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The East High Alumni Page presents:

The East High Class of 1966
East High School, Memphis, Tennessee
Class Reunion Information-click here
   Snapshots of the June 4, 2022, multi-class special reunion luncheon posted   

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Lee Addington [posted March 14, 2003]
Deceased. An obituary is available.

Al Britt [last updated April, 2010]
I married Nancy Tobin in 1968, now 42yrs. I have 4 sons, 3 grandchildren. Two girls and one boy. Ages 6yrs. 11 months and one 5 month. Graduated from Memphis in 1970 with a BBA Degree. I now own Al Britt Air Conditioning Co. Inc. since 1977. We specialize in trane equipment for homes. I am available on facebook. E-mail, or call my cell 901-301-2056. Would love to hear from anyone.
Frank Bronson [posted April 24, 2020]
Deceased. An obituary is available.

David Cosby [posted June 22, 2019]
Deceased. An obituary is available.

Brenda Chandler [last updated March, 2007]
Hello Classmates,
Now living in Los Angeles and married to fellow classmate Bob Cooke. We have been married 40 years this year! We have two married children and eight grandchildren.I am in Residential Real Estate and have been for 27 years. Bob is Senior Vice President at Western International Securities and Creater/Owner of an internet greeting card company
We really wanted to come to the reunion but just did not make it, maybe next time! Hope all is well for everyone!
Bill Cyko [posted March 27, 2009]
Deceased. An obituary is available.
Warren T. Davis [posted July 6, 2005]
Deceased. An obituary is available.

Dan Engle [last updated January, 2006]
I am currently a Marriage and Family therapist in Tallahassee. My wife, Louise, and I have been here for 23 years now. It really feels like home. Before that we were in Arizona for five years. I tried my hand at teaching and ministry and even government work before settling on counseling. I will likely stay on this platform for a good while. I gathered a masters from U of Memphis and another from Harding and finally a PhD from Florida State. I have formed three corporations as part of my practice. FAMILY RESOURCES Inc. is my therapy corporation. Visit me there at www.Family-Resources.com. The Florida Mentor Center Inc. is a non-profit for assisting children with disabilities. Visit me there at www.floridamentorcenter.com. Finally there is an addictions recovery program called Embracing ARMS. You can link there from the other sites. I like to be involved in a number of varied activities, and these avenues sure provide that. Come see us.

Frances Ezzell [last updated February, 2001]
Hard to believe it has been 35 years!!! My life hasn't been too eventful. I married in 1969, had two wonderful children, Sarah (now 28) and Brad (now 24) and lived in Bartlett for 23 years. I divorced in 1987, remarried in 1995 (now have a 14 year old stepdaughter) and live on 3+ acres on a lake in Walls, Mississippi.
During all this time I have worked as a church secretary for 15 years, paralegal for 10 years, at MUS School for 2 years and now - I am the secretary for the Mayor of Horn Lake, Mississippi!! I have a wonderful 2 year old grandson who is the light of my life. Needless to say, I don't run into to many East High graduates in Walls but I do occasionally talk with Sandy Kessler (who is now married but I don't know her married name) and saw Drue Bauer and Emily Fargotstein a couple of years ago and that was great. Stevie Udelsohn is still calling me just about every week and keeps me updated on ALL the remaining teachers and classmates (I love caller ID!!!) Hope this finds everyone healthy and happy.
Take care.

Emily Fargotstein [posted January 26,2018]
Deceased. An obituary is available.

Barbara French [last updated July, 2004]
Well never made it to any reunions but this web site makes me wish I had.-Let's see-- I attended Queens College,Charlotte,N.C. Had a period of rebellion and a brief marriage, but managed to graduate (by God's grace) from UT,Knoxville.Went to nursing school and became an R.N. Taught at Baptist school of nursing. Remarried and had a wonderful son who is now 27. Divorced. Married Buzzie Samuels (Class of'65) in 1985. We were married for 17 years when he died suddenly with a massive heart attack in 2000. I now live in Germantown, have a little home business,play a little golf, am a passionate gardener. Most important of all is my relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ who has given me a new life and "restored the years the locust has eaten".
Would love to hear from any old friends.

Mara Fulghum [last updated March, 2001]
After graduation, I attended Memphis State for 3 years before transfering to the UT Medical Units School of Medical Technology, graduating with a BS in Medical Technology in Sept.1971. I worked in Special Hematology at the City of Memphis Hosptials(John Gaston) for 3 yrs, then for the University of Tennessee Section of Medical Oncology, under Dr. Charles L. Neely and Dr.Grant Taylor, as a cancer protocol data manager and chemotherapy nurse from from 1974 through 1990.
In 1974, I married Jerry E. Jones(Central 1968) and have two girls, age 20 and 18. After divorcing in 1991, I married Frank Sprott Jr(Central 1949) and acquired 6 stepchildren and another whole family.
In 1989 I started a china replacement company specializing in Haviland china, and Fiesta, Harlequin and other collectible Homer Laughlin dinnerware. I have continued my work as a medical technologist, working part-time for the Baptist and Methodist Hospital systems.
Besides my kids, company and profession, I am active in genealogical research of all my family lines, am active in my DAR chapter, and in various areas of historic preservation.
East High was a real experience, from kindergarten on. I attended the 10 yr reunion and 25th reunion and have corresponded with a few members of our class, but don't see class members from day to day. I am very proud of being an East High granduate and think fondly of the many memories I have, even though my kids are/will be of White Station High.

website: www.havilandchina.com

Steve Gearhart [last updated August, 2005]
Well it's been almost 40 years since the East High experience…I still have fond memories. I attended UT Knoxville for one year (this is where I learned to drink, smoke and fall in love). I graduated from Memphis State three years later, with a degree in accounting. I got married in 1969, have two beautiful daughters (Dena - 34 and Nikki - 30) and got divorced in 1988. I also have two beautiful grandchildren (via Dena) with another on the way and due in October. I remarried in 1996 to a wonderful lady and we have a home in Horn Lake, MS. I have basically been in the accounting field all of these years, with the last twelve in the casino industry. I am currently the Director of Finance for a Native American casino in north central New Mexico - for the past 5 years I have enjoyed this beautiful part of the country with its mountains, valleys, and a mixed culture of Pueblo Indians, Spanish, and of course a few Anglos. I try and get back home a few times a year to visit family and friends, but we always stay in touch by phone and e-mail. I would love to hear from any of the East High graduates and I hope this finds everyone doing well.
P.S. I have visited this website in the past but was reluctant to post anything...this was until I found the recent message from my very good friend from the past, Bob Ramsey - oh, the good ole days (gone forever?).

Nancy Gooch [posted March, 2008]
Deceased. An obituary is available.

Prior to her death, Nancy Gooch was a participant with our alumni page. The following is her last posting with us.
[posted August, 2006]
I have been married to Charles Luke for 31 years. We live on a small farm near I-65 and Hwy 64 in middle Tennessee. We adopted one of my students while I was teaching in Memphis City Schools. He is now grown and married, and I have two grandaughters. Josie is 11 and Windy is 7. My husband is a locksmith, and I just retired as a national board certified kindergarten teacher, after 36 years in the classroom.
I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2001 and have dealt with cancer in some form since then. The Lord has graciously provided me with whatever I needed during that time, and I am very blessed.

Bonnie Guthrie [last updated April, 2020]
BA, 1970, Southwestern-at-Memphis(now Rhodes College)
married (Troy) Gene Owen 12/69
1970-1983 - Houston, TX, worked in admissions U. of Houston, Houston Comm. College
twin sons Jeffrey and Jeremy born 1975, now 4 grandsons also
1983-1987 - Raleigh, NC; became a CPA
1987-present - Chesapeake, VA, worked for a small acct. firm, now retired;
728 Yorkshire Trail
Chesapeake, VA 23322

Terry Hamilton [last updated August, 2012]

Harry Hawkins [last updated November, 2006]

Barbara Herring ("Bootie") [last updated December, 2001]
A lifetime has passed in 35 years. What am I? a mother? a wife? an educator? a survivor? a gardening enthusiast? a bad tennis player?
I guess we all have separate identities at different times of our lives. Currently, my two children are almost grown, one in San Diego looking for a job (know anyone she can network with? she majored in micro-biology at Univ. of Wisc./Madison and is very bright); another a senior in high school looking at colleges. My husband works as general counsel for the Energy Department (though not a Republican...and, yes, he is adamantly against SUVs). I am a faculty/staff person(it's odd, I have a foot in both worlds) at Bentley College here in Massachusetts managing and teaching an IT course for all freshmen students, as well as manager of IT training for faculty.
I've been married since the stone ages, was granted my masters degree from Boston University (received the news that I passed my orals in the hospital the day my son was born).
Worked in public relations for a while, and did well..but all that went away when I focused on raising my children and worked part-time as a secretary in the vicinity of my home and schools. Eventually, transferred my communication skills to IT consulting, and found my current position which is great.
Diagnosed with breast cancer 2+ years ago, I am now labeled a "survivor" (I hate that...makes it sound like those who don't make it somehow failed in the battle.) My prognosis is good since it was caught early.
While I remain non-religious, I belive Sept. 11 was a message to all of us to find contentment in what we have, and not to try to find it in acquiring more and more "stuff." Sometimes bad news has a silver lining.
I'm very content. What more can you ask for?

Tom Hubbard [last updated October, 2014]
I last posted in 1998 so it seems like forever. I still live in Jackson, TN although I am building a house on the farm outside of Bells, TN. I have spent 38 yrs as a group health consultant and now as the arena has drastically changed I am slowing down. Not to be semi retired for long, I incorporated a life long passion for shooting into a Handgun Safety School for something to do in retirement. I teach handguns and have a state certified handgun range on my property. Sissy and I have 18 grandkids and are always busy. Including kids and grands we have a birthday every 3 weeks. (Son In Laws don't count) Enjoy our time together in Memphis when we come and look fwd to seeing you guys at the next reunion.

Henry A. Hudson, Jr. [last updated February, 2004]
I was the one who went all the way from Mrs. Trenor's KG to graduation without ever missing a day of school...13 years of it. My grades never reflected my attendance record. Most of my classmates never knew I was there.
After graduation, I stayed in Memphis, graduating from MSU in 1970. In 1969, I married Kay Parrish, Trezevant, Class of 1966. After graduation, I entered graduate school at MSU but the draft caught up with me, so I entered the Navy in 1971. For those of you who remember draft numbers, mine was #5. Before I completed my first tour, I had been commissioned, completed basic flight school, finished my graduate degree from Texas A & I and lived in FL, IL, RI and TX. It was time to come home in 1975. I went back to graduate school at MSU and entered public health. We built a house in the Shelby Forest area where we lived until 2002. I was Director of Clinical Services for the Health Department for a number of years and served as Medical Director for the County Correction Center until I retired in 1997. (Wonder why I never saw any of my classmates?) I stayed in the Naval Reserve and somehow managed to complete three recall tours along the way and retired as a Captain in 1999. I never thought that I would make a career of the military but it was the best time of my life.
Somewhere along the way, I became interested in history and genealogy and have had another career as a writer for journals and magazines.
Kay and I recently moved to the family farm in Sumrall, MS (near Hattiesburg) in 2002. We have just completed building our retirement home, called Turkey Pine Plantation, and will soon be moving. We have built a lake and we are raising hybrid pine trees and wild turkey.
We have no children but have always been parents to Irish, Gordon and English Setters and Golden Retrievers.

Janet Jarvis [posted March 19, 2003]
Deceased. An obituary is available.

Sandy Kessler [last updated January, 2007]
We just had our 40th reunion. It was great seeing everyone. I am gald we had it. I hav been in Memphis since 1978. I got a computer gradute degree from MSU. I sold computers for NCR for a while. Now I only deal with computers for my own enjoyment and need. I live in the same house that attended East high on Walnut Grove Road. I was taking care of my parents till there passing. I married 6 years ago to a wonderful man who helped me care for all my realtives. He is a deep tissue massage therapist (Rolfer), Balllet and Tai chi instuctor. Obviously we love to dance, mainly ballroom and latin. I worked for Complentary doctor for 12 years. we had medical, pscychological, accupuntrue, massage, Yoga, Nutrition and many other alternative therapies. I loved the work. Now I am taking it easy after all the care giving and deciding what next we want to do. Looking forward to keeeping up with the people I reconnected with at the reunion. It is a great thing The past is what is our foundation. It's teachings can mold us into great human beings.

Rick Livaudais
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Mary Main
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Pam McBride [last updated April, 2012]
I moved from Memphis to Pensacola about 10 years ago. I was married several times but currently am single and live with my daughter (now 44), and my middle granddaughter (19). I also have a son, 42, and two other grandchildren - one grandaughter is 21, and my grandson is 18.

Mike Montgomery [last updated May, 2012]
Mike attended East High from 1953 (Miss Trenor's Kindergarten) until graduation in 1966, thus making him a member of the prestigious "13 Year Club." From 1966 to 1970, Mike attended the American University in Washington, DC, graduating in May 1970 with a BA in Government. Mike moved west to California and worked four years as administrative assistant for the Legal Aid Society of Sacramento. Mike returned to Memphis in 1974, and began volunteering at WLYX-FM the student radio station at Southwestern (now Rhodes) College. In 1975, Mike returned to Sacramento and entered graduate school at California State University, Sacramento. In 1978 he received an MA in Speech Communication. From 1978 until 1980, Mike was the first Program Director of public radio station KXPR Sacramento and taught broadcasting at CSUS. In 1980 Mike began working as a stockbroker for Charles Schwab and Co. in Sacramento. In 1983 Mike returned to KXPR as a reporter. From 1999 to 2005 Mike was the Capitol Bureau Chief for Capital Public Radio based in Sacramento. His broadcasts were heard in Sacramento, Los Angeles, San Diego, and in several other California cities. Mike now works part-time for the Congress of California Seniors in Sacramento.
Mike wass married to the former Debra Lea Wilson from 1987 until their divorce in 2006. He has two children: stepson Matt, age 34, and Sarah, age 22. He lives in the city of Sacramento. Mike attended his class' 25th anniversary reunion in Memphis in 1991.

Billy Morrison
Deceased. An obituary is available.
Prior to his death, Billy Morrison was a participant with our alumni page. The following is his last posting with us.
[posted December, 1998]
I graduated from East in 1966 and left for Nashville to attend Vanderbilt. After graduation, I left the South for the Midwest to attend graduate school at The University of Illinois. There I lost my Southern accent, but gained a PhD in chemistry. In 1974 I accepted a job at DuPont in Wilmington, DE where I met and married Gay LeVan in 1975. I have two daughters, one a sophmore at Haverford College, and the other a junior in high school. I still enjoy sports when I have the time (golf, softball) and am very active in my local church. I also enjoy/hate projects around the house. Why do I start them! I am an avid computer user (Mac of course).
I stay in close contact with Sheldon Miller on my frequent (3-4 times a year) trips to Memphis where my two sisters, my mother, and a niece live. In recent years I have also seen Tom Hubbard (who emailed me about this site). I look forward to hearing from other East grads as a result of this site.

Lynn Peaton [last updated October, 2001]
I have thoroughly enjoyed reading everyone's profiles. A fun walk down memory lane. As an update to my posting, I sadly must report that my husband Bob Menendez passed away suddenly on August 18, 2001. He had a massive heart attack. I am adjusting to this new stage in life and appreciate all the expressions of sympathy from my East High friends. I work as Director of Finance and Administration for St Mary' s Catholic Church in Jackson. Would love to hear from all of you in the West Tennessee area. My mother and stepfather have also moved to Brownsville.

Billy Plyler
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Virginia Rabb [last updated May, 2011]
After graduating from East, I attended Southwestern for 2 years and graduated from Memphis State. I married Hal Ferrell (Central HS '65). His job at USX took us to B'ham in 1978 and we've been here ever since. We have 2 boys, David (age 37) and Scott (age 33). David and his wife Emily married 6-5-10; Scott and Amy married 8-18-01 and have 2 children, Brady (3 yrs.) and Addison (1 yr.). I worked at Southwestern while in Memphis and then at Tieco/Atoz Management (6 yrs) and as sales secretary at John Wright and Assoc. (20 yrs.) in B'ham. I'm now retired (Hal retired in 2005) and love to spend time with grandchildren. We are very active at Saint Mark UMC - sing in choir and play handbells. I also help teach signing and children's choir.

Robert Ramsey ("Bob") [last updated May, 2005]
When I first moved to St Louis in 1970, I was driving down the street and saw Bob McDaris hitchhiking and picked him up. I have been a lawyer in St. Louis since 1979, married to Betsy and have two children, John-25 and Elizabeth-15. I have been practicing Aikido for 13 years, do some fly-fishing, play golf and travel as much as I can.The last East alumni I ran into were Jack and charles Bradley a few years ago. I attended a few reunions and have been sad that we have not had one for a long time or have just missed them. My address is: 175 Sweetbriar Lane, Kirkwood, MO. 63122. Phone No.:314-821-8195. I am most interested in Steve Gearhart, Paul Edwards, Butch Porter. Also, I almost forgot thet I ran into Fred James in 2004. Hope this finds everyone doing well.

Peggy Ranson [updated March, 2016]
Deceased. An obituary is available.

Prior to her death, Peggy Ranson was a participant with our alumni page. The following is her last posting with us.
[Posted October, 2006]
I've been in New Orleans since 1976--10 years after graduation. I'm a creative director for an advertising agency, and also do book design and covers on a freelance basis.
Well, that is old news. I just spoke to Brenda Chandler Cooke this morning and she directed me to this site. Obviously nothing is the same now. Especially now. As we say down here in N'Awlins it's Pre K and Post K. Or we say "The Thing." I'm sorry I won't make the 40th reunion but I have way too much on my plate right now. Our city is so wounded. I wish I had known of this site as I evaced to my brother's house in Cordova (Cordoba? I don't remember) for those long 5 weeks in September. I now work for the newspaper, The Times-Picayune. and will - God willing - be here till I retire. I found home when I found New Orleans. Stayed along the mighty river the entire way. Made a name for myself in fashion illustration and when that died went on to win the "Oscar" of Sci Fi in illustration called the Hugo. Our paper won some Pulitizers this year for "The Thing" coverage but, lol, I had nothing to do with that cos I was in Memphis at the time. But I am so proud to be associated with such brave people. I was saddened to read about the deaths in our class. On a side note, about 5 years ago Joe Campaniotte (Class of 64) found me. My first crush as a 10 year old (we lived in the same neighborhood) and we reconnected as adults. It was wonderful if long distance until his death a few years later. Life is strange that way. and stranger still is my twin brother Bob's oldest girl is about to give birth to twins - a boy and a girl - on our very own birthday. Life is good.

Jim Robinson (Jimbo)
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Lamar Ross - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.

Dixie St. John [last updated July, 2009]
I just "ran across" this page and thought it might be fun to send something. It was fantastic reading about everyone. I am married, but have never had any children (just animals). In fact, I have been a vegetarian for eighteen years and try to help animal protection agencies. I quit work in 2007, and I am finally adjusting to being at home. I worked for the Founder, Chairman and CEO of a publicly traded fast-food restaurant chain until the company was sold to private investors and taken back to a "private" status. We recently moved to the country and have almost finished renovating our new home. I have not spoken with anyone from East in many years.
E-mail: not available

Robert Scott [last updated July 1998]
I graduated from Memphis State with a BBA in Production Management. I worked at Baptist Memorial Hospital from 1969 until 1979, at which time I moved to the VA Medical Center at Chief of the Information Resource Management Service. In 1986 I transfered to Birmingham, AL as the Deputy Director of VA's Southeast Information Service Center. Since 1991, I have served as the Director of VA's Innovation and Procurement Service.
I married Diane Stinson (Class of '70) in 1969, and have two daughters. They are both married, and live here in Birmingham. Our youngest daughter is expecting her first child in September. Our oldest daughter is expecting her first child in January.
Current address:
4601 Lakeridge Dr. South
Hoover, AL 35244
(205) 444-9734

Carl Skipworth [last updated May, 2005]
I may have gone to graduation, but I had to take American History that summer before I got my H.s. diploma. Then moving on to college at the University of Tennesse, at Martin for 2 or 3 years. Then on to Knoxville, Tn. to flounder around and get into things like recreational drugs. Finally to get my degree in Electrical Engineering with a major in Computer Science in June of 1974. Came back to Memphis to wander around for a job finally getting one at Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Memphis. About 2 and 1/2 years later and foolin' around with microcomputers, I got a job near Pine Bluff, Arkansas working for a contractor of the government and having a good time "playin' with the microcomputers and writin' the assembly code".
Taking up roller skating at the local rink, I met my future wife and her 3 kids. We got married and a few years later we had a daughter and a really great job opportunity in Miami from the "headhunters" came up. So off we went. Lived in Margate for little more than a year, then looked for a home and found one in Hollywood, Florida. I was working for Florida Power & Light Company. Programming their mainframe computer, and just having a good, long drive every day.
Been to the beach a few times, but wearing glasses really cuts down on swimming in the ocean. Worked for FPL for 12 years before their many downsizings and finally getting rid of me.
Again, floundering around and got a job testing software, but that only lasted 5 years. I'm slightly not a good writer of tests, but I can test the software. A little more flopping around and volunteering at my wife's work, I had a slight stroke(TIA). That took the wind out of my sails, but I've bounced back. Do a lot of walking and have been working for The Home Depot in their bookkeeping/computer room. Not that I get to program any of those computers, but I do get to fix them.
This may not be exciting or award winning stuff but it's been a fun life and if anybody wants to talk, I'm ready. I got ICQ at 16010750 and too many email addresses.

Neville Smith - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.

Steve Udelsohn - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.

Dennis Walker [posted October 3, 2019]
Deceased. An obituary is available.

Jackie Webb [posted May, 2007]
Deceased. An obituary is available.
Mr. Webb also is remembered on our Military Memorial page.

Richard White [last updated January, 2014]
After graduating from Eash High in 1966 I joined the Navy and worked on F-4 fighter jets. I married Margaret Goforth of Treadwell High School and have been married for 40 years. I have two children (son) Steve and (daughter) Stacey. My wife and I have four grand-children, all living in Memphis. I retired from the ministry after thirty-five years of preaching, I have two Master Degrees. A Masters of Ministry from Southwestern Christian University of Oklahoma and a Masters of Science in Operations Management from The University of Arkansas. Since 1999 I have taught at Crichton College and London, England. I am currently serving as a life coach for Coach A Leader.

Debbi Witherspoon [last updated May, 2008]
My husband Larry and I have been married for over 36 years and have lived in Southern CA for nearly 25 years. Larry is a professor of music at Cal State San Bernardino, and I continue being a substitute teacher and a volunteer story teller in elementary school in our charming little town of Redlands.
Our daughter Hilary is married and lives in Flagstaff, AZ with her husband and two fabulous children, Gemma and Gus. Gavin, our son, has been living with support in his own apartment in the Old Town Pasadena area. Because of his disabilities of blindness and cerebral palsy, he needs assistance in a lot of his life, but he seems very content to be 'doing his own thing'. We are so thankful that he has this opportunity. We have visits regularly with him.
After 22 years in a house built in 1903 (that's OLD by California standards) Larry and I downsized to a smaller new condo a year ago and we LOVE this simpler life. Retirement is looking more and more enticing but, as we Baby Boomers know, one must proceed with caution, given the current economy. I am still thoroughly enjoying acting frequently in the regional theatres that are all over this area. Other volunteer activities in my church and community keep me busy too.
In 2006 both of my parents died within 5 months of each other. Our extended family (brother-Rick (Eric) and sister-Stephanie and our children and grandchildren) gathered on a beautiful stretch of the Oregon coast to scatter the ashes since my parents had lived their last few years in the Northwest. Despite the distances between us, it's been a comfort to stay close to family.
I am grateful to have seen Betty Anderson several times over the last few years and am especially glad that I got a visit with Nancy Gooch Luke a year before her recent death when I was on a trip to Middle Tenn. Bonnie Guthrie Owen has also phoned me in the past year. The other classmate I've stayed in touch with is Carolyn Staten Malone. Having never made it to even one reunion, I hope there will be one more before I'm too feeble or too poor to fly.

People who attended East with the class of 1966 but were not graduated from East.

Tim Eaton
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Raymond Keel [last updated February, 2011]
Live in Montgomery, Al.as of 2011. Attended East High School K-8 played trumpet in band, transferred to Treadwell High School 9th & 10th, moved to Selmer TN for employment for father @ Weastern State Mental Hospital as Head Plumber, graduated from Selmer High in 1966, entered Army Oct 1966 as musician, toured Germany & Viet Nam honorable discharged Aug 1969. Returned to Memphis, married Martha Ann Braswell, graduated 1979 State Tech.@ Memphis Associate Degree in Construction & Engineering. Employed Army Depot Engineering Dept., Millington Naval Air Station Public Works Dept., transferred to Maxwell Air Force Base Civil Engineer Dept Montgomery, Al. to keep job. Retired Military 1995, & V.A. Hospital, Burmngham, AL Engineerng Dept. 2001. Martha & I have 3 children & 5 grandchildren. We stay active in family & grandkids, genealogy, play trumpet in 3 bands active in church, active in part time business Plumbing Heating AC, member of Veteran Foreign Wars & Sons of Confederate Veterans. Hoping to connect w/some ole classmates.
Raymond Keel,

Margaret Keough Deceased. An obituary is available.
Prior to her death, Margaret Keough was a participant with our alumni page. The following is her last posting with us.
[April, 2008]
I moved from Memphis after the 9th grade and graduated from Murrah High School in Jackson, MS. I graduated with a B.A. degree in Art from the University of Mississippi, and have an M.A.E. in Art Education from Mississippi College. I have taught at the Mississippi School for the Deaf since 1970, except for the time I stayed home with my children. I am now painting and showing my work when time allows. I am married to T. Harris Collier III. We have two married children, Tommy, 32, and Amy, 29. We are enjoying our granson, Wyatt, 2, and our daughter's stepson, Logan, 5. I attended the 20th, 25th, and 40th reunions of East High and loved catching up with childhood friends.

Rosser Murray [last updated May, 2009]
I left East after the ninth grade and transferred to Central. Had to as my father was the football coach at Central.
Went to Vanderbilt for a year and came back to Memphis State.
Married in '60" to Joy Barlow , Central "69" gra.
Been married now for almost 40 years ..
Retired now.

Fred Niell [last updated July, 2004]
Currently headmaster of a private high school in Waco, TX, finishing my doctorate at Baylor University. Son Fred3 living in Ann Arbor, MI, working as a physicist with his wife, MD/PhD candidate. I ride my bike a lot, finished the "Hotter'n'Hell 100" ride last August in Wichita Falls. Wife Jill is mortgage officer with local bank. I remember Dan, Jerry, Hal, Drue, others, all fondly.

Sharon Park - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.

Ed Skinner (Ted) [last updated February, 2003]
After attending East for twelve years (Kindergarden through 11th grade), I "defected" to Tech High for my final year (for the Electronics program). After graduation in 1966 (East's class of '66 has lots of folks I fondly remember), I spent a year at Christian Brothers College (now a University), a year floundering, and then two-plus years at STIM (State Technical Institute at Memphis) where I continued learning electronics, discovered computers and took all the software classes they had (that's the "-plus" part). After that, I've been working and having a family.
I married a Central High graduate, Anita Dean, in 1970. Our first child, Ted, was born in Memphis. We moved to Phoenix Arizona in 1972 and, except for one winter in Rome, New York, we've made our lives in the Valley of the Sun (Phoenix). Our second child, Mary, was born there. Both of our kids are now grown and married. We have one grandchild, Makella, age 8 [early 2003], who plays very aggressive chess and soccer, and another grandchild due to arrive in the summer of 2003. Both of our kids, their families and in-laws all live in Phoenix.
Career-wise, I worked for American Express writing software in Memphis. They moved us to Phoenix. After ten years with them, I worked at a couple of small companies before settling down at Motorola for thirteen years. I've always worked at a very low level in the software, often in networking and inside the operating system, especially for real-time systems. Along the way, I changed from writing software to teaching how to write it, but still in private industry.
I now work for a silicon valley start-up in Sunnyvale (San Jose) California, MontaVista Software that markets an embedded Linux development product. I've worked "from home" in Phoenix (for this and other silicon valley companies) for the past seven years. I write courses for software enginners, I run the education department (remotely), and I fly back and forth, and here, there and yon to teach class, work with a new instructor while he/she learns the technical materials or whatever. I enjoy the travel (but not the travelling) and have been all over the US as well as several dozen international locations.
Back at East, I learned to play the flute starting in the fifth grade when Joe Taylor directed the band. I can remember blowing and blowing across the headpiece for two months before I finally got it to sound. Flute stayed with me through high school when I added the piccolo and the solo part in "Stars and Stripes Forever", my favorite time to shine!
In Phoenix, music has moved to the backseat but remained an important part of our life. Anita sings (and had the lead in Music Man at Central). I sing and, for a couple of years, we had a four-part vocal jazz group (plus band) called "After Eight" that performed professionally (in Phoenix). Today, I play a wind synthesizer: it fingers like a saxophone (which is very close to the flute fingering I already knew) but, through the synthesizer, it sounds like whatever instrument I happen to want at that moment. I've also "filled-in" as church choir director for extended periods and we sometimes jam with our musically-inclined jazz friends. Anita and I are both great fans of straight-ahead, bossas and ballads.

Web: http://www.flat5.net/

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