- Betty Alexander
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
- Stan Beaty [last updated November, 2003]
I have procrastinated way too long and should have
submitted this years ago. After high school I knocked around for a year
or so working and saving money for school. I had gotten tired of
parental scrutiny and struck out my own (somewhat) with their
blessings. I did construction, drove a truck, worked/lived at a
funeral home,blah, blah, blah. Enrolled at a couple of instituitons of
higher learning and graduated from Memphis State in two terms (Ford and
Carter) in August '77'. Fiddle fooled around some more and eventually
started working for my father. Bought him out in 1982. A half million
dollars in debt to my parents put me back under the microscope of
parental scrutiny. In 1988 we opened a division of the companies that
manages physician practices that 'blossomed'. We are now in 8 states.
Got married at age 40 to the most wonderful woman in the world. No
children--Three labradors,one cat, one horse. I've tried to keep up
with some of our class mates. David Turner and I talk every other
month. There are so many who live in Memphis that I see,but not too
often. I pass East a couple of times a week. Such a gorgeous school.
It has changed dramatically inside. In 1975 after the 'Freedom on
Information Act', was signed into law I went back to East and asked for
that 'permanent record' we were all threatened with, except for Buddy
Flinn and Cindy Bowers. What a treasure!! Twelve years of handwritten
comments by instructors,achievement test scores and one blistering
commentary by Ms Parkinson (elementary principal) from 1966. What a
witch. I have to pull it out every so often and get a 'shot' of
nostalgia. Lots of memories. I get asked about when the next reunion
will happen. Information is much more readily available today than in
1997, but I need some help. Volunteers??? email me.
- Barbara Bond
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
- Margaret Bonner [last updated June, 2010] [E-mail address updated April, 2015]
After passing through Memphis in May 2010, I thought I'd see if I could find an alumni website, and found this one! After graduating from UT Knoxville in 1976, I attended paralegal school in Atlanta and began a 25 yr career as a paralegal. I worked for lawfirms in Memphis from 1977-82, then to Baton Rouge (1983-1985), and Dallas (1985-2005). In my last job, I was a vice president for a nationwide residential mortgage servicing company. I am now making the transition to full-time rving with my husband in a 40 ft motorhome. I never had children, but have 3 step-children who all live in the Dallas-Ft Worth area. Since leaving work, I've spent time riding motorcycles (yes, I ride; not as a passenger!!) and photographing the places we visit in the rv.
For those who also might remember my mother Mildred Bonner, former English teacher, she and my father are still doing well, living in NE Louisiana. She's been very active in their local small school, directing a fund-raising play once a year.
I'm so glad to find this site, see notes from everyone, and saddened to see the obituaries of so many classmates.
- Debra Anne Boone
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
Information from published news accounts about her death are also available in our "In the news ..." section.
- Sandy Braden [last updated June, 2009]
I have lived in Tucson for the last 24 years. I got married young and was blessed to stay home to raise our kids. I am now a widow, with 6 kids and 7 grandkids. I graduated early ('72), but I was originally part of the class of '73.
I got my degree from Liberty University in 1998 and now teach 5th/6th grade. I became a Christian in my early 20's and I thank those of you who were a witness for Christ to me.
East High will always be special to me. I took my youngest daughter back to Memphis 2 years ago, and she indulged me as we sat in the parking lot while I shared stories of classmates, teachers, being in Ms. Gillespie's plays (chorus only--could never sing a solo!), etc.
I would love to attend a reunion. Sorry I missed the 25th.
My email address is
- Paul Brooks [last updated August, 2005]
- Roger Butts [last updated September, 2014]
Hey class of '72! Three years in ROTC with Sgt. Norris still didn't make me want to sign up. But I did spend 15 years in technical service with Kraft Foods. And during that time got married to Pam Brown (Brown Butts). Plenty of jokes over our 39 years about that. We have 2 girls. The oldest is attending FGCU in Florida where we live, (Cape Coral). She will be a social worker. The youngest will graduate from UF as a pet vet in May. We've been in SW Florida for 22 years. I am programmer with Hope Hospice, my oldest daughter also works there in admissions. Pam bills for Lee Memorial Hospital. So we are all in healthcare. Human and otherwise.
It would be great to hear from someone.
- Elizabeth "Beppy" Campbell
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
- Kathleen Capon [last updated March, 2003]
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
Prior to her death, Kathleen Capon was a participant with our alumni page. The following was her last posting with us.
[posted August, 1999]
I married Francis White,
who is a nurse anesthetist at LeBonheur in 1978. We met in a remedial music theory class just before we each graduated from Memphis State in 1978. We have three children: Adam is a junior at Rhodes; David has graduated from CBHS and is working full time for STREAM; Mollie will be a senior at White Station High School.
I am the music director at the Catholic Church of the Ascension in Raleigh,
and loving it. I am also working e-v-e-r--s-o---s-l-o-w-l-y toward a
Masters in Sacred Music at the University of Memphis.
I'm having a blast with my kids (Adam was born in 1979, Dave in 1980, and Mollie in 1982) and my music...
- Dal Leslie Coger [last updated September, 2001]
Have lived in the Boston area since 1980
Graduated from the University of Tennessee Knoxville in 1977; College of Education; Major
in English and Minor in Psychology
Graduated from Graduate School Anna Maria College in Paxton MA in 1985 with an MBA
Have worked in the Executive Search Business since 1992. Most recently was working
with Heidrick & Struggles the worlds Largest Executive Search Firm.
Married to Diane Dmytryk; two children Tamara age 12 and Mikaela age 9
- Sherri Cohoe
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
- Susan Day [last updated April, 2013]
I married Larry Isbell, in 1972 (East High class of '70). He was District Director for Holiday Inns Corporation. We were relocated to several cities throughout the US including Denver, CO; Dallas, TX; Seattle, WA; Atlanta, GA, before relocating permanently to Knoxville, TN. Larry died of cancer of the pancreas in 1990. We had two children who reside in Knoxville as well. Our daughter, Laura, was born in 1973,and our son, Adam, was born in 1976. I returned to school after Larry's death and attended Pellissippi State and the University of Tennessee-Knoxville. After graduation, I started my own interior design firm, Icon-Design Group, providing residential and commercial interior design services. I have one grandchild, Madeline Grace Isbell, born in 2012, who is the latest and greatest love of my life. I enjoy living in east Tennessee and the beauty of the Smoky Mountains!
E-mail: not available
- Bruce Ellington ("Ken") [last updated October, 2013]
I currently work as Controller at Stateside Steel & Wire, LLC. After graduation at University of Memphis, I worked briefly in public accounting (CPA-1980). Most of my career (20 years) was spent as CFO at Vollrath Group, Inc. (subsidiary of Windway Capital Corp in Wisconsin). I have been married to my wife Jan Newcomb (ECS graduate)for 36 years. We have a 34 year old son, Jarrett. He is married and is a Professor of Psychology at University of San Diego. We are soon to be grandparents and are very excited. I still am in touch with Lyn Wadlington, Diane Walton, and Cameron Frechette (Class of 1969), Bill Hilliard and Duncan McRae (Class of 1973). At my age, I would like to hear from other classmates. Unfortunately, our class has had its share of early deaths. I would like to make some connections before either I or others end up in the obits. Even though I went through some rough times at an early age, God has blessed me with a wonderful wife and son, good friends, and career opportunities that I was fortunate to receive, despite not being an Ivy-Leaguer or anyone special. By God's grace I have been blessed and not received what I have deserved. My cell phone is 901-489-9348. I would enjoy hearing from any of my classmates. I am pretty sure that I am not the skinniest kid in class anymore, but that is probably a bad thing.
- Shep Fargotstein [last updated February, 2018]
Hey everybody! The day after graduation, I got on a plane to Switzerland and stayed there for 1 1/2 years learning french, working part-time, and chasing skirts. Left there and went to New York City and worked for 1 year, and ten went to Boston to go to Bently College (the only school that would have me!:))
Came back home after 2 years to run by family's business, S. Fargotstein & Sons, for the next 5 years. Got into a typical family business squabble and left to start my own company to compete with them, called Shepard Findings. Ran that for around 10 years and sold it to a New York Company, and went to work as a stockbroker with Prudential Securites for the next 8 years. I moved to PaineWebber/Memphis 2 1/2 years ago, and am still here.
I got married at 25 to Kay Humphreys and had 3 kids - Sam (16), David (20) - yea - Sam & Dave! I wanted to call my daughter Aretha, but we settled for Molly (12). We got divorced about 9 years ago (92). I am still single, but am seriously dating (2 1/2 years) someone at the
moment, and it may end up with a knot tied - I just don't want to let marriage screw up a good relationship.
Yea, I see Stan Beaty from time to time. He hasn't changed one iota. I still hang out with John Kiersky and Barry Lichterman.
Well, I got married in to Margaret in 2004 ( I said it was heading there in 2001) and we are still married. It has been 17 years since my last update and - of course - there is a lot of water under the bridge. First and foremost, I am turning 64 on March 15th, 2018 (like most of us this year) and after looking at all the deceased 72’ class members, I feel fortunate to be writing this today. So here is my life since 2001:
I am still a Financial Consultant…with Raymond James at the Cresent Center in Memphis. I have been in the business for 25 years now. I have been blessed to have had 3 children (from my first marriage). Unfortunately, my oldest 35 year old son, David, committed suicide 8 months ago on June 5th, 2017. Quite honestly, he battled addiction to drugs for years and was depressed as a result of his drug use. I found him 5 minutes after he died. The whole incident was horribly traumatic for me and 7 months after his suicide - on his 36th birthday - i had a heart attack. I drove to the hospital and had a double bypass on 1/8/18. I am recovering and doing well. The rest of my story is not depressing, but I did not want to write this story about me and leave out one of the most important events in my life….
My other son, Sam, is doing great. he is 32 now and is a lawyer with the Memphis Law Firm of Martin, Tate and Morrow..Sam is a wonderful son and he is married to Rebecca Belz and they produced my first grandchild..Brianna who is 2 1/2 now. I never considered being old or being a grandfather (yes, I did plan my retirement, just didn’t think through seeing an older person in the mirror).
My only daughter, Molly, is 28 and I am soooo close to her. We speak every day. She is beautiful physically, but she is also the best daughter a father could ever want. We talk EVERY day. I don’t think I could be closer to another human being (a wife is a different t type of close). Molly is single, living with a great guy in Atlanta, and is a research coordinator for MailChimp, one of the largest email providers in the world. It is the coolest tech company…looks like something out of Silicon Valley. They have 750 employees on 2 campuses in Atlanta. She will be in Memphis tomorrow and i will be in Atlanta the next week.
Marrying Margaret was one of the best decisions of my life - and I are happily married. My life seemed to come together when I married her. No kids at home (that is great). We travel a far amount, but for the most part we enjoy hanging out in Memphis with our friends, and going out to dinner (too much). I play golf with John Kiersky, Barry Lichterman, Harry Goldsmith and occasionally David Goodwin.
As a few of you know, my sister Emily suddenly died a few weeks ago. life is short. It has been 17 years since i last updated this East High site. not sure i will make it another 17 years to update it again, after all that would make me 81. Possible, but by then i won’t remember my name if i am still around. Love all you guys and miss the ones who bit the dirt too!
- Richard Fleming [last updated January, 2008]
Married 31 years to Donna Jo. Eight kids ages 30 to 11. Three college Grads and two @ BYU(1 son). Eight grand kids.
1976 B.S. from MTSU (Zoology).
I sell psychotrophics to psychiatrists in North Alabama. No kidding.
Competitive drug-free powerlifter.
Casual tennis with wife and kids. Kayaking. Light mountaineering. (family activities)
Values: Faith, family, fitness. We are blessed with good health and a comfortable life. I hope the same for you.
- James Roy Galey [updated September, 2001]
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
Prior to his death, James Roy Galey was a participant with our alumni page. The following was his last posting with us.
[posted August, 1996]
A member of East's Twelve Year club. Tired of
education I just went to work. Taught myself electronics and eventually
mainframe computer operations. Ran away and joined the circus of sound
reinforcement, working with everyone from Joe Jones and the Yardhounds in the
corner bar to prominent acts on Beale Street and other venues. Blown out
with the bar scene, I read and write a lot of weird stuff nobody will ever
see. If they ever do, it's under an assumed name. I'm not quite married
yet, but it's in the works. Met Karen eleven years ago in a chain reaction
that started in the Daily Planet Tavern on Park Avenue. We live in the
Evergreen district of Midtown Memphis where we are participants in the
Evergreen Association. I've been a pawnbroker for almost ten years now and
if that's not enough I'm an unofficial legal adviser for local activist
groups. Now I'm almost back into computers.
- Donna Grant [last updated January, 2012]
"hi" to everyone in the class of 1972. i live in east memphis, married (doug), and have one daughter (katie). we have been soccer parents for years and now our katie is leaving for college this fall (2012). i won't miss the soccer but i will miss katie.
best wishes to all the mustangs, it's good to run into alumni around town every few years.
- Carl Graves ("Rusty") [last updated October, 2012]
Hello everyone this is Rusty, I am currently living in Saint Petersburg, Florida. I was in business with my brother Johnny here in Saint Pete, since leaving Federal Express (Memphis). I enjoy attending the Bucs, Rays, and Lightning games here in the bay area. I have also ventured into the charter fishing business with my nephew Little John, who currently stays with me at my house. I have been re connecting old friendships via facebook, so please feel free to look me up on the social network. After graduating from East I attended Ole Miss "Go Rebels" and obtained a Bachelors in Business Administration in 1976. After graduating from Ole Miss, I worked in my families business for 10 years, which led me to a career at Fed Ex. I than retired to the state of Florida after my mother passed, in order to be closer to my brother who was residing in Saint Petersburg. This brought us closer until his passing last year August 19 2011, which brought on a new roll for me, being a father like figure to my nephew. It has taught me that every thing happens for a reason and that reason was for me to be there for my family which i cherish dearly. My nephew was blessed this passed October with his first child, a beautiful baby girl named Aubrey Faith. She has brought great joy to me since I get to play the roll of Grand Dad which boils down to me getting to spoil while her parents do all the work. I really miss living in Memphis but my calling is here for now, I look forward to coming home to visit soon so please feel free to contact me, so that when I come home for vacation we can get together.
My contact info is
Facebook = rusty.graves.7739
Phone = (727) 678-5637
- Dan Hallock [last updated March, 2006]
Hello all, I just discovered this site and it was really nice (and sad at times) to read about people that I remember from East. I have been able to keep in touch with several classmates over the years and I still enjoy driving by East when I come back to Memphis. When my two daughters were very young I taught them the East High fight song and they would sing it as we drove past the school when we visited Memphis. I have lived in Texas, Georgia, Missouri and now in Alabama since 1972. My two girls are now 18 and 21, my oldest is a junior at Texas A&M University and my little one will be a freshman at the University of Alabama in the fall of 06 if she does not change her mind. I ended up graduating from the University of Texas at Austin, Louisiana Tech and finally from Memphis State. I am a professor in the College of Business at the University of North Alabama. I can be reached at
- Jerry Harpole [last updated October, 2009]
Hi Everyone,
I just discovered this site by accident.I was unaware of its existence. You can find me on Facebook.com for more information and contact.
I am an architect/interior designer in Washington,DC. I have had my own business since 1983....35 years!
I am happy,healthy and living a complete and fulfilled life.
- Kay Harris [last updated April, 2009]
Hello to everyone in cyberspace. I was surfing and just discovered this website. I was truly sorry to read of so many deaths of our beloved classmates (aren't we still a little young for this deaththing?) Anyhow, I attended East for twelve years and upon graduating enrolled in Memphis State. I married and had a son, Mead, (common everyday name) the marriage didn't last but my son did and the only wonderful result of the union. I remained single for five years and married a wonderful man (Johnny) who wisked me to Jackson TN where we remain today. I inherited a stepdaughter (always wanted a daughter) and this was a lot easier method to getting one). I graduated from University of Memphis and worked in several careers including paralegal, real estate, bankruptcy court, and others before finding my niche as Admissions Counselor at a local community college. After my husband completed his stint at Proctor & Gamble and made a decision to retire early, I couldn't let him get ahead of me so I left the education area also. My stepdaughter has three children and my son has finally just blessed me with twin granddaughters. Would love to hear from you guys, my email address is [below].
- Betsy Hastings [last updated June, 1996]
I attended East from the 5th grade to the 12th grade,
graduating in 1972. I am now teaching 2nd grade at Norris Elementary (a
Memphis City School). I have two children, Will (14) a ninth grader at MUS,
and Ted (11) a sixth grader at Campus School. I still keep in touch with
some old friends from East: Ina Johnson, who lives in San Francisco now, and
Cindy Hill, who is still in Memphis. My E-mail address is
- Debbie Henrich
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
- Damon Herring [last updated October, 2013]
Well, I am currently living in Massachusetts. Met a girl/woman who is the love of my life. You can see her and her work here: bakepedia
We live on a reservoir, in the woods, with her 2 dogs and a lot of poison ivy.
Life has taken a lot of strange twists but I have survived them and feel I am in the best part of life now.
If you want to write me I'm at: [see address below]
Have there been any reunions in the last 10 years?
Hope I hear from some of you.
- Jessica Herrington [last updated July, 2009]
I attended East for 12 years and graduated in 1972 - last year of the 12 year class. I have a lot of fond memories of East and friends. East still looks good after all these years! I have worked with Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Memphis for 29 years. I have been married for 21 1/2 years to a great husband, Hal. For the last couple years, besides work, I had taken care of my mom, who was bedridden in our home. In December of 2008, she had a massive stroke, which required me to put her in a nursing facility. That doesn't leave much time for anything else. Always good in sports, I managed to learn to bowl pretty well. When my mom became ill, I quit bowling from three leagues a week plus tournaments (in and out of town) to zero. To be truthful, I miss the friends at the lanes more than the bowling, which I thought I could never live without.) Guess it has something to do with the age thing! I would love to hear from ya'll so drop an e-mail when you have time!
- Debra Kaplan [posted November 7, 2008]
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
- Patricia Lackey [last updated January, 2003]
I attended East High for two years and graduated in 1972. I had already married James Howard Yandell III. I must say we were inseparable and I left Memphis to live with him in Texas. Our lives involved 4 years of military service with the Air Force. James became a Power Production Service Tech of which he worked on everything from hospitals to schools to ski resorts and anything involving back up power. He has been everywhere with me, even to Alaska to work in the ministry. He became an adult teacher and I played piano and keyboard in a full gospel church of which we totally enjoyed.
We've been married 30 years. We have 2 children, Jerry, age 29 and Jamie, age 24; 2 grandchildren, Joey age 5, and Ben, age 2 weeks old. We've been living outside of Atlanta, Georgia and James was working and found out he had Multiple Myeloma Cancer III Stage.
We had to drop everything and put him in the hospital to see if we could save his life. He had been given only 3 months to live. We tried chemo and was working toward a bone marrow transplant, but his organs shut down and he passed away October 10, 2002. I must say we loved each other very much and the whole family has suffered a great loss, but I did want to hear from some of the classmates we knew at East. If you care to write an e-mail please do. Much love to all of you we knew. Sincerely, Patricia Yandell
- Georgi Lewis [last updated April, 1997]
My name is Georgi Lewis, graduated East High in 1972, was Editor in Chief
the yearbook. I graduated from Newcomb College of Tulane University in
Orleans in 1976. Married in 1976 and have 4 sons. I have lived in North
Brunswick, New Jersey, for 18 years. E-Mail is
- Raymond Mann [last updated December, 2000] [E-mail address updated November, 2007]
Hello class of 72. This is Raymond Mann. I currently live in Madison, Wisconsin with my wife and three children, four other children have moved out own their own. After graduation I started working for several small retail firms and I have been with Wal-mart for the past 25 years and
as a district manager for the past 10. I lived in Mississippi, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, South Dakota, Chicago, Ill. and now here in Madison since leaving Memphis. I look forward to hearing from some of my old friends.
- Babs Mason
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
- Paul McDaniel ("Mac")
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
- Kathy McNeese [last updated August, 2013]
[Editor's note, please see her profile on the Class of '73 page]
- Cathy McNew [last updated June, 2001]
Hello now from Michigan. My husband Sid (Central '71) is with Ford Motor Company and we were transferred here in August 2000. It's cold here - it's not Tennessee that's for sure, but we are getting used to it. Our children are Rachel (12 going on 16) and Becky (9!).
I was in Memphis Memorial weekend 2001 with my sisters Carol ('73) and Claudia ('74) and we drove up to the school. I haven't been in it in years, but just sitting in the front parking lot brought back a lot of memories. Hope the class of '72 has another reunion. I was sorry that I had to miss the first one.!!
- Vic Parks [last updated March, 2006] ] [E-mail address updated July, 2021]
I graduated from East in '72 and graduated from Memphis State in '77. I am working for Thompson Machinery who is the local Caterpillar dealer, bulldozers and such. I can't believe it has been a generation since I went to East. I look back on those days as some of the greatest in my life, I just didn't know it at the time. Hindsight is always 20/20. I married a Messick girl, Cindy Vaughan, class of '74. We live in Bartlett and have two kids, or young adults, I should say. We have a son, 21 and a daughter who is closing in on 20. I miss all my friends from high school and I need to do a better job of staying in touch. Several have already passed away and I feel blessed to have made it this far. When I drive down Poplar and look at the old school, all the memories flood back and I think we had the last great graduating class.
Times have sure changed. I want to thank the keepers of this web site. It is great information about a time in all our lives that is close to all our hearts, our youth.
- Jan Perel - Reported deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Woody Phillips - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Sandy Pugh [last updated April, 2009]
Hey Everyone!
I am an elementary music teacher right here in Memphis at Fox Meadows Elementary School. I was just shown this web-site by my student teacher - whose father was in East High School's second graduating class! I am delighted to feel reconnected, yet saddened to learn of those who have gone before. Terribly miss Kathleen Capon White - my dear friend. Went to Ms. Gillespie's funeral this past summer. Great loss - wonderful lady to the end! Didn't she change some lives!
I graduated from Memphis State in 1978 with a degree in music education, and have been teaching in Memphis - off and on - ever since. I received my master's degree in education from Union University.
I married Bill Hunt, Jr. (Whitehaven - 1970 graduate) in February of 1979 and we had two children together: Lawrence Murray (b.1981)(who owns a wonderful restaurant in Oxford, MS named "Sugar Brown's - Southern Cuisine"; and Jenna (b.1985) (perpetual college student, recently married and now carrying my first grandchild). Bill and I divorced in 2000 and I am happily enjoying my second childhood!
I am a very active member of the Memphis Symphony Chorus - my newfound passion - and am extremely busy between work, play, church, friends and family.
- Jean Reed [last updated February, 2011]
for now, I'd just like to give my phone numbers, for contact info next time there's a reunion. . .
I'd love to come to it.
[phone numbers withheld pending confirmed authorization]
- Peter Graves Russell [posted October, 2013]
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
Nancy Sorrells [updated May, 2024]-
Hi, I am married, live in Austin and have 3 children and 8 grandchildren. Mark and I have been married for 42 years.
- Richard Thomas [updated July 30, 2011]
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
Prior to his death, Richard Thomas was a participant with our alumni page. The following was his last posting with us.
[posted August, 2009]
I have been in the principal's office for about 40 years. Actually, after high school I went to University of Tenn at Knoxville on an ROTC Scholarship...then the war was over in 1975 and I was let out of my commitment. Then
on to the Insurnace business and have been in the field ever since. Married to Debbie Boswell (of White Station)
and have a son that is 27.
Have had many rewarding experiences and look forward to more and hopefully with some of you folks.
I still workout in Martial Arts and my son was a National Champion for several years and was invited to join the Olympic Team in Colorado Springs. (did not want to move from Memphis)
Have had the pleasure of catching up with some of you and look forward to going over old times with the rest.
I wish the best for everyone and will do anything I can to help.
- Don Thompson [last updated January, 2010]
I am married to Carla " Creak" from Somerville, TN. We have 4 children. We are currently serving as Missionaries on board the Logos Hope in the Caribbean. My e-mail address is don@gomissions.net Carla and I are on Facebook as Don-Carla Thompson please e-mail or friend us on Facebook
- Carol Tiffin [last updated July, 2012]
My husband Ed and I moved to the coast of Maine in1996. Our oldest child, daughter Rachel, born in 1978, married a native Mainer and lives near Bangor. She is a 6th grade teacher, also teaches "Gifted and Talented" students, and her husband teaches junior high science. They have two girls, both violinists and both are a hoot. Our son, Matt, born in 1983, is a web site designer and programmer. He has designed software for the iPad ("Headlines Reader") and started a company called Flat Cap Apps. He also created and runs MacYenta.com. He too married a native Mainer (another teacher!) in July 2005. They have one boy and another baby on the way. I guess we're here for the duration, since both our kids married Yankees. Ed is a retired United Methodist pastor. I am a certified medical transcriptionist for the local hospital, and In my little spare time, I quilt, sew, play piano and Celtic harp. I also enjoy digital photography and making my own greeting cards, and blogging. I have too many hobbies for my own good.
I have been saddened at the many friends we have lost from the 1971-72 classes. The deaths of Mark Williamson and Kathleen Capon White have hit me especially hard. I am proud to have been their friends. (RIP, Miss G.)
We live in Hancock, walking distance to a bay, halfway between Bar Harbor and Bangor, 20 minutes from Acadia National Park. Since we are now empty-nesters and have started to downsize and simplify, I've been blogging for over 7 years about our experiences and what I am learning in life. The link is http://simplicityexperiment.blogspot.com/. I can reached at:
- Wanda Toombs [last updated February, 2013]
Update after a few years. Just passed my 28th year at UT Health Science Center in the College of Pharmacy. Been divorced for 7 years, after 22 years of marriage. Two amazing daughters, oldest one living in Dallas and the younger one living in Memphis. Would love to hear from old friends.

- John Trusty [last updated October, 2013]
I am a graduate of the University of Memphis and a CPA.
I have been married to Debbie for 38 years. We live in Memphis. I am the Director of Finance for the City of Millington and retired from Shelby County Government. Debbie has been Director of Children's Ministries at our church for many years. Our son and his wife (Clint & Laura) live in Atlanta and have a new son, Jack. Our daughter and her husband (Blair & Josh) live in Vicksburg.
- Albert F. White [last updated July, 1997]
Hi 'YALL! I live in Jackson Ms. with my wife of 19
years, Martha, (yes, I'm married to Martha White and people say I did
that to her for the sake of the pun). We have a 15 year old son, Charlie
and an 11 year old daughter, Keller, who really runs our house. I
graduated from Rhodes in '76, then did a year at South Carolina. I came
back to Memphis in 77 and had a blast with my old friends while
learning to be a banker at 1st Tennessee. I recently had my 20th year
ann. in banking at Deposit Guaranty in Jackson.
My real interests now are centered around Habitat where I do a lot of
nail bending (as opposed to biting) and a trip to Honduras here and
there for medical missions or Habitat house building.
Who would've thought... a wimp in the band has a son on an ice hockey
team (give blood...play hockey) and a daughter who wins medals figure
I hope to see y'all soon at the reuion. This will be my 1st in 25 years but
I haven't missed much... Stan Beaty talks about everybody! Albert and his family have an e-mail address of
- David Wilbanks [last updated July, 2023]
I graduated from East High in '72. Soon afterward I married the lovely Linda Ezzell, a '71 Central High graduate. We moved to Missouri to finish education and I served in pastoring churches across Missouri. We now reside in Lake St. Louis, MO. We are blessed with a son and daughter nearby who get to express their creative talents in their work. (We're hoping some of our 6 grandchildren are eventually going to give us great-grandchildren!) After 1990 I ran a custom cabinetry fabrication business and in the 21st century have operated an entertainment electronics business selling home theaters, stereo music systems, and smart home technologies. Life centers around what God is doing in our lives through His Son Jesus Christ as we prepare for the Great eternal reunion. Memories of school arouse feelings unlike any others. The formative years were special. Certain coaches and teachers, class mates and team mates remain clear. We are all much different than we were then, but we still have many of the same common memories.
- Frank Wilbourn
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
- Nora Willis [last updated March, 2011]
Married James Wax in 1977. We have a fantastic son who is a lawyer like his Dad and lives in California.
We live in Oregon by the snow covered mountains. Incredible. Blue skies, hiking, snow, rivers,and a cool downtown. Just Beautiful.
I have an art studio and still illustrate.
To quote jackie Gleason "How Sweet it Is"
*We Wish Everyone a Happy and Peaceful Life.
People who attended East with the class of '72 for a time.
- Susan Coyle [last updated September, 2009]
I attended East from grades 1-10. My scheduled graduation year was 1972. I earned my G.E.D. from East High in 1971, after marrying Charles Richardson and becoming a mom to a wonderful son, David. David's dad and and I were married for 16 years. I earned my A.S. from State Tech in '77, took a number of classes at Memphis State in the 80's and FINALLY earned my B.S. from Crichton in '98. David's 38 now and a Sr. Aircraft Mechanic at FedEx. I also worked at FedEx as a Database Administrator for a number of years (after doing much the same at Schering-Plough for 20 years) and, along with 499 other IT professionals in Memphis, my position was eliminated this past April. I'm enjoying "accidental retirement"! I live in the Memphis area and enjoy boating, traveling. fast cars and, most of all, spending time with my precious 9-year-old granddaughter.
- Beth Eggleston [last updated: July, 2010]
Time for an update, I guess, it has been a while! Still married to Jim Caples, who attended his 40 year reunion this past weekend.And had a great time...wish I could have been there... Our boys are all grown now, 2 in Memphis and 1 in Birmingham I finished nursing school in '98 and work in a local hospital. Nights. Which is why I am wide awake @3am after working 4 in a row..... but anyway...Jim and I are empty nesters and it is great! No grandchildren yet, but I keep hoping......also hoping that our class has a 40 year reunion in 2012... any info on that?? Would love to hear from ya'll!
- Ben Langston [last updated January, 2010]
well where do i start since i received the vip escort by the 2 Gs as in Griesbeck & Griffin half way through my senior year to finish at white station what memories i have of East i can honesly say i never skipped a day of school as i was afraid i would miss something exciting such as when a fellow rotc cadet stripped and walked the halls into class and gave a salute to sgt norris or rusty graves attempt to defy thrust and lift and falling thru auditorium ceiling inspired tom petty song free falling since 75 i have been involved in ownership of 3 companies starting in aspen co.,longview tx,and the last anna maria island fl. sold out in 06 and since then have been doing voluntary scientific research for viagra i must say things are going better doing the voluntary work. relocated back to gtown in 08 to help provide care to my elderly parents figured they wouldnt be in shape they are in if it hadnt been for me
- Suzanne`Miller ('71)
[A member of the Class of '71 but skipped a year of high school so also associated with the Class of '72. See her profile in the Class of '71 listing.
- Tommy Plyler
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
- Virginia Tully [posted August 2, 2005]
Deceased. An obituary is available.
- Howard Yandell [last updated November, 2002]
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
Prior to his death, Howard Yandell was a participant with our alumni page. The following was his last posting with us.
[posted April, 1999]
I went to East most of my Elementry and High school years. Was to Graduate May 72, but Found my wife to be (Patricia Lackey) in Homeroom (Mrs.Gillespie's). I got a Draft callup #46 to the Army. Me and Patricia Skipped School and got Married November 1971.
I joined the AirForce and went to Basic in San Antonio, Tx. Pat was to graduate in May '72 BUT! stoleaway to Texas to be with me for ever. We've had a really wild ride togeather.I became a Diesel Mechanic as I always told my teachers and my Parents in high school. Me and Pat Have raised two children Jerry Lee (after the Killer) 26yrs. and Jamie Lynn 20yrs. We Have 1 Grandchild Joseph Taylor. We Have lived in many places. I have taken jobs to travel, live and see other places I and Patricia were interested. In 82 we all moved to Alaska, I flew all over repairing boats, generators, and equipment for Cummins Northwest. From there we moved to Evergreen, Colorado 1988 and worked there for ten years.Got tired of cold long winters and moved back south to Georgia. Saw this page on the net while looking for an old friend Dennis Caples. I'd like to hear from some of you guys.