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The East High Alumni Page presents:

The East High Class of 1964
East High School, Memphis, Tennessee
Class Reunion Review-click here

   Class luncheon scheduled for July 22, 2023. Contact your classmates if you haven't heard about it. Class of '64 only.   

Want to submit your profile, update it, or change your e-mail address? button link to the submissions page

Note: As an anti-spam measure, e-mail addresses in profiles are graphics and are not links which can be clicked upon nor can they be copied and pasted as text. You'll have to mentally transfer the address to your e-mail composition page or address book to send the member a message. If a visual or other impairment makes this impossible, e-mail us at editor@EastHigh.org


Bill Anderson - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.

Joseph Lee Baker, Jr. - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.

Helen Batten [last updated March, 1999]
I live in Knoxville, TN, am married and have two grown children (thank goodness). Graduated from LSU and have gone back to school and am working on a Masters in Counseling Psychology.

Gary Bolton [last updated October, 2012] [E-mail address updated February, 2023]
Retired after 38 years teaching in Memphis and in Desoto County. Married to my wonderful wife Deborah and have two sons. Still think of the good times returning to East as a teacher and coach

Claud Brown - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.

Christy Bruno [last updated June, 2009]
Still - married to Harold since 1964, mother to 2 wonderful children and 3 grandchildren, daughter to the best mother who has had to move to assisted living, friend to Judy Dixon, still work part time for a general contractor as office manager, trying to stay healthy, love to paint, love to camp, boat & play tennis, love to travel, love Hawaii.

Brenda Carpenter - Deceased.
An obituary is available.

Joe Companiotte - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.

Manley Cox - Deceased.
An obituary is available.

John Byron Crawford - Deceased.
An obituary is available.

Diane Davis [last updated March, 2010]
After East High I graduated from Vanderbilt University and later earned a MEd at the University of Virginia. I married my college sweetheart and we have two wonderful children and two grandchildren plus one on the way.Our daughter is a pediatrician and our son is in graduate schoot in engineering and business at MIT. Over the last 41 years of marriage Robert and I have lived in Bermuda, Key West, Charlottesville, Va., and Chatham, NJ just west of NYC before moving to NM seven years ago I was a high school and middle school science teacher and Robert worked as a PhD research scientist at Bell Labs in NJ and now Sandia National Labs in NM. When we moved to the southwest I retired from teaching and now serve on the Board of the NM BioPark Society and the New Mexico Symphony Guild. We love the land of enchantment and all the great chili!

Mike Dean - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.

Caroline Dixon [last updated: December, 2004]
Attended Queens College and graduated from Memphis State Univ. Traveled with Proctor and Gamble for 2 years and then taught high school math, algebra, trig. etc. for several years. Married East High graduate Clark Kinser ('65) and have 2 sons and one grandson, one age 30 attending seminary and living in Nashville, and another age 25 living in Dallas and pursuing a career in music.
Clark is preparing to retire and the plans are to move to Durango, CO in the summer of 2005. Currently much time is spent traveling to and from TN to spend time with family and our first grandson Aidan! Being a grandparent is the best!
Come visit in CO anytime!

Jo Dowdy [last updated October, 2014]
I have been married to Wilson Michael for 49 years. I have a daughter and a son and five grandchildren. I retired from State Farm Insurance and my husband retired from FedEx. Life has been good to our family.

Bill Dumas [updated August, 2024]
Deceased. An obitiary is available.
Prior to his death, Bill Dumas was a participant with our alumni page. His last posting is below.
[December, 2014]Well, it has been a long, strange trip. In our senior annual under my picture they said, 'Willing to try anything once, usually twice'. As it turned out those were prophetic words. Stability and wisdom were not my strong suit. Actually, I was something of a sociopath, but it took many years before I could see that and acknowledge it. Pride blinds. Insanity is continuing down the same path, the whole while believing that there will be a different outcome. But, a house that continues to be built on sand continues to fall. For that matter, most of the world is insane. I quickly developed substance abuse problems after graduation. My Ole Miss years were an alcoholic nightmare that I regret to this day. After college days, I fell into the 'Psychedelic Error'. I blame the elves that continually danced on my rooftop back in those days. That period ended in 1974, but the elves continued to dance. In March of 1975, I had a dramatic conversion experience and eventually learned that the 'elves' were demonic in nature. I had thought that they were fun, but they were destroying me. Sin always takes you farther than you want to go, and keeps you longer than you want to stay. Since my salvation in 1975, I have been deceived and have backslidden a few times. Satan is a powerful and cunning foe. After a life of ups and downs (mostly ups from 1975), I have finally come to a degree of stability, sanity, and wisdom in the Lord. The words spoken in our annual have finally been overcome. I was lost, but now am found is my short biography. All the rest is small change. But, here is some of the small change...I received a B.A. in biology, and an M.Ed. I began teaching in high school in 1972 and became a counselor in 1988. Having made every mistake in the book, and having been redeemed were a big help in counseling. I have been married twice. The second time has been for the past 24 years and counting. I currently live on a mountain ridge in the Ozarks and my wife, Bonnie, and I attend a Baptist church here in Mtn. View Ar.
This place is paradisiacal if you like natural beauty and simple living. It is a good safe place to live and to die. I am currently stable in the Lord and intend to stay that way till my last breath. All is well that ends well. My parting words...I wish that I was capable of loving all of you more back in the day, and may God bless and save every one of you!

Gene Echols [last updated April, 2000] [E-mail address updated August, 2010]
I began my working life at Holiday Inns, Inc. in several departments purchasing, sales, and manufacturing. I worked for Holiday for seven years then moved to Mobile,Ala.as Merchandise Mgr. for a building supply company. During this time I then moved into advertising and millwork manufacturing for Mobile's largest building supply company. In 1984, I moved back to Holiday Inns to become Operations Manager of their drapery manufacturing division.When that division was sold to the British,we were "downsized", but I stayed on another two years running the same business but for private investors. In 1992,I left and went on sabbatical for several years doing "play jobs" to get back into enjoying myself while working. 1998 found me back in the life of management with Sandusky Cabinet,Inc.as Dir.of Purchasing,Human Res.,& Safety. while I enjoyed this it was not what I was used to so when I had this opportunity to move to Dallas,I jumped. I'm back in the manufacturing of draperies and bedspreads for the lodging industry as Vice Pres. Commercial Sales. I've been married for 32 years and have three grown daughters.When is the next reunion?

Milton Ellis [last updated March 5, 2023]
Deceased. An obitiary is available.

Prior to his death, Milton Ellis was a participant with our alumni page. His last posting is below.
[November, 1999] After graduating last in my class from East High I went to UTK and was graduated there with a degree in business. I returnted to Memphis and worked a short time with Kimberly Clark as a sales rep..moved to New Orleans as a sales rep for a pharmaceutical company and married a cajun, Mary Lynn Brumfield, from New Roads, La. We have been married for 26 years and have two children. Milt, a 98 UTK graduate lives and works in Atlanta and Caroline will graduate from UTK in May '99. I eventually moved to New York City with Bristol Myers as director of business development in their pharmaceutical division. Then on to Sydney Australia for 6 years as general manager of Bristol Myers Australia. In 1987 I returned to Nashville and started Accountants on Call, a specialized employment agency, and Orphan Pharmaceutical USA (www.orphanusa.com) a company specializing in the development of drugs for rare diseases. Spend most of my time following the Vols and relaxing at my cabin on the Tn. River in Muscle Shoals, Al. I am jogging, but it is killing me. See Kim, Norma, Dumas, Charley, Sid very infrequently. What a shame.

Kenny Finsness [posted January 18, 2008]
Deceased - An announcement is available.
If anyone can direct the editor to a mainstream media published full obituary, please send information to editor@EastHigh.org.

George Gage - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.

Rickey Glassman [last updated February, 2014]
after east, came u of memphis undergraduate and law school. started my own practice 6 months after passing the bar and currently i am sr shareholder of glassman wyatt tuttle and cox p.c. a 20 lawyer firm in memphis and n miss. never left memphis but we live in nashville now also in the gulch area. i practice in miss, tenn and ark mostly but have handled cases in other states. our firm does only civil litigation. my concentration is representing other attorneys and medical malpractice. one of my daughters lauran is now in practice with me and my little brother from big brothers big sisters with whom i have been a mentor since age 10, william terrell, is also now an attorney in our firm and has lived with susan and i for the last 7 years. i have been very involved with the u of memphis both the main campus and the law school where i am an adjunct professor of law. Married to "saint" Susan Lawless-Glassman and we have four children: Samantha Nichole; Lauran Elizabe! th; Kathryn Bailey; and Julian Zoe. susan and i have been involved in a number of children's charities/causes through the year including the child advocacy center, porter leath children's center, big brothers big sister and others. website for the firm, gewwlaw.com

Bobby Harmel - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.

Bob Johnson [last updated: May, 2016]
Deceased. An obituary is available.
Prior to his death, Bob Johnson was a participant with our alumni page. His last posting in April, 2013, however, only contained his e-mail address.

Jimmy Kiersky - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.

Judy Killebrew [last update July, 2006] [E-mail address updated August, 2007]

Laura Layman [last updated September, 2004]
After graduating from Memphis State, did my PhD at Univ. of TN Memphis. Spent a couple of summers in Europe, taught at UT Memphis, State Tech, and a stint in the Memphis Public Schools (Manassas!!) before going into the family business, Layman-Memphis, Inc. (printing) with my brother, Bob, class of '69.
Joined an advertising firm, inferno, in 2002 as bookkeeper, office manager and "office mom" to the staff. Love the advertising world!!
Married Kinney Graham, Messick '64, many years ago. We are raising my grandchild, Christina, instead of doing what most folks do in their 50's. It's different, but better, than raising kids. We are "younger", but tired!!
Sid, my cousin '64, and I keep in touch from the "far ends" of the state---he's in God's country, Knoxville, ---I'm in Memphis. Can't believe time has passed so fast!!
Kinney and I live in Mom's house which we redid after Daddy died. I'm still a stone's throw away from EHS. And, get this...Kinney taught at EHS for over 25 years!! Small world!!

Linda Lerner - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.

Judy Lloyd - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.

Brownie Mayer - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.

Sharon McCormack [last update March, 2001]
Did my four years at Memphis State, traveled, and then married Rick Greenwood (White Station grad) in 1971. For the last 30 years, I've lived in New York City, East Tennessee, and Virginia. Kept busy while children (Eric, 27 and Zach, 24) were young doing volunteer work with the church and the Junior League, and moved to Nashville in 1988. Went back into the work force and am now the regional manager for a telecommunications company. Rick is the rector of St. David's Episcopal Church. Would love to hear from you... email:

Lee McKnight [updated June, 2022 ]
Deceased. An obituary is available.
Prior to his death, Lee McKnight was a participant with our alumni page. The following is her last posting with us.
[January, 1997] Lee has an interesting path leading from East. He became one of Memphis first hippies and reports he's still a hippie today, pony tail, attitude, etc! After hitchhiking thru Europe he stumbled into India seeking good smoke and found spirituality. After wandering barefoot thru India and Nepal visiting holy men for most of a year, Lee unexpectedly found himself living in a hippie/Jewish/Christian commune in Seattle. For 12 years he lived in the "Love Family", America's oldest and largest commune, in Washington State, Alaska and Hawaii. His legal name was Helpful Israel for those years. Transitioning out of the Love Family into the "real world", Lee obtained two masters degrees in Seattle while searching for a profession that paid something besides vegetables and other trade goods. Lee is now known as Tom, but tells those of use who knew him from the East era to continue calling him "Lee." For several years Lee was in Boca Raton Florida where he worked as a C/C++ programmer writing Point-Of-Sale software. In 1995 he made a move and is working for PRC, Precision Response Corporation in Miami, where he is a Sr. Developer working on credit card processing in a large mixed Unix/Windows NT/Novell/Oracle enviornment. His son is coauthor of his high school's World Wide Web page and it was his son's involvement that led Lee to look for connections with East on the web. Lee is another one of those special people who get to claim to be a member of the exclusive 13 year club (Kindergarten through 12th grade--all at East)! His brother, Randy McKnight is a 1962 graduate of East High, another 13 year club member.

John Montgomery [last updated November, 2007]

Richard Lee Mullins - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.

Diane Nations - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.

John Neiman - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.

Richard Nichols [last updated November, 2016]

Carol Patterson - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.

Mike Plunk [last updated July, 2007]
Check out the posting for Diane Thomas ['64]. You'll see why.

Barbara Pund - [last updated May, 2009] [E-mail address updated August, 2009]
Thought I d redo my profile. My daughter has been after me for three years to do this. Graduated from East in 1964 and did a summer and two semesters at Memphis State now the U of M.
I got married for the first time in May of 1965. First husband was in the Navy and stationed in California. I had always wanted to live in California so I guess that is why I married him. Since then I had had three more marriages. Husband #1 lasted 13 years. Husband #2 lasted 3 months. The only reason I married him was because #1 had remarried. I guess you would call him a rebound husband. Husband #3 lasted about 3 years. He was an alcoholic so I guess that explains it all. Husband #4 I met in the Memphis Flyer. We have been married 15 years now. I guess I have set a record now. I guess I will keep him.
Have two children Brian 40 and Betty Anne 36. I have three grand children and nine step grandchildren Casey 18, Ethan 3 and Kaitlyn 8 months. Forty five years later I am still me. Haven t won the Nobel Peace Prize nor am I on the FBI s ten most wanted either. I have lived in California, Tennessee, and Florida and now an Indiana Hoosier.
I have two email addresses [see below] ... Second email address is due to two major moves in 13 months.
I am looking forward to a 45th year reunion.

Kay Rossen [posted May 16, 2015]
Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.

Ellen Rowe - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.

Judy Senter - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
Prior to her death, Judy Senter was a participant with our alumni page. The following is her last posting with us.
[posted August, 2005 with contact information updated 2013]
[Editor's note: Judy Senter did not post a text profile but rather just e-mail contact information, which is no longer provied here.]

Charley Starratt [last updated January, 2007 [E-mail address updated November, 2017]
I retired from the sales job at the wrestling matches. Great benefits. Now I have time for my true calling. I am an ordained minister with the Universal Life Church in Modesto, CA. One can do anything on the internet. Feel free to make a contribution. Put you hand on the computer, feel the power.

Michael Stephens [last updated July, 2024]
Now married to Judy M. Cole Stephens.

Sid Strickland [last updated January, 2000]
I married Carol Ann Colclough, a native of New Orleans and a graduate of Rhodes, in 1968. We have two daughters. Alison, born in 1976, graduated from Columbia University in 1998 and is teaching elementary school in Tanzania, East Africa. Eliza, born in 1978, is in her senior year at Tufts University in Boston.
Professional: After graduating from East in 1964, I went to college at Rhodes College in Memphis (B.S., 1968). I then went to graduate school in Biochemistry at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor (Ph.D., 1972. I was on the faculty at The Rockefeller University (a graduate and research university in Manhattan) from 1973 to 1982. I then moved to The State University of New York at Stony Brook (Long Island), where I am currently on the faculty. I will move back to The Rockefeller University this summer to be the Dean of the Graduate School.

Wayne Styers [last updated February, 2004]
After graduation from East, I attended Memphis State. Went to work for Gordon's Jewelers in Eastgate Shopping Center, became a gemologist, moved to St. Louis and lived there for ten years before moving to the east coast in beautiful New Jersey. I am currently VP Sales & Marketing for a jewelry firm in NYC. I married a cheerleader from Treadwell High, we have two grown sons and a grandaughter. Life has been good!

Diane Thomas [last updated June, 2016]
I always enjoy visiting this website and reading about what so many have been up to. It s hard to believe that so much time has gone by.
After East, I went to Memphis State and majored in English and journalism. In sophomore year, another 64 grad, Mike Plunk, returned to MSU from Tulane. We began dating and married the following year. Apparently, the stars weren’t in proper alignment and we amicably went our separate ways just two years later.
Mike has been a professional musician all these years. He switched to bass in the late '60s and has played with just about everyone including Jerry Lee Lewis, Tony Joe White (Polk Salad Annie, Rainy Night in Georgia, etc.) and was on the Credence last tour hanging out with John Fogerty. Along the way, he got a degree in accounting and began a tax preparation service. The business started on his kitchen table with an entertainment business client roster, then bloomed to the point at which he opened his own office.
In the meantime, I d lived in Atlanta for a few years, then to Arkansas where I worked as a reporter for a while, and then to California where I lived for 20 years. I spent my career in public relations, eventually specializing in media relations. I started the first public information office for CA's eighth largest school district, an urban environment where the children spoke more than 40 languages and dialects. I was later invited to coordinate communications and media relations for the executive office of the County of Orange. Yep, the real OC. And with 17,000 employees in county government, it's easier to count the days when there weren't crises, real or imagined, being played out in the media. I was also busy with civic stuff, in leadership roles in the PR community and some freelance work.
In '02, Mike happened upon my email address and dropped me a note. In June '04 we were re-married in a sweet rose garden setting. Mike moved to CA and hooked up with a great band that played all over Southern California, Vegas and Loughlin. I took an early retirement in '06 and we moved back here settling in Olive Branch, MS where he still runs a tax business.
I’m currently writing short fiction and have had more than a dozen stories and poems published. Many of my pieces are available at dianethomasplunk.com. I also created and manage an East High Memphis, TN Alumni Group on Facebook. Look us up. I’ve connected with several old and new friends there. .Mike and I enjoy regular dinners with Bill Vance, Jim Willis and their wives.
Drop us a note at

Suzanne Troth [last updated December, 2014]
I graduated from Rhodes College in 1968 and went to work for First Tennessee Bank in the Trust Department and was with the bank for 33 years. In 1979 I transferred to Johnson City, TN which is 500 miles from Memphis. I left FTB in 2001 and went to work for A.G. Edwards which became Wells Fargo Advisors. Not happy with the change to WFA I left in May 2012 with my junior partner and we started our own financial advisory business, Voyage Partners Financial Strategies. He is buying me out over the next 3 years and then I'll finally be retired.
in 1975 I had my only child, James Michael Stamey and he lives in Johnson City as well. He blessed me with a grandson, Finn, and that completes the family.
My husband Bruce and I have 3 American Pit Bull Terriers, Rocko, Sookie and Hank. They are our babies and the best dogs ever.

Elizabeth Turner [last updated July, 2010]
I headed for Texas and Baylor University in Waco. These were the best years of my like! I met my future husband, John Vines my freshman years. We dated the whole time we were at Baylor. I as affiliated with Kappa Kappa Gamma and he was an SAE. I graduated in business and he in Accounting. Accounting took us all over and as he became partner with Seidman & Seidman he was in charge of Health Care consulting all over the country. He has been with Arthur Young, Arthur Anderson, and has just retired AS CEO OF THE CAMPBELL CLINIC in Memphis. We have had a very happy 43 years of marriage and have two daughters married Memphis boys and we have 5 grands, 4 girls and a boy! They all live in Memphis! I have missed all the reunions regretfully, some of them we lived out of town and some we were out of town on business. I have had so much fun catching up with high school class mates on FB! Hope we can make it to the next reunion! I am currently living at 2105 Star Meadow Cove, Germantown, TN 38239 ( Tornado alley) Our phone # 901-756-7707 We have lived in Memphis, Little Rock, Louisvile, Ky and back to Memphis again.

Rob Twaddle [last updated November, 2002]
After gratuation I got my BS from UT at Martin and moved to East Tennesse, married Susan Smith form Bartlett and I spent the next 25 years here and in Virgina being a cost accoutant for goverment contractors. I finally got layed off and opened Deer Ridge Farm and Saddlery www.DeerRidgeFarm.com and started selling horse tack and repairing stuff while training American Saddlebred Horses. Finally something worth doing I think.

Sherri Vickery [last updated May, 2004]
It is because of Sharon McCormack that I even know of this website...so many thanks to her! I went to Memphis State for 3 years, quit & married the love of my life, Cary Adams, "the guy from Alabama" I always talked about! He was in the U. S. Marine Corps for 3 1/2 years, & then went to dental school @ Univ. of Al in B'ham. We have been living in Mobile, AL since 1976 where he is a general dentist. We have 3 sons, a tax attorney (single & living in Memphis), a businessman (married & in Mobile), and a dentist (married & in practice with Cary). Our daughter has her master's degree in elem. edu. & teaches 1st grade. At this time we are planning her wedding in June! She is marrying a naval aviator (F-18 Super Hornet) & they will be living in Lemoore, CA. As for myself, I do accounting work for the dental practice. I enjoy reading, cooking, arts & crafts, & walking. We also have a very spoiled cocker spaniel named Shelley...who is a substitute grandchild!
Would enjoy hearing from you ...

Paul Wachter [last updated November, 2004]
After graduation from East, I attended Georgia Tech for a year, transferred to UTK my sophomore year and graduated in June 68 with BS in accounting. I evaded the draft by going through ROTC and was granted a two-year deferment from active duty for graduate school (probably kept me out of Nam), receiving a MBA in December 69. After college, I moved to Atlanta and worked for Arthur Andersen for almost 3 years before joining Atlantic Investment Company, a local real estate and securities investment company, as its controller and currently its VP-Finance, where I’ve been for the last 30 years. I met my wife, Jan Levith from New Orleans, here in Atlanta in 1974 and we married in 1975. We have two sons and a daughter. Eric, 25, is a lawyer (Yale & Harvard law) with King & Spalding here in Atlanta and is married to a wonderful girl, Lindsay. Jeff, 20, is a third year history and economics major at the University of Virginia. Dana, 19, is a freshman broadcast journalism major at the University of Maryland. Jan has been involved in the volunteer community since she quit teaching when our children came along. We are both very involved with the B’nai B’rith Youth Organization, serving on the adult advisory board. I enjoy following the Vols (our kid’s blood flows orange & white too), travel, reading and bowling.

Fred Wallace [last updated December, 2004] [E-mail address updated April, 2009]
Great seeing everyone at the 40th reunion. Stay in touch!

Dicky Williams [last updated November, 2004]
Tried marriage once.....didn't do well. Lived in New Orleans twice and St. Louis, but always back to Mempho. Can't seem to get off this damn river. No children. Working in the food business for last 12 years, currently in the catering business.

People who attended East with the class of 1964 but were not graduated from East.
Gene Bell
Deceased. An obituary is available.
Hi , I am Connie Bell Johnson. Gene Bell, my brother, died July 19, 1996, from complications after surgery. I just wanted him to have a place here. He would have liked it.

Jennifer Cohen [last updated May, 2004]
I attended East 2nd through 9th grades (1952-1961) and still remember so many people. Went to Newcomb and Rhodes colleges, graduated Memphis State 1969. Masters in Computer Science Johns Hopkins 1979. Computer programmer in Oak Ridge for 4 years, then moved to Columbia, MD (between Baltimore and D.C.) in 1973. Worked as a software developer until 2001, now writing screenplays (one about being a teenager in Memphis) and hoping for a break! One wonderful daughter, April, who's a veterinarian. Two really beautiful grandchildren, Sam (1999) and Sarah (2002).

Cliff Karchmer [last updated September, 2004] [E-mail address updated August, 2006]
Hello! Although I did not graduate with your Class of 1964 I did attend Eash from K-8 and kept up with many students, only to lose track after departing for college. My now frequent trips back to Memphis make me wonder about many old friends and acquaintances from the East days. I have connected with Fred Wallace, Milton Ellis, Mike Stephens, Mike Dean, and Lee McKnight...but...what ever happened to Linn Williams, Mike Hettinger, Joe Companiotte (I still can't spell it right!)--and Joanie Williams, Rosalie Riddle, and Diane Davis? Would be nice to hear from you. Maybe we could connect the next time I am back in Memphis--I work on terrorism issues now for a police "think tank" in Washington DC. Have been married for 34 years and have three children--Alise, Adam, and Drew.
Let me hear from you!
Update: Well, I found out about the death of Joe C. and that was really sad since I had not seen him since high school. Sorry I will miss your reunion--thought I might be able to make it to Memphis during that time. I invite those at East in the Class of 1964 whom I knew to keep in touch; my email should appear next to this profile.
Let me hear from you!

Sandy Pierce [last updated July, 2009]
I spent all my elementary years at East with some very fond memories. Girl Scout Troop was my main circle of friends, DeeDee Kasselberg, Gladys Cohen, Mildred Levy, Diane Nations, and many more I don't recall. We lived on Eastview Drive (its a scary place now!) Loved each summer at the EHS park playing cricket. Then when we got really good snows, boy could the west hill be fun! Remember, getting detention for sliding down the back banister - thanks, Mrs. James (one of my favorite teachers). I went on to Messick to meet and marry my HS sweetheart, Corky Reynolds. We have two boys and (5) beautiful grandchildren. Most of our spare time is spent at Pickwick, where we hope to retire. I am in real estate with Reid Homes and Corky is in the field for Eagle Sales.

Hugh Richbourgh
Deceased. An obituary is available.

Martha Shelton [updated July, 2015]
Deceased. An obituary is available.

Prior to her death, Mary Jo Shelton was a participant with our alumni page. The following is her last posting with us.
[posted June, 2002]
My family moved from Memphis to Little Rock the fall of l961 and I then transferred to Mabelvale HS. I graduated there and attended Arkansas Tech Univ. and instead of my BA I got my MRS. degree. The rest of my family moved back to Memphis in l966. I married Mack and we have one daughter, Jennifer now age 28. She's in NW Arkansas and is a graphic artist. We lived in Fort Smith for about 30 years and just moved about 15 miles east of there about 4 years ago. I'm a breast cancer survivor and very active in volunteer work at the Donald W. Reynolds Cancer Support House in Fort Smith. I'd love to hear from all my friends from my days at East.

Mike Wortham [last updated May, 2005][E-mail address updated February, 2011]
I lived just down the street from East High, on S. Greer, and started the first grade in 1952. I have fond memories of school and friends and wish my time at East High had been longer, but my Dad was transferred to Houston in the middle of my fourth grade. After 20 years in the Air Force, I'm back in Houston with a NASA contractor. I was in Space Operations in the Air Force, and managed to do 20 years in only three cities: Colorado Springs, Houston, and Washington. I'm married with two children - a TV News Producer and an Exercise Physiologist..



* Entries with the "reported deceased" designation indicate a reunion committee or other persons believed closely associated with the class have indicated they have information they believe quite reliable about the death of the individual so designated. The East High Alumni Page has not received sufficient documentation to verify the information and therefore does not confirm the death or that the individual who died is the one of the same name who attended East High School. Such reports without confirmation should be taken with a degree of skepticism. Anyone with documentation to confirm the report or with information to refute the report is strongly encouraged to contact the editor of The East High Alumni Page at editor@EastHigh.org promptly. Please see our obituary policy.

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