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The East High Alumni Page presents:

The East High Class of 1967
East High School, Memphis, Tennessee
Class Reunion Information-click here
Class Classics - class specific memories and pictures
Classics updated 9/7/08

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Suzi Allen [last updated June, 2010]
I am still lead female vocalist with the Paul Rainey Band (30 years to date). I also teach Gifted Education at Hernando Middle School in Hernando, Mississippi. I plan to retire in 2015. I have been a teacher since I graduated from MEMPHIS STATE (University of Memphis, indeed!) in 1975 with a BFA in Art Education. I have accumulated graduate hours in English and Literature at both Ole Miss and Delta State University. I have one daughter, Lisa, who is also a teacher, three gorgeous granddaughters, a great-grandson and great-granddaughter.
I still enjoy most kinds of music, raising animals, gardening, sewing, and currently renovating our old farmhouse built the same year that I was born.
Recently cured (via surgery) permanently of ulcerative colitis after struggling for 8 years.
I taught Art one year at East in 1988-89. I was in Mr. Tatum's old classroom in the basement(he was also my supervising teacher at Sheffield High when I did my teaching internship). I often expected to see Miss Keith sitting at her desk when I would walk into her classroom. (Did she ever get out of her seat?)
I am looking forward to our next reunion, since I was too ill to ttend the last one.

Tom Appleton [last updated June, 2002]
Professor of history and associate director of the Center for Kentucky History and Politics at Eastern Kentucky University. Author of 4 books on southern history.

Janie Ayres [last updated November, 2002] [E-mail address updated August, 2012]
I have been in Knoxville since graduating from UTK. I have 2 children, Dillon and Dallas. Dillon is a Freshman at UTK and Dallas is in 7th grade..........so I am still raising children!
Elaine Kidd Powell and I stay in contact and catch up on Memphis news. My mom is still in Memphis in her own apartment and is 93 years old!! She is remarkable.
What has happened to our reunions??

Larry Barnett [last updated June, 2013] [E-mail address updated July, 2024]
I attended U.T. Martin for one year with (late) roomate Royce Cole, transferred to Memphis State, where I earned a B.A. in 1970 and a J.D. in 1973. I married the former Kay Williams (Hillcrest, '67) in 1971 and remain happily married. After one year of private practice in Memphis, I moved to St. Louis as a civilian attorney with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. I transferred to Corps Headquarters in D.C. and earned a Master of Laws, Environmental Law in 1978 from George Washington Univ., then returned to St. Louis. We enjoyed St. Louis but after being stranded at the airport hotel for 3 days in the midst of 30 inches of snow, we decided to accept a pending offer in Vicksburg, MS, with the Corps, never to return north again. (But see below.) From 1982 until May, 2000, we lived happily in Vicksburg, an advantage of which is being able to participate in community activities. My wife taught Explorers Bible Study for many years. In 2000 we transferred to Bettendorf, Iowa, where I served as the District Counsel of the Corps' Rock Island District. We truly loved living in Iowa and exploring the upper midwest, notwithstanding the bitter winters. Nevertheless, the Corps transferred me back to Vicksburg on 04, as the Regional Counsel of the Mississippi River Division. Since Hurricanes Katrina and Rita devestated south Louisiana, my primary mission was directing the regional legal services for hurricane response and completion/upgrading of the hurricane protection system. Natural disasters of a smaller scale also rocked the Division, which extends from the Canadian Border to the Gulf. My career was exciting. I retired after 36 years of service. We have one daughter and a son-in-law. My interests over the years have included church, music, dogs, bridge, skiing, aerobics and tennis. Highlights: I sang for some years with the St. Louis Cosmopolitan Chorus and I have performed Little Theatre (mostly musicals). We have been very active in our churches (now Baptist). I breed Longhaired Dachshunds (standard) which I show in the conformation ring, as well as compete in field trials and earth dog. I enjoyed the 07 reunion and encourage all to attend such festivities. I also salute Ken Welch for his years of devotion to creating and maintaining this web page.

Paul Basinger
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

David Bratton
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

William Bond [last updated November, 2004]
The day after graduation, I boarded a train for Colorado, and while I came back to go to college and graduate from Memphis State, I've never really looked back. Came out west here cause I loved the mountians, big vistas, and the climate. While out here I've worked as a teacher, a park ranger, wildland fire fighter, saddlemaker, and finally settled on being a videographer. Was married for 16 years, but managed to get divorced only to committ to another lovely woman. No kiddos. Been producing video and other media for Jeffco Public Schools for almost twenty years now. About to retire. Might do some still work. I love to fish, camp, paddle my kayak, vegetable and water garden. My mom still lives in Memphis, so I do return now and then.

Dale Bone
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Bill Boyce [last updated May, 2007]
Hello fellow Mustangs. As we approach our 40 year reunion, I'm looking forward to catching up with my old classmates.After graduating from Memphis State with a major in Film Production, I have spent my working life in broadcast television and corporate tv (FedEX) behind a camera. This has been a great way to spend a career, traveling the world and shooting pictures. I own my interest in photography to my 4 year involvement with the "Mustang" annual staff. I retired in October 2003 and now do freelance video production.
I married the love of my life, Rikki, just a year prior to our 20th reunion. We are still enjoying every day, whether at home or traveling abroad. We just returned from 16 days in Turkey and Rikki has been writing travel reviews in addition to her freelance advertising work.

Dalen Bressack
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Judy Briggs [last updated May, 2004]
After graduation, I went to UT Knoxville for 3 years and then graduated from Memphis State. I worked at First Tennessee for a few years and completed my MBA in Finance at night. I've worked for FedEx for the past 23 years and now manage the Global Travel Department. I married John Watters from Atlanta and I have 2 step sons, Blake and Colin. Except for my college years, I've always lived in Memphis. My family just sold our old home on Humes last year. I still stay in pretty close contact with Yvonne Richerson Hamilton and her family and occasionally talke with Lynn Lippit Fevold. My sister, Jean, and brother, Bill, both live in Memphis as well. Feel free to contact me ... it's fun to talk to old friends. Let's plan a reunion!!

Steve Castlemun [updated July, 2011]
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Prior to his death, Steve Castlemun was a participant with our alumni page. The following was his last posting with us.
[posted February, 2002]
I may be the only member of the 14 year club, having attended East from kindergarten through the twelth grades. But I liked the eighth grade so much, I tried it twice.
Over the years I've attempted marriage twice before realizing I'm not the marrying type. Two offspring were produced with my first wife, one of each flavor. My daughter gave me a grandson in December, 1993.
Since 1970, I've made my living drafting. The early years were spent in interior design work at Holiday Inns, Inc., then I moved on to architectural firms. In 1986 I started my own drafting service which I continue with today. For the most part I produce contract documents for architects whose clients hold franchises with major hotel chains.
I've not ventured far from the nest. My parents still live in the same house just two blocks north of the old alma mater. I live about four miles east of the folks -- with my feline pride, currently numbering eight.
At present, if anyone is in the least interested, I can be reached via e-mail [...] Then there is always the old way -- I'm in the phone book.

Jack Childers Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Royce Cole
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Andy Copeland [last updated April, 2001] [E-mail address updated May, 2010]
After graduation from East High, I attended Memphis State and was on the track team. Then came the draft and like many, I joined the Marine reserves and was sent to San Diego, California. Basically, I ended up staying in California and got involved in cable television. I returned to Memphis in 1993, finally got my degree from the University of Memphis, got married (again) and got a job with Time Warner Communications. I am now seeking a new Bachelor's because I need it for my current position in Road Runner High Speed Online sales. I am in the commercial sales division. My wife and I adopted a little girl from Vietnam just a few months ago and her name is Jennifer. She is 16 months old and is Daddy's girl. Looks like I am here to stay this time.
Let's have a reunion and raise Hell!

Linda Corbett [last updated March, 2011]
After graduation from East High I married my high school sweetheart(Marvin Bowling, Messick 1967). Went to college for 2 years and decided to get a job in bookkeeping. Loved it and worked in that field for 9 years. Been married now for 43 years, yeah that's correct to the same person. Wow, it's hard to believe, isn't it?? I definitely married up, if you know what i mean. We have two children and two grandchildren. My life with Marvin has far exceeded my dreams. We live in Oakland, I still sell real estate ads for the Bartlett Express on a part time basis.I have been keeping in touch with my BFF JoAnn Conklin Plass and we have been lunching with some of the class. It was such a thrill to read about all of you and I am so proud to have been an East High graduate. I will be retiring in April and intend on spending as much time as I can doing all the things I haven't been able to do. I also have been battling cancer but as of December 2010 I was clean. Thanks for the memories we all shared and can't wait to see all of you at the next reunion!!!

Ron Davis [last updated March, 2020]
After completing one semester at Ole Miss in 1968 I left for New Orleans to become a folksinger. I briefly attended LSU and in 1970 moved back to Memphis to work for American Express eventually as a Systems Analyst. We relocated with American Express in 1972 to Phoenix, Arizona where we stayed for 16 years. I joined Digital Equipment Corporation to manage their Southwestern software consulting practice in 1978. In 1988, I joined Microsoft in Redmond, WA as Director of Fortune 500 Marketing. I left Microsoft in 1993 to form the Intellect Marketing Group, Inc. ("The Intellect" was a Bourbon Street coffee house the 60's.) Intellect Marketing www.intellectmarketing.com provides marketing consulting and venture capital investment assistance to startup companies. In the last few years, I co-founded the American Homestay Network (www.homestaynetwork.com), now the largest standards-based, paid host homestay organization in American for visiting college students. I co-founded “one more” new company in 2014 – www.vrstudios.com and handed it off in late 2019 to get back to consulting projects. Jan and I live in a rural area near Redmond, Washington. We celebrated our 50th anniversary in January 2020. We have three children – Jeremy, VP Information Technology at ET Investments, Benjamin lives in Hollywood – barber, surf bum. Allison lives nearby and is also a barber and beautiful mother. We have four incredible grandchildren – Simon (19), Violet (12), Mirabel (7) and Juniper (2). After being listed in "Extreme Sailors in the World - 1994" - completing a 5000 mile non-stop sailing voyage from Tahiti to Southern Chile we toned down our sailing adventures. Jan are still sailing every couple of years, mostly in the calm Caribbean. I am playing music again at every opportunity (recording, music nights, playing a little every day)

Adriana de Moya [last updated April, 2012]
Forty five years! Where did the time go? I blinked and they were gone... and, although my life has resembled a soap opera at times, I'm happy to report that all's well that ends well. I am a happy lady!
Following graduation, I majored in Art at Memphis State. But soon, the more practical side of me decided that I needed to do something a little more lucrative to pay my bills. So, I went to Histology School, and have been steadily employed as a Histotechnologist for over 40 years. I am far from rich, but I'm lucky to have a job that I love. So far, I've had no regrets on my career switch!
I still enjoy creating, but only do it sporadically these days.
I am peacefully enjoying the single life. I have a loving and supportive family and many wonderful friends who keep me from being lonely.
My three adult "kids" and three gorgeous grandkids are the love of my life. My eldest granddaughter, Caitie (18), will be starting college in the fall, and my little grandboys, Noah (4) and Riley(3) keep me hopping while their parents are at work. With all that, I don't have time to get bored (or even much free time these days... not that I mind)!
I had a blast working on the Class of '67's 40th Reunion, in 2007. I got to meet a lot of great "new" people and reconnect with "old" friends. What great classmates I have!!I hope to be able to participate in the 50th Reunion, as well, but only time will tell what's in the future... In the meantime, we'll see what new adventures life will bring!

Agnes Dixon [last updated: July, 2001]
After graduation, I attended the Univ. of Southern Miss. for a couple of years, and ended up at Memphis State. Married James Gordon from Sardis, Miss, whom I met at USM. We lived in KY for 2 years, but have been back in Memphis for 25 years. We have 3 children: Oldest son Chris (28) is married, son Mathew (25), and daughter Caroline 20. Over the years, I have been active in the Junior League, St. Augustine's Guild for Youth Service (now Bridges), Colonial Dames of America, my church, and others.
I have also worked various places, but now work at SteinMart (Eastgate) and I love it. One of the best perks is that since I have been working there, I have seen more East High people that I haven't seen since graduation. Come see me at the customer service desk. I love seeing everyone.
Nancy Draper [last updated November, 2013]
Nancy DraperI still live in Destin, and have owned Magnolia House now for 22 years. It has been a very busy life since I last posted on here; ten grandchildren... I've written 100 songs for the piano, released nine CD's, written five inspirational books, published five novels.... Still have the non-profit charity that began many years ago... have spent time in the mornings feeding the homeless in Destin, and giving to many who have cancer, have been abused, or are suffering with life's struggles. I've had fun growing in many different directions... and at 64 feel healthy and strong. I hope I can say that in ten years!! I have seen some of you throughout the years and am thankful for that. I know you have lived a full life like I have... and have had your ups and downs. I hope we never stop growing and learning... I think I enjoy now most of all the writing.. and being with my grandchildren. The laugher heals many wounds and restores my hope in mankind.
It is our children's children that may change the world. And we need it. It's not looking too great at the moment.
Thinking of you all. Love you. Nancy
Reid Dubard - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.

John Eggleston [last updated: May, 1998]
Reported deceased as of June 26, 2008. *

Have lived in Memphis since 1967. Graduated MSU in May 1975. Currently in the wholsale Auto Parts Business. Married to Kathryn (Tyus) (Messick 1968) Three children....Jennifer, 28 , Tyler 12, and Kristen 7.

John Flaniken [last updated January, 2003]
I'm living in Cumberland Foreside, Maine with my wife Cheryl and dog Roxanne. This is a nice, quiet, peaceful little town in a state that doesn't have any big cities. When I'm not shoveling snow from my driveway, I'm working for the Social Security Administration as an attorney.
Sam (David) Fullerton [last updated: February, 2004]
My last update was 1997 and there have been some changes. So here we go, but first I’ll start with those things that have remained the same. After leaving EHS (notice I didn’t say graduation), I mucked around a bit. I tried a couple of schools that would let me in, went to computer programming classes, and worked as an apprentice bookbinder. In general, life was pretty carefree UNTIL March 5, 1969. “Greetings, you are hereby ordered to report for induction into the armed forces of the United States……….” Life became less carefree as I was drafted and learned the life skill of firing big cannons. In July of 1969 I received orders for Vietnam, went through the training, had the shots, and went home to Memphis for 25 days. THEN, the US started a pullback, so my orders were changed to Germany. Because of high test scores (surprise!), they moved me out of artillery and into missiles in Germany (I was the guy who pushed the launch button ….. scared yet?). So life again became relatively carefree. Upon discharge, I thought about work until I realized that the government would pay me to go to college, so off to Memphis State I went. I graduated in 1974 with honors with a BBA in marketing…. But I still had GI Bill entitlement left. So I went to graduate school at MSU where I received an MS degree in marketing. Along the way, I met Cindy McIntyre (Bartlett 1969) and we got married. Where everyone else had kids, we had cats. I worked for a short period of time as a product manager for Frito-Lay and then along came the college teaching opportunity (I’ll bet you’re scared now). I taught one year at Pittsburg (KS) State University and two years at Northern Illinois University. Then I enrolled in the PhD program at Michigan State University. I graduated with a major in marketing and minors in economics, international business, and statistics. I then went to work at Eastern Michigan University. I am currently a professor of marketing and interim department head at EMU. Over these 22 years at EMU, I’ve been fortunate to visit countries all over the world; I’ve lived in New Zealand for a year (over two visits) where I learned to drive on the left side of the road. I’ve taught at the University of Michigan. I’m vice president of Sports Research Institute (www.webgolfer.com/sportsresearch) and executive director of the Academy of Business Administration (www.lemoyne.edu/ABA). I also ended up divorced after 24 years of marriage though Cindy and I remain good friends. The picture I’ve included was taken last year at Mt. Aranel- a volcano in Costa Rica. The picture was taken during one of our ABA conferences; nobody said work has to be boring. So that’s it. I’d love to hear from anyone; I can be reached at . And wouldn’t a reunion be a great thing??? By the way, I still like to laugh; I still drive fast; and I still have lots of hair!
Casey George
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
Pettus Gibbons ("Pete")
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
Louie Grashot [last updated October, 2010] [E-mail address updated May, 2011]
Life has certainly had it's ups and downs. After graduation, I attended the University of Southern Mississippi for one year and returned to Memphis to finish at Memphis Sate. My love for clothes never died and I spent some 26 years in men's clothing with Julius Lewis, Oak Hall, and James Davis. Following these years, I entered sales in the promotinal products and printing business and coninued until recently. I have four wonderful children and two grands that I am most proud of. Last year I re-connected with Diane Reed Frankowski (classs of '68) and we are now living in Holday, Florida as happy and content as two people could possibly be. Diane is a God-send and living in Florida with her is a dream come true. While I do have many good memories of Memphis and good friends, I am glad to finally be away from the many problems that now exist in my hometown, and frankly, don't miss it one bit. As an added advanage, my closest friend since first grade at East, Ronnie Hall, is just across the bay from us in Tampa. Diane and I will marry in the near future and continue to live this fullfilling life that we both now have. My best to all you former mustangs! "Mustang chant; everybody yell.......mustang chant.............yell, yell, yell (yell like hell)"

Drew Haid
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Ronnie Hall [last updated May, 2005]
Greetings fellow Mustang alumni! Now living in sunny Florida with my current, most recent and final wife Jody, a CPA with PriceWaterhouse. Have 3 children Mike (33), Mallory (15) & Travis (14). Since graduation have lived many lives, traveled extensively and finally settled on a career in finacial services where I have held senior management positions and consulting roles for several of the world's largest investment firms. I know it's boring but how else can someone who sleep through so many classes at old EHS make a living? Took up long-distance running about 6 years ago and ran the Boston Marathon last year. Plan on runnig two more marathons this year, raising money for St. Jude Hospital. Wishing everyone good health and happiness. Would love to hear from you, so drop me an email. Ron

Ronnie Handwerker [updated July, 2023] Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
Prior to his death, Ronnie Handwerker was a participant with our alumni page. The following was his last posting with us.

[posted July, 2000]
After completeting Four (4) years in the Navy I came home and went to work for Uncle Sam. Retired in 1997.Married a wouderful lady 32 years ago (still on honey moon) have (2)children, one each. Six (6) grandchildren. I am a voice engineer for Harrah's intertainment Corp. office on Cherry Rd.

Diana Harris
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Marilynn Harrison
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Glynda Hix [updated March, 2020]
Deceased. An obituary is available.

Prior to her death, Glynda Hix was a participant with our alumni page. The following is her last posting with us.
[posted January, 2005]
I love East High! Graduated from Memphis State in '72; married Ron Klinger (Catholic High '65) in 1970. I worked at Baptist Hospital in social work til we began our family. Have 4 kids: Sarah, age 28, special ed /gifted ed teacher, married & lives in Olive Branch, MS, has daughter Isabella, 2 yrs and son due in May 05; Richard, age 25, lives in Auburn, AL, civil engineer; Rachel, age 22, lives with us; Andrew, age 16, extraordinary high school student at present. Husband Ron took job with cotton firm and was sent to New York cotton exchange, so we lived in NJ from 78 to 96. Loved it, snow and all those Yankees. I raised the young 'uns, did volunteer work, etc. Rachel is autistic, went to school at Eden in Princeton, NJ, so I got involved in spec ed causes. Also opened & ran a real estate advertising agency in NJ for 10 yrs. When hubby got offer to return to home office in Montgomery, AL in 96, there was 6 ft of snow so we took the offer. You need to be young to shovel snow. We built home in suburb called Prattville. Quite the culture shock. In AL, I began a new career as a newspaper reporter and now am Development Director for local ARC (Assn for Retarded Citizens) where our daughter attends. Life has certainly turned out not-boring for me. I think I learned everything I needed at EHS and the rest of life has been spent refining those things. Owe a lot to Ms. Margaret Said, don't we all? My mother still lives on Reese St & we visit often. I stay in touch with EHS '67 friends, Margie Rodgers (we married brothers), Carol Wade Redden, Gayle Kemp Pike, and Lucy Davidson.

Bonnie Jackson [last updated September, 1999]
It was by accident that I discovered this website which was a nice surprise. After graduating from East High, I attended David Lipscomb College in Nashville for two years. In the summer of '69 I began working at Memphis State. I then met my husband, B. C. Crawford, who was an English teacher at Harding Academy, and we married in December of 1970. We have lived in Lenoir, NC since 1984. Lenoir is in the western part of the state in the foothills of the Blue Ridge mountains - a beautiful area! I'm working as a secretary for the Presbyterian Layman, an independent news organization which covers events of the national Presbyterian Church (PCUSA). B. C. is teaching in the public schools here. We have no children except for a 16-year-old cat named Mary who is still in good health. I get back to Memphis two or three times a year to see family and friends.It's so interesting to read about former classmates, and I hope more will write about what they have been doing. It's hard to believe it has been 32 years!! I would love to hear from any of you again.

Rita Jaffe
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Glenn Kiersky
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Jeff Kloville
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Bobby Lawson
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Kip Lichterman
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Jack Logan [last updated December, 1997]
Jack attended Auburn University two years then transfered to the University of Tennennessee in Knoxville. He earned a degree in architechure. Presently Jack lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He's married and has one child. Messages to Jack will be relayed by his brother, Chris Logan (71), at .

Randy McDonald
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Eric Pike
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Patti Preston
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Bob Ranson [last updated April, 2009]
Update...April 2, 2009. Now have four grandchildren. Vicki (my wife)is still putting up with me and we are hanging on by our fingernails with this sour economy. So far all of our family is well. One minister in Chicago. One social worker in Memphis (one Grandchild) One missionary in Nicaragua. One Restaurant manager at Hugheys (one grandchild) and one in St.Louis. (Two grandchildren..twins) St. Louis is soon to move to Memphis and her husband will work for the West Clinic. God had blessed us with each and every one. I am still with Signature Kitchens and my wife is a dedicated nurse. I am sorry, I am not on facebook for those that have requested me to be their friend. My E mail address is [below]

Lee Richardson [last updated February, 2014]
I am living close to midtown in memphis, not too far away from the old school. I still do landscaping work. I would very much like to find a copy of the dvd or slideshow that I had from the last reunion so I can copy it. Someone broke the copy I had. Please send a message to my email or call 901 314 3696 Thanks and I hope to hear from you all.

Yvonne Richerson
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Richard Rosebrough [posted October 19, 2015]
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Ray Sanders
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Bob Scates
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Susan Schwaiger [last updated October, 2016]

Brenda Skeen
Reported deceased *

If anyone has a copy of the obituary and would like to supply a copy, we would like to post it on The East High Alumni Page.

Steven Solomon [last updated May, 2012]
Realtor w/Sowell & Company Realtors since 1990. Also, Travel Agent w/CruiseOne-William Criss & Associates Travel since 2010. Have always been in Memphis,Tn.


Bobby Stewart [last update August, 2016] [E-mail address updated December, 2024]
I have truly been blessed with a great life. Being an East graduate is one of those many blessings.
at the present time I am with Graphic Systems , Inc.
married to my wife Martha for 32 years. We have 2 adult children, both were adopted
Martha works in the business office for St. Agnes Academy/St. Dominic School.
I am able to volunteer for St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital, LeBonheur Children's Hospital, as well as Region 1 Health. Currently serving on the advisory board for my college fraternity. I have stayed in touch with classmates Rusty Kroell, Bill Edall, Dick Wallace, Bob Ranson, and Phil Towne.
Looking forward to our 50th reunion next year

Kay Strong [last updated May, 2007]
After graduation I attended Roanoke College, meeting and later marrying my husband of 34 years, John Black! I transferred to U.T. Knoxville in 1970 and graduated with a degree in Graphic Design. Those were the days when you worked with rubber cement, India ink, rapidiograph pens, T-squares, and triangles, to produce a printed page (who could have envisioned something like Photoshop back then). After working for Holiday Inns in the advertising department I did freelance design for a variety of companies, allowing me time to be a full time mom for our son, Andy (now 29 and a teacher at Westminster School in Memphis).
In 1990 I decided to go for my fifteen minutes of fame and started my own business- marketing a line of jewelry and ladies accessories through the wholesale gift markets. It has been an interesting ride, trying to catch the latest trends while accumulating a customer base of Cracker Barrel, Federated Department Stores, and Walt Disney World. In 2003 we decided to scale down to a few items (linen towels, tee shirts, baby onesies with funny sayings--) that we outsource—allowing us less employee headaches . I took a couple of years off getting my mother moved from her home of 61 years on Century Street (Hurricane Elvis toppled one of her beautiful great oaks onto her house and car). into Town Village, a wonderful retirement community where she lived until her death in 2005.
I have been working as an interior designer at Norwalk Furniture since July 2005. It has been great fun and allowed me to reconnect with some of my East High school alumni.
Stop by and say hello if you are out that way—6515 Poplar between Massey and Kirby.

Rickey Taylor [last updated November, 2016]
I doubt many of you remember me since I transferred to East in the Tenth Grade and graduated in 1967. Here’s an attempt at a thumbnail of the past 50 years or so.
Just before Graduation I got a 1-A draft card. I put on my best suit and manners and pled it down to a Student Deferment. Later I won the first Draft Lottery with # 347. I now feel some guilt for not fighting in my generation’s war, but not at the time.
I went to Southwestern for 2 years, then Memphis State for 2.5 years, changing majors at least a couple of times before graduating and marrying Susan Turner (Central, ’67).
Got an NSF Psychobiology Fellowship to Florida State University in ’72 where after a few years in science, I discovered that I would have made a much better Historian.
We traveled around the country in our VW camper for a time, ending up in Memphis, where I went to work for FedEx. After 26 short years and a variety of assignments, I took a buy-out in 2003.
Afterwards, I worked at various retirement jobs and have been retired for the last six years and love it.
We have two children, Nate (31) and Anne-Elise (28), both married.
In December I’m planning on welcoming my first grandchild into the world.
Rick (Rickey) Taylor

Karen Trusler
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Gary Wachter [last updated January, 1999]
I live in a suburb of Denver, Colorado. My wife is Lynne and I have 2 wonderful children: Edward 10 and his sister Jenny 4.

Richard Allen Wallace [last updated March, 2013]
Graduated from Washington University and Cranbrook Academy of Art. Worked for IRS for 31 years and retired six years ago. Still see Rusty and Patty.

Clark Webb [updated July, 2015]
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Prior to his death, Clark Webb was a participant with our alumni page. The following was his last posting with us.
[posted August, 2006]
Greetings fellow Mustangs!!! Lots of fun reading everyone's bios. . . After East High, I attended Southwestern (now called Rhodes College) off and on for a number of years. My freshman year I volunteered to work with the Sanitation Strike, marching with the workers in Downtown Memphis on several occassions. Of course that led to the events surrounding the King Assassination. And ever since that time I have been involoved in working on peace and justice issues. After working as an aide at Tennessee Psychiatric Hospital in 1974 I moved to Washington DC, where I worked in low-income neighborhoods, organizing food cooperatives. Also I pursued my interest in yoga and meditation, volunteering to teach classes at St. Elizabeth's Hospital. In 1976 I moved with my wife to Johnson City TN for her job transfer, and graduated from East Tennessee State (Go Buccaneers!) in 1978, managing the local food coop, and teaching meditation classes in my spare time at ETSU. Shortly thereafter we moved to Blacksburg VA, home of Virginia Tech, (Go Hokies!)and have lived here ever since. From 1979-81 I was the director of a non-profit housing organization, Project Home Repair. Started by the YMCA at Virgina Tech, we repaired the homes of elderly and low-income families in Appalachia, using charitable donations, some federal funds, and volunteer labor. Since 1982 I have been in the Health Food business in one capacity or another, owning two stores, and working as a manufacturer's sales representative, traveling in three states, selling to other health food businesses. Beginning in 1987 I have visited most of the countries in Central America (Nicaragua is my favorite!)under the auspices of Witness for Peace, an interfaith, human rights advocacy group that reports to the American public the effects of our government's foreign policy in Latin America. This year I visited Venezuela and next year (2007) I will be traveling back to Venezuela and it's next door neighbor, Colombia. We have a daughter, Elizabeth, who lives and works in Manhattan on the Lower East Side. Over the years I have enjoyed keeping up with Gay Daly and Denton Marks, visiting them when my travels took me to their homes. Attended Mrs. Marks 90th Birthday party in Memphis, July '06. Wasn't she about the greatest teacher anyone ever had? Looking forward to being at the reunion, May '07!

Jeff Weinman
Deceased. An obituary is available.

Prior to his death, Jeff Weinman was a participant with our alumni page. The following is his last posting with us.
[posted April, 2000]
Wouldn't miss the chance to be a part of this incredible link to my past. After K thru 12 at East, I obtained a B.B.A. in '71 from Memphis State. For the past 28 years, I have pursued a career with the federal government including agencies, i.e., Federal Housing Administration, Corps of Engineers, and currently the Federal Highway Administration. I reside in Carson City, NV (approximately 25 miles south of Reno and 20 miles east of Lake Tahoe) with my very spoiled English Springer, Cosmo. My wife Lynne Ann passed away September 24, 1998, after a long battle with cancer.
Kudos to the East High Alumni Page! It certainly brings back happy times and memories.

Jeff Weintraub [last updated March, 2006] [E-mail address updated January, 2016]
I've been married 27 years to Melody, with 3 great kids: Betsy (25—in 2d year at UM Law School), Cole (23—just graduated from UM), and Joe (21—UM junior, currently exchange student in Germany). I'm a management-side employment lawyer (www.weintraubstock.com). My youngest sister Nina passed away in '99 (cancer), leaving her husband Mark Heffington and 2 boys. My sister Jody is a teacher in Memphis and is married to John Sosh. I still love to play basketball (but only in "very very very old man" leagues). Two years ago, Steve Hutchinson, Mike Bayer, and I reunited the Bounders, our high school band. We've been practicing ever since, with 2 new members. Maybe...one day...we will play a gig........

David Widdicombe [posted December, 2005]
Reported deceased. *

We would like to post an obituary if one was published. If you have any information on an obituary notice, please let us know at editor@EastHigh.org..

Cheryl Williams [posted April 10, 2021]
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Mary Wolbrecht ('67)
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Jack Wright [last updated February, 2003]
Upon graduation from East, I attended (then) Christian Brother College, majoring in English Literature, until I married and moved to Knoxville, TN, in 1970. From '70 to '74 I made my living as a leatherworker/hippie, selling my wares at craft shows all over the Southeastern US. In '74 I moved to Tupelo, MS, and took a "temporary" job at a major Civil Engineering firm. This job lasted almost 10 years until Marriage One dissolved and I moved to Orlando, FL, with Wife Two. In 1992, I quit engineering and went to cooking school. I worked in restaurants, bars and clubs of varying repute, and did home improvement work on the side. In 2002, Marriage Two having dissolved, Wife Three and I moved to a small tract of land near Mountain Home, AR. Currently, I make mountain dulcimers, folk banjos and fiddles and other folk instruments, as well as writing freelance monographs for the shooting sports. I am still involved in competitive shooting and serve as Range Manager at my gun club.
I have two (biological) sons and one granddaughter, now 4 months old. My eldest son lives in Memphis, and is employed by FedEx. My youngest son lives in Orlando with his family.
There are many of you still in my heart, and I would hope you know who you are. Please contact me at .

People who attended East with the class of 1967 but were not graduated with it.

Lisa Heslep
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Mark Hiller
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Tex Schwartz
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

John West
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
John attended East from kindergarten thru 8th grade, then transferred to CBHS.


* Entries with the "reported deceased" designation indicate a reunion committee or other person(s) believed closely associated with the class has indicated they have information they believe quite reliable about the death of the individual so designated. The East High Alumni Page has either not received any documentation or sufficient confirmation and does not confirm the death of an East alumnus by this name. Such reports without confirmation should be taken with a degree of skepticism. Anyone with documentation to confirm the report or with information to refute the report is strongly encouraged to contact the editor of The East High Alumni Page at editor@EastHigh.org promptly.

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