- Jasmine Adams [last updated March, 2002]
Hello to all my fellow East High Mustangs, especially c/o 95!!! I attended Northwestern University outside of Chicago where I received my B.S. in Computer Science June 99. I am currently working for FedEx as a Web Developer. I'm also in the process of starting my
own consulting company and just began modeling school too so keep an eye out for me... Anyway, I'd love to hear from as many of you as possible so feel free to email me anytime.
- Sparkle Ambrose [last updated August, 2003]
Hello All. It’s been about three years since I updated my profile so I decided to do so today. Life has been good for me and I’m am truly blessed. I now have three degrees. Yes, I’m still tripping. A BS in Mathematics, a BS in Electrical Engineering, and just recently a MBA form Union University. I currently work for ThyssenKrupp Elevator in Horn Lake, MS as a Product Engineer. I’m not married nor do I have any children but maybe that will come one day. Just chilling here in Memphis and enjoying life. I wish each and every graduate much success and hope life is treating you well. Much Love..
- Rosalynne Arnold [last updated August, 2005]
It's good to hear everyone is doing well. I am surprised that only a few of us have actually submitted profiles. But anyway, just a little bit about what I've been doing since those East High days....I graduated from The University of Memphis in 1999 with a B.S. Ed. in Human Development and Learning (Elementary Education). I am currently working as an Admissions Counselor/Recruiter for Southwest TN Community College. I am married and we've been happily married since May 21, 2000. We don't have children yet, but we plan to in the near future. I recently graduated again from The University of Memphis with a Master's degree in Counseling in December 2004. That's about all...
Take care and God bless!
- Lashnada Beard [last updated January, 2005]
Hi! And i hope everyone is well it's 2005 and we are all doing just what god set out for us to do.It makes my heart so full of joy to see everyone so successful with there careers.Well as for me I have to twins who are now 9 yrs old girl and boy.And i'm stay home mom and that i consider to be a job and a life long career :)But i hope to see you all at the class reunion.May god keep you safe!Much love
- Cynthia Brooks [last updated August, 2003]
Oh My God, It is so great to see so many people have visited this cite and that everyone is doing so well. Man word gets around. Well I have gotten married and moved to Coon Rapids, Minnesota and I am currently working as an Awake Night Manger for a disablity home. Life up north is so different from thing down in Memphis but hay Life is still grand. Best wish to all the peps from the true M-town.
Well if anyone would like to call a sister and keep in touch, plz do
so. I think the reunion is going to be awsome. Love Peace and Chicken Grease Peps
- LaShawn Brown [last updated October, 2008]
I moved away from Memphis and returned to Chicago. I've earned a bachelor's degree in business administration, an MBA, and an MS degree in Organization Development. I'm proud to see that all of you are doing an outstanding job with your careers, businesses, and higher education credentials. Keep God first.
- Sippia Clark [last updated August, 2009]

[Editor's note: Ms. Clark graduated after her junior year at East. You may find a longer profile entry in the Associated with the Class section on the Class of '96 page.]
- Terrill Cleaves [last updated September, 2004]
I am glad to see that everybody is doing good. I am
currently working and enjoying being back in Memphis. See ya at the
- Tarsha Craig [last updated August, 2008]
- DeMond Davis [last updated April, 2009]
- Eric Ervin [last updated September, 2004]
I am now living in Japan.I have been here for the past
4yrs.I am the head of the English Dpt for my city.My wife and I also
have a cafe / bar that my wife manages.We dont have any kids.In our
spare time we do a lot of traveling around the world.I`ve been to every
Asian country you can think of and some that you might not know
exist.We spend 2 months out of a year just for traveling so as you can
imagine its a lot of fun.I also have a music studio in my home that I
use to make a little extra money.I get a lot of work but its a hobbie
so I dont spend a lot of time and energy on my music.My second hobbie
is a car shop that I own with a friend.We specialize in old american
cars.We buy them and recondition them with
TV`s,hydraulics,DVD`s,navigation,and PLaystation X.MY wife and I do a
lot of traveling but since we left America we havent been back.I`m
enjoying life and having fun every day.
- Tymothy Fields [last updated January, 2005]
I am now a 4th year salesman with BILL HEARD Chevrolet.Just promoted into the internet dept. Work is my life and life is work.Hard to still believe 10 yrs have rolled US by this easy.I am sure we all had big dreams some filled and some set to the side.For those that are living to the fullest CONGRAT'S.For the one's still chasing its out there keep pursing.Enough time and effort IT WILL HAPPEN.
- Aisha Fulton [last updated May, 2004]
Hello class 1995! I glad to see that everyone is doing great and have become successful. I am travel nurse living in Los Angeles, Ca. I graduated from University of Tennessee at Chattanooga in Dec 99. I am traveling all over the world and just enjoying life. I am not married nor do I have any kids. My God keep continuing opening doors and pouring out blessings to all of you!
email me
- Demarcus Gaines [last updated October, 1998]
Hello fellow classmates,
I am a Senior at Depaul University majoring in Communications and
Political Science.
Good Luck,
C/0 95
Demarcus Gaines
- Coleman Garrett [last updated September, 2004]
What's Up Mustangs.
This is Coleman and it has been a long time guys. I have seen a few of
you out here and there and I went to college with another handful, but
as for the rest of you I hope life has been treating you well. I see
many of you have achieved some major goals in life and that deserves a
huge congratulations. I guess it's time towanted to fill you in on my
somewhat eventful life so far. I graduated from the Univ. of Memphis
in 1999 with a degree in English. I went to law school for 2 and 1/2
years before I flunked out, went back and got my Masters in English
(I'm graduating in August 2004) from the Univ. of Memphis and have
recently been accepted back into law school for this fall. I got
married in June of 2002 but I have no kids so far..(THANK GOD!!).
Inbetween law school and grad. school I have been teaching high school
English in St. Louis and in Memphis. I actually worked at East for a
little while, and I must say things have changed since we were running
the halls! Anyway, I look forward to seeing all of you in the near
future. Feel free to call or email me at (901) 690-1764 or
- Chantay Harris [last updated January, 2003]
Hello my fellow classmates. I did not know this website existed until my bestfriend of nine years (Jernarra Walker-Mead), told me about it. I am pleased to here about the accomplishments of everyone. It just goes to show that The Class of 1995 is still on top of things. I am proud to say that I graduated from The University of Memphis (2001) with a B. A. in Psychology. I would have graduated sooner but I'm sure some of you know how it is when we change our
majors. Now I'm in Graduate School at The University of Memphis pursuing a Masters in School Psychology. I'm currently working as a Case Manager for The Department of Children Services. I am not married nor do I have any children, but hope to be in the near future. However, I do have two wonderful god-children (Jaliyah and Dylan)that keep me very alert. I can't wait to see each and everyone at our class reunion. God Bless you all and your endeavors!!!!!
- Chasity Hayslett [last updated August, 2003]
Hello Everyone! Especially, Class of 1995! It is truly a blessing that GOD has been this great to all of us. This website is wonderful, and I truly regret that I waited this long to check it out. I attended The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. I graduated with a B.S in Business Management(May 99), and an M.B.A.(Dec.00), but GOD sent my test, just 6 days after the 2000 graduation. I almost lost my life, due to an awful car accident, but Oh! How Good GOD is!! So, please cherish each and every day that he gives you! I truly have a testimony, and I will shout it to the world,especially my fellow classmates. I will shut up now, but we all have to get together for this reunion to be the best in East High's history. The Class of 95 has always made history at East, so let's keep the tradition going. Having said that, Dorcas, I am here for any reunion assistance needed, my secretary's role is back into effect! So, just let me know. We really need to start our planning as soon as possible, for it to be a success!
- Brandice Henderson [last updated October, 2017]
I am excited to be on this page! I live in New York, married, with 1 child right now. I run 2 businesses: Harlem's Fashion Row (www.harlemsfashionrow.com) and The Great Girlfriends (thegreatgirlfriends.com). I'm producing an event in Memphis Nov 4, 2017 at Clayborn Temple.
- Keelon Hinton [last updated August, 2002]
Wow, it is great to hear everyone is doing so well. As for me, I graduated from the University of Tennessee at Martin (May 1999) with a B.S. in Psychology, in Aug. 2001 I received my Masters
Degree in Experimental Psychology from Marshall University in West Virginia and now, I am currently pursuing my PhD in Cognitve and Cognitive Developmental Psychology at Howard University in Washington D.C. I am married with a 18 month old baby girl and have one on the way. May GOD bless you all, and I pray that all of you have much success in the future.
- Monshonree Hopson [last updated August, 2011]
Hi classmates. I ran across this about a month ago and didn't realize the connections. So I say to everyone, "life is great and being able to be of a working mind is even better"...lol. I am currently married to my workaholic best friend and we are trying to lead by example. My son I had in my junior year is now a junior himself. I love that young man. I am the pharmacy scheduler and admin for CVS Pharmacy and school didn't get me there, my promotion came from above. Hope to see you all soon. I wish you all peace, love and the pursuit of happiness.
- Yoriann Hull [last updated July, 2008]
So it's been about 10 years since I updated my profile on here. The sun was shining so I figured it was a good day. So much has happened in the last 10 years but I will just hit you with the highlights! I did graduate from Tennessee State University in 2000 with a Bachelor degree in Biology. I moved back home and have been working for the University of Tennessee for about 7 years now. I was briefly married before "retiring" from that. No kids yet! I have been very active at my church even getting involved with Big Brother and Big Sisters of Memphis. I have a "little sister" that I was matched with about 2 years ago and it is so awesome to see the changes in her through our interactions. I am so happy to see all of my classmates doing well and all of the success stories out of the almighty class of '95! I also want to say Happy 30th to all who made it and God Rest your soul to the alumni that didn't make it. Never take a day for granted cause it could be your last. I am sure most of us have facebook pages and myspace or other networking tools. I have both so look me up! myspace.com/southmemphismayor {Don't ask LOL}
- Quaneshia Hunt [last updated June, 2001]
Hi, everyone. I am doing great. I graduated from Dillard University in New Orleans, La. in May 1999 with a B.S. in Biology. Right now, I am in Memphis finishing up my Master's degree in Exercise & Sport Science (May 2002). I am not married (yet) nor do I have any kids. I'm just enjoying life as much as possible while trying to make it to my comfort zone...the one where school is behind me, and my career and family are in front of me. You all know what I'm speaking of, right? Well, it is really wonderful to see that everyone is doing well. I wish everyone well in all of their future endeavors and I definitely look forward to seeing all of you at the reunion!!!!! Feel free to email me anytime.
peace and blessings.
- LaTarsha Irving [last updated July, 2004] [E-mail address updated August, 2011]
- Patrice Jackson [last updated November, 2003]
Hello Guys, It is so good to see everyone great!! Well,
since '95 I have finish my BS in Chemistry from LeMoyne-Owen College
and my MS in Organic Chemistry from Tennessee State University. Now I
am working on my doctoral degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences at Howard
University. God has bless each of us with so very much. I cannot wait
to see you all at the reunion and share with each of you. May you
continue to be fruitful, God Bless!!
- Sherry Rene' Johnson [last updated August, 2001]
Hi '95 graduates! I have finally finished schooling. (for now)I received my master's degree from the University of Michigan in April 2001 and my undergraduate degree from Johns Hopkins University, both in the field of public health. I am working for the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention in Atlanta, GA. I am not married, nor do I have any kids, but see both in my future. I pray that everyone is doing well and taking advantage in everything life has to offer. Peace and many blessings. Take care.
- Rena Jones [last updated July, 2004]
Hello everyone! It has been a long time since I have seen or heard from a lot of my classmates. This website is a great way to communicate, but you see how long it has taken me to send in a profile. Well, I graduated from the University of Tennessee at Martin in May of 1999 with a B.S. in Education and from Union University in 2002 with a Master of Education. I am currently a 1st grade teacher at Egypt Elementary. I met my husband in college and we have been married since May 23, 2002. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone next year at the reunion.
- Waddrick Jones [last updated November, 2003]
I am glad to see that everyone is doing great.I am Married
with a stepson that is nine years old.Me personally do not have a Child
of my own.But, he is like my own.I been married for three years. I am a
Photographer,I have my own personal detail business.I am a CMA.Now, I
attend Southwest College were I am working on three majors Graphic
Art,Computer Enineering, and Business and Commerce Management.I am also
writting be a book called a True Blessing.Because, for me to be here
today is a true blessing.It's based on my life and the troubles of my
life.I am also an usher at my church. Congratulations to those who have
their degrees and to those who are on the road to getting their
degrees.Those who are living a good life keep up the good work and
those are traveling down the wrong path as long as you got your health
keep doing your thang.Me and my boy Andre are still kicking it together
and everytime we hook up we are always talking about those ladies of
C/O 95 we talk about the guys to. But, everythings about the good times
that we had. Please
keep in touch because in the next two years I will be moving to Atlanta
to start off my career as a Graphic Artist and so on.
- LeKeith Kneeland [last updated October, 2007]
Hello, everyone. I have recently made some changes in my life which include relocating to Atlanta, careers, and women. I don't own my painting and renovation bussiness anymore, but now I am working for Skanska USA Civil building Water Treatment Plants, Raw Water Pump Stations. That's pimpin'! I love what I do and I look forward to going to work everyday. I have a son that's 7 years old, he lives in Memphis with mother, and his name is LeKeith Kneeland, II. I am going to have another child and hopefully that will happen with the proper planning and the perfect woman. It has already started because I have a PHAT ass girlfriend that's great to me and most of all she loves me and love her more. I am going to keep her in my life FOREVER! Everyone "Plan your work and work your plan!"
- Zakiyyah Mafae Langford [last updated July, 2001]
Greetings, Mustangs! Glad to see that everyone is doing so well. I graduated from Stanford University in 1999. Now, I am living in Philadelphia. I'm working as a Technical Consultant for Hewlett Packard. Just trying to see the world before I settle down. Drop me an email
and keep in touch.
- Mario Lindsey [last updated August, 2005]
I can't believe it has been ten years. I know their are many alum who would call me a baby for saying that, but over a third of my life has past since my East years. I have recently graduated from the University of Memphis and I've worked at Union Planters the past eight years. I have a young son who (as I induce fear in the hearts of my classmates) looks and acts just like me! I look forward to updating my info and adding bigger and better things to the profile.
- Michael Lobbins
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
- Shawanda Madlock [last updated January, 2005]
Hello everyone. Served 4 1/2 years Navy, 3 1/2 Navy Reserves, and currently working and going to school. Glad to see everyone doing great things. God Bless us ALL.
- Sadia Marks [last updated November, 2008]
Hi Class of '95, my sister sent me the link to update my profile and I decided after 6 years and 3 children that would be a good idea. I am currently living outside of Houston, in Pearland, Texas. I am now married with 5 kids: Ashlin-girl (which some of you all know and is now 13 years old), Avery-girl (4), Addison-girl (2), A.D. IV-boy (3 weeks), and I have a step-daughter Adrianna (12). I am now working at Methodist Hospital as an Accounts Payable Supervisor and thinking (yes, just thinking) about going back to school. As most of you that know me know, I'm not the best at keeping in touch but I am trying to get better so send me an email and I promise to respond. I hate that I missed the class reunion but I will definitely be present and accounted for at the next reunion.
- Terrance Matthews [last updated December, 2008]
What it do, its Terrance. I am currently living in OKC i have a wife and a beautiful daughter. I have been working for Cox Communications for 7 yrs now, i own a beauty salon and produce comedy shows around the local area when i get the time. Get at me class of 95
E-mail address not available.
- Artrice Moore [last updated May, 2010]
Well its been 15yrs now and I was hoping for our mini reunion, but unfortunately we haven't had one. I was so looking forward to an 5yr update on everyone. Anyway, thank God for facebook because I get to communicate with you guys daily! Nothing to much has changed except my kids are getting old 15, 14, 7 and I have a son on the way and I'm currently in nursing school!! I hope everyone is still succeeding and still striving for more. We are and always will be the BEST class at East High!! Hope to see everyone soon before our 20yr reunion, but until then be safe and blessed!!
- Chris Morgan [last updated August, 2002]
Hello to all fellow east High graduates Class of '95. I am su glad to have found this site because I have not seen very many fellow graduates since we graduated. If you do not remember me Greg pearson and I were best of friends and I dated everyones sweet heart Melody. I am currently in the U.S. Army overseas in North Korea. I have been in the military for 5 years now and loving every minute. I have a 1 year old daughter who is my pride and joy. I am a Medical Specialist in the military. I come home often because of being stationed in FT Knox, Ky about 4 1/2 hours away from Memphis. I will be back in the states this time next year stationed at FT
Campbell in Hopkinsville, TN about 45 minutes from Nashville. I am glad that you guys are doing well and wish you the best of luck in you careers.
- Brian Nelson [last updated December, 2007]
Whats up good people? Just thought I would give a little update on whats going on with me. Still live in Memphis, no kids, got a job, bought a house. Well, that about sums up whats been happening since we graduated. I know that was alot to take in so If you have to come back and re-read it, be my guest. Have a good one!
- Latisha Owens [last updated August, 2003]
It is indeed wonderful to see that so many of us have suceeded in life, whether it be through education, family, or personal accomplishments. I am proud to be apart of the 1995 class of East High. Since graduating from East, I have received a Bachelors degree in Nutrition,and a Masters degree in Clinical Dietetics. I intend to attend Vanderbilt this Spring to complete my educational goals. I am not married and childless (so far ;) but who knows what the future
holds. I look forward to seeing you all at the reunion. May God continue to bless you all.
- Sandra Owens [last updated July, 2004]
Wow, it's good to see everyone is doing so well! As for myself I have just become a new mom about 4 months ago, and im so proud. Im happily married and own a construction company here in New Jersey. I have traveled the world and started a family now to complete my list , I will start law school at the beginning of next year. I hope to see you all at the reunion....... Kudos to C.B. and many memories and much love for Lahronda...........
- Demetris Patton [last updated March, 2009]
I Demetis Pye am doing fine. I am hapily married. I am a mother of 4 children. I'm currently in nursing school. I have comitted myself to the Lord. I am so grateful for God sending me to Jesus. I am also grateful that he recieved me, changed me, and kept me. God has deposit something in me that makes me want to share. Please feel free to email me. May God bless you.
- Tameco Pearson [last updated December, 2010]
Hi, I have really missed everyone. I am currently married with 6 beautiful children. My husband and I have a catering business we are trying to get off the ground but things are good. I have also committed my life to Christ Jesus. I am also a Real Estate Agent. God has been good. Life is great, I couldn't complain one bit and from reading all of these emails He has been good to you all. Please feel free to email me. I love you all and take care.
- Angela Polk [last updated September, 2008]
Hi, everyone! Finally decided to post something after 13 years (better late than never). I'm still here in Memphis. I got a B.S. in Chemistry from the University of Memphis. I am married, and I have no children yet. If not around town, I'll see ya at the next reunion.
- Jennifer Robinson [last updated March, 2009]
- Karen Robinson [last updated August, 2007] [E-mail address updated March, 2001]
- James Seymour ("J.R.") [last updated September, 2010]
Greetings fellow alumni, since the last update things have changed in my life. I finally graduted from Tennessee State University and as of this year will have been teaching at Memphis City Schools for ten years. I'm married with four beautiful children. God has really been good to me and my family. Mustangs keep God first and evrything shall fall into place.
Always remember,
~In order to get something you've never had; You must do something you've never done.~
- Gerrifrances Darnay Smith [last updated December, 2012]
Hello again all. I write this especially for those who are not on Facebook with me. I am doing quite well thanks to the Father from whom all blessings flow. I have been blessed to be married now for 7 years. In Nov 2012, the Father increased my blessings by allowing a tiny prince to join our household. Will we have another child? I don't know we'll have to see what the father allows.
I hate to see that some have fallen amongst us, but I am thankful that I had the opportunity to have known them. As for the rest of you, I look forward to our next meeting. Hopefully - in 2015 for sure.
May the Lord Bless You and Keep you while we are absent one from another.
- Maurice Strong ("bigg reese") [last updated July, 2009]
yep i'm back in the m-town posted in the mound aftyer leaving memphis in 95'. i attened u.s.c then w.k.u. before turning pro i played in switzerland ,paris,and colima ,mexico. my last stint was in beirut.lebanon. i am married and hava a little boy to go along with my daughter. i'm happy as hell to be back in the states.
- Alexus Sullivan [last updated May, 2002]
Greetings the infamous class of '95- It is the One and Only Alexus coming direct to you. Who knew that we had an alumni page. Need to get the word out. There isn't much going on with me. I'm appying to veterinarian school and medical school this coming year. I'm still single and loving every second of it. NO KIDS!!!!! For all of you that don't know, I did pledge the world's greatest fraternity, Omega Psi Phi(The Last Man Standing #1) I hope that everyone is well. Holla at me.
- Rose Tinnin
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
- Kamilah Turner [last updated June, 1999]
I graduated with honors (Magna Cum laude) from Xavier University of Louisiana on May 8, 1999. In the fall, I plan to attend Law school at the University if Memphis. I have
not decided exactly which type of law I want to practice, but I am leaning towards criminal law right now. I would like to wish all of my fellow East High alumni the best of luck in everything you do. We're still #1!!!!!
- Aisha Tyus [last updated September, 2001]
I was just reading over the updates and I cannot believe that so many of our classmates are engaged and/or married with kids. I feel so far behind in that department. I had not updated my profile in awhile so I thought I would take a moment to update now.
I graduated in 1999 from Dartmouth and I have been working in D.C. for two and a half years now. I am now preparing to move to London to study for my Masters in Public Policy at the London School of Economics. I've actually been to Memphis 3 or 4 times this year already (a record for me) and I did get a chance to see many of you out and about. I want you all to know that everyone looks great and I am so glad to hear that everyone is doing so well.
I am so proud of the class of 1995. We really represented for East High. Feel free to send me an email.... London winters can be very lonely!!!
- Jernarra Walker [last updated February, 2004]
Hi guys. I try to update frequently. So happy to see
everyone doing well. I am still married HA!HA!, with 3 beautiful
children. I am currently enrolled back at the University of Memphis and
am trying to handle my business. I still am with Union Planters Bank
and am really blessed with my job. I have heard from a lot of my
classmates and I am glad that everyone that I've spoken with are well.
Looking forward to seeing you all at the reunion. We are really getting
old. Contact me anytime.
- Tamara Walker [last updated July, 2004]
Glad to know everybody is still doing well. Me.....I'm doing fine. Still the mother of only one. Rodney Tyrese McGhee(3 1/2). He is the sunshine of my life. Still not married, but one day. I still work for Nova Factor, a biotech pharmaceutical. It's a joy to know that my
classmates are still doing their thang. Peace to all!!
- Ralph White [last updated July, 2004]
What's going on.
I'm in the Atl (actually I'm in a li'l suburb called Loganville, but same thing)
I have a Wife (Matalynn) that went to University of Memphis with me and 2 girls (3 yrs - Alexia and 1 1/2yrs - Margaret)
Life is good in the Atl. Lots of opportunity. I've been with a company called Nova Information Systems for about 6 yrs now. We do credit card processing for businesses.
If anyone is ever in Atlanta, shoot me an email. Maybe you can swing by the crib.
Keith Latham has been down here a few times and stopped by the house.
I'll be in Memphis June 26 - July 5. I'm going to make sure I get to Michael Lobbins funeral on Tuesday.
I'm looking forward to the reunion. Stay Up
- Kenna Williams [last updated January, 2008]
- Rodney Williams [last updated November, 2012]
Rodney Erric WIlliams is a native of Memphis, Tenn. and a graduate of East High School's class of 1995. He attended Northwest Mississippi Community College immediately following high school. He earned an Associate of Applied Science Degree in Funeral Service Technology in 1997 becoming a first generation Funeral Service Professional. He received his Funeral Director, Embalming licenses and National Board Certification in Funeral Service Science Arts in 1999. In 2008 he earned a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in 2008 from LeMoyne Owen College in Memphis, Tenn. Williams currently holds funeral service licenses in Tennessee, Arkansas, Mississippi and is the C.E.O. and Founder of Signature Funeral Services, LLC. Located at 5359 Knight Arnold Rd. in Memphis, Tenn. [ ph. 901-546-0910 ] He is the only son born to Sylvester Williams ( Manassas H.S. '66) and Carolyn Lacy Williams ( Manassas H.S. '68); He has a sister Adriane Williams, Ph.D; a twin sister, Raquel E. Dennie (Central H.S '95) . He and His family reside here in Memphis.
- Nikesha Winston [last updated May, 2008] [E-mail address updated July, 2008]
Hello to all my c/o95 classmates. This is the "1" and only Nikesha Winston. I'm doing so well in life I can't complain about anything i very much blessed just to be alive and typing this e-mail. Well to just to let all of my class mates know about me I am now in my new 20's ha!ha!ha! I have two boys Dontray 13 and Justin 7 i'm a General Manager for Marty's Men Store and I'm single and dateing!!!!! Hope all of my classmates are doing good in there lifetime and hope to see everyone again real soon!!! Love always Nikesha Winston
- Jason Worrell [last updated March, 2006]
- Angela Wortham [last updated November, 2003]
Hey Everyone!
I hope that everyone is going well and it was really nice to read all
the profiles. I can't believe that it has been 8 years since
graduation! Well, I am living in Denver, CO now. I graduated from the
University of Denver with a B.S. in Computer Science. I am currently
working as a Program Manager.
I am glad I found this site and I hope to here from some of y'all soon!
Take Care Everyone!!!
- Liza Woods [last updated September, 2004]
Hi everyone!! I haven't updated my information since 1999,
so it is long overdue. I am married with two girls, Sydni, who is 7,
and Satchel who is 2 months old. My husband and I met at UT Martin and
have been together ever since. I just moved back to Memphis in July of
2003 after living in Knoxville for 3 years while my husband attended
law school at UT. I graduated with a BS in Elementary Education and now
teach 3rd grade at Idlewild Elementary in midtown. I am working on my
Master's degree so tha I can teach at the college level. I will be
finished with my degree in December of 2005. I am so happy to see so
many success stories from our class. God Bless and Keep Everyone....See
You at the Reunion!
- Dorcas Young [last updated December, 2002]
I am speechless at the fact that I fell upon this website I didn't know it existed.I have been thinking for a while that I needed to get on top of this class reunion thing... Do y'all realize that we only have 2 more years. It is amazing the different paths that all of our lives have taken, but it is a beautiful thing. I am enjoying life... I was so in a rush to make it and be successful that I didn't appreciate the things that I was working for... I am a single
mom of a 2 year old girl named Alexis and she has taught me more about me than anything or anyone else. I finished at UNC- Chapel Hill in 1999, and I have been back here ever since. I am actually not really sure what my assignment in life is at this point... I am just enjoying
trying to get there. I work as a Head Start Director here in town, and that has been pretty rewarding. I am not married, nor do I even have a boyfriend :) BUT I am content. (Most days) I really do miss the innocence of high school, if I knew then what I know now... I probably
would have made the best of the best time in my life.... I look forward to seeing all of you at the Class Reunion in 2005. My first priority is to start compiling everyone's contact info beginning in January. So drop me a line by email or call me at 830-3066, so that I can start that. I want to have a good idea of where everyone can be reached and start planning newsletters by the Summer 2003. I love you all, really, and I cannot wait to see everyone of you guys.... Until then, God Bless you and may His angels watch and keep you...
People who attended East with the class of 1995 but were not graduated with it.
- Kenya Bolden [last updated October, 2006]
Hola a todas. Soy yo, Kenya. Esta aqui viviendo en California.... Ha, ha, ha. 'Yall don't no nothing 'bout that! I learned to speak Spanish fluently in Texas. Remember??? I moved in 1991 (8th grade summer). How is everyone doing? I think about you all often. There's something about your roots that keeps one longing.
I moved to Texas in 1991, but I am currently living in San Jose, California. I have two handsome young men, Safari who's 11 years old and Esteban who's 6 years old. I have a year before a get my Bachelor of English degree. My boys kind of put school off for a few years, :) . But I AM DETERMINED to finish! I am an Executive Administrator Assistant for an engineering firm here in Cali. My boss thinks he's going to promote me to project manager, but those are not my plans. I am going to be a director of an arts program for children after a graduate.
I hope all is well. God came to be with us - Emanuel. Go came to save us - Jesus (God is Salvation). Then, He died for us and left His Holy Spirit to comfort and guide us. If you believe this wholeheartedly and confess with your mouth that Jesus is LORD, then you will spend eternity in a place far more beautiful than Cali (HAHAHA!). I love you all!!!!
- Gregg Holmes [last updated November, 2003]
well.well,well! What do we have here? An all East High
c/o 95 web page. Erbody already know I was, is and always will b a
MUSTANG. It was an unfortunate incident that caused a detour in the
graduation waltz, though. Anyway whats the biz on the reunion. Me,
Walter, and Thorton talk about it all the time.. All of us needs to
shake sumtin on da reall.
I did graduate from the Northside and went on to Jackson State
University Mississippi. Now I have just recently completed paramedic
school and am waiting on the call from the Memphis Fire Dept. Whatever
all that s... really mean. we needs to hook up b4 the reunion to get
it in line so we wont look like all these other folks tryin. Keep in
mind them who almost didnt make it an the ones who R.I.P. not to
mention them locked up in the pen4L.I.F.E. holllllaaaaaabackyalll...
- Lisa Settle [last updated July, 2007]
Hello fellow Mustangs. It has been quite a long time, I left East in 9th grade to move to Aurora, Colorado. It was so interesting to read the updates and grab the last year book I had it was 1991. I am sure we all look a lot different. I graduated from Johnson C. Smith Univeristy in 2000 with my BS in Accounting. After graduation I moved to Atlanta, GA where I have been since, I am currently an Accessory Buyer for a Lane Home Furnishings. I work in a design office with lots of creative people and I truly enjoy it. I have a 6 year old daughter that is my pride and joy. Where is Iris Mills, she was my ace? But anyway I hope all of you are well and stay prayed up. Please feel free to email me. Take care and God Bless.