- Mackie Bacon [last updated September, 2024]
- David Barba [last updated January, 2021]
Post East High education:
B.A. Bob Jones University 1972
M.A. Bob Jones University 1974
D.S. Min. Northland Baptist Bible College 2000
I married Claudia Holmes in 1973, and we will celebrate our 48th anniversary in August, 2021. We have three children – Stephanie, mother of 3 grandsons, is the wife of a home remodeler in South Carolina. Susannah, mom of 4 year old Sofia, is married to a chef/caterer in South Carolina, and Jeremiah, married to Yiqian, mom of two little boys, lives in San Francisco and works for a cloud-based tech company.
We have spent the last 45 years starting and pastoring Baptist churches in the USA and preaching the gospel in the USA, South America, Europe, Eastern Europe, the Caribbean, Africa, Russia, South America, Jamaica, Puerto Rico and anywhere people would listen. Nine of those years we lived on the road in a fifth-wheel trailer holding revival meetings and doing family music with violins, flutes, piano, guitar and vocals. We produced several vocal CDs that deaf folks seem to really enjoy. I think they like the picture on the front.
We started Press On! Ministries in 2001, which is simply Dave and Claudia living in a fifth wheel trailer again helping couples in ministry. We have helped start 25-30 churches in the USA and now help churches that need a boost in attendance or are looking for a new pastor.
We have a home at Lake Tansi in Crossville, TN, but are rarely there. Claudia frequently speaks to ladies groups. We have a number of books that can be found on Amazon and Kindle.
I continue my passion for photography and have been doing canvas art (oils, acrylics, pastels) for about five years. I have enjoyed learning classical guitar, banjo and recently the Caribbean pan. I not that skilled in anything, but do love to learn new things.
We are now (2021) headed to a city north of Seattle to help a church whose pastor recently had a heart attack.
With the wonderful revolution in digital recording, I am now producing radio broadcasts that will begin airing this year. Check out our website for info regarding our radio ministry, and Dave’s Testimony (Signal 30) that contains a photo of Cybill and me singing at the East talent show – www.ipresson.com
Our health is good (I just turned 70) and we look forward to serving in ministry as long as our bodies hold together. We have more fun than we deserve showing folks from the Bible how they can be sure that if they were to die today, they would go to heaven! The older I get, the more I am convinced that I am just one dumb sheep following the wise Shepherd.
Press on!
Dave and Claudia Barba
- Jeanne Barnard [last updated January, 1999]
Greetings from Cajun Country! Randy (Ryker, Overton, '70) and I have been living in Thibodaux, La. since '92 (job offer for him-teaching Information Systems at local university-Nicholls State). We're in the midst of swamps, bayous, sugarcane, 'gators, nutria and fine, fattening food. We've adjusted to the shock of moving from Memphis to a town of 14,000 by having an apartment in the French Quarter-New Orleans is just 50 miles away. After wandering in the valley of "change my major every semester" initial college experience and odd and odder jobs, I completed certification in Respiratory Therapy in 1974 and worked in that field for five years. I later completed the B.S.N. program in Nursing at U.T. Memphis, and even later, got an M.S. in Education at Memphis State. I currently work part time as an R.N. at our local hospital on a physical rehab unit. Randy and I also have an Internet business just getting off the ground (frenchqtrportraits.com). We have a sweetheart of a yellow lab, Maggie, and a temperamental calico, Abbie.
- Terry Bateman - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Jack Brakefield [last updated January, 2012]
Update; I have just completed 30 years in law enforcement and retired Feb. 1,2011. I am still married to a wonderful lady, Sharon, and we share our lives with 4 boys and their wifes plus 8 grandchildren and one expected in May. Life has been wonderful and is now more complete with my walk with Jesus Christ. I wish all of you the best and may God bless each of you. One other thing to say; ROLL TIDE ROLL
- Tommy Brannum - Reported deceased as of September 26, 2007.*
- Kathy Cannon [last updated March, 2003]
Kathy Cannon Sawey
8416 Pipestone Dr.
Plano, TX 75025
Divorced since 1990
One teenage daughter Teresa
After leaving Memphis, I graduated from USF in Tampa, FL. Then, I worked there as a social worker for a few years prior to moving to Texas in October 1975. When I first moved here, I thought that it would be for a couple of years. The years have since turned into decades.
Over the years, I have changed careers and jobs. The fields have included social work, educational evaluation and business. I have been employed for the last few years with Electronic Data Systems (EDS).
One of the great joys in my life has been my wonderful daughter. Sometimes she has also been a challenge, but I feel very fortunate to have such a great teenager.
I have been back to Memphis for only brief trips over the years. I have not been to a reunion since the 10th, but I am looking forward to participating in the 35th. I hope to see many of you at that time.
- Nancie Clark [last updated February, 1998]
Hello friends! I have changed my name to "Natasha Vita More". I'm delighted that we are participating in the virtual community of East High Cyberspace!
After leaving Memphis and graduating from MSU, I went to Academia Belle
Arti in Italy, travelled the World as a Performance Artist and soft landed
in Telluride, Colorado where I owned a business in the arts, a home in the
center of town, had a horse, became a skier, and got involved in
filmmaking. One of life's many turns resulted in my moving to Los Angeles
where I eventually produced, directed and starred in my own videos
(exhibited in Women In Video and United States Film Festival). I acted in a
couple of films, I dated some hot movie stars, made the coctail party
rounds, was wined and dinned by the mogels and then decided that my quest
in life was to design my own art - not follow the routines of someone else.
I began enhancing my intelligence, creativity and knowledge of astronomy,
technology, science, psychology and turned this knowledge into what has become the Transhumanist Art Period and Extropic Art Movement (see
www.extropic-art.com). Although I work as an actor,! (no Cybil has not offered me a part on her sit-com-:) -its not SF is it?) author, and computer graphics designer, this year I have appeared on BBC, PBS, The Learning Channel, Discovery, NBC, CBS, ABC, and various magazines, books, and newspapers talking about the future of art. What are my goals? To live a long, long prosperous and healthy life!
- Judy Clifton - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Jane Collins - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Diane Conrad - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Patty Crowl [last updated August, 2001]
- Pat Davis - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Yoly deMoya [last updated November, 2001]
I attended Memphis State University, majoring in Psychology. After attempting graduate studies in Audiology and Speech Pathology for one long semester, I decided I did not have the necessary
patience to deal with the little "darlings". Marriage became a viable option in the place of studies (ah - the wisdom of youth...). I married in 1973, became a decorator, produced a wonderful son, Ricky in 1977, and achieved the first divorce in our Cuban, Catholic family in 1982. I was lucky enough to meet my crazy, wonderful husband, Robin, a chemist, shortly after that. We married in 1987. I also changed careers and worked for General Motors for 13 years prior to being downsized. Since 1998 I have attempted to run our small business from home. No grandbabies yet, not even a daughter in law, but maybe some day…
E-mail: not available
- Patricia Duncan (Patt) [last updated October, 2005]
Deceased. An obituary is available.
Prior to her death, Patt Duncan was a participant with our alumni page. The following are her last two posting with us.
[posted July, 2004]
Since my old profile information was out-of-date, I saw a need to update it. I am no longer working in the healthcare field, as I have for most of my adult years. In 2001 I was diagnosed with advanced ovarian cancer & in August 2003 went on disability. I still spend a good deal of time with my grandson, Randy, and attend lots of physician appointments. People ask if the cancer is in remission & although technically it never has been, I've been blessed to be up
walking, talking & functioning as nearly normal as possible. The regular dinner meetings & other social functions of our 68 class has been really helpful & healing to me. Lots of you have expressed your kindness, concern & friendship to me. That has meant a lot! Hopefully, I can update this thing again someday to say I've beat this disease. Thanks to all of you 68'ers.
[posted March, 2001]
I have been in the Radiology world of Memphis healthcare since graduating from East High in 1968. I am a radiology, ultrasound & mammography technologist and have been a manager/director in those areas since 1978. I am the manager at the Methodist Healthcare Radiology & Mammography Center in Germantown. I have one son, Chris, and one grandson, Randy.
- Bill Ellzey [updated January, 2020]
Greetings Class! I occasionally visit this site to see if I'm dead, and so far, as of this writing, I am still alive and active. Like the rest of you, I'm just older with no serious ailments. I can still do everything I used to (except play the trumpet), just not as long.
I was pretty well ignored at East High (I'm not even in the '68 yearbook). However, I did manage to get into college and acquire over 350 semester hours credit (despite the negativity I got from East High teachers). I have what you might call a "well rounded" education. Work, which I never did like, took me to places all around the world. I married well later in life (My wife, Henrietta is known all over the world for her research), retired early, and by many, would be considered well off.
During the spring, summer, and fall months I travel extensively on the show circuit with my national champion purebred Arabian horses. Since I live in the Bluegrass region of Kentucky, I do own one registered thoroughbred (Forever In My Way) that was bred to race, but doesn't.
If there is anything else you would like to know, I can be also be found at my farm website; www.flinthillfarm.com
(I can't believe you actually took the time to read this)
- John Eubank [updated May, 2016]
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
Prior to his death, John Eubank was a participant with our alumni page. The following was his last posting with us.
[posted January, 1998]
I live and work in the Memphis and mid-south area selling and
installing industrilal floors (epoxy) to industrial accounts for
Diversified Flooring, Inc. I'm married, (Genia) and I have two children,
John (24) and Stephanie (13) going on 20!! We have lived in St. Paul, MN,
Denver Co, and Houston, Tx, while I was with 3M Co., before moving back
home in 1987.
- Janis Floyd [last updated August, 2012]
I decided that I was financially able to retire and left Nebraska behind for the humidity and mosquitos in Houston, TX. So far I am staying busy decorating the house I bought and doing some much needed landscaping (things I love). Probably will look for a part time job next year just to stay more active.
- Judy Fortner [last updated May, 2012]
- Kaye Frye [last updated February, 2011]
After being in Illinois for 20 years, I am now back in Memphis and although things are quite different here now, it still feels familiar in many ways and like I have come home. Sounds strange, but I'm sure you'll understand if you've ever moved away then returned.
My reason for returning is quite simple: The economy killed my real estate office and we closed it. I didn't own the office, but I managed it and we could see the writing on the wall for about 18 months before we closed. But, it was a great excuse to finally return home to my family and my roots.
Can you believe we're coming up on the 43rd anniversary of our graduation??? It just doesn't seem possible.
Since graduation I been married and divorced; no children; lived in California for 2 years and Illinois for almost 20; held administrative/management positions until I "tried" real estate and did pretty well with that for 13 years. I amazed myself, actually, at how much I enjoyed it. I never would have thought that I would like sales so much. Now I am unemployed and trying to return to an administrative assistant-type position.
It's been fun reading the profiles here and searching for classmates on Facebook. Our days at East were very special.
- Alan N. Glassman [last updated June, 1999]
Alan is one of the elite--a member of the Thirteen Year Club, having attended East from Kindergarten through the 12th grades. Alan is now in Cypress, Texas, and sends us the following update on his activities.
What have I done since High School? Mostly computer programming, but I did time as a Radio Shack store Manager, two Xmas's as Santa Clause at Sear's Southland Mall, couple of months as a Women's shoe salesman at Goldsmith's, and a very bad week as a day worker for a construction firm. Lived in Dallas, Chicago, Doylestown (outside of Philly), and Amsterdam.
Came down to Houston as a contractor, met a nice Texas girl and decided not
to leave. Got a Buick, a mortgage, bi-focals, two dogs, and a 2 year old boy. Work for a large corporation in a plain little office and worry about reductions in the Health Plan coverage. Have not yet taken up golf, but it's probably not too far off. Other than that, it's been pretty quite.
Alan may be contacted via e-mail at alan DOT glassman AT compaq DOT com
Please change to a real address (xxx.yyy@ccc.com) to send me mail.
Shown this way to avoid SPAM.
- Debbie Hall - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Ricky Handwerker - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- David Harsh - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Curt Healy - Deceased. Some obituary information is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Garry Hill - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Gene Hill - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Mary Doris Hooker [last updated February, 1998] [E-mail address updated December, 2012]
Teacher: Memphis City Schools
- Marsha Hunt [last updated August, 2013]
I am now a "country" girl living in Fayette County in a home my husband, Vince, and I built on a beautiful lake shared with our 2 Shih Tzus. I still work at Renasant Bank in the investments division.
- Walt Jackson - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Phil Johnson - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Richard Jones - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Larry Kraft - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Lynda Langston [last updated September, 2008]
After graduating from East, I attended Northwest Jr. College in Senatobia, MS. I married Wallace Frix, my senior year sweetheart, in 1969 and had my oldest son, Jason Frix, in 1972. We divorced in 1974.
I was with Stewart Title Company of Memphis and was VP of Marketing and a closing agent for the company.
I was divorced for 10 years and married Mike Garrett in 1982 and had my youngest son, Ben, in 1984. Unfortunately, we divorced in 1993.
My career in banking includes Chase Manhattan and NBC (now Suntrust), unfortunately, the nature of the beast in banking is job eliminations with mergers. I was offered relocation with both positions but my heart is here in Memphis with my aging mom and dad and my youngest son.
I now work with ServiceMaster with the lending leg, ServiceMaster Acceptance Company and I am the supervisor in the legal department.
All is well in my world.
Thanks to all the hard work of the Reunion committee, The Class of 1968 had a great 40th reunion. It was great to see both new and old acquaintances.
Lynda Garrett
Cell: 901-921-9187
- Wes Lawson [last updated May 13, 2022]
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
Prior to his death, Wes Lawson was a participant with our alumni page. The following was his last posting with us.
[posted June, 2013]
Reach me at ...
[e-mail address]
- Terri Lewis [last updated September, 1999]
Believe it or not, I was browsing the Web looking for a site my 14 year old niece created, and I found the East High Alum Home Page! I was actually looking up Briarcrest for my niece. Wow! What a surprise! It was wonderful to catch up, but bittersweet to see the obituaries.
Anyway, I would like to contribute to the EHS Alum Home Page. I was
never contacted to attend the 30th reunion, but I'm not surprised. I
don't reside in Memphis anymore, and both parents have died, so there is
no contact person. Also, I have remarried since the 1988 reunion, which
I attended and enjoyed.
For the record, I came to East in the 10th grade, having transferred from
Immaculate Conception. After graduating in '68, I attended Memphis
State. Instead of graduating in 1972 like I was suppose to, I accepted
the proposal of marriage to a yankee medical intern.
We married in '73. I started nursing school in '74. He left in
'76. I graduated in '77. I divorced him in '78. We had no children, a
divine oversight. I make better choices now. I worked as a registered
nurse in Memphis from '77 to '89. My main area of practice was critical
care, and the neonatal intensive care unit. I worked at The Med in
the Newborn Center, St. Joseph's Hospital Nursery and Baptist
Hospital NICU, Staff Development. Eventually, I left the hospital to work
in medical sales. I must admit, medical sales was exciting and extremely profitable! It was the sales position which brought me to New
Orleans, where I have lived since 1989. As luck and the economy would have
it, the company I worked for has been sold. So, I have used my RN to
become a legal nurse consultant, focusing my work on the defense side of
worker's compensation. As politics and litigation are spectator sports in
Louisiana, I keep pretty busy. I have a beautiful victorian home in the
Garden District. In 1993 I married the man who earned the title "least
dysfunctional guy I've ever dated." Alan is a news reporter . He has
also written 2 novels. We are just waiting for a publisher to sit up
and take notice. I have a wonderful stepdaughter, Katherine who will be
entering the University of Texas, in Austin next year. She is terribly
smart, and very talented, just like her dad. I truly miss Memphis. My brother still lives there with his family, so I am a regular visitor. I try to make at least 4 visits per year, not including the hurricane evacuation visits. What I miss most about Memphis is, of course family and friends, but also the fun I used to have, particularly during May. I was a member of a barbecue cooking team, The Paddlewheel Porkers. Yes, we have won in
the Memphis In May BBQ contest. There was the first place prize for
whole hog in '87, and I believe we won the grand prize in '93. The biggest
surprise for me was seeing Ricky Handwerker ('68) on my team! He
joined our team in '88.
Well that's enough about me. Should anyone care to contact me here in
the Big Easy, my email is .
This Web site has been a great surprise! Thank you for the trip down memory lane.
- Linda Lovvorn [last updated November, 1997] [E-mail address updated May, 2004]
Director of Buntyn Presbyterian Preschool 3 years. Taught at Grace-St. Luke's Episcopal School for 13 years. Have a daughter and son.

Mim Macdonald -
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
Prior to his death, Mim Macdonald was a participant with our alumni page. The following was his last posting with us.
[posted August, 2006]
Graduated Auburn, 1972, living in Kennesaw (Atlanta), GA
Married to Ingrid 1973; son Ian born 1977 lives in Atlanta; daughter Tigh
born 1980, lives in Charleston, SC
- Lynn Malkin [last updated September, 2009]
After graduation I spent the next 4 years at UT, Knoxville, majoring in English and History. Driving home in '72 I had a car accident from which I spent the summer recovering. A few years later I moved to Nashville to marry my college sweetheart. We divorced and I moved to Sausalito, California. I started a bookkeeping business and married my husband, Richard Armanino. We started a sales organization and sold it in 2008. Since then my husband has retired, we have moved to Henderson, NV and I have started another business here. I rarely get back to Memphis as most of my family has scattered. My sister, Roslyn, is in Massachusettes and my mother is in California, newly remarried to a great guy. That's a thumbnail recap of my life since highschool. My best to everyone and I look forward to visiting at our 50th reunion, if not sooner.
- Kathie Malone [posted August 13, 2008]
Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Lynn McCarley [last updated May, 1998]
New York, i.e. Manhattan's Upper East Side, has been home since graduate school. I am divorced and have two sons; John, a freshman at Boston University, and Alec, a freshman at Horace Mann here in the city.
After working for The New York Times Company for 14 years, my division
was sold. I had been running a group of their magazines, and left the
subsequent owners after only a few weeks to become president of a
major media research company in need of a turnaround. After 3 years of
monumental effort that saw little return, I set up my own consulting
company late last year. I only wish I had done it sooner! While I'm
still a workaholic, I find it more palatable when I'm doing it on my own behalf. Additionally, I'm getting to work on an incredibly diverse assortment of really interesting projects.
I (try to) spend weekends upstate, where I have a rambling old Victorian
and a garden that I adore. However, my children think the country is
boring, so I have the choice of leaving them at home or staying in the
city. More often than not I stay in the city. I get to Memphis
occasionally to see my mother and the friends with whom I have kept up.
- Patty McDowell [last updated April, 1999] [E-mail address updated March, 2020]
I graduated from Southwestern at Memphis in 1974 with a BA in English
Literature and went immediately to work with my husband-to-be in his
family's printing and publishing business, the Whitehaven Press,
subsequently renamed Towery Press. Bob Towery and I were married in
1975, and we have two children, Noah (15) and Jenny (13). Towery Press
launched Memphis Magazine in 1976, where I worked as managing editor
until 1982. I rejoined Towery Publishing, our second company,
(www.towery.com) in 1988, to edit a series of hardback photojournal
books about American cities. Since 1994, I have concentrated on raising
my teenagers, who attend CBHS and Grace St. Luke's Episcopal School. We
have lived in midtown Memphis since 1975. I look forward to seeing you
all at the June 1998 reunion, and welcome email addressed to
- Becky McMillan [last updated April, 2009]
I had no idea that this site existed! Wow, it was great reading about old friends but also sad that we have lost many friends to death.
Here is a quick re-cap of my life. I married Dennis Winders in 1972 and he remains my best friend (36 years later). We produced two beautiful daughers, Kacy in 1975 and Jackie in 1977. Both are graduates of the University of Iowa and are married. The have each given us a grandchild - Brayden and McKenzie.
I have a bachelor and master's degree in nursing and am a director of nuring at a 500 bed hospital in Houston, Texas. As you can tell by the mention of several states, we have moved some thorughout our married life. Both daughters were born in Memphis but we moved to Iowa when they were in elementary school. They actually grew up in Iowa (that is why they are both Hawkeyes).
Dennis and I wanted to relocate to Texas (lots of family in the area). After Jackie graduated from college she moved to Texas and several years later we followed. I now live 3 miles from my sister Pam (class of 64)and 25 miles form Jackie and her husband.
It was great to read about old friends - all of our worlds have changed a great deal since we left "Dear old East High".
Update April 2009: I lost my best friend on April 2,2009. My husband, Dennis, passed away suddenly from a pulmonary embolus.
- Sidney Mendelson [last updated: August, 1997]
I graduated the University of Memphis in 1972. I went to work for a real estate developer here in Memphis for two years before going to work at WMC TV/AM 79/FM 100. I was employed by Scripps Howard Broadcasting from 1975 until December 1995.
I went to work for financial gooroo Bill Tanner, as Bill was the owner of
United American Bank and owned Tanner Peck Outdoor Company. I was hired as
the Executive Vice President of Tanner Peck Outdoor over Sales. I was with
Tanner Peck Outdoor for two years prior to the sale of Tanner Peck Outdoor.
In two years the company went from $4,500,000 to $21,000,000 in sales. Tanner
sold the business after the two years for a $100,000,000. (I am still waiting
for my cut of the action)
In January of 1997 I began my own Media and Marketing company known as
Mendelson & Associates, LLC. My company is a full service advertising agency
specializing in product identification, media buying and placement. We represent both local and national businesses.
A new division of my company was formed with the assistance of several
outdoor graphic artisits. Mendelson Media,LLC as well as Mississippi outdoor,LLC. We are now in the business of building our own billboards as well as billboard structures for other outdoor companies across the United States.
We also manufacture the finished vinyl product that you see as an
advertising message on all size billboards. My latest project was just completed for BellSouth Mobility. We built and installed a 12'x30' lightd sign on Beale Street. The location is right next to B.B. KIng's Club.
I have been married for 25 years to Andie and have a beautiful 22 year old
daughter, Leslie. (a great 8 year old Cocker Spanial, Mickey)
- George Nash - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Ralph Noyes [last updated November, 2009] [E-mail address updated September, 2010]
Attended the University of Virginia (BA in English, 1972) and the University of Texas School of Law (JD, 1975).
Lived in Texas, mostly Austin, 1972-2000. Starving lawyer, married, son (Ralph, 24, a senior at the University of Texas -- whose musical talent and sympathetic parents may yet spare him from law school, unlike his mom and dad). Got divorced, raised kid, lost my hair, got fat, etc.
Returned to Memphis, 2000. I'm doing reasonably well as a lawyer who represents Spanish-speaking immigrants. Live and have my law office within a mile of East High School.
Very thankful for the four years I spent learning Spanish from Ms. Lawson at East after coming back from France. (My French was better than Ms. Green's, I wanted no more of Latin, and the German that I wanted to continue was not available. So -- Spanish it was.)
Spanish has made a big difference in my life. I use it every day. I run my office in Spanish, I travel to Mexico or Central America several times a year, mostly to relax, visit pre-Columbian ruins, and to hear my own inner voice.
Went back to Europe for the first time in 45 years last winter, travelled with my son, still speak passable French! Went to my old schoolroom in France. Very moving.
I travel, I read, I walk, I listen to a lot of music -- classic rock and classical, sometimes I like to cook, I do my political thing, pretend I'm not old, and try to be a good lawyer and a good person.
My new kids are Bear and Sasha, BIG sweet puppydogs who understand me perfectly.
Occasionally I wield the light-saber, just to see whether I can remember where I left it.
Still a stranger in a strange land. I'm in Memphis because my clients need me and the money is pretty good (finally). But at least, after 32 years away from here, I finally know now, without any doubt, who's crazy.
What a long strange trip it's been, indeed!
- Phil Oppenheimer - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Diana Ortasic [last updated February, 2004] [E-mail address updated September, 2010]
Hi to everyone! I'm in Atlanta, have an antiques and refinishing business; I've been here since '72. I will probably be in Memphis this year at some point, and just found out about the monthly dinners. I'll attend one whenever I'm there!
I would love to hear from everyone.
- Liz Pearson [last updated May, 1998] [E-mail address updated January, 2009]
 -
I live in Atlanta. Moved here in 1980. This is my 25th year of teaching elementary school. I teach 6 & 7 year olds.
Charlie (Charlie Willis '68) and I have 2 children - Betsy, 19, at the University of Georgia and Sallie, 13, a seventh grader in DeKalb County.
My parents and sister still live in Memphis and we always spend the holidays there.
Looking forward to seeing everyone at the reunion.
- Pam Pennington [updated July, 2001]
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
Prior to her death, Pam Pennington was a participant with our alumni page. The following was her last posting with us.
[posted July, 1998]
I married an East alum (Tim Hathaway ('66)) two months after
graduation and spent 2 years, 2 months & 2 days in West Berlin, where he
was stationed with the Air Force. Divorced in 1973, no children. Married
Steve Castlemun ('67) in 1980 - yes, his sister Pam was my best
friend since 7th grade and I became Pam Castlemun #2. His family still
calls me "Pam II". We divorced in 1993, also had no children. I worked as
a legal secretary here in Memphis for 17 years, burned out long before
that, hit the glass ceiling, and made my big break. I graduated from State
Tech in 1989 with an Associates Degree in Computer Science, and worked as a
programmer/asst. DBA for 6 years. I am now self-employed in two very
different businesses: (1) contract programming for a local retailer (to
feed myself and dog and cat), and (2) licensed massage therapist (to feed
my soul). All of my work is done from my home in the High Point Terrace
area - the neighborhood I grew up in!
and love. The 30-year reunion was a trip! It was great to see everyone
and spend some time with a few. I'd love to hear from you!
- Jimmy Pilcher [last updated August, 2005]
I have lived in California for 30 years with my wife of 32 years, Connie. I work for a small Mortgage Company as a loan officer and Connie works for the State of California
Superior Court for 26 years. We have 2 children, Katherine
( 29 ) and James ( 27 ) and we are raising Katherine's son
Anthony ( 11 ) My son and his fiance will be married in her
home town of Las Vegas next summer and we now have a new
granddaughter Gabby ( 7 ) daughter of Melinda, James' fiance. Still playing basketball and playing golf when i can find the time, and i try to get to Memphis 4 or 5 times
a year. Look forward to seeing any of my classmates when i am in town or if anyone is out in California. so long
- Robert Lee Powell ("Bobby") [last updated August, 2002]
I moved to "east" Memphis in 1965 and lived on Eastland Ave. just down the street from Galloway Golf Course. So I really didn't begin life at East High until my Sophmore year having
moved from Whitehaven where I attended Hillcrest High. Anyway right a way I made good friends particularly with a few people and have many good memories from my remaining two years there. Currently, I work as a Program Manager for the Division of Superfund with the State of Tennessee (we regulate the cleanup of hazardous substance sites) I am over the Enforcement and Cost Recovery Section and have been with this Agency for approximately 17 years. I have also been a Project Manager as a geologist managing individual site projects. Before that I was with the Division of Geology and conducted field geologic mapping on the Cumberland Plateau region of Tennessee a job I loved very much as I love the outdoors. I have also been a private consulting geologist working with environmental firms and managed projects investigating groundwater particularly related to the automobile recycling and salvage business.
After graduation I attended Memphis State for a couple of years mainly concentrating on staying in college and out of Vietnam for which I am thankful for the first lottery which determined that I would not be confronted with the Vietnam experience. In 1969 - 70 my parents were transferred to middle Tennessee and moved up on Old Hiclory Lake and after visiting the area I decided that I would like to try life there. I worked in various capacities from helping start a branch office of an air freight company to land surveying and insurance sales. In 1972 I began attending the University of Tennessee in Nashville taking classes with an emphasis in science. In 1975 I took one of my many detours to attend Vol State Community College and completed an A.S degree in pre-pharmacy. After not being accepted in the only State pharmacy school (first year of affirmative action) I then returned to U.T. and finished my bachelor's in Geology. I completed my educational experience at the Institute for Creation Research seeking a Master's in geology in the San Diego, California area. It was a marvellous year of study
in western US geology with an emphasis in catastrophism.
I am married to a wonderful lady named Sandra (21 years now) who was from an American missionary family that ministered in northeast Brazil and have three beautiful daughters, Priscilla Grace (20), Michelle Joy (16), and Marilyn Hope (10). Priscilla is getting
married this August. We live in a small farm-bedroom community north of Nashville (30 miles) and are on the edge of country and city life (the best of both worlds).
Well, I guess that about does it except I would like to say that the rescue that Jesus Christ made in my life during those turbulent years has really sustained me through many twists and turns for which I will ever be eternally grateful. I would love to hear from anyone who might remember me. ha!! ha!!
- Steve Rader [last updated May, 1998]
Hello East Graduates: I live in Ft. Smith, AR with my wife Carol. I have my
own businesses which are RM ASSOCIATES and RM, LLC. RM ASSOCIATES is a
import / export company working in South and Central America. I travel a
great deal to Guatemala, Honduras and Brazil. My primary import to the US
is furniture and /or furniture related products. RM, LLC., is a new
company that I have started which is sales of furniture to retail dealers. The main items are sofas, chairs, occassional tables, Entertainment cabinets and party sets. I still do custom manufacturing of Stereo Speakers which is as much as anything one of my hobbies. I play a lot of golf. Last summer I
was playing no less than 10 rounds a week. My E-mail address is
. Postal address is
P.O. Box 3246
Ft. Smith, AR 72913
I look forward to seeing all of you at the reunion.
- Betsy Reitz [last updated Ocober, 2013]
After graduation I attended David Lipscomb University in Nashville for a year and returned to Memphis State after that.
Married Walter Young ( Buzz ) in June of 1971. We went into the air force and immediately left for pilot training in Lubbock, Texas, then on to EC-121's in Sacramento, Ca. and then onto KC-135's in Grand Forks, N.D. Got out of the air force after 8 years and moved back to Memphis to the house that I grew up in on Central Ave., and we are still here on Central now.
Buzz started working for The Memphis Group selling air plane parts when we moved back to Memphis and has been with that company all these years, but it is now owned by GE. I have had several businesses of my own.
I came up with a "Pig Out" candy jar and" Pickled People", pantyhose people, which I sold in stores from the Jersey Shore to Fort Walton Beach, Florida and many other stores in between. My main outlet was Memphis' Dinstuhl's Candy Store with 8 locations. I created and made things to be sold in their stores for about 30 years. I also taught Jackie Sorenson's aerobics. At the same time, I created and ran Christmas Stores for children to shop for presents for their families, these were set up in their schools for several days at a time. This went on for over 12 years and the business increased each year. By the last year I was selling about $70,000 in a season, and the profits were shared with the schools.
I also worked for Memphis Harding Academy in fundraising, managed a gift shop in the high school, I ran a silk screen t-shirt business there, I created a "Fantasy Forest", with 30 themed trees for the children shopping at the Christmas Store to enjoy and I decorated for weddings, receptions, proms and banquets for all those years. I retired from Harding and ran a monogram business for several years.
Now, I do geometric artwork and signs for fun and I am known as the garage sale guru and my well known "Psycho Sisters' Yard Sale".
My main interest is now our two grandsons. I spend as much time as possible being "Granma" and love every minute of it.
- Fontaine Richbourg [last updated April, 2009]
Like my mother I taught school for a while and then realized it wasn't my thing. I went back to school in fine art, tried to make a living as a watercolor artist and eventually realized Advertising would put more food on my plate. I married my second husband Randy Jacobs in 1985 and we moved to Richmond VA for a year before moving to Orange County, CA. Randy and I have spent most of our married life in CA where I worked my way up from an Art Director to the Vice President Associate Creative Director of a Silicon Valley Ad Agency. Randy worked in the Medical Device Industry designing Medical Instrumentation for total knees, total hips, etc. for start-up companies. Thus the many moves. We have lived all over CA Orange County, San Jose, Santa Cruz Mountains and San Diego. With every move we invested in CA real estate and eventually had a few rental houses. With the last down swing in the CA housing market we decided to exchange our CA real estate for TX real estate. It was a good move that allowed us to retire on our rental income. We now live in Friendswood, TX and love being back in the South. I have gotten back to my fine art and dabble in watercolor, oil and drawing just for fun!
- Don Robinson [posted March 22, 2018]
Reported deceased.*
- Kathy Shelton [last updated February, 1999]
After graduation I attended the University of Tennessee at Martin and received a B.S. degree, then on to the University of Tennessee at Knoxville, where I received a M.S. degree.
I taught at the University of Southern Mississippi for two years then moved
to Austin, Texas, and taught at The University of Texas for two years.
I then attended Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, and received a Ph.D.
Since the last graduation I have been teaching in the Department of
Interior Design and Fashion ( http://www.runet.edu/~id-f/idf.html) at
Radford University in Radford, Virginia.
- Laura Simmons [last updated January, 2007]
1968 seems like an eternity ago! On the other hand, I feel that despite life's adventures, I am still me on the inside. (I think you know what I mean!) I reviewed the update section for the first time and decided that it is good to "update" so here goes....
I enrolled in MSU immediately after graduation and spent my four years there like many of you. I then worked as a social worker in Hurt Village until 1976 when I became the manager/buyer of my family's maternity apparel business for the next 12 years. (Cybill shopped with us during her pregnancies!) During those years I also fulfilled my passion as a ballerina for Tennesee Ballet until 1984.
When my folks retired in 1988, I found myself in Dallas working as a flight attendant for American Airlines. I met my husband that same year (also an airline guy) and four years later, we moved to Minneapolis. We were married in Hawaii and enjoyed many lovely trips over the years. I commuted to Chicago until I took early retirement in 2005.
After 18 years on the road, I felt a calling to return to school. I received my Master's Degree in Gerontology from Bethel University in St. Paul. I have since worked as the Director of Resident Services at The Pines, a cozy 78-unit assisted living community in Richfield, MN.
God awakened in me a great love and respect for elderly people and I am where I belong, using the gifts He gave me and all the preparation I received along the journey. I am so grateful for that. Every day is a blessing.
I'm looking forward to the big '08 reunion...better start working on that diet!!
E-mail: withheld
- Mae Spicer - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Ricky Stephens [last updated May, 2004]
- Ed Storer - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Ken Thompson [posted October 5, 2009]
Reported deceased as of August 18, 2009.*
- Jan Tucker - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Helen Tully - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Jessica Turnbull [last updated February, 1998]
Worked 25 years in Memphis as Radiologic Technologist. One year
with Dr. David Cunningham/Gamma Knife Center. Worked 4 months with
Botanica Florist. I am presently working for English Garden, Inc.
(Landscaping Co.). I am getting started on building a new home out in
the country and my three children are Standard Poodles, Amos, Andy, and
Guinea. Hobbies: Landscaping & Gardening.
- Paul Vescovo - Deceased. An obituary is available.
- Click here to read the obituary.
- Lee Vieron [last updated January, 2003]
Well, went to Memphis state after graduation then on to UT Med
Got married in 74 and divorced in 79 and remarried to Ann in 80 and been married since. God has kept us together to spare two other people.
Have 4 children:
Nick, 26, from 1st marriage, graduated from Arizona State, and now living in Phoenix, as a mortgage broker and .......off the payroll
Matt, 21, living in jackson Miss. About to start at Millsaps in January after finding out that he didn't wanna sell Godiva chocolates or Prescriptives make-up the rest of his life
Stephanie, 20, a sophomore at Notre Dame, doing her second year in France, and loving every minute of it
Leeann,18, a senior at St. Mary's High School, whose college choice may be based on sorority house sizes
I've been in practice since 78 and am not quitting soon, with all the college expenses continuing to come in.
- Ken Welch [last updated October, 2024]
Hello friends.
I hope all of you are doing well. As those of us with a little age on us know, that's not just a casual and polite comment.
What's new with me? Not a whole lot. I'm still in my much loved hometown of Memphis, although there's penty not to love about it these days. Slowing down a bit (and I was never a speedster). I still go to or watch on line many local governmental meetings, i.e. city council, county commission, school board, etc. That takes up a lot of time. I have, however, quit taking notes on the meetings. I have thousands of pages of agendas and handouts with notes on them that I'll never look back at because they are not organized. So I figured why keep taking the notes.
One of my favorite recreational activities is in the late summer and fall when I go to Rhodes College Women's Soccer games. Why in the world did high schools in our era not have girl's teams?
I did travel over into Arkansas April 8, 2024, to witness the solar eclipse in totality. Just like the one I saw in 2017, it was amazing. Made friends with the mayor and county sheriff and some others. Friendly folks in a small town.
Some minor one-time activities: attended the Memphis Music Hall of Fame induction cermonies which was fun. Attended the 100th anniversary celebration of Ellis Auditorium -- you remember, that's where our graduation ceremony was held -- but Ellis isn't there any more. It's been replaced by a modern Cannon Center for the Performing Arts. Visited a good bit with my old downtown history walking tour buddy Jimmy Ogle at that event.
I've become a friendly acquantance of the management team of the conveniton center, which includes that Cannon Center and attend their board meetings. The Memphis Convention Center, now branded the Renasant Convention Center underwent about a $200-million renovation a couple of years ago and wins all sorts of recognition for being one of the best in its class. It's now a beutiful facility, sometimes I just wander around in it admiring the art displays and just the beauty of the building. It's come a long way since before the renovation. OK, I know, way too much about a convention center, but it is one of my favorite places in Memphis.
My IT support business is pretty slow, just how I like it these days. I continue to help East High friends and family when they have computer problems.
Before going into computer consulting, I was in television news in Memphis for about 14 years. Last year we had a wonderful reunion of WREG television staff members.
I continue to edit The East High Alumni Page. I'm trying to find a younger East alumnus who might take it over when I can no longer do it, but so far no luck.
After East High, I went to Ole Miss for a year, then came home to Memphis State and got a B.A. degree, probably spending more time working at the campus radio stations (as announcer, news director, station manager) than in class. That involvement got me into the leadership society Omicron Delta Kappa at Memphis State. When I left TV news, even though I love news and love broadcasting I wasn't happy with what TV news was doing, I went to State Technical Institute at Memphis (State Tech) and got a couple of A.A.S. diplomas in computer programming and microcomputer management. I'm still a journalist at heart but broadcast journalism was bad back then and is much worse now, and print journalism is having a really tough time these days. Watch out, though, when I win a couple of hundred million dollars in the lottery! The "presses" will roll.
Take care, be well, and may God bless each of you.
- Lain Williams [last updated May, 1998]
We are currently living in Alabama, about 30 miles north of Montgomery, in a farm house built in 1880 with some surrounding property. We very much enjoy living in the country, raising a garden and being away from noises and distractions of the city. We homeschooled our two boys until about 2-3 years ago. Our older son, who is 19, graduated last year from high school, and is working in our electronics business. Our 16 year old son will be a junior in high school next year.
While my years at East were great and I have wonderful memories of the time spent there, I have not kept up with many of our classmates. The responsibilities of being a wife and mother have crowded out any chances of that, but I do look forward to knowing what others have been doing in these 30 years since we graduated.
- Charlie Willis [updated November, 2001]
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
Prior to his death, Charlie Willis was a participant with our alumni page. The following was his last posting with us.
[posted June, 2001]
Occupation: Owner Actual Reality, design and production company focused on
new media and broadband. Check it out at www.actualrealitystudio.com. [Editor's note: sometime after Charlie Willis' death the web site became unavailable.] Favorite Things: Being a parent, keeping up with technology, practicing the guitar so that we can reform the VIP's with Ken Welch on bass, and James Wax on lead.
Biggest Mistake: Being a White House intern. It really went downhill from
Memories: I'm thinking, but I just can't remember. Actually, Sergent Coates, Jack Lord coming to East, Coach Brooks, Mrs. Seid (best teacher I ever had), Coach Pat, those movies that they used to show in the auditorium like The Good Humor Man, East High Cefeteria oatmeal cookies and hamburger buns, study hall, all the great looking girls, good friends and lots of laughs!
Hope everyone is doing OK.
Later, Charlie
- Ronna Wilons [posted March 12, 2013]
Deceased. An obituary is available.
- Joe Wilson [updated March, 2008]
Deceased. An obituary is available.
Prior to his death, Joe Wilson was a participant with our alumni page. The following was his last posting with us.
[posted January, 2003]
I am an attorney at law practicing in the areas of tax, business, and probate law and estate planning. I am an inactive certified public accountant. I was divorced in 1996. I have two daughters: Sarah who attends the University of Tennessee in Knoxville; and, Rachel who
attends the University of Tennessee in Chattanooga. I will be out of town during the June, 2003 reunion. I wish every one well.
- Ricky Witherspoon [last updated October, 2006]
What a long strange trip it's been! After leaving East High, I spent two years at Washington University in St. Louis, dropped out (because that was particularly vogue in the late 60's, right?), bummed around Europe for awhile and ended up in Chicago. Drove a cab for 3+ years and graduated from Univ. of Illinois Chicago. Started a Masters program at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, met and fell in love with a woman from Phillie and completely changed directions, going into veterinary medicine. Graduated from UT Knoxville College of Vet Med in 1980 and moved directly to Carlton, OR, a tiny farming town 45 miles southwest of Portland. Actually witnessed Mt. St. Helens' initial explosion while flying out of the Portland airport!
It's been a fairly adventurous life with our four daughters, now all grown. Got to live and practice vet medicine in the altiplano of Peru, canoed down the Zambezi River in Zimbabwe and backpacked thru northern Thailand. I married a woman, Annie, who's motto is 'Adventure over Comfort'. After 20 years in vet practice with a speciality in horses, I began a company that manufactures topical wound healing and skin/hair products for horses and pets, called Healing Tree Products (www.healing-tree.com). Out of that company was born Dr. Wacky's Oweee! Products (www.drwackys.com) which makes topical products for human use, with an emphasis on the extreme actions sports market. I still own the vet practice but just manage it at this time.
Two oldest daughters, Britten and Elliot, are both married and live in Portland. Hollis, #3, lives in NYC and is an aspiring actress, and Gillian #4 is a student at Tulane in New Orleans.
We live in a beautiful part of the country and welcome any and everybody to come visit. Our little 'farming' community is now the center of the wine country of Oregon, so plenty to do and see.
Editor's note: You may watch a 10 minute video of Ricky's appearance on a Memphis morning TV talk show in October, 2006, at YouTube.com.
- Ann Woolner [last updated August, 2003]
He never knew it, but Otis Redding made me a journalist, which I remain today. Writing a Mustang Round-Up story on Stax Records, where I met the Big O, convinced me that satisfying my own curiosity and then writing was a pretty cool way to earn a living. The King assassination taught me there are serious issues to write about.
So, I earned a B.J. from the University of Missouri and then worked a year at the Memphis Press-Scimitar (R.I.P.). In 1973 I moved to Atlanta, where I reported for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution for 13 years, including four as Washington correspondent.
Eager to do something else, in 1986 I joined the Daily Report, a law-related newspaper in Atlanta which had just been bought by journalist Steve Brill and where I reported for 13 years. While there, I wrote a book, ''Washed In Gold,'' which Simon & Schuster published in
1994. It didn't make me rich or famous but it got good reviews.
The book also helped land me a 1995-96 Nieman fellowship at Harvard University, an amazing deal for mid-career journalists in need of a break and a lot more knowledge.
I left the Daily Report at the end of 1999 to become a staff writer for a then-new and now-dead magazine called (Steve) Brill's Content. It was based in New York, though I was able to write from Atlanta. It sounded perfect but was a disastrous match, so I left after ten months and went to work as a legal affairs columnist for Bloomberg News in November 2000. Bloomberg is primarily a business and financial news service, is based in New York (where the company's founder is mayor) and has 80 bureaus around the world, including Atlanta where I still live.
As when writing for the Round-Up, I think of a topic that interests me, find out all about it and then write. It's still a great gig. Thank you, Otis.
- Cynthia Wooten [posted August 30, 2009]
Deceased. An obituary is available.
- Bill Yerian [last updated May, 1999]
Currently I am a television graphic artist in charge of graphics and animtion production at MPL Film & Video here in Memphis. Not yet rich and famous but i do have a lively imagination...

People who attended East with the class of 1968 but were not graduated with it.
- Steve Eggers [posted November 22, 2013]
Deceased. Click here to read the obituary.
- Debbie Gibson [posted May 7, 2015
Deceased. Click here to read the obituary.
- Vicki Hussey [posted August 14, 2010]
Deceased. Click here to read the obituary.
- Nancy Kenworthy [last updated February, 2004]
I only attended East for the' 63-64 school year which was eighth grade but I have many
memories and made alot of friends.I remember riding the city bus to school daily with Shannon
Bellomo, definitely remember the buses to the football games(felt so mature and
independent!)-coachman skirts,button down shirts and wrap-arounds- the Krystal and mustard
on fries, the day President Kennedy was assasinated -hearing about it over the intercom in
Coach's spelling class, Nancie Clark and I in shock, the new music group,The Beatles, and
Beatle cards (I loved John), gym class and having to dance in circles to "sugar shack"-how
embarrassing! Unfortunately cute guys and too much fun landed me back in private school. I
loved my year at East!
Great site. Would love to hear from any that might remember me? I still see Shannon, Lundy
and Harry Wilder. Thanks,
Nancy Kenworthy McMahon Class of '68
- Glen McCage - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Jimmy McCormack - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Billy Minkus [posted October 3, 2015]
Deceased. Click here to read the obituary.
- Maynard Robinson
[Technically a member of the Class of 1969, but the Class of 1968 claims him, too. See Maynard's profile with the Class of 1969.]
- Roy Scott (Scotty) [posted April 25, 2004]
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
Prior to his death, Roy Scott was a participant with our alumni page. The following was his last posting with us.
[posted September, 2001]
I went to East from '55 (Mrs. Trenor's kindergarten) through May '63 (7th grade). At that point, my mother remarried and we moved from Memphis to a small-ish town in the Missouri bootheel - Poplar Bluff - where I went to high school and graduated in '68. I still have
various relatives in Memphis, including my sister Gailor (would have been East class of '73), who is now a nurse at St. Jude. I am married to a wonderful woman - Nansee- whom I first met
in high school. We will be celebrating our 10th anniversary this coming October. After many years living in Knoxville, relocation may be in the works, and I will post updates as things develop. I've enjoyed hearing from some of you recently and can always be reached via rmscott@bigfoot.com Hope to be getting to Memphis sometime when one of the mini-reunions is scheduled (I want a contest to see if anyone can beat me in the "follically-challenged"
* Entries with the "reported deceased" designation indicate a reunion committee or other persons believed closely associated with the class or the family have indicated they have information they believe quite reliable about the death of the individual so designated. The East High Alumni Page has not received sufficient documentation to verify the information and therefore does not confirm the death or that the individual who died is the one of the same name who attended East High School. Such reports without confirmation should be taken with a degree of skepticism. Anyone with documentation to confirm the report or with information to refute the report is strongly encouraged to contact the editor of The East High Alumni Page at editor@EastHigh.org promptly. Please see our obituary policy.