsions since the
beginning of the T-STEM conversion last year.
2016-17 |
2018-19 |
Attendance Rate
86.0% |
92.5% |
92.3% |
Chronic Absenteeism
43.4% |
23.8% |
24.9% |
Exclusionary Suspension
In 2017-2018, the ninth grade at East became an all optional program
focusing on Transportation related Science, Technology, Engineering,
and Math (T-STEM) requiring students to apply and meet certain criteria
to be accepted (see reports below). For 2018-2019, that program
expanded to include both the ninth and tenth grades. It will continue
to expand by a grade the next two years at which time the entire school
will be a T-STEM optional school. The figures being presented to the
Board of Education Academic Performance committee tomorrow may indicate
the T-STEM students are taking their schooling more seriously. It
should be noted that the school system has attempted to reduce out of
school suspensions, so the reduction in the exclusionary suspension
rate may be a combination of better behavior and discipline methods
other than out of school suspensions.
State Report Card Uses 2017 ACT
December 10, 2018 - The
East High Alumni Page considers ACT scores as the best evaluation of
academic performance at high schools (see why)
and was waiting anxiously for the 2018 scores. The Tennessee Department
of Education released various evaluation statistics piecemeal in 2018
but the school level ACT scores were held until the full school report
card was released in early December, 2018. Very unfortunately for
anyone attempting to evaluate academic achievement and despite it
having been more than six months since the ACT tests were taken, the
department chose to release the 2017 scores with the 2018 school report
card. This site had already had reported the 2017 ACT scores in
October, 2017.
2018 Graduation Rate Slips
19, 2018 - East High achieved a 77.2% graduation rate for the 2017-2018
school year, according to the Tennessee Department of Education. The
state's figures base the rate on a ninth grade cohort of 114 pupils of
which 88 were graduated.
The percentage is a decrease from the 2017 rate which was 79.7%. In
2016 it was 76.1%.
The figures also give demographic information for the graduates. It
indicates that 51 were female and 37 male, all 88 classified as Black
or African American, one of which apparently also identifies as
Hispanic. Seventy-one were considered economically disadvantaged.
The ACT scores, which The East High Alumni Page considers among the
most important evaluations, should be released soon. This year the
Department of Education is releasing school data piecemeal. A report on
the End of Course test results for 2018 is below.
T-STEM Classes End of Course
Test Results
September 8, 2018 - Evaluating
the attempt to return East High to academic excellence (as well as
enrollment figures) during the transition of one grade at a time to the
optional T-STEM program largely
depends on the results of the End of Course (EOC) testing. For the
2017-2018 school year, only the ninth grade was optional-only T-STEM.
End of Course figures for the entire high school (grades 9-12) were
available here earlier, now we have EOC scores for the 9th grade only.
This chart compares the East High full high school scores to the 9th
grade EOC
scores. Of course, the classes the students take in different grades
often are different, so perhaps while valuable these comparisons are
not direct. For a comparison of the full high school figures to those
some other high schools in the county, see
our previous report.
High Grades 9-12 & 9th Grade Only
End of Course Test Scores
mastered or on-track |
9 (only)
1 45.5 %
Course: MATH
mastered or on-track |
9-12 |
9 (only)
1 14.8%
Algebra 2 50 %
Geometry 25%
mastered or on-track |
9-12 |
9 (only)
one Memphis school is grappling to attract high-achieving students
while also educating those left behind
parent and longtime Binghampton resident Lee Evans heard about the plan
last year to require students to take a test to enroll at the iconic
East High School, he didn't understand why that meant some students in
the neighborhood could not attend.
"Evans, an alumnus, worried they would drop out if they
attend East. He also worried the neighborhood would lose its
longstanding connection with the school."
Read the article: Chalkbeat, Aug. 31, 2018
2018 End
of Course Results
for East High
August 21, 2018 - The Tennessee Department of Education has
released a limited amount of information about the 2018 End of Course
test aggregated scores for individual schools. While these scores
may prove somewhat useful in evaluating the academic performance at the
school, The East High Alumni Page believes the metric that provides the
best evaluation of a school's performance is the ACT score. ACT
information has not yet been made available to the public in the 2018
reports. It should also be noted that there were problems with on-line
testing in 2018 which caused delays in taking the test and reversion to
paper tests in some cases. The disruption was such that the state
decided not to use the scores in teacher evaluation if it would
negatively affect that evaluation. Educators have suggested the
problems with the testing could have also affected the students'
performance negatively.
For East High, about the only category reported is that of students
that are considered to have mastered the course material or are on
track. Mastered means "Performance at this level demonstrates that the
student has an extensive understanding and expert ability to apply the
... [course] knowledge and skills as defined by the Tennessee
Academic Standards. On-track means "Performance at this level
demonstrates that the student has a comprehensive understanding and
thorough ability to apply the ... [course] knowledge and skills
as defined by the Tennessee Academic Standards.
You will see that several of the numbers are lower for 2018 than 2017.
Educators often say standards are higher and the course material is
more rigorous, which led to lower scores as compared to previous
That said, here are the some of East High 2018 End of Course
information provided by the state and a comparison with other high
performing public high schools in the county. You may ask why the
comparison is for the higher performing schools in the county. It is
because East High at one time was one of the very highest academic
performing schools and the district is making efforts to restore it to
a high performing school. The figures below are for "all students" for
whom the tests were considered valid.
2018 mastered or
on-track |
2017 mastered or
on -track |
10.1% |
50.3% |
62.4% |
71.5% |
2018 mastered or
on-track |
2017 mastered or
on -track |
reported |
31.9% |
49.5% |
55.0% |
2018 mastered or
on-track |
2017 mastered or
on -track |
20.9% |
63.5% |
82.0% |
89.2% |
2018 mastered or
on-track |
2017 mastered or
on -track |
7.1% |
34.8% |
56.7% |
65.2% |
All of the August, 2018, publicly released East High School
End of Course information broken out from the full state list,
including subgroup evaluations, can be see here (in a spreadsheet format).
The entire state End of Course results as released by the state can be
accessed at the Tennessee
Department of Education web site (this is in the csv format).
Academic "Growth"
The state also attempts to measure a student's growth in
addition to their achievement. with the Tennessee Value-Added
Assessment System (TVAAS). It measures student growth year over year,
regardless of whether the student is proficient on the state
assessment. In calculating a TVAAS score, a student's performance is
compared relative to the performance of his or her peers who have
performed similarly on past assessments.
There are five levels of TVASS. Levels 4 and 5 mean that students
aggregated growth is above that expected for the school year, level 3
means that the growth was at the expected level, and levels 1 and 2
mean it was below the expected level. Level 5 reflects the most (best)
growth and level 1 the least (worst).
It is important to remember that
growth is different than achievement (or proficiency). Growth can
be excellent yet the achievement of the students can be well below
proficient. Eventually, if growth remains above level 3 and a student
has enough time in school, one would expect the achievement to improve
to proficient levels.
Overall, East was rated as having the expected one year academic growth
in the measured subjects. But that is an average, some classes did not
do that well while others did much better.
Here are the 2018 TVAAS scores for East High:
Algebra I Level 5
Algebra II Level 1
Biology I Level 3
Chemistry Level 1
English I Level 5
English II Level 2
English III Level 3
Geometry Level 1
US History Level 5
In the various categories, as well as overall, here is how the 2018
TVAAS calculations for East High came out:
Overall Composite |
Composite |
Composite |
& Numeracy Composite |
Composite |
Studies Composite |
3 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
5 |
East High again mentioned in article about the new
$92-million Collierville High School
"[Shelby County Schools Superintendent Dorsey] Hopson has
calling for larger and probably fewer high schools than legacy Memphis
City Schools historically had to give students the same opportunities
Aitken spoke of for Collierville.
"Hopson's most recent discussions have been around making
a renewed East High School the leading edge of that change...
"SCS board member Miska Clay-Bibbs says Collierville High
and the
still general plans for East High School are a critical point in the
shift. And the cost is part of the discussion.
"'You think about maybe the possible sportsplex at East
High School
and you think about an investment in every high school so that it
attracts students in that way and makes them feel good. That's costs
money,' she said. " Memphis Daily News, Aug. 9/10, 2018
school year sees historic changes shift to putting down roots
"The 1948 school year opened in September instead of August.
A new campus near the outskirts of must have drawn similar attention.
East High School opened with a capacity of 2,000 students,
up from
the original plans for an enrollment of 1,500. It was not quite
complete on the first day, according to a history of East on the East
High Alumni Page,, and added grades over the years
until it was a full high school in 1950. The next year it was over
capacity at 2,100 students, leading to construction of a nine-room
The school year that began Monday marks the second
academic year for
the four-year conversion of East from a conventional school with an
attendance zone to a citywide T-STEM school – a science, technology,
engineering and math curriculum with applications toward transportation
uses of all kinds." Memphis Daily News, Aug. 6, 2018
Class of 2018 Graduates 89 New
May 19, 2018-The East High Class of 2018 was graduated this morning in
ceremonies First Baptist Church—Broad, on Broad Avenue. Principal
Hilliard announced that 89 seniors met the qualifications for the
diploma. A total of $3.5 million in scholarships was offered to the
class collectively. Nine graduates were offered "institutional"
scholarships while 19 were offered state Hope scholarships and 39 can
take advantage of the Tennessee Promise scholarship program.
Cummins, FedEx, U of M launching global tech program at
East's T-STEM Academy
January 2, 2018
By Elle Perry – Digital Producer, Memphis Business Journal
Cummins Inc. is bringing a global program to a Memphis high school,
marking a first for the company.
Cummins currently has 22 Technical Education for Communities [TEC]
sites around the globe, though none are currently located within the
U.S. But, on Thursday, that will change as the company and its more
than 10 local partners sign a Memorandum of Understanding to mark the
official launch of the initiative at T-STEM Academy East High School.
Read more at the Memphis Business Journal web site.
There is also a Commercial Appeal
article about the same subject.
Closer Look at the 2017 ACT
Scores at East High
12, 2017 - As this publication reported yesterday (see below), the
Tennessee Department of Education
released ACT scores for the 2016-2017 school year this week. All
in public high schools in Tennessee are required to take postsecondary
readiness assessment such as the ACT or SAT. It appears the ACT is the
test provided by the state. Students
may take it additional times prior to graduation if they think they
can score higher but at their own cost unless other programs will bear
that burden. If a student misses taking the ACT as a junior, the state
provides the opportunity for the pupil to take it without cost to
him/her their senior year. With a 95% participation rate, East's 2017
ACT score improved by nine tenths of a point. Each year, The East High
Alumni Page compares East's scores with other leading high schools in
the county. Those 2017 composite ACT scores are shown below.
A "college and career ready" composite score would be about 21.3. As
demonstrated by the table above, East is substantially below that mark
and even further behind the leading academic public high schools in the
ACT? Why does The East High Alumni Page compare East's
scores with the
leading area high schools? It is done because East High once was once
among the leading academic high schools in the region. Furthermore, the
Shelby County School district is making major efforts to increase
East's academic performance as well as its enrollment by transitioning
it over a four year period to an all class T-STEM optional (magnet)
school (see
our STEM page
for details). As noted below, The East High Alumni Page believes the
ACT is the most reliable evaluation of academic performance and permits
the most valid annual comparison among schools, among states, and
between/among various years. (Note: the 16.6 average composite ACT
score for East in 2017 corresponds roughly to an ACT score of 13 in
tests administered before 1989).
The state reports that at East High the 2017 composite scores had
10.8% scoring 21 or higher and 77.5% below 19. The scores are
based on
120 "valid tests" taken by East students.
The ACT reports scores in four core subject areas. Here are the average
scores for 2017 by East students and the corresponding marks designated
as "college and career ready" by the ACT.
College & Career Ready
The college and career ready scores are selected to estimate "the
minimum ACT college readiness assessment scores required for students
to have a high
probability of success in credit-bearing college courses." It should be
noted that some Shelby County School administrators have said they
believe the college readiness scores can give a false impression that a
student that does not achieve these scores will necessarily not do well
in college.
Shelby County Schools superintendent Dorsey Hopson has repeatedly said
one of the reasons many SCS schools have poor academic performance is
because some 40,000 of its students come from homes with annual incomes
of $20,000 or less and the associated dynamics of poverty. For the ACT
test takers at East High included in the 2017, 77 (64%) were
categorized as economically disadvantaged.
ACT Composite Score Rises
Nearly a Point
October 11, 2017 - First Glance: Average composite ACT score at East
rises almost a full point.
The 2016-2017 average composite ACT score at East was 16.6. Last year
it was 15.7.
While this is a fairly significant improvement, it still is far below
the "college ready" level. For those who took the ACT test before 1989,
this corresponds to about a 13 on the old test.
The East High Alumni Page believes the ACT scores are the best measure
of academic achievement. While there are conditions and exceptions,
this measurement allows comparison among years and schools, both
locally and nationwide.
As has been reported here, the Tennessee Department of Education is
releasing selective academic testing results piecemeal this year prior
to the full "state report card" on schools.
The East High Alumni Page will report further on the ACT results
East High's 2017 Graduation Rate Edges
 September 22,
2017 - The Tennessee Department of Education is providing data from the
2016-2017 school year piecemeal. Eventually it will be
consolidated in to the traditional "report
One of the statistics released in mid-September is the 2017 graduation
rate for East High School. For all students, the state calculates the
graduation rate for East High at 79.7% in 2017. The previous year the
number was 76.1%.
For all public schools in Tennessee, the graduation rate in 2017 was
The local schools The East High Alumni Page uses for comparisons and
their rates:
White Station 85.1%
Houston 92.8%
For graduation rate purposes, the state begins tracking students when
they enter the ninth grade (the cohort). They have the four years
plus the summer term after their senior year to earn a diploma to be
counted as graduated in these statistics.
The Tennessee Department of Education provided breakdown among various
groups at East:
subgroup |
cohort |
grad_count |
grad_rate |
All Students
158 |
126 |
79.7 |
Black or African American |
153 |
124 |
81 |
American |
156 |
125 |
80.1 |
Economically Disadvantaged |
96 |
81.2 |
Hispanic |
3 |
Disadvantaged |
48 |
77.4 |
Non-English Learners
158 |
126 |
79.7 |
Non-Students with
Disabilities |
131 |
107 |
81.7 |
Students with Disabilities |
27 |
19 |
70.4 |
Super Subgroup |
157 |
125 |
79.6 |
White |
it is not immediately explained with the chart, presumably the
categories that are blank in the above statistics represent the number
For all high schools in the Shelby County School district, the
graduation rate for all students was 79.6%.
It Begins: East High's transition
to an all optional school started with classes today!
7, 2017 - Ninth graders at
East are now all in the T-STEM program. Classes began at 8:15 this
morning. About a dozen students were seen entering the west entrance of
the T-STEM building in the 20 minutes prior to the start of school. As
of Friday, the school system said 90 children had
registered for the ninth grade at East out of the 100 expected to
participate in the T-STEM program. Additional registrations could be
expected over the weekend and possibly in the next few days. Read more
about the transition on our Consolidated Page
of Reports on the East High STEM Optional Program.
East High announces an
Alumni Breakfast
East High administrators will host an alumni
breakfast April 22 to impart information about the changes at the
school as it
transitions to an optional only T-STEM (transportation oriented
science, technology, engineering, and math) school. RSVP is needed by
April 18. See the announcement's
flyer for details.
East High's Executive Principal
To Divide Time Between East
and Smith STEAM Academy
Exclusive by The East High Alumni
March 19, 2017 - Lischa Barrett ('91),
now Lischa Brooks, was appointed Executive Principal of East High
School February 20...What
was not clear was that Barrett would be executive principal of both
East and the Maxine Smith STEAM Academy...
Getting to Know East High's New
Who is
Lischa Barrett Brooks and
what was her path to
her new job at East?
Exclusive by The East High
March 12,
2017 - Lischa Barrett ('91 and
now Lischa Brooks, thought she was going to be a medical doctor. One of
her majors in college was pre-med but she eventually pursued another
career. Now she is being called upon to heal an ailing East High School.
Read more ...
New East High Executive Principal
Did Not Apply For Job
School will have a "fresh start,"
with all teachers having to apply
for positions at East
Executive Principal Named for East High
to Lead School into T-STEM Program
February 24, 2017-
Lischa T. Barrett Brooks ('91)
is the new "executive principal" of East High School, having been
appointed to lead the 68 year old school into a new era as a T-STEM
(Transportation oriented Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math)
optional only (magnet) school. The appointment was made February 20 and
was effective immediately.
Read more
Watch a School District Video about East High's Forthcoming T-STEM
County Schools has produced a video about East High's
Transportation-Science, Technology, Engineering, and Match (T-STEM)
optional school to which East is converting starting with the ninth
grade in August, 2017. This video is primarily about and from the
T-STEM open house held at East High January 18, 2017. Watch via YouTube
You can also read the associated news release produced by the school
district here.
Administration Skips Updating Board on East STEM Progress
Once again, on January 31, the Shelby County Schools
decided not to discuss the East High STEM project at the Board of
Education meeting. For about two months top administration officials
have said East STEM would be brought up before the board but then has
not to do so. The East High Alumni Page has tried to keep alumni
informed based on the information provided by those top administrators
but obviously it has been misleading. That result is regretted.
A page consolidating all
the significant stories about East High being transformed into a STEM
Optional School is now available for your convenience in keeping up
with the major development for East High. See East
Additional Considerations Regarding East High STEM
January 24, 2017 - While no
board member opposition is expected to the plan to transform East High
School into a fully optional T-STEM (Transportation oriented Science,
Technology,  Engineering,
and Math focused) school over the next four years, there may well be
some concerns about where children who live in the current East High
attendance zone will be assigned next year.
For those living in the East attendance zone,
only ninth graders next year will be assigned to another school. Tenth,
eleventh, and twelfth grade students will continue at East for the
2017-2018 school year. The next year, ninth and tenth graders not in
the East optional programs will be assigned elsewhere, in 2019-2020 all
but the senior class will be assigned elsewhere. The plan calls for
East to be completely an optional school in 2020-2021.
Tentative thoughts on the assignment of ninth
graders for the 2017-2018 school year are that they will be zoned into
either Douglass High or Melrose High.
There could also be some discussion of renaming
East High to something else but with the name "East" incorporated into
it. Top administration officials have said they like the name as it is,
"East High School," but at least one board member has suggested a name
change might help market the new school curriculum. Source:
The East High Alumni Page
First Substantive Look at East High T-STEM Program Afforded At Open
indicating plans are still flexible, Shelby County Schools (SCS) has
revealed the most about the forthcoming T-STEM (Transportation oriented
Science, Technical, Engineering, Math) optional school to which East
High is to be transitioned beginning with the fall semester this year.
An open house for parents and others interested in the East High T-STEM
optional school was held January 18. Read much more...
East High STEM Plan Next Steps
January 12, 2017 - The East
Alumni Page has spoken with the
administration of Shelby County Schools about the status of the East
High STEM proposal.
The SCS administration expects to implement the plan
effective with the start of the 2017-2018 school year
unexpected opposition. It is believed that the members of the Board of
Education support the plan. While there may be some opposition by those
who currently live in the East High attendance zone, since they or
their children might have to attend another school, the administration
does not expect any such opposition to derail the
The plan is expected to be discussed at the January
24, 2017, Board of Education Work Session which begins at 5:30 p.m. in
the Coe building Auditorium, 160 South Hollywood Street, Memphis. No
votes are taken and members of the public are not permitted to speak to
the board at the Work Session.
The administration does not plan to bring up the
East STEM proposal at the Board of Education "business meeting" which
begins at 5:30 p.m. January 31. The administration believes, as
most observers do, that the proposal to transition East High into a
STEM optional school does not require a vote of the board. Votes of the
board are taken at the business meeting sessions and the public is also
allowed a limited opportunity to speak to the board members during the
business meeting. Members of the public wishing to speak at the
business meeting must sign up before the meeting begins. A sign up
sheet is available from about 5 to 5:30 p.m.
The administration does not propose to change the
name of East High, at least initially. There has been some discussion
among board members previously about altering the name if the STEM
proposal is implemented.
As reported elsewhere on these pages, the East High
STEM proposal calls for the transition to occur year by year, grade by
grade, beginning with the ninth grade in 2017. The administration
foresees the probability of East having two principals during the
transition phase, one for the STEM students and one for the traditional
students. In an earlier post here, it was disclosed a job
opportunity posting
has been issued by the school district for a principal of East High to
oversee the school as "a local, regional, and national model focused on
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math in Transportation Based
Careers (T-STEM)." Also previously reported here, the district has
published an estimate that there will be 100 seats
available for
students in the ninth grade STEM program at East beginning with the
fall semester, 2017.
For more background, follow the links in the above
story and those below to additional links to some of the previously
"Transforming East High
School into one of the most high performing high schools"
Handful Hear a Few New
Details About East STEM proposal
Decision on
"Hyper Underperforming" East High School Needed Soon - Transition would
mean many changes
Done deal? - Plan east
transition to all optional stem school called official
Update on STEM Reports
East STEM Principal
Job Opening Posted
January 10, 2017-Neither the Commercial Appeal
nor the Memphis Daily News has picked up on the Chalkbeat story that the
to convert East High to a STEM optional only school is "official."
There could be
several reasons having nothing to do with the facts of the story but it
is notable. That said, the school district has posted an a job opening
notice for a principal for East High School with the focus of
local, regional, and national model focused on Science, Technology,
Engineering, and Math in Transportation Based Careers (T-STEM)," which
is what the conversion proposal entails. It also says, "our District is
opening the STEM Academy at East High School."
January 9, 2017 - Shelby County
Schools has listed its estimate of 100 open seats for ninth grade
students in the STEM optional program. This conforms to the plan to
convert East High to a fully STEM optional school grade by grade over
the next four school years. As we have reported, brochures for the
optional school program were to be sent to the printer in December,
necessitating a decision at some level and some degree of confidence
about what was to be East High's future. The decision has been referred
to here as to whether a vote by the school board was
"needed/requested," because it would not appear such a vote would be
required. The superintendent, however, has on numerous occasions asked
the school board for its sense on matters for which a board vote has
not been require. Whether that still will occur in the East High STEM
case or not is not yet known. In reference to the conversion plan, a
top Shelby County School
District administrator, however, told The East High Alumni Page some
time ago that "we're going to do it."
January 7, 2017 - Chalkbeat
Tennessee reports, "It's official. Big changes coming to
historic Memphis East High School." The report by the on-line
education news source appears to be based on the school district's
including the East High STEM conversion in its list of optional
schools to have been promoted at a school district optional schools
information event January 8. Click on the link below
to read more.
Chalkbeat, Jan 7.
Update from The East High Alumni Page: January 9, 2017 - Shelby County
Schools has listed its estimate of 100 open seats for ninth grade
students in the STEM optional program. This conforms to the plan to
convert East High to a fully STEM optional school grade by grade over
the next four school years. As we have reported, brochures for the
optional school program were to be sent to the printer in December,
necessitating a decision at some level and some degree of confidence
about what was to be East High's future. The decision has been referred
to here as to whether a vote by the school board was
"needed/requested," because it would not appear such a vote would be
required. The superintendent, however, has on numerous occasions asked
the school board for its sense on matters for which a board vote has
not been require. Whether that still will occur in the East High STEM
case or not is not yet known. In reference to the conversion plan, a
top Shelby County School District administrator, however, told The East
High Alumni Page some time ago that "we're going to do it."
2016 East High Academic Report Card
December 14, 2016 - The
Department of Education in mid December 2016 has released its "report
card" on state schools.
The East High Alumni Page in the past and continues to believe the most
relevant measure is the ACT score. It is believed the ACT permits
reasonable comparisons among various years as well as among various
schools. In Tennessee, every high school junior is required to take the
ACT test, as are juniors in 15 other states.
East High's 2016 ACT average composite ACT score is 15.7, which is up a
half a point from 2015. It correlates to an ACT score of about 12 on
the pre-1989 ACT test.
The East High Alumni Page has pointed out previously, East was among
the top academically achieving schools in the region in its first 25
years of operation. After that, academic achievement began to slip. It
has not been as high achieving since, although there certainly have
been some successes at the school during periods of the past four
decades. In recent years, the three top public high schools locally
with the highest marks have been White Station, Houston, and
Collierville. Collierville is now part of its own school district,
High is now part of the Germantown school district, and White Station
part of the large Shelby County School system, as is East High, and
about 50% of the White Station student population is enrolled in its
college preparatory optional program. Here are the composite ACT
scores for the class scheduled to have graduated in 2016:
average ACT composite score for all high schools in the Shelby County
school system was 17.5.
ACT establishes "college ready" benchmark. It does not appear
the web published 2016 statistics for individual schools includes this
indicator. Instead, the state report card gives a percentage of
students in the 2016 graduating class getting a 21 or higher ACT
composite score, which is one of the requirements for a student to
qualify for a HOPE scholarship. The HOPE scholarship provides
scholarship and grant assistance to Tennesseans attending eligible
Tennessee postsecondary institutions. The percentages of 2016
graduating class ACT composite scores meeting the 21 or higher mark for
the comparison schools are:
Graduation rates for 2016 at
schools being used for comparison here are:
2016 graduation rate for all high schools in the Shelby County school
system was 78.7%.
County Schools superintendent Dorsey Hopson has repeatedly said
one of the issues affecting academic performance is the level of
poverty within Shelby County and the students attending his school
district. The percentage of students with disabilities may also help
one understand the scores in context. For the schools we are using for
comparison those figures are below.
% with
White Station
East High STEM Decision
Delayed Until January
A Shelby County School
District senior official has told The East High Alumni Page that the
discussion by the Board of Education and the decision to move forward
with converting East High to a STEM optional school has been delayed
until the Board's January meetings. The administration's proposal to
close two elementary schools and build 3 new schools apparently is the
cause of the delay. Board meetings may be heard live on radio station
WQOX, 88.5
FM and viewed on Memphis Comcast Cable Channel 19. Coverage
from those sources may also be streamed on the Internet from
Small Gathering Hear a Few New Details at Second General Public
Information Session on Proposal to convert East High to a STEM
Optional School
22, 2016 - There was a decidedly different atmosphere at the "info
session" about the proposal to make East High an optional only STEM
(Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) high school at a very poorly
attended public meeting at First Baptist Church Broad November 22.
There was nary a negative opinion of the plan to convert East into a
high achievement STEM school, very much unlike a similar session held
at East October 17...
"Info Session for East High School Alumni And Community" for November
22 announced by Shelby County Schools
SCS will hold the meeting at
Baptist Church Broad, 2835 Broad Avenue, Tuesday, November 22 at 6 p.m.
As you will read below, the administration of Shelby County Schools is
proposing to make East High an optional only STEM (Science, Technology,
Engineering, Math) school beginning with the 9th grade next school
year. They say East is on a trend in poor academics and low enrollment
to be closed or taken over by the state and instead they want to make
East a high achievement school. A public discussion about the proposal
was held at East in October with mostly teachers, alumni, and some
parents attending. At that meeting and subsequently, Board of Education
member Teresa Jones promised more public meetings before a decision is
made. This appears to be one of those meetings. The Board is schedule
to discuss among itself the issue at its November 29 "work session,"
and if a vote is needed/requested, to vote at its December 6 meeting.
No public comment is allowed at the work session but there is a public
comment period at the December 6 meeting. Those Board of Education
meetings will be at the SCS administration building (see map) at 160 S.
Hollywood at 5:30 p.m.
Initial OK on Making East a
STEM Optional School
Discussion November 29
If Board Vote is Asked, Expected December 6
Confirmed by Top Administrator
13, 2016 - A top Shelby County School administrator confirms that the
Shelby County
Board of Education will be asked to consider on November 29 giving the
school district the initial OK to proceed with planning to make East
High a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) optional only
school with a four year transition beginning with the 2017-2018 school
year. If a resolution or other vote by the Board of Education is
needed, it would come at its December 6, 2016, meeting. No votes are
taken at the November "work session" of the board and public comments
are not taken at that meeting.
The December 6 "business meeting" is where items discussed during the
work session, and added items, are voted upon. It is also where 30
minutes are set aside for members to speak to the public, with a
maximum of 3 minutes for each speaker. If more than 10 speakers sign
up, the amount of time for each is reduced accordingly. Speakers must
sign up to speak during the half hour period prior to the 5:30 meeting.
Board member Teresa Jones has said there will be
additional public
meetings for parents, community, and alumni to have further input on
the proposal before a final decision is made. Such additional meetings
have not yet been scheduled, according to the Shelby County Schools
calendar posted on its web site. It is entirely possible such a meeting
or meetings could occur after the preliminary decision is made.
Link to address &
map of location of the Board of Education meetings
See additional stories below.
Decision on "Hyper Underperforming"
East High School Needed Soon
Transition would mean many changes
County Schools Superintendent Dorsey Hopson says a decision from the
school board on whether to proceed with his proposal to transition East
High into a Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) focused
optional school needs to be made within the next month... The
superintendent said the easiest way to transition East would be to
close it as a traditional school and then reopen it as a fully STEM
school but because of tradition and allowing current students to finish
at their school, the grade by grade transition would be preferable. He
said there was plenty of space to, in essence, be running two schools
within the building.
much more...
East High STEM to be Discussed
Tuesday, Oct. 25
Oct. 24, 2016 - The Academic
Committee of the Shelby County Board of Education will discuss the East
High STEM proposal and community reaction to it at an Oct. 25 meeting
at 4pm at the SCS Administration Building (160 S. Hollywood).
The Academic Performance Committee will report on its meeting to the
full board during the board's business session beginning at 5:30 at SCS
Administration building, Coe auditorium. Further discussion may occur
at the full board meeting.
There is the opportunity for public comment before the board begins
considering items on its agenda and there may be comments about East
High. If you would like to speak, you need to sign up between 5 and
5:30. There could be a number of speakers on various subjects, so the
time allocated to each speaker may be very limited. The maximum would
be 3 minutes.
Initial Public
Meeting on
Future of East High School As a
STEM Optional School
Parents and Public
Offer Resistance to Plan
October 17, 2016 - The top academic officers of the Shelby
School system along with
the Board of Education member in whose district East High sits tonight
met with about 60 people comprising a few current East High students, a
contingent of perhaps 25 alumni of the school, about a dozen East
teachers, the remainder were parents and guardians of current students,
and a few concerned members of the larger Memphis community. It
appeared the largest group were alumni.
Top Administrators of School District
to Listen to Public & Parents
on East High's Future October 17
October 13, 2016 - It is believed the top academic administrators of
the Shelby County School district will be at the Monday, October 17,
5:30 p.m. meeting at East High to
hear what the public and parents have
to say about the proposal to convert East High into a STEM magnet
school. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math.
East High's academic performance has been well below the "college and
career ready" benchmarks for many years and in the past couple
enrollment has dwindled to about 550 pupils. The school was originally
designed for about 1500 students and a second building was added in the
1970s as a Vo-Tech center adding another 500 to the overall capacity.
With the low enrollment and poor academic performance, East High has
been described by SCS as on a trend that would lead to it being a
target to be closed.
But East High is also
described as an "iconic" school, it has a very
rich history of a top academic school not only in the city but in the
entire region during its first 20-25 years after opening in 1948. That,
along with its central location, $12-million renovation a decade ago,
and already housing the school district's high school STEM lab for
students in the virtual STEM program, administrators are working to not
only save the school but restore its luster. The proposal is to make it
a STEM optional (magnet) school serving students from all over the
district who have the interest, grades, and conduct to be accepted.
Superintendent Dorsey Hopson last year said that the planned date for
the revised curriculum would be the start of the 2017-2018 school year.
T he top echelon of academic
administrators for the school district are
likely to be at Monday's meeting, probably including Hopson, Chief
Academic Officer Hedi Ramirez, Director of Optional Schools Linda
Sklar, Innovation Zone Regional Superintendent Sharon Griffin,
Curriculum & Instruction STEM Manager Dedric McGhee, and
Instructional Leadership Director Brett Lawson. Board of Education
member Teresa Jones, in whose voting district East is located, is also
expected to attend.
Meeting for the Public on Future
of East High School Oct. 17
12, 2016 - It is reported that a meeting will be held at East High
School on October 17, 2016, 5:30pm to
discuss the future of the school. The meeting is to get opinions of the
public. School Board member Teresa Jones, in whose voting district East
sits, is expected to attend.
(See the reports below for more information on East's future.)
Plans for East's Future Murkie?
Newspaper: "The plan to turn one of Memphis' most iconic
high schools
into an optional STEM school has gotten murkier after not making the
cut for a federal grant.
"Shelby County Schools did not receive a U.S. Department of Education
grant sought to redesign East High School as a magnet school focused on
science, technology, engineering and math, a district spokeswoman
confirmed Wednesday." (The Commercial Appeal, Oct. 12/13, 2016)
Superintendent Dorsey Hopson has told The East High Alumni Page within
the past few weeks that the administration planed to pursue the STEM
plans for East regardless of the status of the grant.
"Transforming East High School
into one of the most
high performing high schools"
September 28, 2016 -
Fifty and sixty years ago East High School was one of the premier
academic public schools in the mid-south region. In more recent
East's academic performance has fallen. In the past couple of years, so
has attendance. East now has about 550 pupils attending its 9-12
grades. It has been pointed out that the trend in attendance and
academic performance, if continued, would put East on the list for
possible closure. Instead, the Shelby County School district proposes
to address the academics with hopes it will build attendance. At the
September 27, 2016, Board of Education meeting, superintendent Dorsey
Hopson said he is ready to reveal those plans: "Also want to note for
the board two things. We are going to be asking the board to put
together or convene, probably in the Academic Performance Committee, a
couple of meetings. One, hopefully, late next week so we can update the
board on East High School... As you all know we applied for a [federal]
[school] grant. We'll know by the thirtieth whether we received the
grant but
even if we don't receive the grant we still want to begin the process
of transforming East High School into one of the most high performing
high schools in this state. So we're going to update you on where we
are there, the process that we've come up with, and what needs to
happen between now and next year to make that happen."
Update: As of Oct. 5, the office of the board members
reports no Academic Performance Committee meeting has been scheduled.
(See also related stories below and in the right column.)
Endorses Grant Request to Make East a T-STEM optional school
The Shelby County Board of
Education voted May 31, 2016, without debate to endorse a grant request
to the United States Department of Education "to enhance the programs
offered, improve college and career readiness, increase the racial and
socio-economic diversity and to eliminate or reduce minority group
isolation of students throughout the system by creating a school-wide
T-STEM Optional program at East High School." T-STEM stands for
Transportation, Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics). See the proposal.
While the curriculum for the proposed T-STEM school has not been
identified, it would focus on transportation related technologies,
although classes that have broader application and/or do not focus on
transportation would also be offered.
The DOE grants are said to be highly competitive but at least two
rounds of grants under the particular program being offered are
expected to occur this summer.
Tentative plans remain to open East High in the late summer of 2017 as
a STEM, or T-STEM optional (magnet) school.
As reported previously by The East High Alumni Page, enrollment at East
High, both in the traditional classes and the engineering optional
classes has decreased dramatically in the past few years. In April,
2016, the pupil count was reported at 554 in the building which was
originally designed for at least 1,500 students and since then there
has been a second building added to the campus. Shelby County Schools
superintendent Dorsey Hopson in May, 2016, said that while East was not
at the enrollment level yet to be considered for closing, if the
decreased attendance trend continues it could be a candidate for
closure in a few years. It is the first time in East's 68 year history
the concept of closing East High has been voiced.
Source: The East High Alumni Page
66th Commencement of East High School
One hundred forty-eight
graduated Sunday, May 22, 2016, when the 66th class of East High
received its diplomas in ceremonies at the Cannon Center for the
Performing Arts in downtown Memphis. It was the first East graduation
for interim principal Dr. Marilyn Hilliard. According to school
officials, the senior class received $6.6-million in scholarship and
other grant award offers.
For the first time, at least in recent years, there was no guest
speaker at the commencement exercise. For the second year in a row, no
singing or instrumental rendition of the alma mater was included.

2016-2017 East High
Operating Budget & Statistics (as proposed)
Shelby County Schools will
its Proposed Fiscal Year 2017 Budget
(school year 2016-2017) to the County Commission May 25. This year, the
district released individual school spending and statistics. East High
is proposed to receive $2,447,321 from the general fund, have 16
classroom teachers for a pupil population of 552, and a teacher-student
ratio of 1:33. The budget is subject to revision for numerous reasons,
including how much the County Commission votes to fund. See the
The East High Alumni Page cannot help but notice how close the FY17
operating budget figure is to the amount it cost to build the school
originally ($2,485,397.07).
Report: East Academics
Remain Low in 2014-2015
There were only a few relatively bright spots in the
state report card, released October 22, 2015, on East High School for
the 2014-2015 school year. Overall, academic growth of the students was
below expectations, ACT scores remained low, the graduation level was
below target. In two academic subjects, students did meet or exceed
their academic growth expectations.
ACT - The Tennessee Department of Education
reports the 2014-2015 overall ACT composite score for East High School
students was 15.2. That corresponds to about an 11.2 on the pre-1989
ACT scoring matrix. All juniors in Tennessee public high schools are
required to take the ACT.
The East High Alumni Page considers the ACT the primary comparison
measure of academic achievement. It is the one score that can be
compared to other schools locally and nationally and also over time.
There are, however, limitations affecting such comparisons. For
example, in other years and in other states not every student may take
the ACT. Low performing students may not have taken it, which would
skew the results for a school or district higher than it otherwise
would be. It is also possible, especially in decades past, that
academically accelerated students might opt not to take the ACT and
instead took the SAT. Their not having taken the ACT would skew the
overall results for a school or district lower. It should also be noted
that average ACT scores of all students includes those with
disabilities and those who are English language learners. Decades ago,
the ACT was a voluntary test, perhaps taken only by those expecting to
go to college, which would likely skew the results somewhat higher than
if every student took it. Nevertheless, The East High Alumni Page
highlights the average ACT composite score as the benchmark for time
and place comparisons.
The 2014-2015 average ACT composite score at East High of 15.2 appears
to be lower
than it had been in at least 15 years (see chart below).
Pre-1989 ACT Corresponding Score
2013 |
15.92 |
The 2014-2015 composite ACT score for all Shelby County
School District
schools was 16.9.
Unlike the first 25 years or so of East High's operation, East High has
not been among the top academically achieving schools in the region in
decades. The three top schools locally with the highest marks in recent
years have been White Station, Houston, and Collierville. Here are
their composite ACT scores for 2015:
The ACT establishes "college ready" benchmark scores that it says
indicate a student has a 50% chance of obtaining a grade of B or higher
or a 75% chance of obtaining a grade of C or higher in corresponding
credit-bearing first year college courses. During this school year, the
results of East's ACT showed the following percentages being "college
All 4 subject areas |
It should also be remembered that East is an optional school for
engineering and health sciences. It would not be an unreasonable
expectation that math and science scores would be higher for such an
optional school. As we have reported, however, enrollment in the
optional programs at East has been very low in recent years.
Perhaps it should also be noted here that for more than ten years, the
Peer Power Foundation (formerly known as The Greater East High
Foundation) has offered free (to the students being tutored)
tutoring at East. The foundation has reported successful academic
achievement among its participants. Pupils taking advantage of the free
tutoring have generally been in the range of one hundred or fewer each
HOPE Scholarships
- The state
report appears to show that only nine students, or 6.4% of East High
students tested, met Hope
Scholarship eligibility. The HOPE Scholarship was created by Tennessee
to provide financial
assistance to state residents who are entering college freshmen
with a GPA of 3.0 or higher or a 21 or higher composite score on the
ACT. It is
funded through the state lottery. Despite the state report card
numbers, the 2015 East High commencement program lists 30 students with
HOPE scholarship offers and 21 students with additional scholarship
TVAAS - Tennessee public schools
administer exams
in certain subjects which are analyzed to create the Tennessee
Value-Added Assessment System (TVAAS). TVAAS statistically takes a
student's past performance into account and projects an expected
performance. The state report card aggregates those scores for each
school and reports how well the school's students did in comparison to
expectations. The ratings are from 1 to 5, with 3 meaning expectations
were met and that, essentially, the students learned a years worth of
academic material during the school year. Scores higher than 3 indicate
results above the predicted level, lower scores mean pupils did not
grow academically as much as would be expected during the school year.
Subject areas included were Algebra I, Reading, Algebra II, English I,
Biology I, Chemistry, English II, Math, and Science.
Here are East High's results for 2014-2015:
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Literacy and Numeracy
Level 2
TVAAS reported that the results were below expectations in Algebra II,
Biology I, Chemistry, English III, and Reading, as well as generally in
Math and English. Observed results were above expectations in Algebra I
and English II. It must be emphasized that TVAAS does not measure the
overall academic performance but rather the growth students have
compared to their expected growth during a school year. For example, if
a D student was expected to again get a grade of D, he/she would have
met the TVAAS expectation (a Level 3), yet academically the student
would still be doing poorly.
School Profile - The
state report gives the October, 2014, enrollment figures for East at
582 pupils in all grades (9-12). The building itself has housed more
than 1500 students in decades past. Daily attendance was indicated to
be 90.2%. In the 2014-2015 school year, 78.2% of the pupils were
considered economically disadvantaged, 13.6% of the enrollees had
disabilities. The average per pupil expenditure, based on the Shelby
County Schools budget was $11,221.60. Racial statistics indicate 97.8%
of those attending East were classified as black or African American.
Graduation Rate - The 2015
graduation rate was
69.1%. During the 2014-2015 year, 7.4% of the pupils dropped out of
East High School. The four year cohort dropout rate was 17.7%.
Additional Academic Indicators - Some other academic indicators were
reported earlier (see below),
including comparisons with the top academically performing high schools
in the area.
East's Future - An interim principal
was assigned to East
High for the 2014-2015 school year and the superintendent of Shelby
County Schools has floated the idea of possibly making East a STEAM
high school. STEAM stands for an optional school that emphasizes
Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math. The administration
also indicated the search for a new principal might entail a national
search. Both of those ideas are, at last report, being explored but not
yet decided upon. You can read about these proposals in greater detail
in other articles on The East High Alumni Page.
As is stated every year, the editor of The East High Alumni Page is no
expert in statistics or educational analysis. Anyone, especially East
alumni, with such expertise who might wish to contribute a greater
understanding to these reports is welcome and encouraged to contact
You are encouraged to review the state report card yourself at
East High become a STEAM School?
The Shelby County School Board tonight, Sept. 15,
2015, discussed a
possible change in focus for
East High School.
Superintendent Dorsey Hopson asked the board if it would endorse the
staff exploring making East a STEAM academy drawing students from
across the city. STEAM schools emphasize advanced classes in science,
Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math. Read our full report on our
"In the news ..."
High's New Interim
Principal: Dr. Marilyn Hilliard
Dr. Marilyn
Hilliard is East
High's new interim principal for the 2015-16 school year. Although we
are unaware of an official announcement by the superintendent of her
name, it is posted on the East High web site and therefore is now
public. Hilliard is a ten year employee of the local public school
system and has been an assistant principal for the past two years. Read
more on our
Hilliard replaces Eric Harris ('91
and principal 2010-2015)
as principal at East.
Read more about Dr. Hilliard on our "In the news..." page.
Academic Performance
Measurements Released by State
East shows growth in one
subject, declines in six others
Overall school academic growth ranked in lowest category
July 29, 2015 (with updates through Aug. 8, 2015) -
The Tennessee
Department of
Education today released district and school level academic performance
measurements for 2015 which are shown below. The measurement of growth
shows advancement in only one of the seven tested subjects, that being
Algebra II. It should be noted, however, despite that bit of growth in
proficiency in the one subject over last year's scores, the percentage
of Algebra II students rated proficient or above was only 21.8%.
Below the East High figures are those for White Station, Houston, and
Collierville High Schools for comparison. In recent years, White
Station has been the legacy Memphis City School district's highest
performing school. It is important to note that White Station is 50%
college preparatory optional school and 50% regular zone school and the
numbers you see here combine both of those groups. Most of the high
performing students probably are in the optional program at White
Station. In recent years, Houston High has been the highest performing
school in Shelby County, but this year it appears Collierville just
edged slightly higher in overall proficiency. East and White Station
are in the Shelby County School District. Houston High is in the
suburban Germantown District and Collierville High is in its own
Collierville District.
As you can see East High which was a leader regionally in academic
performance in the 1950s, 1960s, and part of the 1970s, falls far below
these other schools in academic performance. If one sums the percent
rated proficient and advanced for each school in all the tested
subjects, East is 413.3 percentage points below that of the highest
performing Collierville High.
The East High Alumni Page presumes the state will release its annual
Report Card on Schools with additional statistical information,
including the important ACT scores, in the autumn (typically October or
In the tables below are the percentages of students who scored in each
proficiency level in 2014-15. "Growth" represents the difference
between 2013-14 and 2014-15 in terms of the percentage of students who
scored proficient or advanced. The other categories are more or less
self explanatory.
East High
Subject |
%Below Basic |
%Basic |
%Proficient |
%Advanced |
and Advanced |
Growth |
Algebra I |
31.3 |
25.4 |
29.1 |
14.2 |
43.3 |
-10.8 |
II |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
21.8 |
3.7 |
Biology I |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
17.4 |
-14.2 |
Chemistry |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
9.3 |
-1.5 |
English I |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
34.1 |
-5.1 |
II |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
37.1 |
-6.5 |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
10.2 |
-0.9 |
Station High
Algebra I |
18.3 |
24.5 |
25.5 |
31.7 |
57.2 |
-12.4 |
57.2 |
Algebra II |
8.0 |
18.1 |
33.0 |
40.9 |
73.9 |
11.8 |
73.9 |
Biology I |
9.4 |
15.8 |
47.0 |
27.8 |
74.8 |
5.3 |
74.8 |
Chemistry |
17.6 |
21.2 |
24.5 |
36.7 |
61.2 |
3.7 |
61.2 |
English I |
6.2 |
16.1 |
48.9 |
28.8 |
77.7 |
-3.5 |
77.7 |
English II |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
76.7 |
-0.6 |
76.7 |
English III |
14.1 |
30.2 |
30.2 |
25.5 |
55.7 |
2.8 |
55.7 |
Houston High
Algebra I |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
84.8 |
8.2 |
84.8 |
II |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
84.5 |
9.0 |
84.5 |
Biology I |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
88.9 |
4.7 |
88.9 |
Chemistry |
5.4 |
15.9 |
36.8 |
41.9 |
78.7 |
14.0 |
78.7 |
English I |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
90.8 |
1.7 |
90.8 |
II |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
87.7 |
2.1 |
87.7 |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
70.9 |
-1.2 |
70.9 |
Algebra I |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
87.3 |
0.4 |
87.3 |
Algebra II |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
85.9 |
5.1 |
85.9 |
Biology I |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
87.5 |
2.9 |
87.5 |
Chemistry |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
80.8 |
11.6 |
80.8 |
English I |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
92.4 |
4.8 |
92.4 |
English II |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
86.3 |
1.1 |
86.3 |
English III |
7.3 |
26.3 |
42.7 |
23.7 |
66.4 |
5.6 |
66.4 |
*** One achievement level is either <
5% or >
(In district-wide tables, three asterisks mean there was no data for
2014-2015. The meaning in this school level data and the "one
achievement level is either..." note that accompanies it is confusing
or unintelligible to this writer at this time.)
East High also ranked as a Level One school in terms of overall student
growth in 2015, the lowest category. The levels range from one to five
with Level Three representing an expected one years academic growth in
one school year. Level five means substantially more than one year's
expected growth. Level One means much less than one year's growth. Each
student's academic history is considered and matched with others in the
state of Tennessee to determine expected growth, so it varies by each
student. Taking the results of these measurements for all students in
the school and comparing them to students with similar academic
histories throughout the state gives the overall school level of
growth. The tested high school subjects which create these Tennessee
Value-Added Assessment System (TVAAS) are Algebra I, Algebra II,
Biology I, Chemistry, English I, English II, English III.
The editor of The East High Alumni Page does not pretend to know much
about statistical analysis and invites those with greater ability to
analyze the numbers and draw conclusions are invited to assist. Contact
[The above article was update August 1, 2015]
Graduates 124 in Class of 2015,
lowest number in memory
Commencement of East High School graduated 124 students the morning of
May 16, 2015 at The Cannon Center for the Performing Arts in downtown
Memphis. The Cannon Center rests on the land where Ellis Auditorium
once stood in which a number of East High classes in the 1960s and
1970s were graduated. The 2015 class was the smallest graduating class
size in recent memory. The school reported that the seniors received
$4,808,697 in scholarship offers.
2014 State Report Card on Schools:
East High ACT Score Remains Low
Oct. 31, 2014 - [Please also see the story below for
additional information]
East High's 2014 ACT average
composite ACT score was 15.67,
according to the Tennessee State Report Card on Schools released
Thursday, Oct. 30. In 1989 the ACT revised its scoring. A score
of 16
today roughly corresponds to a 12 in pre-1989 ACT scoring. It
be noted that now in Tennessee all high school juniors are required to
take the ACT. Decades ago, it was voluntary and therefore those who
might have scored very low may not have taken the test, giving results
that skewed higher than they would have been if everyone took the exam.
At least in the first two decades of its existence, East High was
considered a school with an expectation that most students were
candidates for college and, therefore, it may be that the vast majority
of students took either the ACT or SAT tests. If almost all took the
ACT, that would more accurately reflect the overall school academic
achievement and provide a better comparison with modern ACT scores,
once the 1989 scoring adjustment is applied. The East High Alumni Page
believes the ACT score is the best measure of academic achievement both
among schools in the present era and comparison between eras.
In 2013, the average composite ACT score at East High was 15.92 and in
2012 it was 16.0.
This editor admits a lack of understanding the state's evaluation in
which it categorizes the composite ACT score at East to be meeting "the
Standard for Academic Growth" because it was above the predicted
score, although it is obviously less than the either of the past two
years. How lower scores can be meeting growth standards raises serious
The 2014 Report Card on Schools is presented in format more difficult
to navigate and to evaluate than in most past years, although last
year's report was somewhat more complex to analyze. Whether the method
of presentation is an intentional effort to obscure the data for most
individuals could be a legitimate question, although the answer could
probably be accurately predicted.
See our story below for a comparison
of top local schools with East High.
The East High Alumni Page may, in
coming days, attempt to analyze additional information from the State
Report Card as it relates to East High and post the results here. The
state's Department of Education web site's State Report Card on Schools is linked here.
Academic Performance Measurements Released
note - Oct. 31, 2014: There appears to be significant differences in
the percent proficient/advanced in the following areas for East High
School in the report released Oct. 30 and the one released in August.
The East High Alumni Page has not yet attempted an evaluation of those
August 19, 2014 - The Tennessee
Department of Education has released performance results for East High
and other public schools statewide.
Here are the numbers for East High School.
Subject |
Station |
US History I
84.9 |
-6.7 |
11.1 |
1.3 |
English II |
43.6 |
13.2 |
English I |
39.2 |
1.9 |
Algebra I
54.1 |
14.1 |
Biology I |
31.6 |
0.2 |
Algebra II |
18.1 |
-4.9 |
Chemistry |
10.8 |
For comparison purposes a test results from a couple of other schools
are provided.
Often White Station High School is cited as the most academically
successful of those schools which were in the Memphis City School
district (now merged with Shelby County Schools). About fifty percent
of the White Station student body is in the "optional school" program
with a focus on college preparatory studies.
Houston High School, which until the 2014-2015 school year was a
county school (but now is a Germantown Municipal School District
school), often has had the highest academic scores of public
schools in Shelby County.
For more information see the state's Department of Education web site.
The East High Alumni Page considers the ACT scores to be the definitive
measurement of academic achievement. The ACT results can give some
indication of educational performance among the states and provides
what is believed to be a relatively valid comparison over the years. So
using the ACT, an alumnus can get a sense of how pupils are doing and
evaluate that not only over the years but also with their personal
knowledge of ACT scores from their days in school. The ACT scores for
the school apparently will become available when Tennessee releases its
state report card on school in October.
Sixty-forth Commencement of
East High School
The 64th
class of East High School was
graduated tonight, May 20, 2014.
Forth year principal Eric Harris said 148 students qualified for
graduation and diplomas were handed out at ceremonies tonight at the
Orpheum Theater in downtown Memphis. The class members were offered
$6.5-million in scholarships and awards. Keynote graduation speaker and
civil rights icon James Netters told the class that dreams, faith,
confidence, and judgment should guide them through their lives and to
never forget they are graduates of East High School. Principal Harris
charged the young men and women,for whom this was the first class that
he oversaw as principal throughout their entire high school career if
they only attended East for four years, to remember the night before
their first day at East. He said they may have tried to arrange to meet
with a friend at the big school the next day. Now, however, they
the school inside and out, and some of the people they met there would
be friends for life. He encouraged the graduates to walk away from
negative relationships and embrace positive ones.

With the 2014 graduation, for the first time, the East High School
diploma was issued by Shelby County Schools. The Memphis Board of
Education had in 2010 voted to surrender its charter and that decision
was ratified both by the city council and by referendum of city voters.
After years of transition, the 2013-2014 school year was the first with
the former city school being fully merged into the county school
district. That changed the diplomas to read they were awarded by Shelby
County Schools.
Class of 2013 Graduates
63rd Commencement of East High School was conducted Saturday, May 25,
2013, at
the Cannon Performing Arts Center in downtown Memphis. One hundred
seventy-four seniors were
reportedly graduated. The guest speaker for the event was Pastor Keith
Norman of First Baptist Church-Broad. The emphasis of his message to
the graduates was to keep good company because they will act like the
company they keep.
This is the final class of East High School to receive a diploma from
Memphis City Schools as the city school system dissolves into the
Shelby County School system in the summer of 2013.
Snapshots from the commencement exercise are available from the Class of 2013 directory page.
2012 State Report Card on
Schools shows ACT score remains low
and the
same as last year
The 2012 Tennessee State
Card on Schools is out as of November 1
and it shows a composite ACT score for East students as 15.9, the same
as last year. According to the ACT Concordance, this would be the
equivalent of a pre-1989 ACT composite score of about 12.
The East High Alumni Page is not immediately able to provide an
analysis of the 2012 report on East but encourages you to review the
results at the Department of Education web site.

Class of 2012 Graduated
hundred twenty students comprise the 62nd graduating class of East High
School. Commencement Exercises were held May 20, 2012, at the Orpheum
Theater in downtown Memphis. According to the program, 47 of those
students received an "honors diploma."
East Fails to Meet Adequate Yearly
Requirements, Falls a Step on 2011 State Report Card on Schools
Dec. 2, 2011 - The day
after a national organization recognized one of East High's teachers as
one of the outstanding teachers in the nation, the state has classified
East High School as a "School Improvement I" school based on its
performance. That is a step below where it has been the past three
years. The school has failed to meet the federal Adequate Yearly
benchmarks. ACT scores dropped a fraction of a point in all areas from
previous year's scores, the 2011 composite score being 15.9, the
approximate equivalent of a pre-1989 ACT composite score of 12.
East High Alumni Page has prepared a report on the 2011 State Report
Card on Schools which you may access by clicking here.
You are encouraged to review the Tennessee
Department of Education's 2011 Report Card on Schools yourself
as it relates to East High School. It may be accessed here. Use the tabs at the top
of the report section to see various results.
2010 Report Card on Schools Released
January 7, 2011 - The
long delayed Tennessee state report
card on schools for
2010 has been released. East High remains a "target" school, not
meeting the benchmark for the graduation rate. However, for the state's
report, the 2009 graduation rate is used and is 62.4%. The 2010
graduation rate is reported to have been 76.4%, considerably better but
still far below the state's goal of 90%.
East High Alumni Page has prepared a report based on the State's
Report Card on Schools
November 3, 2009 - The
Tennessee Department of Education released its annual "report card" on
showing the latest standardized test averages. Methods and baseline
years have been changed, making comparison to previous years' reports
difficult or impossible. However, the score The East High Alumni Page
finds important is one that does not change methods often, the ACT. For
those East High students taking the ACT in 2008-2009, the average
composite ACT score was 17.07. While that score is up from last year's
it is significantly below the state average. It also is approximately
equivalent to a pre-1989 ACT score of 13.07. White Station High
School, often cited as the best academic high school in the Memphis
City School system in the present era, achieved a 2009 composite ACT
score of 23.71. You may view the 2009 Report Card figures about our
school by searching for "East High" in the form at the Tennessee
Department of Education web site.
Below is information previously posted about academics at
East High remains on "target"
list of schools not meeting benchmarks.
July 23, 2009 - East High remains on the Tennessee Department of
Education's "target" list for the 2009-2010 school year, indicating the
school's pupils did not meet one or more benchmarks in testing during
the 2008-2009 year. After being on the more serious "high priority"
list for several years, East was upgraded in 2008 to the target list.
The high priority list is for schools that have failed to meet the same
benchmarks in 2 or more years. The 2008 Department of Education "Report
Card on Schools" cited East as being deficient in Reading/Language
Arts/Writing and graduation rate. Since the criteria for the high
priority list is having failed to meet the same benchmark(s) for 2
years in a row, and East has not been placed back on that list, it
would seem to imply that East may have performed satisfactorily in
those categories of English and graduation rate but failed to meet the
guidelines in another category. Such a scenario would be surprising
since the other major category is math and The Greater East High
Foundation has concentrated on tutoring in math at the school for
several years and math scores have been improving. Details about where
the school's pupils failed to meet the benchmarks likely won't be
revealed until the 2009 Report Card on Schools is released later this
In the initial report posted here yesterday, it was
that it was unknown if East was on the target list since that list was
unavailable. It was further speculated that since East did not move
back to the high priority listing, it might also free itself from the
targeted school list since if it had failed in the same categories as
it previously did it would have qualified as high priority. The
Tennessee Department of Education does not publish the list of targeted
schools because it does not wish those schools to be labeled as
failing. However, the list was made available through a public records
request and therefore we were today able to somewhat clarify the
situation regarding East High.
East Fails to maintain progress
in 2008
according to standardized test results
our report
See the state Report
Card data
see these documents:
Computer Statistics (Compstat) Report on East High School
Problems & Courses of Action
Harris, a
1991 graduate of East, was appointed prinicipal of the school in June,
Get to know our new principal, Eric Harris ('91). Read the
new edition
of the Mustang Roundup - Alumni Edition!
A new principal was appointed to East High School to take
over in the summer of 2010. Mr. Eric Harris is a 1991 graduate of East.
His previous assignment was an "11th grade principal" at White Station
High School, Memphis City Schools most academically successful school.
A grade specific principal is an assistant principal assigned to
oversee the pupils in that one grade. Mr. Harris was charged, along
with the principal of White Station, with a violation of state law in
allegedly failing to report a physical attack on a White Station
student in September, 2009. Both have waived a November, 2010 juvenile
court hearing and asked that the case be heard in criminal court.
Subsequently, both have been indicted by the Shelby County Grand Jury
in mid August, 2010. The charge is a misdemeanor and school system
clearly did not lose confidence in Mr. Harris and he not only
continued in his position at White Station but was then promoted to
the top job at East High.
of August, 2007, the school known as East High became,
for the first time in its history, only a high school. There
is no
middle school, or junior high, on campus. East High has only classes
grades 9 through 12. Grade 8 was eliminated after the 2006-2007 school
year, grade 7 was moved the previous year. Elementary classes were
discontinued after the 1984-1985 school year.
High is the
location for the school system's optional school
program for college preparatory classes in health
engineering, and allied health.
January, 1999, East High School was chosen as one of
25 schools in the nation to be a "New American High School."
New American High Schools
are selected to participate in a program with the goal of fully
preparing students to meet the challenges of a changing technological
and global economy. These schools expose students to information about
careers while adhering to challenging academic standards. They help
students acquire the communications, problem-solving, computer and
technical skills
necessary to pursue college or other opportunities. The schools develop
partnerships with the community, parents and post secondary
institutions and are expected to demonstrate sustained student academic
performance. Schools participating in this initiative have committed to
monitor their academic activities in order to better gage their
improvement in
a number of areas. These include raising student achievement by
focusing on specifics such as curriculum, teaching methods,
after-school help, accountability, and effective relationships with
middle schools and post secondary institutions.
Information about East's
selection as a New American High School and the program itself is
from The United States Department of Education. More
information about the selection of East is available from the
East In the News section of The East High Alumni Page.
For more information on the
New American High School program itself, visit the U.S. Department of
Education's NAHS
web page
November 10, 2008 - The 2008 "report card"
on schools was released and despite some slippage, East is
removed from
the state's "high priority" list.
Read our
See the state Report
Card data
November 3, 2007 - The 2007 "report card"
on schools was released November 2, 2007. See the data
about East High
at the Tennessee
Department of Education web site. Use the tabs near the top
of that page to see the various sections of data.
August 6, 2007 - State
Recognizes improvement at East High. See our In the News ...
July 31, 2007 - Tennessee Department of Education
intervenes in the running of 17
Memphis City Schools, including East High School. See our report and
the State's directives.
Annual Yearly Progress
evaluation indicates failure to meet standards. Read
Education Year
2004 Report Card on East High - click here
East High Windows on Replacement List
 August 11, 2024 - The Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Shelby County Schools "Project Build Phase I" lists a plan to
replace windows at East High School for an estimated cost of
$6,390,000. The project specifications, scope, and details, at last
report, were being reviewed by the school system in preparation for
requesting bids. Without the review of the scope of the project being
published, it is unconfirmed by The East High Alumni Page that the
windows targeted for replacement are on the main building. The main
building underwent about a $12.8-million dollar renovation during the
period 2005-2007. It is anticipated this information will be updated
here when the details are made available.
$270,435.00 Restroom Renovation Approved
June 26, 2024 - The Shelby
County Board of Education last night approved a $270,435.00 renovation of restrooms at East High School. "The
project consists of construction services for East HS to renovate the
west end men's and women's restrooms on the second and third floors and
includes but is not limited to the replacement of 16 toilets,10
urinals, 24 sinks, 16 partition walls and 16 partition doors for an
overall improved environment." With a construction bond and
contingency, the total amount approved is $300,178.50.
Middle School Drop Off/Pick Up Drive Completed
As best as The East High Alumni Page could determine by occasionally
driving by East High School, the drive to provide a drop off/pick up
point for the Maxine Smith STEAM Academy middle school, now located in
the eastern part of the main building, was completed in the late spring
of 2023. That was nearly a year later than school system administrators
had indicated when the project was approved. At that time they said it
would be finished by the opening of school in 2022. (see addtional
stories immediately below) Here is a satellite view of the drive, with
entrance an exit areas marked, as provided by Google Maps:
MSSA Middle School Drop Off/Pick Up
Drive Under Construction
28, 2022 - The "semi-circular" driveway for pick up and drop off for
the Maxine Smith STEAM Academy middle school in front of the eastern
entrance to the East High School building is now under construction. It
appears that it has been modified
from the concept drawing to provide a much longer driveway. This
changes the
landscape more than the original concept drawing but provides
a larger off street area for the cars that line up every morning and
afternoon. When proposed earlier this year, the
school district administration said it would be completed before school
started August 9, then when the contract was approved in late August,
it was said the construction would begin September 15. Actual physical
work began much later with the repaving of the driveway and parking
in front of the school and the parking area behind the gym and now the
construction of the eastern side driveway.
 Left: a line
of cars on Walnut Grove Road stretches over a hill waiting to pick
up students from the middle school. The line began in
front of the eastern entrance of the school on Holmes Street and
extended around the corner westward on Walnut Grove Rd. This line of occurs every morning and afternoon of every school as
drivers transport middle school students.
red line indicates the approximate location of where construction is
underway for the new pick-up/drop off driveway on the eastern side of
campus to serve the Maxine Smith STEAM Academy middle school. It is in
two segments, utilizing an existing curb cut on Holmes Street near what
was originally (1976) a Vo-Tech building, joins the paved area that was
originally (circa 1963) an area for physical education classes to use
when the ground was too wet but now is used as a parking lot, then
extends from that area around the senior high boys dressing room (circa
1960), loops back in front of the eastern entrance to the school, the
curves out to Holmes Street.
Paving at East High Including New Drop Off Driveway
Off of Holmes St. Expected to Begin in September
 August 9, 2022 - As noted
immediately below, the 2022-2023 Memphis-Shelby County Schools
began yesterday without the promised semi-circular drop off driveway on
the east side of the building for use of the Maxine Smith STEAM
Academy middle school, which is now located in the East High building.
At today’s Board of Education Business Operations Committee Meeting two
East High projects were discussed. First is the creation of that
semi-circular drive off of Holmes Street with at a cost of $440,980.00.
“The total amount of $440,980.00 includes a base bid of $350,000.00, a
performance bond of $7,000.00, an allowances total of $48,980.00, and
an owner’s contingency of $35,000.00.” This item will be on the Board’s
agenda for a vote for approval on August 30. Construction is expected
to begin in mid-September and finished within 12 weeks, although school
district officials say they expect completion sooner.
In addition to the new drop off driveway on the Holmes
Street side of the school, the semi-circular and parking area off
Poplar Avenue in front of the school is to be repaved and part of the
Walnut Grove entrance and parking is to be repaved. This contract is
for $334,464.00. “The total amount of $334,464.00
includes a base bid of $66,000.00, a performance bond of $1,320.00, an
alternate total of $263,844.00, and an owner’s contingency of
$3,300.00.” This work is also expected to begin in mid-September and be
finished within 12 weeks. The Board is also scheduled to vote on this
matter on August 30.
Although he did not specifically say the delay on these East High
projects was because of supply chain issues, during the discussion on
these items Dr. John Barker, Deputy Superintendent, Strategic
Operations, said delays were caused by demand created by federal
Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funding. Those
dollars, part of the American Rescue Plan act, provided $122 billion to
American schools. That money created demand for goods and services,
leading to supply chain delays, according to Barker.
First Day of School 2022-2023 Sees Little Physical
Changes Outside of the Building
August 8, 2022 - The new school year begins today for Memphis-Shelby County
Schools, including East High School and the Maxine Smith STEAM Academy
middle school which will be located for the first time inside the East
High Building.
plans and assurances from the school district officials
earlier this year, there is no semi-circular driveway in front of the
entrance on the east side of the building, which is to be the entrance
for the middle school. The raised garden structure in front of that
entrance has been removed. The concrete sidewalk immediately in front
of the east side entrance doors has been painted with various phrases
and images of the school board member representing the district in
which east sits. Quite a few picnic tables have been added to the yard
between the east entrance and Holmes Street.
Approved: Maxine
Smith STEAM Academy Middle School
Move into East High Building
January 25, 2022, the Shelby County Board of Education voted to approve
the proposal to move the Maxine Smith STEAM Academy, a fully optional
(magnet) middle school (grades 6-8), into the East High Building. It
will occupy the eastern side of the building amd its students will use
the eastern entrance for ingress and egress. A new semi-circular drive
is planned for that side of campus to allow for pick up and drop off of
those students. The move is effective with the 2022-2023 school
year beginning in August, 2022.For more information, see the articles
in this column and in the "Academics" column to the left.
Conceptual Drawing of Entrance Drive on East Side of Building
14, 2021 - Now available is a conceptual drawing of a proposed
semi-circular drive off of Holmes Street to serve drop off and pick up
of middle school students if the Maxine Smith STEAM Academy is moved to
the East High School building.
Genard Phillips, Chief of Business Operations for Shelby County
Schools, cautions that this is a concept only, that any such drive will
be designed after consultation with the City of Memphis Traffic
Engineering division. The proposed move of the middle school into the
East High building includes making the east entrance to the building
the main entrance for those grades 6-8 while the high school students
would use the front entrance facing Poplar Avenue.
RESCHEDULED: Second community meeting regarding the proposed
Maxine Smith STEAM Academy move into the East High building
January 10, 2022, 4:45 p.m -Upon
arrival at East High for the announced community meeting, the editor
was advised it has been rescheduled to Thursday, January 13, 2022, 5:30
p.m.m at
East High.
4, 2022 - Shelby County Schools has announced the date for the promised
second community meeting regarding the proposed Maxine Smith STEAM
Academy move into the East High building. It is scheduled for Monday, January 10, 202, at 5:00,
in the East High auditorium. As you can read below, the school
district administration wants to move the middle school into the East
High building beginning in August, 2022.
[Notice: This community meeting was announced by the school but if it
is noted on the district's web site, it has not been found -- it is not
listed on the "community events" or any other calendar on the school
district's web site.]
After the community meeting there will be an optional school open
Proposed Move of Middle School to
East High Building Appears to Involve
few Physical Changes in Building or Campus
December 9, 2021 - See the article
at left about more details of proposed move of Maxine Smith STEAM
Academy to the East High building at Community meeting.
Community Input Session at East
Including Proposal to Move
Maxine Smith STEAM Academy to East High
December 9, 2021, the school district holds a "Reimagining 901
Community Input Session," at East High School at 5:30 p.m. It is
expected that included in this session will be the proposal to move the
Maxine Smith STEAM Academy classes from the old Fairview Junior High at
Central Avenue and East Parkway to East High. The Maxine Smith STEAM
Academy is an optional (magnet) middle school (grades 6-8) which
requires meeting specific criteria for admission. STEAM means that the
school focuses on Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and
Math. The district invites community members to "learn about
plans to transform schools, strengthen resources and improve
communities" and to "share input and ideas."
Stadium on East High Campus Not in Five Year Plan "For Now"
24, 2021 - The proposed football stadium on the campus of East High is
no longer in the plans of the Shelby County School system. A senior
administrator for the district adds that outlook is valid, "for now."
The district has released a five year capital improvement project plan
which does not include a stadium at East. Furthermore, that five year
plan is predicated on receiving $55-million from Shelby County
Government for CIP projects for each of those five years, an amount
that is nearly double of what it typically receives. Instead, the
school system proposes to improve Halle and the Whitehaven High School
stadiums and put new artificial turf at Crump stadium. The replacement
for the Fairgrounds High School Football stadium, which will be built
in/near Toby Park, remains in the plans for future years.
Football Stadium on East Campus Cut
from School System Priority List
for 2020-2021 Budget
 April 23, 2020 -
Reshuffled capital
improvement projects by the Shelby County Administration excludes a
stadium on the campus of East High School. Instead, the schools
administration is proposing a football facility at the Toby Park/Board
of Education site with a budget of $500,000 with the city pitching in
with another half million. The Toby stadium is listed
as number 13 on the revised CIP priority list and it would be included
in the 2020-2021 fiscal year if the county provides the $25.8-million
for capital improvements to the Shelby County Schools as proposed by
County Mayor Lee Harris.
It should be noted that in a previous priority list, the schools
administration was listing design and site work for an East High campus
football stadium at $3.5-million. It would appear the Toby stadium
would be a lesser facility and it may well not replace the thoughts of
putting a stadium on the East campus at some future point. The campus
stadium, however, does not make the new list even at the
$65-million dollar point, the amount which is what the school
administration says it will ask for from the County Commission.
The school board has not acted yet on the budget so the actual capital
projects for the coming fiscal year may differ. The County Commission
also approves the school system’s CIP budget and that also will be
forthcoming in the next couple of months.
Board of Adjustment Approves Zoning Variance
to Allow Airplane on Front Lawn of East
22, 2020 - The Shelby County Board of Adjustment today approved the
application for a zoning variance that would allow a “monument”
including a single engine airplane to be placed on the front lawn of
East High School. The Office of Planning and Development staff
recommended the approval with some conditions and there was no
opposition voiced at today’s meeting, so the application was approved
with several others on the consent agenda by a vote of 7-0. As The East
High Alumni Page reported previously, the Capital Needs and Facilities
Committee of the Board of Education asked that the matter proceed to
the Board of Adjustment for its action and then be brought back before
the committee. The board has taken no action on the proposal. According
to the board’s calendar, the next meeting of
that committee has not yet been scheduled.
Early Indication: Proposed Budget
Far Short of Reaching Amount
for Football Stadium on East Campus
 April 22, 2020 - Correction: as mentioned below, the
$32,999.150 proposed by the county mayor for schools CIP is the total
including the municipal school districts. The amount proposed for
Shelby County Schools is about $25.6-million. So the gap between the
school system’s East High stadium item on its priority list is even
greater. On the last priority list made public, the school
administration listed the design and site preparation for the stadium
was number 32. The $25.6-million would only cover the first 13 items on
the priority list.
It also should be reported that the school system has about
$21.2-million in CIP funds still unspent from this fiscal year but at
last report the planned spending of that money does not include the
East High Stadium.
20, 2020 - Shelby County Mayor Lee Harris today presented his Fiscal
Year 2020-2021 Budget Proposal in which he recommends the county
provide Shelby County Schools $32,999,150 for capital improvement
projects in the year beginning July 1. As reported earlier, based on
the most recent listing of capital spending priorities of the school
system’s administration, it would require $60.3-million for design and
initial site preparation work for a football stadium on the East High
campus to be included in the coming year’s schools budget. It should be
emphasized, however, that the priority listing of the schools’
administration has not yet been adopted by the school board and there
are competing interests for use of the money. In a five year plan,
Harris proposes $50-million for a new school building, presumably for
the Frayser area as he has promoted that idea and continues to do so.
Although the school system has not planned for such a new school, that
expectation of money in year three of the five year plan might free up
other dollars which might be utilized for other projects prior to that.
school system appears to want to put a monument featuring a single
engine airplane on permanent display in front of East High School.
March 16, 2020
UPDATE - The Daily Memphian reports that the Board
of Adjustment meeting scheduled for March 25 at which the zoning
exception to allow the airplane on the East lawn has been canceled and
all items on that agenda will move to the April meeting.
March 2, 2020 - Putting
an airplane on the front lawn would violate zoning regulations but
Shelby County Schools has filed an application with the Board of
Adjustment to get an exception to that rule.
At today’s
meeting of the Capital Needs and Facilities Committee of the Board of
Education it was asked of the administration to let the proposal go to
the Board of Adjustment and then be brought back to the committee.
Board Member Althea Greene, whose District 2 includes East High,
indicated she enthusiastically supported the proposal. Board Member
Joyce Dorse Coleman, who participated in the discussion via speaker
phone, had concerns about the cost to the district of maintenance of
the monument after it was installed. She also said the board needed to
address taking programs away from some schools and giving them to
others. Woodale High used to house a successful aviation program.
Coleman said that program has been taken away from Woodale. East now
has an aviation program.
The school system claims that the proposed exception, if granted, "will
not create a substantial detriment to the public good..." and that it
“will bolster the education goals of East High School while providing a
sense of pride for the East High School community.”
FedEx has proposed the monument with a donated "Beachcraft Musketeer,
a historic single-engine, light aircraft." The school system says that
the monument would be jointly designed by East students and FedEx
The Capital Needs and Facilities Committee of the Board of Education is
scheduled to discuss the proposal at today’s 4 p.m. meeting. The
application goes before the Board of Adjustment at 2 p.m. March 25 at
Memphis city hall.
The Commercial Appeal, Feb. 26, 2020; Board of Adjustment Application
Proposal for Football
Stadium on
East Campus Moving Forward
29, 2020 - "There well may be a new stadium at East," says the Deputy
Superintendent for for Strategic Operations & Finance of
County Schools. Dr. John Barker made the comment to the school board at
a retreat they held three weeks ago.
The City of Memphis Division of Housing and Community
(HCD) and the school system have quietly been working to propose the
high school football stadium for the East High campus. The HCD
representative who has been reporting to the city council and county
commission has told them that the location of a new stadium is not
ready to be announced.
For decades there has been a high school football stadium
at the
Fairgrounds. The city is in the process of redeveloping the Fairgrounds
as it no longer is an amusement park. In doing so, they have eliminated
the high school stadium. Two locations were identified as possible
places for a new stadium, Toby Park, which is near the Fairgrounds, and
the East High campus. Some in the administration of the school system
have been talking about a stadium at East High for about three years.
An informal survey of about 80 East alumni taken in the
summer of
2018 indicated mixed opinions. Some alumni adamantly opposed the idea,
others were in favor.
Although it is not known for sure, it is expected that the
stadium is likely to be included in the school system and city budgets
for the
fiscal year which begins July 1.
Source: The East High Alumni Page
First Floor of East High leased to the University of
Memphis for one year for a middle school
 August 11, 2019 - The
first floor
of East High School will be used by the University of Memphis for its
Middle School for the 2019-2020 school year
The Shelby County Board of Education July 30 approved a lease contract
with the University for use of the first floor for $42,420 for the 12
The University has long operated the Campus School, located on the main
campus of the university, for elementary classes. It provides early
grade instruction mostly for children of employees of the University of
Memphis and also serves as an instructional laboratory for the
university's professors exploring new teaching techniques and for
students majoring in education.
The University's Middle School is new, opening for the 2019-2020 school
year. The University had planned to operate it in the former St. Anne
Catholic School on Highland Street but the church and university could
not reach agreement. The church required that no teachings in the
school would conflict with the church's religious beliefs. Without that
venue, the university was left without a place for the estimated 60
students it planned to enroll this year. Eventually, the university
turned to Shelby County Schools to ask if it could lease space in the
East High School building.
East High's original building was built to accommodate 1,500 students.
Over the years at times it housed more than 2,000 in grades K-12. In
the school year ending in 2019, East High, now only grades 9-12, had
less than 500 students spread across the original building and two
other buildings which were built on the East campus in the 1970s and
University Middle school will reserve one third of its enrollment
for students who live within two miles providing opportunities for
pupils who are not children of university employees. [Update: it has
been confirmed that by "first floor" what was once known as the
basement is what is being identified.]
stadium on East High Campus
makes first cut in school system priorities
for this year's budget expenditures
 [Update August 11,
2019 - A senior official at Shelby County Schools says given budget
constraints it is "unlikely" a stadium
will be built on the East High campus in the near future.]
22, 2019 - Shelby County Schools administration today presented a
capital needs priority list to the Board of Education's Capital Needs
and Facilities Committee. The total list, which represents what the
Board asked the Shelby County Commission to fund this fiscal year,
totals $66,310,956. The Commission, however, approved only $40 million.
Shelby County Schools has consistently said that it has $500 million in
deferred maintenance which needs to be addressed.
The priority list was created by Shelby County Schools administration
was split into two groups. Group one included 16 projects for a total
of $37,500,438. Initial work on these projects was approved during the
fiscal year ending June 30, 2019, and designs were already completed.
The second group consisted of 20 projects, construction of which would
cost $28,810,518.
At the top of this second group is a football stadium at East
High School at a cost of $1.2 million.
The Board's committee asked the administration to go back and take
another look at the list while expressing few preferences. In fact, the
six members of the Board at the meeting appeared to agree with the
sentiment expressed by some of them that they did not want to get
involved in setting those priorities, that having all nine members of
the Board pushing for their favored projects would make for a difficult
The administration is expected to present a possibly revised list to
the Board when it meets in its next business session July 30.
"My job is to protect East High."
19, 2019 - Shelby County Schools Superintendent Joris Ray last night
told The East High Alumni Page, "My job is to protect East High." His
emphasis in this conversation was increasing enrollment at the
school. Ray says that "probably next spring" he will share his
vision for East High's T-STEM going forward. The comments came after a
Board of Education work session (non-voting meeting) in which the
request from the University of Memphis to use East High for its new
University Middle School classes for one year was discussed.
In recent years, East High has had an enrollment less than 500 students
in buildings that were designed to hold 1,500 and have held more. As
part of an effort at academic and enrollment improvement, East is half
way in transitioning to an all optional (magnet) school focusing on
transportation related science, technology, engineering, and math
(T-STEM). In August, grades 9-11 will exclusively be T-STEM students,
who have to apply and be accepted into the program.
Several Board of Education members have concerns about co-locating
student populations within one school campus and say they are seeking
more information about the proposal to allow the university to use part
of the school for one year to house 60 middle school students. An item
directing the school administration to enter into negotiations with the
university for the possible lease of some space at East High for the
middle school is expected to be voted upon at the board's business
meeting June 25. The university has a need for the space because the
deal for the planned location, the old St. Anne's School on Highland
Street, did not succeed and the university has been unable to find
another location for the school.
Campus Look & Function
Survey Results

24, 2018- For two weeks in September, visitors to The East High Alumni
Page were invited to participate in a survey to express their opinions
on some ideas about possible changes to the East High Campus. The results are in - take a look.
$436,40 in painting & flooring
renovation proposed for East
Aug. 21, 2018 - The Shelby County
Schools Board will consider proposals for new flooring and paint in the
"original" building of East High School. See our entry on the subject
on our News Briefs page.
East High Sportsplex Has
Broader Goal
"[Shelby County Schools
Superintendent Dorsey] Hopson told SCS board
members last week he is meeting with philanthropic foundations and
possible private donors about a change to the look of the campus to
possibly include a football stadium and using the parkland
surrounds the school for students as well as the surrounding
neighborhoods." Read the article: Memphis Daily News,
Aug. 6, 2018
"Patio" laid down on east lawn of East High.
May 19, 2018-Workers have been
putting down a gray brick patio on the east lawn of East High this
week. It is said to be replacing a gravel area. Students arriving on
time for the traditional classes at East (grades 10, 11, 12 this year)
enter through the east doors of the school building. It may be that the
brick patio is being provided for a larger place for students to wait
if the doors have not been unlocked when they arrive. Photo below.
What's in a name?
article raises question as to
East High School's name
by The East High Alumni Page
January 5, 2018 -
East alumni
reading the article in the Jan. 5 Commercial
Appeal about the long
anticipated announcement from Cummins, Inc. and Shelby County Schools
about its promised partnership with East High may have found one phrase
of the article of particular interest.
"The program, to be operated inside East T-STEM
Academy, formerly known
as East High..." is how the third paragraph of the story reads. For
many that may raise the question: formerly?
It is true that the school system has applied the moniker
Academy at East High to the school's new technical program which serves
the ninth grade this year but the school has not officially been
The Tennessee Department of Education maintains a directory
of schools and it does not list any T-STEM Academy.
An official
spokesperson for Shelby County Schools late this afternoon
confirms there has been no name change from East High School.
The idea of changing the school's name has been voiced
within the
district headquarters. In October, 2016, Board of Education member
Miska Clay-Bibbs, chair of the board's Academic Performance Committee,
suggested the name might need to be changed because of the reputation
of the school in recent years and to differentiate its new curriculum.
That was ten months before the T-STEM program began at East. A
month later the then Chief Academic Officer Dr. Hedi Ramirez responded
somewhat ambiguously to a question about the future of the school's
name by saying the district wanted to preserve the historic
significance of the school and its name and then suggested about three
names that included the word "east" in them but were not precisely
"East High School." In January, 2017, superintendent Dorsey
Hopson told this writer that administrators "like the name as it is,
'East High School.'"
It might be noted that several years ago the ninth grade at
East, while
still using the traditional curriculum, was called the 9th Grade
Academy and many of the classes for that level were held in the eastern
wing of the school, separated from the other classes. It was purely an
internal identification, unlike the public promotion of the name T-STEM
While the board, which is the authority that could rename
the school,
made no changes in the official school name, the title T-STEM Academy
has become pervasive within that program at East, and school and
district publications have often referred to it as the "T-STEM Academy
at East High."
Whether all this signals an eventual attempt to change the
name or is just an endeavor to promote the new curriculum and evolving
status of the school into a exclusively optional (magnet) school is not
clear. Certainly the name of the school is something probably all
alumni as well as The East High Alumni Page will have great interest.
For now, however, the school at Poplar Avenue and Holmes Street remains
East High School.
million renovation proposed for East High
 January 18, 2017 - The
administration of Shelby
County Schools proposes a $2,596,500.00 renovation of East High School
as part of its "Fresh Start" plan preparing the school to
to a fully optional STEM school beginning with the ninth grade late
this summer. The money will be allocated for mechanical, electrical and
lighting upgrades as well as exterior
and interior renovations.The school district's officials say they will
be asking the Shelby Commission for the funds.
The East High Alumni Page will continue its extensive coverage of the
proposed conversion of East High into a STEM optional school with new
developments occurring almost daily.
January 18, 2017-On the left is an image from the Shelby County Schools
web site promoting the new STEM curriculum at East High. It is from a
flyer that is being made available, probably tonight at the East High
STEM open house at the school. It is promoted as a "one-of-a-kind" high
school that is coming to East High. Additional promotional material
about the "NEW Transportation-STEM Academy at Historic East High
School" can be seen at the SCS web site.
Federal Grant and STEM Magnet
School Could Be East High's Protection
From Closing
October 12, 2016 - The grant was not awarded to Shelby County Schools,
however, the SCS administration plans to continue to pursue the
East High STEM proposal. Read more in the "Academics" column on the
left hand side of this page.]
25, 2016 - "If we don't do something, I expect in three to five years
you start getting to the discussion of closure-level low," said Shelby
County Schools Superintendent Dorsey Hopson after a school board work
session May 24 as he addressed East High's enrollment trend. What the
superintendent hopes to do is get a federal
grant to turn East High into a Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Math optional (magnet) school. As reported on these pages months
ago, the target for the change would be the beginning of the 2017-2018
school year. This is the first time, however, the prospect of East's
being closed has been publicly voiced by the administration. East High
could hold 1,500 students, but in April had a pupil count of 554. The
school was originally designed for grades 1-12 and even held a
kindergarten in addition to those grades in the 1950s. Three decades
ago the elementary grades were removed from East and in 2008 it became
a grade 9-12 high school. East is calculated to be 59% under utilized
and the district is actively reviewing low attendance schools for
closure. Although originally Hopson was thinking the transition to a
STEM school might occur as early as the 2016-2017 school year, concerns
about other schools delayed that for at least a year. He says the
discussions among staff about the plan are just resuming and engagement
with the East community will follow.
For three decades East had been both a traditional high school and also
an optional (magnet) school for engineering and health sciences. The
health component was moved in recent years but the college preparatory
engineering program continues at East. Despite those special programs,
enrollment in them at East has been quite low for a number of years and
the traditional curriculum enrollment has begun to decrease.
Sources: The East High Alumni Page, The
Commercial Appeal
Urban Art Placed in
Front of School
2014 - On Tuesday, Oct. 14, 2014, new urban art in front of East High
School was unveiled.
On either side of the steps that lead to the center patio area of the
school are mustang busts made of metal and flanked by attached metal
benches. The objects were created by San Antonio artist George
Schroeder of Texas who won an Urban Art Commission grant for up to
$80,500 for the design, fabrication, and shipment of the works. The
requested design ideas were evaluated by East art
students. The front of the work contains the East High crest and
metallic banners along the neck of the mustang contain the words
academics, arts, athletics. East High Principal Eric Harris ('91 and
Faculty) says he hopes to provide lighting for the art both to make it
visible at night and also as a protective measure. Additional photos are
2013 - Even prior to the city school system merging into the
County School system this year, the proposal to move the one-room
school house to the East High campus was on hold and no activity
towards this endeavor seemed underway. In the summer of 2010, after an
East High advanced placement history class participated
in a project that led to it proposing a move of a one-room school house
to the East High campus, the city school board passed a resolution to
study the feasibility of such a move. Then The Greater East High
Foundation got involved and is planning to support the proposed move
and include various ancillary activities and objects. As of mid-August,
no final decision has been made. The one-room school house was last
used in the mid 1960s on Mud Island for African American pupils. For
more on this news, see the Daily Update page
and the In the News page.
Fenced in? A new
fence was observed in the spring of 2008. Since
part of the campus is also used by the Parks Division of the City of
Memphis, it was not immediately known if the fence was erected by the
Department or by the school system. The green hurricane fence
extends along the southern edge of the campus between the athletic
fields and Poplar Avenue. There is no corresponding fence on the Walnut
Grove Road side of the campus. There is an entry at the west end of the
campus and one can walk around the end of the gate on the east side to
access the athletic fields and the Sportplex park.
1, 2007 - Today's East
High looks
quite a bit different inside than the old East High after a $12.8
million renovation, at least at first glance. Would you know if you're
in your old school if you suddenly found yourself in the classroom
pictured here? Take a photo tour with the Mustang
Roundup - Alumni Edition.
There are two
schools on the East High Campus today: East High School
and the East Career and Technology Center. The career and technology
center had its beginnings with the construction of a vo-tech building
in 1976. An additional building was added for the optional school
programs (health sciences and engineering) in 1984. In 2006,
these two buildings became part of a separate school from East High and
the optional school programs were moved to the main building. The new
buildings were placed on the highest point on the campus where
some elementary classes had recess and several trees were removed to
make way for the buildings.
1999, the Memphis Park Commission and City Schools completed a joint
project to make the athletic fields area of campus the East High
Sportplex. It features a 3/4 mile fitness trail, the school's 4 Lane
400m track, 2 soccer fields, 1 football/soccer
2 baseball/softball fields, and a playground. See our "In the news ..."
section for more details.
1960, a senior high Physical Education dressing room was added to the
school. It was used almost exclusively for senior high boys athletic
In 1954, the auditorium was completed and opened. It had been removed
from the original construction plans to save money. The auditorium was
extensively remodeled in 2007.
"The annex," a 1951 addition to the school to provide
additional classrooms to alleviate overcrowding was used for classes
until the mid 1980s and
then was used for offices and storage. In 2003, in association with a
mold scare, it was demolished.
East High School underwent a $12.8 million renovation in 2005-2007.
Read about it and see photographs here.
About 1988 a music video
was shot inside East High School, directed by Bill Carrier ('68) of API Cine firm.
You may see the video on youtube.
For more
information about the building(s) and campus, please see our history
page and our In the
news ...