The first impression one gains of East High School is that of unusual beauty. And, indeed it is one of the most beautiful secondary schools in the nation. Certainly, attractive surroundings contribute to the pleasure of school attendance and to a general development of an aesthetic sense. However, there are even more important qualities to be fostered and developed.
the first year of the school's existence, it was obvious that most of
East High School's graduates would attend college. So sound scholarship
became a prime objective. And, in numerous ways, we are warranted in
believing that this objective has been achieved in gratifying measure.
The faculty is mindful also that such high qualities as honor and industry should be encouraged. An honest, reliable, diligent student generally attains a satisfactory degree of sound scholarship.
And, although realizing school is not primarily a place for pleasure, we believe that most students should enjoy their school years. We sincerely hope that East High School students find happiness, as well as intellectual and ethical instruction, within its walls.
From the East High Student Handbook, published by the 1960-61 Student Council