East High School Class of 1969 55 Yr. Reunion
Friday, June 14, 2024, 6-9pm
Pete & Sam's Italian Restaurant
3886 Park Avenue, Memphis, TN 38111
Valet parking and parking security provided by the restaurant
Each person pays for dinner, drink, & dessert menu order
and tip
The restaurant allows patrons to bring in their own wine
The restaurant provides wine glasses, $4 corkage fee per wine glass
Sat, June 15, 2024, 11:30am
3227 Poplar Avenue, Memphis, TN 38111
Each person pays for his/her lunch
Sat, June 15, 2024, 6:00-10:00pm
Home of Debbie and Robert Campbell
[contact EastHigh69@yahoo.com for address]
Street parking available on [the street] (security provided)
$20 per person, payable by cash or check only at entrance
Catered dinner will be served & Soft drinks & water provided -
Entertainment will be provided by
The Fabulous Doo-Vays featuring Keith Collins
RSVP by June 1, 2024 via email to
Diane Walton Waddlington
Donations will be accepted by check only made payable to
EHS Class Reunion
Mailed to Wendy Miller Kaplan [contact EastHigh69@yahoo.com for address]
Class of 1969 has concluded a successful 50-year reunion. The East High
Alumni Page would welcome photos of the reunion and a narrative
describing it for posting on this site. If you wish to contribute such,
e-mail editor@EastHigh.org.
[posted April 15, 2019]
[posted December 5, 2018]
Plans for the 50 year reunion of the Class of 1969 are well under
Friday evening, June 14, 2019, from 7-11, in the ballroom at The
Butcher Shop in Cordova. $50 per person
Saturday evening, June 15, 2019, 6:00 at the home of Charles &
Miriam Handorf. Food will be
catered by Leonard’s Pit BBQ.
No cost for food, soft drinks and wine will be provided or BYOB
Both nights will be casual, fun atmospheres to catch up with one
Please RSVP as soon as
possible to Wendy Miller Kaplan at:

The planning committee is attempting to contact all the classmates but
there are those we have been unable to find. If you, or someone
you know, is ‘one of those’ missing classmates,
or have a change in
contact information, please contact:
Kathy Wilkins McMath at 
We are accepting donations for ‘seed money’ to help make this the best
reunion! Send your check to Susan Olinger at 1794 Northcross Pl,
N, Collierville TN 38017.
Please check back to this site for any changes or additions to the
reunion weekend plans!
If you would like to participate in the planning, please let either
Kathy know. We’d love to have you!
Our "missing" classmates (as of
December, 2018):
Vicki Abbott
Julia Rinner Anderson
Susan Bobbitt
Carol Carlisle
Carol Chase
Stephen Lee Crawford
Wayne Crawford
Elizabeth Curry
Douglas (or Buddy) Curtis
Dianne Davis
Libby Dominique
Elizabeth Diane Dougan
Nancy Dowling
Patricia Dunn
Jeff Eastwood
Donna Gale Edwards
Nurhan Erguden
Charles Gage
John Goodman
Mary Jo Hanna
Frank Harman
Lonzo Hayes
Sandra Hemphill
James Hinton
Lee Hobson
Nancy Huddleston
Jerald Jackson
John (Jack) Kersh
Donna Lewis
James Markham
Joyce Mays
Chip Miller
Bill Nash
Patti Nickerson
Patricia Paulus
Suzanne Phelps
Gary Pittman
Susan Gail Pugh
Sarah Rand
Earl Robertson
Andrew Robinson
Dana Searcy
Pamela Shirley
Suzanne Simon
John Smith
Sherill Smith
Olen Spencer
John Stephens
Wanda Kaye Stewart
Janice (Freeman) Stout
Phyllis Thompson
Andy Turner
Patricia Turner
Brenda Jo Wages
Barbara Walden
Randy Ware
Steve Waring
Charles Wilcox
Allen Williams
[June 13, 2014]
On Friday [June 20, 2014], we want to first meet at the upstairs room
at Local (former Yosemite Sam’s)
If you haven’t been to the Square in a while, you will be pleasantly
surprised at how it looks and the activity.
Go to: www.overtonsquare.com to learn more.
We will start gathering at 5:30 and sometime around 7:00 we can order
food at Local or go to Friday’s (Babalu) or Bombay (Bosco’s)
Saturday we will meet at 6:30 at the Rendezvous for dinner in a private
dining room downstairs, then migrate to the Peabody lobby.
Please reply and let us know if you will be attending so we can give
Local and the Rendezvous a “head’s up.”
Kathy Wilkins at ]
May 21, 2014
The 45th Reunion of the East High class of 1969 will be June 20 &
21, 2014 in Memphis.
Friday June 20- A Nostalgic Bar Hop at Overton Square. If you
haven’t seen The Square lately, you are in for a treat! The plan is to
simply congregate in Bosco’s (formerly Bombay Bicycle Club), Babalou
(formerly TGI Fridays) and Local, (formerly Yosemite Sam’s) All three
have great food and Local has a second floor room with couches; a
really great place to gather and visit.
Saturday, June 21- Dinner at the Rendezvous. We have a private
room downtown stairs. Just go to the front desk and tell them you are
with the reunion. Following dinner, we will migrate to the
Peabody Lobby and monopolize as many couches and chairs as we can.
Another great place to visit!
Both evenings will begin around 5:30. The reunion organizers are not
charging any upfront deposits. Each person will be responsible
for their own ‘tab’ at each establishment. You will also need to
make your own overnight accommodations. Please feel free to pass along this
invitation to other]s in our class.
We ask that you let us know if you will be
joining us! [contact Kathy Wilkins at 
Photos from the 40-Year Reunion
of the East High Class of 1969, June 12-13, 2009
you have photos of the reunion you would like to share on The East High
Alumni Page, or if you can supply a narrative about the reunion, please
contact editor@EastHigh.org.
The following was
previously posted:
1969 class of East High School will celebrate 40 years with a
Reunion Weekend June 12-13, 2009
June 12,
6:30pm at the Home of John and Lita Reed
$10 per person includes food and soft drinks Cash bar or
BYOB, local celebrity chefs will be grilling,
and entertainment by our original high school garage band
“Itchy Rat
& His Dirty Brothers” featuring: Ken
eatherford, David Calliham, John Chambliss, Keith Collins,
and Andy
Turner Dress: comfortable, casual (shorts are fine…we’ll be
June 13,
9:30am East High School Tour
See your old teachers for conversation, photo ops, (and maybe some
June 13,
11:30am Lunch at the
Krystal Everyone is
responsible for their own lunch
Please include your lunch reservation with the confirmation.
The Krystal needs to know how many to expect.
June 13,
8:00am Golf at Galloway Golf
Course This is not confirmed
unless there is enough interest.
This will be an 18-hole 4-man Scramble at $39 per
golfer. If you are interested in playing contact
Cameron Frechette
Spouses and guests are welcome to play.
June 13,
6-10pm Buffet dinner at Owen Brennan’s Restaurant
6150 Poplar Ave, Memphis, TN 38119
$30 per
person includes dinner, tax,
tip Cost
does not include cash bar or wine with dinner.
Dress: dressy
must have a paid reservation.
reservations and questions contact Kathy Wilkins McMath at easthigh69@gmail.com
[previously posted on March 16, 2009]
A reunion planning meeting was held Sat Nov 22 at East High School. Mr McRae, the interim Principal was very hospitable and opened the office for a 'tour'. Some of us, not all of us, remembered the area behind the closed doors of the front office...namely the principal's office. Then into the Library where the weekly tutoring sessions were going on through the Greater East High Foundation. There we found Mrs. Margaret Taylor (at 91 years young) still teaching. She was delighted to see the 7 of us and promised to attend the reunion.
The main focus right now is contacting all our classmates. Lists were divided at an Aug meeting and redivided and subdivided today. Please email your contact information (and anyone you might know) to easthigh69@gmail.com and someone will be in touch by phone or email.
The reunion dates are June 12, 13, 2009. Fri night will be at John Reed's house with food, BYOB, and our own original 'Garage Band' from high school. Sat morning will be a school tour and then lunch at the Krystal. Sat evening will be dinner at Owen Brennan's Restaurant, more food, more music, and more classmates to visit. If you haven't had enough, there will be an 'after hours' location for an extended party. There will be details to all these events in the coming months.
For those who will be traveling from outside Memphis and no longer have family members here, there are optional accommodations. There is a Hampton Inn and an Embassy Suites on Shady Grove close to the intersection of Poplar and within walking distance to Owen Brennan's. As well as some local classmates are offering their guest rooms. Again, more details later.
Classmates from '68 and '70 are welcome to attend the reunion as well as graduates from other schools who also attended East. The committee will need contact information for these people are and of course how many.
We're looking forward to a fun reunion weekend.
Contacts: Kathy Wilkins McMath 901-767-4266 or 901-786-8855 Susan Hadaway Hanlon 901-758-0957 John Reed 901-767-1117
Posted April 22, 2004 - Snapshots
from the April 16, 2004 Gathering
If you have additional pictures of the gathering you
would like posted, send them to editor@EastHigh.org.
Also if you'd like to write a summary of the event, you may also send
it to us.
Several class members occasionally hold dinner meetings.
Contact Kathy Wilkins or Susan Hadaway for information.