East High Alumni Page presents:
Reunion Plans and Reviews
Class of 1966
East High School,
Memphis, Tennessee |
Plans for & coverage of the Reunion of the East High Class of
1966 will be posted here.*
See the Class of '62 Reunion page for snapshots of the June 4, 2022, multi-class reunion luncheon

Past Reunions
[posted January 13, 2017]
Excess Reunion Funds Designated for East Uniforms
Happy 2017 to everyone - Hope this New Year will be a blessed one for everyone.
Wanted to take a minute to catch everyone up on what the Class of 1966
is doing with the funds we have left over from the Reunion.
We wanted to give back to the school in some way
that would benefit EHS. We learned that the girls' basketball
team needed new uniforms and have sent the funds that were left (which
was a nice amount) to help cover the cost of those uniforms.
Although it will not pay for all it will put a big dent in the
cost. I have attached a picture that they sent me of those
Thank you sincerely to each and every one of you who gave so willingly
to the Reunion and made it a great success and now enables us to give
something extra to the school.
May the coming year bring each of you health, fulfillment, and much love.
Frances Ezzell Williams

Coverage of Past Reunions
[posted April 8, 2016]
October 21-22, 2016
Friday Night Meet and Greet very casual Chimes & Occasions, 201 S Cooper
Memphis, TN 38104 – BBQ, Beer, Wine
School (if interested) from 10-12 and
Dutch lunch at Cheffie’s, 483 High Point Terrace from 12 on
Hors d’oeuvres, Cash Bar and music by Elmo and the Shades
7-11 pm Holiday Inn University of Memphis, Shelby Ballroom, Central Ave across from U of M
To provide contact information for those listed below or for reunion questions, contact .
(please note: for security reasons, the above is not a "clickable" address, you must enter it manually.)
Unable to locate:
Bobby Allen
Barbara Baird
Donna Beecham
Ellyn Bengel
Jim Bennett
Steve Bowman
Carol Brahm
Frank Bronson
Anita Burgett
James Burkeen
Cathy Calliham
Elizabeth Carpenter
Julia Carter
Don Cherry
Cheri Claiborne
Donna Council
Bobby Craft
John Dominque
David Dowd
Dana Dowling
Brenda Eddleman
Sammy Eubanks
Sammy Fink
Harry Gardner
Mary Ann Gardner
Bill Gilroy
Bonnie Goldner
James Green
Bonnie Gutherie |
Jean Hammons
Brenda Hamner
Tim Hathaway
Harry Hawkins
Lea Hazelwood
Richard Heen
Bill Henley
Ronnie Hinton
Jane Holman
Romana Houseal
Lanny Howse
Jane Hunt
Carolyn Hunter
Bill Jennings
Jimmy Johnson
Linda Johnston
Virginia Johnston
Joe Kuykendall
Morrie Lawrence
Issac Lisogorski
Cathy Longenecker
Mary Ann Main
Weber Manning
Doug McDonald
Joes McDonald
Susan Migdoll
Judy Muir
Nancy Neighbors
Mariene Newsom |
David Norris
Dan Oppenheimer
Kent Owen
Cindy Patton
Barbara Pike
Toma Rainey
Peggy Ranson
Ann Reid
Linda Savage
Tex Schwartz
Bob Simon
Carl Skipworth
Robert Smith
Emily Solomon
Helain Sparber
Nancy Stafford
Joe Starnes
Carolyn Staten
Michelee Stevenson
Mary Nell Stuber
Nancy Terwainis
Mike Towns
Howard VanValkenburgh
Jimmy Wages
Larry Weinman
Linda Wetzel
Peggy Wilkinson |
Class Brings Back Lots of Memeories at 2006 Reunion
40-Year Reunion photos!
The editor of The East High
Alumni Page apologizes for the oversight leading to the failure to
upload the photos recevied on October 17.

you to everyone who came to the Reunion. Without you it would not
have been a success. Everyone had a great time reuniting with
classmates, some we haven't seen for 40 years. Please stay in
touch and be sure to update any changes in your contact information so
we can keep you posted on any "mini reunions."
Note: As an anti-spam
measure, e-mail addresses on this page are graphics and are not links
which can be clicked upon nor can they be copied and pasted as text.
You'll have to mentally transfer the address to your e-mail composition
page or address book to send the member a message.
class reunion mailbox:
[last updated October 8, 2006]
SCHEDULE FOR 1966 CLASS REUNION - October 13th and 14th, 2006
7:30 - 11:00 - Germantown Country Club, 1780 Kimbrough, Germantown
(corner of Kimbrough and Farmington) go to "Mapquest" for
directions. There will be Hors d'oeuvres, cash bar and DJ Alex
10:30 meet at the front of East High School for a tour and stick around afterwards and eat lunch at the Krystal.
At 10:00 a.m. for anyone who wants to play golf there will be a
golf tournament at Quail Ridge Golf Course at 4055 Alturia in Bartlett
- contact Tom Capon for details 
7:00 TO 12:00 - Germantown Country Club, Dinner Buffet, Cash Bar and
Dance with music by Eddie Harrison and the Shortcuts. There will
be a photographer to take a group picture and you can purchase one that
evening to be mailed to you.
DRESS CODE: Friday night will be casual (no jeans or t-shirts please) and Saturday night is business casual.
For additional information, contact
Tom Hubbard (731) 668-5938 or
or Tom Capon
(901) 751-0708 or
Classmates still not located (as of September 13): If you have any
info on the following please contact Tom Hubbard or Tom Capon
Barbara Baird
Jim Bennett
Claudia Bouldin
Steve Bowman
James Burkeen
Dianne Byrd
Cathy Calliham
Julia Carter
Cheri Claiborne
Donna Council
David Dowd
Lea Hazelwood
Ramona Houseal
Jimmy Johnson
Lynda Johnston
Kathy Longnecker
Pam McBride
Doug McDonald
Carolyn McLain
Susan Migdoll
Mary Nell Stuber
David Winckler
Thank you and we look forward to seeing ya'll
Frances Ezzell Williams, Tom Hubbard, Connie Wilkins Arduini, Sandy
Kessler Woolsey, John Williams, Lynn Peaton Menendez, Tom Capon, Al
Britt - Current Committee Members
*As information is made available to The
East High Alumni Page
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