- Sheryl Alexander [last updated July, 2010]
I have spent most of my career in non-profit management and fundraising. I have lived in California since 1997. I can always be reached at my email address
- Debbie Austin [posted May 21, 2007]
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
- Bill Barnard [last updated June, 2013]
Hello, East High! I waved at you in April as I drove by on Poplar (small touch of nostalgia).
Anyhow, we have been in the Toledo, OH area for nearly 23 years, and until recently, in the same house. In Feb., we moved south - 17.25 miles south, from Sylvania to Waterville, OH, and are settling into our house on the Maumee River, a rather larger property than we've had before, and I've acquired all kinds of noisy outdoor "toys" to take care of it.
Our three girls are scattered from the Rockies to Philadelphia. No grandkids; only grand-dogs.
By and large, life is good.
- Rick Banks
Reported deceased.*
- Joe Beasley [posted January 4, 2017]
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
- Gerry Benton [last updated May, 2005]
- Larry Bobbet
Reported deceased.*
- Drew Bellomo [posted August 8, 2014]
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
- Jack Bowers [updated October 7, 2023]
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
Prior to his death, Jack Bowers was a participant with our alumni page. The following was his last posting with us.
[posted October, 2007]
I'm still living in northern NJ, a few miles outside of New York City. Married with two children - Amanda (20), who is a junior at UVA and Jackson (17), a high school senior). Since December of 2005, I have been commuting to New Orleans to work in the city's recovery and rebuilding efforts.
I don't get back to Memphis very often, but will attend our 40th reunion in 2010.
- Marsha Brown [posted July 27, 2022]
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
- Exye Bullard [last updated January, 1998]
I have been living in Edmond, OK (about 15 miles north or
Oklahoma City) for about 7 years with my husband (Hunter, of 24 yrs.). We
have 1 son (Wesley) who is a sophmore in college. I am an avid golfer and
play golf 3-4 times a week.
[Note: e-mail address corrected 1-6-98]
- Allison Burns [last updated November, 2019]
- Eddie Byrd [last updated March, 2010]
Hello everyone. I am looking forward to the 2010 reunion.
- Jimmy Caples [last updated September, 2011] [E-mail address updated January, 2018]
- Bob Carrier
Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Sheila Cooke [last updated December, 2019]
Update since my last report. After 30 years with National Park Service, I retired in 2011. Love retirement! Traveling a lot, trying to visit every National park unit! My husband and I stayed in Massachusetts as we had so many friends here. I visit Memphis a couple of times a year to see my brothers. I hope to be able to attend the reunion in 2020! It was interesting to read all of your profiles.
- Debbie Coyle [last updated April, 2023]
I miss the good old days of growing up and going to school in a different environment than now. I miss my friends (who have passed on) and hope to one day be able to join y'all at a reunion.
- Kay Dunlap
Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Bobby Deaton [last updated August, 2013]
- Mike Dowling [last updated December, 2019]
Greetings, East High, and in particular, all of the great folks from the class of '70. It's wonderful to catch up with everyone. My lovely wife of 39 years, Rhonda, and I live in a little town in Washington state, about halfway between Seattle and Portland. It's beautiful up here in the Pacific Northwest, and my brown-eyed girl and I are up here with all of the other old granola-eating, tie-dyed-wearing hippies, just waiting for Mt. St. Helens to erupt again. After leaving East, I joined the Naval Reserve and later graduated from the U of M. I wound up working for First Horizon National Corp. for twenty-something years, then worked with a small logistics firm in Collierville until we decided to pack up and head west. We have one child, Matt, who is a Veterinary Oncologist in Oregon, and one grand-dog, George. We still keep up with the goings-on in Memphis, especially our beloved Tigers, and we truly miss the BBQ, the humidity and of course, all of the wonderful people there.
- Jana Ellzey [last updated July, 2000]
Married to Duane Nelson ('70)(still crazy after all these years). Our daughter, Julia is 22 and her daughter, Alexandra, is 18 months. Our son, Duane III is 18 and has graduated from high school and is planning to
attend the University of Central Arkansas in Conway this fall. I'm still
going to college there myself but plan to graduate in December 2001 with a major in Dnglish and a minor in information systems. I design and program custom database software for a Conway computer business only to pay for my obsessive horse habit. I train and compete over a five state region in the olympic discipline of dressage with my horse, Boomer. Duane is still in the hydraulic business and cooks world championship BBQ with the Memphis in
May BBQ team at Fedex. He also does a lot of catering here at home. We have
two Jack Russell terriers, a foxhound and my son's cat, Cricket, who is 13 years old now. We had a great time at the reunion last weekend and appreciate all the work that went into it. Thank you reunion committee!!
- Mary Evans
Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Lester Goldsmith [last updated December, 2019]
Hello, everyone. I attended East for grades 1-12 (yes, a member of The 12 Year Club), always living within walking distance. I didn't view school as primarily a place of pleasure but rather a place of lots of work! However, as time has passed, now I believe we had a great school and I am happy that I had the experience I did. I am excited about our 50 year class reunion coming in Jun 2020.
Married to Beth Gooch, East High Class of 1975, also a member of The 12 Year Club.
- Suzette Goldstein [last updated July, 1999]
Hey everyone! I can't believe we have been out of school for almost 30 years. I am working on the reunion committee, so I hope to get in touch with a lot of you. My husband, Robert Malkin, and I have been married 24 years. We have 2 daughters - Erin, 21 who lives in Israel and Ashley, 17 who is a senior at White Station. Ashley will be going to high school for her 1st semester of her senior year in Israel. The 2 girls will be 30 minutes apart from each other. Erin can't wait. She's been in Israel 1 1/2 years. We have all been over there to visit and Erin has been here once. Our phone lines are burning up. We need to get her a computer!
As you can tell, my life since I've been married has centered around Robert
and the girls. Robert is a self-employed computer programmer, software
designer, and website designer. I am his secretary, bookkeeper, gopher,
you name it. Call me whatever you want in his business - I write the
paychecks and I pay myself well!
.. I run into alot of people in our class from time to time. I would love
to hear from ya'll. I would especially love to see everyone at the reunion
in 2000. Man, do ya'll feel like I do - I don't feel near my age. And the
older our daughters get, the younger Robert and I act. Write me, call me,
fax me, e-mail me - I'm accessible. My address is:
Suzette Malkin
236 N. Yates Rd.
Memphis, TN 38120-1800
Phone: (901)767-8713
Fax: (901)767-3388
- Kimbal Gordon II [last updated June, 2008] [E-mail address updated December, 2019]
- Dorothy Greenway [last updated December, 2019]
I was shocked when the letter arrived announcing our 50th reunion. It does not seem that long ago.
I retired from the VA and City of Memphis hospitals as a x-ray and ct tech and also as a middle school math and science teacher in Virginia.
My husband Gregg and I have been married 33 years and have one daughter. We are very proud of her. She has a vet degree from Virginia Tech and a PhD from Duke in pathology. It never stops amazing me that a simple girl like me was blessed with a daughter like her.
- Lee Anne Heiss [last updated August, 2008] [E-mail address updated March, 2020]
After graduation I attended school at Memphis State University. I married Troy L. Gafford October 7, 1971. We were married 35 years when he died April 15, 2007. We have 3 daughters, April born 1972 who is a licensed counselor and has 2 children, Peyton and Parker(I love being a grandmother AKA Mimi), Jennifer and Jessica who were identical twins were born in 1978 and were diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Jessica died November 28, 1995 and Jennifer died June 20, 1999. I have worked in the banking industry since 1982. I am now employed at First Tennessee Bank. I have great memories of my days at East High School and all classmates there. I attended school there all twelve years walking up Greer street from the time I was in first grade until I graduated.
Lee Anne Heiss Gafford
- Larry Isbell
Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Patricia Jackman [last updated May, 2017]
I have been married to Ed for 39 years and we moved to Pensacola in 1991. Did not know about other reunions, I think the 20th was the last one I came to. I have worked in retail since leaving Memphis and am store manager for Lori's Gifts at Baptist Hospital. I will be retiring in August 2017! Please put me on list. Would love to come to 50th in 2020. Glad I found this website.
- Stephanie Jennings [last updated July, 2010]
Teaching special needs children, living on an island, fishing, clamming, and laying on the beach with a good book, are my passions. I have been in Virginia for 11 years and have only been to Memphis twice. Hope to come soon. If anyone is ever in Va. give me a call.
- Vince Jobst [March 4, 2012]
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
- Bo Joplin
Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Susan Koenig [last updated March, 2019]
I studied history & Irish literature at Southwestern for 2 years after graduating East High and spent summers teaching remedial reading to at risk first graders with Churchill Davenport. I spent my junior year abroad at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland studying Medieval Irish & Modern Irish History and Tudor Propoganda. Upon returning to Memphis, I switched majors to early childhood education at MSU ( decided to change the world educating young children as our future). Taught in Germany for two years after working at inner city Memphis schools and wound up in Orlando, Fl, upon returning to the States. Met my husband, Rick, of 34 years while getting our masters at UCF, and he was Florida’s Teacher of the Year in 1988. I taught Kindergarten for 38 years and was an adjunct at UCF for 5 years. I have enjoyed traveling to 48 of the 50 US states and 32 countries & 4 continents.
I have a stepson who is 40 and a hair stylist and a son who 33 and a CFO for Siemens medical who is married and has a 3 year old daughter, who is our only grandchild.
My mother came to live with my family after Dad died when she was 79. She passed at our home at 96. My husband is a saint - but as he says, "It's what we do for family."
Rick & I are still die hard liberals who want to make this world a better place. We refer to ourselves as old political hippies.
My brother Steve Koenig, lives in Brentwood, Tn.
- Susan Meriwether Klyce
Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Liz Kuhlenkamp [last updated August, 2002]
It is so good to be living back in Memphis and reconnecting with old friends. I lived in several states during my marriage, but I've now made a full circle coming home. I work for
First Tennessee Bank as a graphic designer/ copywriter in Sales Marketing. I have two grown daughters who live in Kansas City where I lived for 14 years before my return to Memphis. I only attended East High for my junior and senior years, but I made many friends who I remember fondly. I was fortunate to see several of them at the 30 year reunion during the school tour, but would love to see others. I plan to attend the mini-reunion July 27 - I can't wait
to see who shows up!
- Paul Lebovitz [last updated December, 2017]
I am a Landscape Architect working in middle Tennessee. I moved to Franklin via Baton Rouge, LA where I attended LSU to achieve my Landscape Architect degree. From Baton Rouge I moved to New Orleans, and then to Franklin where I have been for some 30+ years. Harriet Hix's cousin lives 3 houses away from me, and I run into Chuck Welch here occasionally, so I do see graduates here and there. I am married with 3 children. If you are nearby, I would enjoy visiting with you. Feel free to call me at 615-415-6855; I live next to downtown Franklin.
My brother Richard and sister Dale also attended EHS.
- Charlotte Leonard [last updated January, 1999]
I've enjoyed living in Atlanta for 16 years working for
Turner Broadcasting in various positions. In my current position (Sr. VP
and General Manager Turner Broadcasting System International) I travel
extensively in Latin America as well as in Europe and the US.
My travels seldom take me back to Memphis since both of my parents are
deceased. I do visit friends there at least once a year and keep up with a
lot of Memphians through my brother (Charlie, '72 in LA) and people like
Exye Bullard, Linda Richmond and Nancy Smithart (all outside of Memphis but
somehow in the know).
If in Atlanta give me a call.
- Dave Majors [last updated April, 2007]
After high school I started to college at CBU (Christian Brothers College back then). I completed one year and then took a year off to work and save. Went back to college at Memphis State, got married, and joined the Air Force. I was stationed at Holliman AFB, New Mexico, for two years then came back to Memphis and served in the 164th Air National Guard for another seven years. While serving in the Guard, I went back to school and also went to work for Kimberly Clark. I worked with them for seventeen years until the Memphis plant closed. I then went to work for FedEx and have worked for them for the past twelve years.
I became a Christian while I was in the Air Force and have worked with the Cuba Ave church of Christ, the East Frayser church of Christ, and the Raleigh church of Christ. I am serving today as one of the elders at the Bartlett Woods church of Christ. I am preparing for a mission trip to the Pacific this summer. This will be my thrid trip to the island nation of Kiribati.
My wife, Zana, and I have two childern. My daughter is married and our second grandchild this week on April 13th. My son is a freshman at University of Memphis and will be going with me to the Pacific.
- Galen Mallard - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Gerry Lynn Martin [last updated August, 1999] [E-mail address updated February, 2004]
Glad to have this source of information!!
I was a member of the Twelve Year Club having attended East in grades one through twelve.My husband of 24 years,Jared, and I live in Austin, Texas, with our sons, Jared, 17, and Dan, 10. I taught first grade in Texas schools for 12 years. East has wonderful memories for my siblings as well. Our dad pastored Poplar Avenue Baptist Church across the street from East High for 18
years, and we lived two blocks from the school and church. It is nice to hear from so many people that were classmates, friends, or neighbors.
- Ken Mayo [posted August 4, 2021]
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
- Martha McCarty [last updated July, 2007]
I have living in Arizona since 1976. I have been married to Gene Wilson for 32 years. Gene was captain of his football team in Texas in college. Those of you who remember me might get a kick out of that. Flower child that I was.

I have my real estate license and have been director of the local Chamber of Commerce. I am pretty much retired except that I am a printmaker and have been doing art for the last 30 years.I teach dog ovedience classes and raise Australian Shepherds, Border Collies and Tennessee Walking Horses here on a small ranch in Arizona.
Gene is the municipal judge here in town.
We have a son Kelly,31 and a daughter Jaime 29.
We have reaffimed our commitment to Christ with a great church in Casa Grande Arizona. Life is wonderful!
- Paul McDonald [last updated July, 2010] [E-mail address updated Septermber, 2012]
Upon graduating from East High School,I enrolled at The University of Mississippi.I was a member of DKE Fraternity
I met my wife Meredith at Ole Miss, and after graduation in 1974, we married. We have two sons, Jay, a M.D. in Jackson, MS., and Preston, a Financial Analyst with SunTrust in Atlanta. After Ole Miss I entered my family's 5 state wholesale appliance business based in Memphis known as McDonald Brothers Company. In 1976 I attended and earned a certificate from The University of Notre Dame, Center For Continuing Education,Institute of Management in South Bend Indiana. In my career I was active in all aspects of the wholesale appliance business from sales, advertising, finance, purchasing and executive management with annual sales peaking at $50,000,000. I represented RCA,Whirlpool/Kitchenaid,& Philips Corporation as exclusive Distributor for the Mid South. I pioneered the marketing, & sales of many new and innovative products such as the first VHS Video Recorders, Compact Disc Players, Microwave Ovens, Projection TV, and the first home Satellite Systems. Our company earned numerous awards for performance from RCA and Whirlpool including Whirlpool Corporation's highest national award known as "Best In The U.S." In 1992 I made the decision to exit the market as a distributor. After winding our business down I wanted to be active in other business opportunities and chose a new career in the Real Estate Market as a Realtor associated with The Hobson Company in Memphis. My wife Meredith & I very much enjoy selling Real Estate as a Team. We are both Life Time Members of The Memphis Board of Realtors Multi Million Dollar Sales Club. We enjoy spending time at Pickwick and attending Ole Miss Football games with our friends and family. We are also active in our Church, Independent Presbyterian Church in Memphis. I have very fond memories of great friends and the experiences we shared as fellow students at East High. I hope you will attend our 1970 Class Reunion Party at our home, 251 Goodwyn, Memphis, July 23. I look forward to seeing you again!
- Bill Milligan [last updated July, 2016]
Made it to retirement and it is great. It is like going to college with money and no tests. I still see Tempelton, Gordon, Caldwell, and Bowers from time to time and I am glad to report they are still great friends of mine. Neal Anderson and I worked together for a few years in Orlando, Florida. What a good man. It is pretty amazing at the quality of people gathered together by geography in the late 60's and early 70's.
- Linda Mullen
Reported deceased.*
- Nancy Nash [last updated February, 2000]
These last ten years have been the most exciting so far. After being
awarded a Fulbright Scholarship my daughter, Jennifer, and I spent one year
in Wales teaching in a village called Mumbles on the seashore. We then went to England where I taught at an English drama school in Surrey. My third grade class won first prize in the international drama competition for private schools in London. While I lived in England I taught horseback riding. England was a little wet so we jumped at the opportunity to live in Nice, France where I taught at the American International School . My fifth grade class was chosen to perform CATS for 250 headmasters at the ECIS convention in Monaco. The next two years we lived in Monaco and my first graders performed for Prince Albert at a Thanksgiving dinner. Our last two years were spent in Zurich, Switzerland teaching kindergarten. The salary was great but it was time to think about an American college for Jennifer and our journey back to the States. We have spent an exciting ten years exploring Ireland, France, Monaco, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Switzerland, Luxenburg, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Italy, Spain, and Corse.
The European experience was just right for Jennifer. She attended the best
private schools in Europe and learned French. Jennifer majored in music,
piano and composes her own songs. She played on the international
volleyball team. When she was eleven she went to an English Ski School in France and competed with the members on the British Ski Team and didn’t come in last!
She jumps when she is skiing and scares me to death, but I guess it goes
with the territory. We have spent the last ten years skiing from village to village from France to Switzerland. Jennifer is now a junior at SMU,
Southern Methodist University, double majoring in finance and computers
with a 3.75 average and hopes to attend law school.
I am teaching special education in Dallas. I have written four books
teaching children to read and hope to get them published.
- Ray Neal [last updated February, 2014]
Hey everyone. Just a quick update. Still out here in El Paso, Texas. Still married to Cece(34 yrs) and have two kids, Michael(25) and Ali(18). Both great and healthy. I hope there is a reunion coming up in the near future. Let me hear from some of you. Hope to see you soon.
- Duane Nelson [last updated July, 2000]
Well, I have been married to Jana for 29 years. I don't know how she put up with me all this time. I sell hydraulic equipment and have been for over 20 years. I have two children and one grandbaby. WOW I barbeque for fun and was a member of the Other Team tne 1996 MIM Grand champions.
- Debby Oestreicher [last updated May, 2005]
Widowed in ‘97 after 25 yrs of marriage. No kids but I have a great companion in my poodle Valerie. I’ve been in Houston for 30 years now where I enjoy native status. I travel quite a lot and enjoy time with friends cooking and entertaining. I retired several years ago and after being 12 hour a day workaholic, I had absolutely no trouble adjusting!!!! Please let me know if you’re going to be in the area, or drop me a note and let me know how you’re doing. I’d love to see or here from you!!!
- Gary Pike
Reported deceased.*
- Linda Richmond [last updated January, 2006] [E-mail address updated March, 2010]
We are still in North Carolina! The kids (4) are older and we have sent our youngest child off to college. Gene Hill(class of '68) and I have been married for almost 35 years and are now "empty nesters". We have two grand-darlings and are expecting a third in Feb '06. Our daughter, Joanna, married a Memphis boy and is living in High Point Terrace and teaches at PDS.
I work part-time for a market research group and volunteer with several groups.
Life is good.
- Georgia Roberts [updated posted January 19, 2007]
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
Prior to her death, Georgia Roberts was a participant with our alumni page. The following was her last posting with us.
[posted May, 2000]
I wanted to say how much I will miss all of you at the reunion. I've been married for almost 27 years to Michael. We have 1 son, Eric who is 16 and graduating from h.s. this June.
We moved to Las Vegas after living in Los Angeles for 18 years. After the Northrige earthquake, I wanted to move. We have lived in Las Vegas for 5
1/2 years. We love it here. Michael is a dermatologist who still practices in Calf., so he comutes back and forth on the weekend.
If anyone is heading this way, please call or e-mail and say hey. I would love to hear from anyone.
Take Care - Class of '70
Georgia Roberts Perel
- Deborah Rodgers [last updated February, 2009]
I have been married to Glen Smith (class of '71) since January 1972. We have 2 sons. Chris is 30 and is married to Summer. They have one child--our precious grandaughter, Aniston, who is now 5 years old. Our youngest son, David, attends the University of Memphis and is majoring in Business and Commercial Aviation. We have lived in the Memphis area since graduating from h.s. We moved from Germantown to Rossville to a new home last year. I retired from the library system in May 2002 after 32 years and now work part-time at our church weekday preschool (Germantown Baptist). We are very active in our church and enjoy church trips as well as family vacations. Glen is a hot-air balloon pilot so we go to a few balloon events throughout the year.
- Carole Rutland [posted November 13, 2012]
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
- Richard Smith ("Dickie") [last updated October, 2005]
Hi Everyone!I'm still in Memphis,married in 1991 to Cindy,have a girl eleven named Page.Still selling sporting goods as I have for 36 years.
- Sandy Speros [last updated August, 2002]
Been working at FedEx for 23 years.
Divorced 1998. Daughter 11 and son 9.
- Kathy Stark [posted July 18, 2015]
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
- Carol Tacket [last updated November, 2018]
I've just discovered this website! I live outside of Baltimore and have retired from the Univ. of MD where I was on the faculty of the medical school, doing research primarily in vaccine development. Now I'm involved with some community activities--adult literacy and others--and traveling frequently with husband Jim. My daughter is on the faculty at UVa and son is neurologist in San Francisco. I haven't been back to Memphis in many years.
- John Tashie [last updated September,1997]
John Tashie here.
Still in Memphis.
Just married for First time in 1996.
Expecting a baby march 97.
See Tommy Gardner all the time.
Everyone can call me at (901) 323-0545.
What about the TV shows and the clothes and stuff
from High School Days
Were they funky or what?
Makes me feel old.
Keep them cards and letters coming in
- Debbie Austin [posted May 21, 2007]
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
- Tom Tullis
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
Prior to his death, Tom Tullis was a participant with our alumni page. The following was his last posting with us.
[posted May, 2018]
Like some of my classmates I'm retired now! I retired from Fidelity Investments in 2017 after 23 years. I was managing a team that worked on the design of their websites. My wife, Susan, and I are still living in a small town south of Boston. Our two daughters, Cheryl and Virginia, are all grown up. Cheryl actually works at Fidelity also doing web design and Virginia works at Nordstrom. I don't get back to Memphis very often but maybe for our 50th reunion in 2020 (assuming I'm still around!)
- Jimmy Weatherly [last updated July, 2010]
I really enjoyed seeing everyone at our recent 40th reunion. Hats off to everyone on the committee for their hard work in getting this together. As far as I am concerned, I have been blessed with good health and a terrific family. My wife, Judy, and I will married 32 years in December, 2010, and we have 3 wonderful children; Matthew, Jennifer and Sarah. Jennifer is just about to make us grandparents for the first time in August! I graduated from Memphis State in 1974 with a BBA in General Management. I have been working in the lawn and garden business for the past 24 years and in the automotive aftermarket the previous 8 years. We lived in the Richmond, Virginia area for a while in the 80's but, for the most part, we have lived in the Memphis area and have lived in Germantown for the past 20 years. We have also been heavily involved in church activities including missions, coaching, etc. We've taken our share of trips here and there and hope to take some more. Again, we are extremely proud of our children and our lives are truly enriched by them.
Drop me a line sometime. Take care.
- Paula Weeks [last updated October, 2014] [E-mail address updated December, 2019]
I have lived in Texas since 1976. Patti Henze I have stayed in touch. She occasionally gets to Texas to visit. I have been married to David Barnett who graduated from Messick High, since 1972. David is the chief financial officer for a company with locations in Austin and Houston that sells contract office furniture. He spends many hours serving on The Salvation Army Executive Board. We have 2 children. Mark, a computer software developer, works for the University of Texas. Martha is a high school chemistry and biotechnology teacher. They are both married. We are especially blessed to have them both close, at least for now. At the end of the 2012-2013 school year, after 32 years in the classroom, I retired from teaching. I am looking forward to traveling and just taking it easy. We had our first grandson born April, 2014.
- Arnold Weiner [last updated January, 2019]
Have been married to Scarlett Ann Weiner for 34 years. Have an 18 year old son William James. Graduated from Southwestern at Memphis in 1974 where I was on the cross-country and track teams. I was also a member of Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity. I served in the Air Force from 1979-1990 and the Tennessee Army National Guard 1990-2003. I am presently a member of U.S. Army Retired Reserves. Have been active in the Republican Party for the past 25 years. I was a delegate to the Republican National Conventions of 1996 and 2012 and am presently a member of Shelby County Republican Committee. The most rewarding experience in my life was my service in Tennessee Army National Guard. Favorite faculty members at East were coaches Jimmy Duncan and Dennis Barden
- Herbert Wilmot - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Jessica Wilson
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
Prior to her death, Jessica Wilson was a participant with our alumni page. The following was her last posting with us.
[posted April, 2000]
... cannot believe that we are talking about a 30 yr reunion...I have my sons convinced that I'm only 29 and that my
sister is really older than I am....well, everyone's history is real impressive....I knew Tommy Tullis would put a photo in that looks so somber. remember his rotc days????
I'm single now,after 23 yrs...it's been a hard adjustment for me..My boys are almost grown...my baby graduates from College in W. Va in April, 2000. He wants to go on to law school..both sons have been competitive swimmers thru college and have set records...i can't even swim....i am a neonatal ICU RN in Nashville....I just bought my first new home on my own..overlooking these Tenn hills...yall need to come sit on my wrap around porch and sit in
the swing and let the world go by...........I keep myself busy entertaining my 3 cats....I live for my back rub by punkin, the oldest cat. I'm still trying to decide if I want to be social enough to
attend our reunion,but if I don't see yall there.....i'll always treasure the friendships we had back then. I just got my computer, so write me and I'll see if I can really use e-mail without
setting the computer world back 20 yrs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Biff Work - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Susan Young [last updated January, 2000]
- Mary Ziefle [last updated April, 2010]
Well, hard to believe it's been 40 years. Served 9 years in the USAF, met my husband, been married 34 years this June. Have a son, 28. Worked for Civil Service, getting ready to retire this June. Have lived all over the world including the Phillipines and Germany. Now I live on the Mississippi Gulf Coast, made it through Katrina, watching the rebuilding. It's coming back better than ever. My parents have passed but my older sister lives in Southaven so I get up there every so often. Nice to find this page.
People who were associated with the East High Class of 1970 but did not graduate with it.
- Ted Adair [posted April 22, 2020]
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
- Cherie Carlisle [posted July 1, 2012]
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
- Laurie Early [last updated March, 2012]
I live in an Atlanta suburb and have been in this area since Christmas break 1966 when I was in the 9th grade. Dad got transferred to Atl with Chevron. I've been back to Memphis many times over the years. The last time was in 2004. There is a "You must be from Memphis if" site on facebook and I've reconnected with a couple of "kids" from my 3rd grade class at Grahamwood Elem and others! I never did buy an East yearbook and I just don't know why I didn't. If anyone knows of someone wanting to sell one from '65 - '70 please let me know. I went to White Station in the 7th grade then they changed the boundries. My Spartan yearbook recently was stolen from mom's house and I was lucky to replace it off ebay. I'm homesick for Memphis and have started thinking about going back for a visit. Maybe, I'll here from some of you that were in my class or some of you that weren't. Take Care Mustangs!
- Terry Hicks [last updated June, 2011]
- Tom Jones [last updated May, 2009]
[May, 2011 - Reported deceased.* Unverified reports have been received that Tom Jones died May 9, 2011. The following the profile previously posted.]
Still working in Photography and Digital Imaging-
Still live in Austin Texas
Have a wonderful granddaughter Lilly who is almost two..
- Tom Neiman [last updated February, 2018]

- Phillip Parker [posted November 22, 2021]
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
- Scott Strauch [posted July 15, 2012]
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
- Jimmy Wiseman [last updated January, 2005]
After I attended 4th thru 7th grades at East Elementary and East Junior High, my family moved to Greenville, MS in 1965, where I graduated from Greenville High in 1970. I attended Rice University, Millsaps College and Mississippi State, getting B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in biology and ecology. I currently work for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in Vicksburg, MS, as a wetland ecologist. I am considering semi-retirement from the government and starting my own environmental consulting firm in the next 3+ years. I have fond memories of East. My older sister Mary Ann graduated from East in 1965.
* Entries with the "reported deceased" designation indicate a reunion committee or other persons believed closely associated with the class have indicated they have information they believe quite reliable about the death of the individual so designated. The East High Alumni Page has not received sufficient documentation to verify the information and therefore does not confirm the death or that the individual who died is the one of the same name who attended East High School. Such reports without confirmation should be taken with a degree of skepticism. Anyone with documentation to confirm the report or with information to refute the report is strongly encouraged to contact the editor of The East High Alumni Page at editor@EastHigh.org promptly. Please see our obituary policy.