- Peggy Anderson [last updated October, 1999]
After attending EHS for 13 years, I was ready to move around! I went to
Mary Baldwin College in Staunton, Virginia and was graduated there in 1967.
In August, after living in Richmond, Virginia all summer, I ran into Ginger
Newell (also class 1963) in Memhis and her planned roommate for Dallas had
gotten married. So I got in her unairconditioned MG and drove to Dallas,
returned and got my unairconditioned Volkswagen and have lived here ever
since. (Fortunately, I now have an airconditioned car!) Married a native
Dallasite, Web Carr, who manages his family's oil and gas business. We just
celebrated our 28th anniversary. We have one daughter, Catherine, who is 22
and a senior at the College of Charleston in South Carolina, majoring in
Arts Management. For 10 years, I worked with mentally handicapped
teenagers, teaching and managing a vocational training facility. Since
Catherine's birth, I have been on the volunteer circuit--being on the
boards of the 2 schools she attended and now on the Parents' Council at
Charleston. I also was on the Mary Baldwin College Board for 10 years. I
was Treasurer and then President of the Junior League of Dallas ( Elsie
Stone is shocked that any organization would let me manage their books!) We
belong to the largest Episcopal church in the US and I have been President
of the Foundation, Junior Warden and President of the Women. I recently was
certified as a chalice bearer and can now give communion which I love and I
have taught a weekly Bible class for 11 years. I have been busy but have
truly enjoyed almost every job I've done. My goal now is to say "no" and
spend more time doing some of the things I enjoy--reading (especially
mysteries), gardening, needlework, flyfishing (we spend the summers in Lake
City, Colorado), hiking, traveling, watching Perry Mason re-runs. My
younger sister Betty still lives in Memphis so I am back there several
times a year. Thanks to the people responsible for this webpage as I have
loved catching up and will check it regularly. My email is
- Bill Arthur - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Kay Castellaw - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Barbara Clinton - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Wilbur Crump - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Jerry DeGregory [last updated September, 2009]
I very much appreciate the service that easthigh.org provides. I may return later to update this profile but for now will be very brief. I received my doctorate in sociology from the University of Missouri, Columbia, and spent most of my years until retirement teaching sociology and criminal justice-related courses at various universities. I live with my wife on 58 acres in rural north Alabama, the small town of Lexington being the location of our post office but not our residence. I spend a lot of time writing and answering e-mail and have a profound affection for the friends and acquaintences that were part of my earlier life. I would love to hear from any who wish to write.
- Loraine Evans - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Nancy Ewart [last updated July, 2009]
After high school I went to the University of Southern Mississippi where I majored is Speech Education but spent most of my time in the theatre where I met and married John Hammons this really cute guy from New Orleans. While creating 2 offspring we moved around a bit, Memphis, Birmingham, Hattiesburg again then finally settled in New Orleans. After a brief stint as a belly dancer I got a real job, working for Texaco. John joined me and we became a Texacouple. Spent years chauffeuring J our son to various sports venues and daughter Shannon to dance and acrobatic lessons.
In 1999 kids gone we took advantage of an early retirement offer and planned to spend years enjoying the things that New Orleans has to offer. We both became walking tour guides for the French Quarter, I was a docent for one of the historical houses and we were very involved in local theatre until August 2005. Our house was on the London Avenue Canal and had over 6 feet of water in it for more than17 days. Makes a real mess, but sure helps to clear closets of clutter. Closet clutter and most everything else, including the house ended up in a landfill. Since my brother (Bob 60) and parents were living in east Tennessee we decided to relocate. We lived in my brother s travel trailer for 4 months before deciding on Chattanooga as our next home. A really good community theatre and very friendly and welcoming people helped us decide.
Our son J is still in New Orleans and we get to visit occasionally especially to see our grandson born January 08. J and his wife both teach dance and still perform. Our daughter also a dancer has been in several European tours and 3 Broadway shows and performed in this year s Oscars. Her husband, a singer/actor is currently touring with Legally Blonde. We saw the show in March in Memphis. Stayed with Beverly (Yancey) Peterson 63. We re trying to schedule a majorette gettogether in August. So far we ve got me, Beverly, Sally Bailey and Diane Thomas. Sure would like to know where the others are.
- Gayle Fargotstein - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Bobby Fisher - Deceased.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Daniel "Buddy" Fowler - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Jimmy Garthright - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Henry Hasselle - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Flip Hehmeyer - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Pat Hurdle - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Richard James [last updated September, 1999]
I now live in Rodeo California about 15 miles from SF Calif, I arrived here after spending ten years in the Army, I was in Vietnam for three years off and on. I was an
MP, and rather wild during the 60's, I loved the army and thought I would never get out, Got married to a Thai girl, and was divorced and released from the army as a single parent and a service connected disability from Vietnam.
I accepted and made my home in Rodeo, next to SF and Oakland. I then married my x's sister and I am still happily maried with three kids Richard Jr. 26, David 18, Melinda 15. I owned a service repair garage and tow company, and a 50 fleet taxicab company. I sold all of it which was located in Oakland and moved out of Dodge, to many bullets flying, in fact I thought it was Vietnam again.
This was in 1995, I didn't know what to do have a little money so I took up drums, Johnny Sprot, eat your heart out where ever you may be, and I now am
doing what I have always wanted play professionaly in a R&B band.
We are doing the old school stuff of the 60's. Believe it or not the Memphis Sound although I haven't been back there in 30 years. I played trumpet in school, but never was any good so I took up the drums and formed a R&B band check our internet site home page at: http://tinpan.fortunecity.com/nevermind/59/
I'll send you a copy of our CD if you e-mail me NO CHARGE. lol Well thats about it I am having the time of my life. Wish I could hear from some of the old classmates. WOW does time fly.
Good times at East.
- Cliff Kirkpatrick - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Victoria Lawson ("Vicki") [updated February, 2002] [E-mail address updated May, 2007]
I loved someone's memory, either from our class or one just before/after, of walking down Greer Street on the way to East High. That was my path.
After East , I went to school in Columbus, MIssissippi to the "W." After graduation, I worked in Washington for the Library of Congress and became active in the Civil Rights Movement. I became a VISTA Volunteer in '65 and moved for a year or so to Aiea, Hawaii.
Soon after married a Dyke Hendrickson, whom my father referred to as "the Yankee joker." We're still married 32 years later, so I don't know if the joke's on us or him.
Dyke is a journalist. We've moved around a lot ... from paper to paper. California, Mexico, Maine, New Orleans, Massachusetts. We've been here a while and it is my hope we will stay put. I'm too old now to want to spend my days with paint chip samples.
I worked for public television for many years - going from one station to the next as the locations changed. My last stint was at New Hampshire Public Television. It was great fun; however, I became weary of fund drives. (This may have happened to you...as a viewer!!!)
A few years ago I began work on a Master's in Adult and Continuing Education. I finished this past summer and began teaching grad students at UNH. It's great fun. I'm perfectly happy to work part-time and have mornings to linger over coffee and the crossword.
We have two children. Leslie is assistant director of the Columbia Publishers Course at the Columbia School of Journalism. We've been a little anxious about her living in NYC, but she's happy and trying to help us with our angst.
My son Drew finishes at UNH this year. He hopes to go to South America next year on a Fulbright. He spent his junior year in Ecuador and loves the people and the Latin culture.
I guess I've rattleled on long enough. If any of you are ever in our neck of the woods, give a shout. It' s always fun to hear a Southern accent. I make a mean clam chowder, after all these years.
PS My husband's tennis partner is a rather acclaimed Elvis biographer. I read the first (Last Train to Memphis) a while back and have just finished his second book, Careless Love. It's fun to read. I knew very little about Elvis. Even more fun are all the references to familiar places and names. Especially for us who moved away!
Speaking of which, the new Peter Taylor biography is terrific. I do love reading about the Tennesseeans!
- Barbara Levi [last updated April, 2014]
- Denny Livaudais - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Wiley Maiden - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Talbot Spottswood Mathes III - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Jackie McCormack - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Kathy McDonald [last updated October, 1999]
- Mary Catherine Nemetz [last updated November, 2009]
After graduation from East, I went to business school and got a job at Gerber's in the office. I found a job at General Electric Supply on Front St. and married Robert Fisher from our class. We had two children who are both married and live in the Memphis area. After my children were grown, I worked at Country Gardens at the Agricenter where I also went to school at night to become certified as a landscape designer.In 2000 I started my own landscaping business out of my home. I was on the Beautification Board of Germantown. My husband and I sold our house in Germantown and moved into our condo beach house at Perdido Key, Fl. in 2002. In 2004, my friend and classmate, Carole Young, came to stay with us while finding employment. All of us had to evacuate because of Hurricane Ivan. Carole moved back to Memphis and Bobby and myself are still in a rental house waiting for our condo to be put back together. I am on the board of the Pensacola Federation of Garden Clubs, and was President of Sweet Bay Garden Club for two years.
I have three grandchildren who still live in the Memphis area so go back to see my family, especially at the holidays.
This is just an update: Bobby and I moved back into our condo in 2006 and Bobby decided to retire from all of his many years of music. He is currently doing some consulting with a small local music store in the Pensacola area. I am now in charge of the grounds of the Pensacola Federation of Garden Clubs and belong to many garden type of clubs in the Pensacola area, including the Herb Group which meets monthly, the Horticulture Group which meets monthly and who classify each plant that comes into the area flower shows with botanical names. I still belong to my garden club where I am involved with planting around the library.
We now have four grandchildren who still live in the Memphis area. Bobby's father still lives in his house.
- Ginger Newell [last updated March, 2000]
- Barbara Overholser [last updated June, 2012]
I have been married now for 47 years to Joe Tiscia, a CBHS graduate and we have two daughters. We met at Memphis State. Thanks to Mrs. Vollmer I was skilled at typing and shorthand (a dying art!)and went with an insurance company. My husband was a Marine in Vietnam and was awarded the Silver Star. I am very proud of him. He is active in the Walter K. Singleton Marine Corps League. We are both retired now. I am active in Madonna Circle, Brooks Museum League and Watauga DAR. I attended East High from Kindergarten thru 4th grade. Moved away and then returned at the end of my Junior year, to graduate there. I have two older sisters, one of whom graduated in the Class of 1954, and two nieces who graduated from East so I am very loyal to the Mustangs! Over the years I have met other East grads and become friends. There is a bond there. Thanks for having this website.
- John Poag - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Nancy Shute [last updated July, 2010]
Long story and will fill in when I can - I just "stumbled" on this web page!
- Bettye Stehle [last updated June, 2001]
My family moved to Clarksville, TN just before our graduation, so after graduation, I was not in Memphis. I went to Transylvania College in Lexington, KY, where I spent 4 years and graduated with a BA degree,
majoring in Math. After Transy, I went to work for IBM in Lexington, as a programmer. I am now 'retired' from IBM, having spent my entire career in Lexington, all in the information systems part of IBM. However, I am still
working for IBM, currently as a contractor.
I am married to John Hagyard Burns, a Lexingtonian, and have two sons. Angus is 22 and goes to the University of Kentucky, where he is majoring in
horticulture. Shea is 20 and is at the University of Arizona majoring in environmental hydrology.
Outside of work and raising two sons, I have a (too) large garden, have worked on at least a dozen Habitat for Humanity houses, and am a (sort-of) runner (nothing more than 10K's). In 1996,I made a two week work trip to Orel, Russia. Both of my sons, who are also Habitat workers, were able to go as well. This summer (2001), I am going to Nicaragua as part of an all-women work trip to build houses, probably along the Rio Coco on the border of Honduras. I am also chairperson for the Lexington 2001 Habitat for Humanity Women's Build in September, and I serve on the board of the Lexington Faith Community Housing Foundation.
- Parrish Taylor - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Jimmy Tual ('63) - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Monte West [updated February, 2011]
- Harmon Williams [posted July 20, 2011]
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
- Janet Williams [updated March, 2002]
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
Prior to her death, Janet Williams was a participant with our alumni page. The following was her last posting with us.
[posted August, 1999]
I haven't been to Memphis in over 30 years, since my parents moved to Florida
in August after I graduated in June (May?). My son, who lives in New York
city and works at Harper Collins Publishing, ran across the website while
doing some work on a book! I went to University of NC at Greensboro for
three years, and graduated in 1976 from the University of Maryland while
living in Annapolis. I had married Bob Kirkpatrick in 1966 and moved
around the eastern part of the U.S. for the 21 years he was a USMC officer.
We lived in Washington, DC more than once, Indianapolis, Annapolis and Camp
Lejeune, NC. Had 2 children along the way, Kate, now 29, and Trip, 27.
Kate graduated from UVa and Trip graduated from Yale. Now we live near Boston, and I work at Ropes & Gray, a big law firm, managing their records
department. We are about to celebrate our 33rd anniversary. Looks like I am the first person in my class to add to this website.
- Jim Willis [last updated April, 2011]
It’s been nine years since I checked in, so an update is in order. I’m still not sure what I’m going to do when I grow up, but I’m having fun and staying busy.
I retired from the newspaper business four years ago after working at the Memphis Press-Scimitar, The Commercial Appeal and the Birmingham Post-Herald, where I was editor and president.
Sherrye (Johnson – Sacred Heart H.S. ’64) and I have been married for 42 years and are now living in Lakeland, TN, although we still spend a couple of months each year at Miramar Beach, FL.
I indulge my interest as a "car guy" by operating an online community for automotive enthusiasts, corvetteforum.com, and do some consulting work for the Los Angeles company which owns the site.
Our oldest son Chris practices law (corporate defense litigation) in Atlanta and is helping me in my efforts to improve my skills as a wildlife photographer. I primarily shoot bald eagles, having spotted an accessible nest on the Tennessee River that I’m monitoring for the third year.
Our son Jonathan, a Korean adoptee, is temporarily living with us while he works to complete his education. He has expressed some interest in law school, but we’ll see. He’s now going to school full-time, working two part-time jobs and serving an internship in the legal department at AutoZone.
- Carole Young [last updated March, 2007] [E-mail address updated November, 2010]
Hi everyone. After graduation Larry Bronson (class of 62') and I were married (1965), I lived in Norman, Ok. for approximately 2yrs., 8 months, where I worked in the Geography Dept. for 9 professors, moved back to Memphis in 1968, worked for awhile, then Larry was drafted into the Army, so we moved to Ft. Hood, Tx where our first child was born, Jeffrey. Back to Memphis in 1971. My second child, Jason, was born in 1974. I became a stay-at-home Mom until my divorce in 1991. I had already opened an antique mall(1989) which I closed in 1993. I met a wonderful man at that time and spent 10 years with him up until his death in March, 2001. I have been working for Memorial Park Funeral Home since Aug., 1993 and am currently a licensed Funeral Director there.I have 3 wonderful grandchildren, Rhianna,Julie and Carter. In May, 2004 I left Memorial Park and moved to Florida,and lived with Bob and Mary Catherine Fisher of our class. Then hurrican Ivan arrived and sent me back here. I am now working for Forest Hill Funeral Home on Whitten Rd. and live in an apartment. Would love to hear from some of you.
People who attended East with the class of 1963 but were not graduated with it.
- Rusty Bloodworth [last updated November, 2008]
i started in Mrs. traynor's kindergarten class. mrs. creeson was first grade teacher, then mrs. learner, mrs. tyus, mrs. taylor, mrs. patterson, mrs.logan. probably the spelling is incorrect on some. several of my teachers had a big impact. i think particularly of those i have mentioned. moved to mus in the 9th grade and finally kicked in academically since junior high had been mostly a waste for me personally. did a five year program in architecture at the university of virginia, during which time i became enamored with the development of new communities. then a fellowship to scandinavia to study the development of new towns, then the marines and graduate school in the north east. went to work with boyle investment company and married the sister of now deceased helen and virginia tully - fran tully. four children and four grandchildren. much for which to be thankful. i was thinking tonight of molly chambers and jimmy degregory - two former classmates with whom i lost touch long ago. i was sorry to read on this remarkable web site that molly had died in virginia beach. she was always fun and kind at the same time.
- Molly Chambers - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Linda Davis - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Peggy Nash - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
- Ken Oliver [last updated October, 2012]
I attended East from 1950 (Mrs Trenor's Kindergarten)through my junior year (1962) when my Dad accepted a new position in Pennsylvania over the summer. I graduated From Princeton University(1967) and the University of Virginia Law School. I have practiced law in the Philadelphia Pennsylvania area sine 1973. I currently manage the Oliver Law Firm, a small firm concentrating in employment law. I have three adult children, Ken, David and Lauren and two grandchildren. I remarried in 2002 (Cynthia Gum of Lansdale PA) and now live in Lower Gwynedd PA. I can be reached through by e-mail and through my website OliverLawFirm.com where there are linked-in, facebook and twitter links.
- Royce Sullivan - Deceased. An obituary is available.
Click here to read the obituary.
* Entries with the "reported deceased" designation indicate a reunion committee or other persons believed closely associated with the class have indicated they have information they believe quite reliable about the death of the individual so designated. The East High Alumni Page has not received sufficient documentation to verify the information and therefore does not confirm the death or that the individual who died is the one of the same name who attended East High School. Such reports without confirmation should be taken with a degree of skepticism. Anyone with documentation to confirm the report or with information to refute the report is strongly encouraged to contact the editor of The East High Alumni Page at editor@EastHigh.org promptly. Please see our obituary policy.