- Cornelius Alexander [last updated May, 2002]
What's up Mustangs,
It has been a long time since I have heard from many of you guys. I am finally graduating Morehouse in December of 2002. My degree will be in Theater Management. This summer I will remain in Atlanta to work for a local Casting Director at the Alliance Theater. Life is going very well for me and I hope for all of you as well. I am still, "off the chain," but in a good way these days. All things will come to you with prayer and hard work. I forgot to mention I am single, and any of you lovely Lady Mustangs making over 50,000 a year give me a holla.
Peace out,
- Kahalia Allen [last updated November, 2005]
Hello everyone. It's been a long time since I've heard from some of you. I am a Clinical Lab Scientist at Indiana Blood Center in Indianapolis, IN. I have a wondeful eight year old daughter, Mariah Tenee.
- Swanette Anderson [posted March 8, 2015]
Deceased. An obituary is available.
- Marcus Ashmore ("Babyface") [last updated September, 2004]
What's up Mustangs; It's your boy "BABYFACE" it's been a
long time...My,My,My how time flys by. Well I'm Truly Blessed I'm
currently residing in the Hometown Memphis, Tn., I am a Respiratory
Therapist graduated in '99 from (Tennessee Tech), went in pursuit of a
Chemical Engineering Degree in ('00-'01), got called to the Ministry in
2001...Yeah your boy is Preacher now..lol. I'm currently not
practicing now, I guess He redirects your pathway all over again. I'm
still single at the moment and no little ones. It's good to see this
Website in Honor of Us and Our tremendous achievments.. God Bless All
of You and I hope to see you at the Class Reunion even if I come
Kevin L. Harper
K. J.
GUARD... 1
- Charles Barber [last updated August, 2007]
Hello everyone! It's great to hear the good news that you all have to share. I'm currently an IT Manager with a company in Memphis. I went to school, got bored and didn't finish. I guess if you miss 100 days in high school you are bound to miss some days in college. God is good and you can never predict His plans for your life. No kids and not married, so I am enjoying my free time until that happens. Feel free to email me and keep in touch. Until then, remember that God's grace is sufficient.
- Tamika Bell [last updated September, 2009]
After graduating, I went into banking/finance. I currently reside in Memphis Tn; I am married with three wonderful children; ages 3,7,and 9!!! I also run my own business; "ECFS" we take care of small business bookeeping and payroll. I just want to say GO MUSTANGS!!!!!! Drop me a line or two.
- Cody Blakemore [last updated November, 2003]
I pray that all is well and that you've been truly blessed by God. I
am currently living in Memphis with my beautiful 4 year daughter
(Lauryn). I am a Professional Hair Designer and Nail Technician @
Trunin Heads Hair & Nail Salon in the Raleigh area (Holla @ a sista!).
Life for me has been a blessing thus far even through the rough times
because it is then when you find out who God really is (Soverign). I
look forward to seeing all of you at our upcoming reunion, I'm sure
that it will be a good time for fellowship. God Bless.(Prov. 3:5-6)
- Kena Blakney (Shea) [updated September 8, 2010]
Deceased. An obituary is available.
Prior to her death, Kena Blakney was a participant with our alumni page. The following was her last posting with us.
[posted September, 2000]
Hi, fella classmates of the crunkest year of all time "94"
I am living here in Memphis where I am attending Southwest Communtiy College formerly (State Tech) where I am pursuing my goal to get an degree in paralegal studies. Since I have last seen some of you guys I have twins, and they are two years old a girl and boy and their names are Derykah and Derrick Dailey Jr. As you know they are more than a hand full!!!! I work at CIGNA healthcare in customer service dept. And yes me and my girls are still thick Petra, Sanice etc. I really enjoyed this web page and hope to hear from many of you soon. I will tell many others about it such as Shane Lindsey, Marlon Tisdale, Jesse Clemons, John Hamer, Deadrick "Pee-wee" Saulter you know those are my boys still!!!!!!!! I love my classmates and hope to hear from yall soon! God bless, Shea
- Marquis Bowling [last updated February, 2004]
Hello fellow Mustangs, I’ll try to keep this short. After East High, I attended The University of Memphis; I played football, won a lot of awards, and graduated with a degree in Marketing Management. I played a little more football after college then started substitute teaching after that. For a couple of years, I coached middle school and high school football at East High. I took a job with a company and moved to Los Angeles in January of 2003. I'm a Territory Manager; I managed accounts in Southern California, Arizona, and New Mexico. I
am, without a doubt, truly blessed. God has been good to me and I hope those same blessings for all of ya'll.
- Cedric Brooks [last updated March, 2012]
Glad to be a Mustang Alumni. I am currently an Account Executive with FedEx Services and own a Insurance & Financial Services business. I am married with one son. I would love to connect. Please reach out via email or look me up on Facebook. God Bless!
- Toremika Clifton [last updated February, 1998] [e-mail address updated September, 2000]
I am a nursing school student and I will graduate in the following year as a registerd nurse with a diploma of nursing from Methodist Hospital School of Nursing and have a 2 year old daughter that I'm extremly proud of.
- Lazandra "Denise" Chalmers [last updated January, 2007]
Hello All I have been truly blessed over the past couple of years. I am married and have a wonderful son named Solomon Paul that is 2 years old. I am a Lab Technician for NEBC(National Eye Bank Center) here in Memphis and I am truly enjoying my life. I haven't seen or heard from anyone in a long time and I am curious to know how everyone is doing. Feel free to call or e-mail me at anytime. You can reach me at either: [see e-mail address below] or (901)517-4762. God Bless each and everyone of you always.
- Jesse Clemons ("JetBoy") [last updated April, 2003]
What's up! Just decided to upgrade my pimpin. It's a new year I hope everyone is doing well. I'm blessed to see another age,I know you are too. See y'all real soon not if on the street, but that will be cool too. Holla at cha' boy 1..
- Terry Coleman [last updated September, 2010]
what's up fellow mustang'sjust wanted to send a shot out to all that are still with us and hoping to one day see the one's who's not now me i still don't have no children but believe it or not im a deacon/minister now im currently enroled at sothwest community college where im going for my license as a mechanic and i pray to see evrey one someday. And if you dont remember the name on the web this is bobcat
- Monica Crawford [last updated August, 2008]
I had some great years at Eash High. I have 1 son he is 13 years old. He attends a private school and this is last year. I would like for him to attend East next year, but the school it's not like it was when we were going. I'm really scared to send him there but i will give it some thought. They say the kids are ridiculous up there and the teachers don't have a chance!
- Marcus Dortch [last updated November, 2001]
I've finally graduated from pharmacy school (June 2001). I have relocated to Detroit, MI where I am currently a Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy Resident at the Detroit Medical Center. I hope to be done by June 2003. So far I'm not married, nor am I looking, still broke, and still looney as ever. Ain't nothing changed.
Rest In Peace...Tedrick Dawson(c/o '93)....We'll Miss You
Dr. Marcus Dortch
- Kimberly Dotson [last updated February, 2004]
I cannot believe it has almost been 10 years. I guess we are getting old :) Congratulations to everyone on their accomplishments. Since graduating in 1994, I received a BS in Computer Science from Tennessee University. I am currently working on a Master's Degree in Information
Technology/Network Security. I have been married 7 years; yes 7 of them. I have a 4-year-old son and a wonderful husband. I currently work as a Computer Networking Patent Examiner for the United States Patent and Trademark office here in Arlington Virginia. I am sooo excited about our reunion and I can’t wait to see all of you. My family still lives in Memphis so I visit home frequently.
Congratulations to my high school running buddies Venus Kimble, Lajuanda Brown, and Urura Wesson (attorney).
Can't wait to see all of you,
- Tory Dotson [last updated February, 2004]
I'm anxious to see everyone at the reunion.
- Evette Edwards [last updated May, 2004]
Hello East High Classmates it is I, "The CRAZY ONE." I am really impressed at how well our class has done. It is actually not the class but the person who accomplished so many wonderful things over the years, and for that I take my hat off to each of you.
I graduated from Austin Peay State University with a BS in Communications specializing in Speech and Education and a minor in Psychology.
I am currently in the military. Yes, I am a Navy Girl. I am currently in Guam, one of the Marianas Islands in the Pacific. I joined the military just three years ago and I am about to travel to Bahrain in a few days. I will be stationed there for one year and then I will
return to the states. I am currently submitting a package to become a Naval Officer, so pray for me that I get picked up.
I am married and I do not have any children yet. Maybe in a few years I will have a child or two if it is God's will. My husband is also in the military (Navy). He is from St. Vincient so his little accent breaks me down from time to time!!!
I am really impressed with all of you and I hope to see e-mails from all of you very soon. Please keep my family in your prayers, because Bahrain is in the Middle East.
- Tori Eldridge [last updated August, 2009]
Hi to my classmates. I've been doing good since we graduated. I'm engaged to get married at the end of the year. I have 5 beautiful children. I work for MATA transit authority. I love it. Hope everybody is doing good.
- Ovell Evers [last updated July, 2011]
Find me on Facebook for current updates.
- Volatrina Fields [last updated September, 2010]
Volatrina Fields Martin is now single again. With one son Jaious Marquez Fields(Farrow) with is two. I pray we all have been Bless in Our Lifes.I'm On Facebook just look me up.
- Denise Fleming [last updated June, 2002]
Hello fellow Mustangs. Congratulations to all of you for your accomplishments. First, I would like to say congratulations to my best friends Lakesha, Marquis, and Karen. LaKesha is graduating from Medical School in June 2002 and will become a Anesthesiologist soon. You go girl!! Marquis has graduated from U of M and will pursue a Master's in School Counseling. Stay focused girl and God will continue to Bless you. Karen is currently in Nursing School pursuing a BSN. Karen, God has great plans for your future success. Now, for me. I am currently a registered cardiac nurse at Methodist Central. I plan to pursue a BSN at Union University. I am still married to Chris Woods and we have 3 children (3 is the limit). They are Chrnisse(7),
Christopher(4), and Christen(10 months). We are very happy and blessed.
Keep smiling c/o '94 and always put God first.
Denise :o)
- Leila Garner [last updated November, 2003]
Hi, everyone. I am glad to say that plans are underway
for our reunion. I am also happy to say that I plan on participating
fully despite my busy schedule with my husband and children. I would
like to announce that I had twin girls on April 10th. I am so thankful
for them! I am also thankful that we all can get together for our Ten
Year Reunion and just celebrate life. I can not wait to see each and
every one of you. Regardless of where you have been or what you do,
please come and participate in the reunion. We are going to have a lot
of fun. This is just the beginning.
- Diannah Hamer [last updated December, 2011]
hello class of 94, Its been a long time since our 10 yr class reunion. I can truely say, that its a blessing to be here. I have two girls Queen Brianna {10) and Princess Torianeshia (16). I have a degree in Nursing,retired from Memphis Shelby County Health Dept @ age 35, Proud owner Of Magic Kidz Learning Centers..Future owner of Magic Skate World. God is Good!!! All the Time..May God Bless the c/o 94...
- John Hamer ("Lil Hammer") [last updated October, 2005] [E-mail address updated April, 2008]
Whats up all my fellow team members, classmates, friends, haters, etc. Hopefully, everyone (encluding you haters) is alive and well. It seems as if the years are in full stride now days. Yesterday we were in high school. Today we're teaching high school. Life for me has had it's ups and downs, but always more sunshine than rain. I'm a Husband, and a Father of two beautiful girls, (Tamia 7 and Tayla 4 months) and two handsome boys (Jacob 6 and John III 4). I've been a science teacher in the private school system for six years now and getting all the trouble I gave my teachers back + some. I'm also a music producer (you know a brother got gifts) for artist in Memphis and abroad. So when you see both sides of my face on the big screen halla at your boy.Please fell free to e-mail me anytime. Halla
E-mail withheld by request.
- Schnika Hassell [last updated December, 1996]
Greetings to the East High class of 1994, and other East alumni.
I have graduated from college, and I spent about a month in Europe. Now I am back in the U.S. and I look forward to visitng East during my next visit to Memphis. East was live and I miss all of my friends like Nathaniel Riley, Lela Gardner, Tabitha Smith, Calvin Harris, Laquesha Brown, Toremika Clifton
and Freda Beyah. So if anyone is reading this you can send me email at . Privacy is a sacred thing in this information age, so I will not post my address.
Mustang Pride,
Schnika Hassell '94
- Marquis Healey [last updated July, 2004]
Hello class of '94. I am ecstatic to hear that we have plans for a reunion. It's a long time coming. Nothing has really changed since my last update. I graduated from the University of
Memphis with a BA in Sociology. I am currently attending the University of Memphis pursuing a Master's in School Counseling. It is a rigorous program, but by the grace of God I am making it through. I will graduate May 1, 2004, PRAISE GOD. Afterwards, I plan to pursue a Doctorate in education or counseling. I am still in contact with my very best friends: Denise Fleming Woods, Lakesha Tables, and Karen Turnage. I am so very proud of the class of '94 and their accomplishments. Remember to put God first in all that you do. I am not currently married nor do I have any children. I am totally content and happy with my life and my 4 god-children (Chrnisse-9, Christopher-6, Christen-3, and Morgan-2) keep me on my toes. I hope to see you all
soon at the reunion. Stay strong, put all your trust in God, and be at peace with who you are and what God has for you. God Bless.
- LaToya Hill [last updated November, 2003]
- Marisa Hunter [last updated December, 2002] [E-mail address updated March, 2008]
- Marlon Johnson [last updated November, 2003]
What's up fellow Mustangs. Everything is well. God is
good. He has truly been directing me in the right pathways. I graduated
from Austin Peay State University with my B.S. in Healthcare
Management/minor Psychology. I am currently the Human Resources Manager
at Family Home Health Agency here in Memphis. I'm also working on my
master's degree in Human Resources Management at Webster University in
Millington. I am not married nor do I have children at this present
time. All that will come in due time. Right now I gotta get this paper.
God bless all my classmates and I can't wait to see you all at the
reunion. Hit me up at
- Nikara Kilpatrick [last updated August, 2005] [E-mail address updated December, 2008]
Hello Everyone,
Although I did not make it to the reunion last September, I still enjoyed seeing everybody at the reunion meetings. All is well with me at the present moment. I graduated c/o '98 from Xavier University in New Orleans with a B.S. in Biology. I am still single with no children. I have one beautiful godchild (Danielle Moore's daughter). I am now preparing to apply to professional school and truly blessed!
- Venus Kimble [last updated August, 2003]
Hi fellow alumni. It’s been a long time coming. I was so excited to hear about our upcoming class reunion. It’s going to be so great seeing you guys again. Can you believe it’s been almost ten years? Time passes by so fast. Since 94 I’ve graduated from U.T. Chatt with a B.S. in Human Services Management. I work at the Girl Scout Council of the Mid-South in volunteer recruitment. I have a wonderful husband (Anthony) and a handsome two year old son (Jamal). I
absolutely love being a wife and a mommy. God has been good. I look forward to seeing you all again.
- Herbert King [last updated May, 2002]
What's up class of '94,this is Herbert King,i'm sure some of you remember me.O.k. to let y'all know what's up with me i've got two small boys,Charmar and Justin,i've been working at Fedex the last six years and there i am a dangerous goods specialist.I'm currently back in school to finish my degree in business adm.I'm looking foward to the class reunion in about two years.It's good to know that many of you are doing well.Well holla at me on that low tip.
- Tandalyn Lambert [last updated March,2003]
What's up class of "94". It's been a long time since I've seen alot of you, I'm glad everyone is doing well. I currently live in Knoxville with my wonderful husband of 3 yrs Anthony. ( No kids) I am the Sous Chef at the Knoxville Convention Center. I graduated from LeMoyne in 99 and then Johnson and Wales University in 01. I really look forward to seeing you all at the reunion. I can't beleive it has been 9 years since we ran the halls of East High. see ya soon Love always tandalyn
- Jemar Lambert [last updated August, 2005]
Hello fellow classmates how are you? These years have flown by. I really miss alot of you all.As you know I have been kind of off the scene criss crossing around the country. As you have heard I am a father now. I've been an ISS teacher the past couple of years and know own my own monument company in Brownsville, Tennessee. It has been a challenging and exciting experience. Please keep me in your prayers and don't forget about the our fellow classmates that have proceeded us in death. I'm happy that everyone is doing so well and take care!!
- Ojay Lester [last updated February, 2009]
Whats up yall! I dont think to many of yall remember me but if ya do hit me up.
- Muriel Malone [last updated August, 2001]
Hello fellow Mustangs. I hope everyone is doing well and fulfilling all of your dreams. I am now in Memphis after completing my Bachelor's and Master's degree in Criminal Justice at University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. And of course I pledged Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. I am now in Law School at the University of Memphis and will graduate in May 2002. After I am licensed I will probably practice in Memphis. I am also
getting married to a wonderful man in August 2002 at a private ceremony.
- Dorinita Merriweather [last updated September, 2008]
- Danielle Moore [last updated November, 2003]
Hello Fellow Mustangs! It's been a very long time. I
graduated from LeMoyne-Owen College in 99' with a bachelors in
elementary ed. I have been teaching for 4 years. I am currently at Sea
Isle Elem. It's been quite an experience to see what goes on in the
school systems today. Anyway aside from that, I have a one year old
daughter. We just celebrated her birthday on October 8th. She is the
joy of my life. Nikara Kilpatrick is one of her God mothers. We have
kept in touch since graduating from East. I will be getting married in
Febuary of 2004. Wish me luck! It's gonna be great to see everyone
again. By the way, if there is anyone who knows where Latoya Wilson is
please let me know. I have been trying to get in touch with her. God
bless everyone. c/o 94'
- Audrea Pipkin [last updated February, 2008] [E-mail address updated June,2013]
I graduated from Tennessee State University with a BSN degree. I am still single with No kids. I am currently a travel nurse and enjoying every minute. LOL
- Wande Okunoren [last updated October, 2006]
Greetings Friends,
Glad to know we are moving on in our lives and careers. As for me, i'm still a stay at home mom of the most precious gift in the world, England. She is nearly 2 and vibrant. Although a fortune was spent on my education at Emory university, nothing gives me nearly as much satisfaction that I have being home with my daughter. So far my husband hasn't said anything, but if I keep racking up the AMEX cards, I might have to learn to fill ou an application! LOL. I do however have a work at home business, which has been PHENOMENAL. The rewards are amazing and I can see it taking us on a lifestyle change. We live good now, but we can REALLY live in a bit. Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad, Poor Dad) always talks about how we should have 10 streams of income and Robert Allen says all millionaires have real estate, investments and network marketing. You want to get to the point where you can stop trading time for money. That's financial freedom when you don't work for money, money works for you. That's where I want to be in the next few years. Not for me, but for England and her unborn siblings. I want to leave a legacy for her- not bills and debt, ya know?
I'm rambling. Didn't make it to the 10 year, though it was great seeing some of you. Even though we have moved on in life and taken different paths, it's still nice to know we can cross one another every now and then.

for the hottest events in ATLANTA, visit my hubbies site at www.metroboyz.com or www.myspace.com/bigdinoafterdark.
May God keep all in perfect peace and visulize your victory and realize that sooner or later you will be staning in the doorway to destiny. It take time, but it does happen. Love you all!!!!
- James Page [last updated June, 1998] [E-mail address updated February, 2013]
James "Big Dawg" Page. Hi, Everybody, Congratulations to everyone for even doing something with
with your lives. I am at Austin Peay State University (APSU) in a small
city called Clarksville (Tennessee). I am an Education major and I hope to graduate in the year of 1999. I am so happy to here from you guys and I Hope I will see ya'll soon.
Looking For You,
James Page
- Sabrina Parker [last updated July, 2007]
- Samuel Patton [last updated July, 2006]
I am currently living in Chattanooga. A big shout out to all who attended UTC. Marcus, Muriel, Marlon and Venus good to know you guys are doing well. I am currently married with a 5 year old daughter and a 7 month old son. I work as minister of music at New United Church and run a studio and production company in Chattanooga and in Atlanta. I also give private piano lessons to local aspiring church musicians. God has been a blessing. I will be going back to finish my bachelors in Chemistry in the Spring of 2007. However, I doubt if I work in that field. Music is my passion and I love doing ministry in church. Sorry I missed the reunion. I will definitely be at the next one. Man we'll be close to forty then (smile)!!! It's good to hear everyone with the good jobs and families and careers. See you guys in about ten years (LOL)!!
Peace and God bless.
- Marilyn Elayne Perry [last updated February, 2004]
Hello fellow Mustangs!!! I graduated from Tennessee State University with a B.S. in Healthcare Administration and Planning. I am currently working on my Masters in Healthcare Administration at Texas Woman's University in the big H-town. I have no little babies hanging
around as of yet. I will be moving to the NYC this year (2004. I've been truly blessed over the years to meet a lot of great people. Well,that's really about it...hope to see everyone at the class reunion!!!!
- Nathaniel Riley, Jr [last updated September, 2004]
Greetings Everyone,
I am just checking in to say hello and that I and my family
(unfortunately) will not be able to make it to the reunion. My wife
and I are expecting a second child in a couple weeks. My first child,
Kennedy, is 4 years old and is very excited about becoming a big
sister. Our 2nd will be a girl as well. Outside of the new baby, all
is well with me. I still reside in Atlanta and make it back to Memphis
a few times a year. Look me up if you happen to be in town visiting
Atlanta. I hope everyone has a great time at the reunion reminiscing
about the good ole' days at East!
- Tabitha Smith [last updated February, 2002]
In May 1998, I graduated from Wellesley College in Massachusetts, and since then I have begun graduate study at Howard University. God willing, I will receive my Ph.D. in English in the
Spring of 2004. After receiving this degree, I intend to teach overseas for a couple years before returning to the US to teach. Outside of that, life has been/is good to me. I have no complaints. Anyways, take care and God bless.
- Treba Smith [last updated October, 2007]
Latreable Smith (Treba) I am glad to read a lot of my fellow class mates are doing well. I have been blessed also, I am currently attending college to get my degree in criminal justice. I have three children James "12", JaQuan "11" and Jabria "9". I am currently employed for Shelby County. I look forward to hearing from some of yall.
- Tynearia Stone [last updated April, 2008]
Hello All,
Hope that everyone is doing well!
- Melanie Sugars [last updated January, 2007]
I attended Southwest Tennessee Community College in 2001-2003 and obtained an Associate of Science Degree in Radiologic Sciences. I am currently employed at Baptist Hospital Memphis where I only work 2 days a week(double shifts). I recently got married in 2004 and I have a 2y/o son Owen Robinson. I am currently applying to Nuclear Medicine School so pray that I get accepted. I really enjoyed reading all the different profiles (holla)
Melanie Robinson
- LaKesha Tables [last updated: May, 1998]
Hello, fellow East High Alums! It is my sincerest hope that
everyone is doing well. I recently graduated from St. Ambrose University
with a B.S. in Biology. I will be attending UT, Memphis College of Medicine
in the fall. So, I will be residing in Memphis for the next few years.
- Karen Turnage [last updated April, 2008]
Hello fellow Mustangs,
I am currently a critical care nurse at Baptist Hospital, I having been practicing for 5 years. I married in 2005 to Dr Steve Otieno and we are expecting our first son in June 2008. We plan on leaving Memphis in a few years but for now I will enjoy the comforts of home. Look forward to seeing everyone at our next reunion.
Karen Turnage Otieno
- Alana Turner [last updated March, 2008]
- Lakeithra Turner [last updated September, 2004]
- Carlos Upchurch [last updated July, 2000]
Well, its the summer of Y2K and I am still in Germany. I have been here for the last two years. I also have a 4 year old daughter back home in Memphis. I cant wait to see her and my family. I know alot of you dont remember who I am or never did. Even so, I wish all of you the best.
People who attended East with the class of 1994 but were not graduated with it.
- Stephanie Parker [last updated October, 2008]
It certainly has been a while. I am so happy to hear that everyone is doing quite well. I am not certain if many of you will remember me but I came from Snowden with many other and had to leave Memphis quite abruptly. I would love to hear from you and again happy to see how BLESSED everyone has been.