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The East High Alumni Page presents:

The East High Class of 1959
East High School, Memphis, Tennessee
Class Reunion Information-click here
   Snapshots of the June 4, 2022, multi-class special reunion luncheon posted   

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Robert Agnew (Bob) [last updated February, 2003] [E-mail address updated February, 2013]
In November 2002, my wife and I moved to western Pennsylvania in order to be active participants in our grandchildren's lives. We are truly enjoying our experiences! I would love to hear from each of you!

Barbara Eaton Blake
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Bob Borda [last updated September, 2004]
I reluctantly signed up for e-mail, but here we go! I'd love to hear from East High alumni. I'm still in private practice in clinical neuropsychology, with offices in Arcola (at Houston Southwest Airport), Sugar Land (in a neurologist's office), and Austin (another neurologist), Texas. Drive a lot, fly some. My wife, Eleanor, has transformed our small acreage 25 miles south of downtown Houston into a rose/native plant nursery and wildlife preserve. It appears that I (finally) have developed a work ethic, so I get to enjoy our place less than I would like and then it typically involves yard work or remodeling. Cheers to all.

Ronnie Borod [last updated September, 2004]
I am a partner in the law firm of Brown Rudnick, a Boston-based firm with additional offices in New York, London, Dublin, Washington, DC, Providence, and Hartford. I head the Structured Finance Group at the firm, which specializes in structuring and closing asset-backed securities transactions. I live in Boston but spend most weekends in Rhode Island with my wife, Doris Licht, who is an estate planning lawyer with another firm which is headquartered in Providence. We also own a beach house on the Rhode Island coast and spend as much time there as possible. I have 3 children, Gail (35), Emily (31) and Adam (27), all of whom live on the West Coast. Gail is married, has a baby daughter, Isabella, age 8 months, and is a project manager at Microsoft in Seattle. Emily was just married in August of this year, and lives in Portland, OR where she attends medical school. Adam is a consultant living in San Francisco.

Sarah Bradford [last updated April, 2003]
Decided to surface and say "hey y'all" from Georgia!!! Planning to retire for real in a few months if the world doesn't stop turning!! Retired from Eastern Air Lines in '87 and moved to the country from Atlanta. Life's been the proverbial "Wild Ride of Mr. Toad" every since..but boy it's been fun as well as challenging...
Made a good living in horticulture and landscape after real estate took up too much of my time..Then as age began to think it could creep up on me, I decided I'd best get somewhere with insurance and benefits, so until freedom is once again mine, I work in the company of 4 million books for a distributor called Baker and Taylor.
I've raised two sons and a couple of foster kids..mostly by myself after a 14yr marriage almost spelled disaster. Both sons are married and I have 2 and 1/4 grandkids plus 3grandkids from a foster son that I am still very much in touch with.
I live, by choice, in a very small trailer on my land where I generally have a garden and make attempts to grow flowers.
In both cases though, the weeds seem to always prevail..so every spring I go at it again....
Nothing earthshattering...just life on a rollercoaster..hehehe
Y'all email me and I'l try to answer....would love to hear from ya.

James Branch
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Fred Brinkmann [last updated April, 2008]

Sidna Brower [last updated September, 2004]
I attended the first 20th reunion and hope to make the 45th. In 2002, I retired as deputy director of the NJ Council on Affordable Housing. My husband, George, and I lived in Bernardsville, NJ, (Somerset County)for almost 30 years; there I was active in politics, church and the library. I really got involved when we moved to a retirement community in Middlesex County almost five years ago. I ran for the NJ State Assembly last year and almost won in a heavily Democratic district---just missed by about 700 votes out of 54,000 cast---so I may run again next year. I'm president of the Rossmoor Republican Club, GOP Monroe Township municipal chair, Middlesex County GOP committeewoman, vice chair of GROW Republican women, vice president of the Middlesex County Women's Political Caucus and diversity chair of the state caucus.
Church remains a big part of my life. A former elder and Sunday School superintendent in the Presbyterian church, I now serve as chair of our church council and president of the Women's Guild for the Rossmoor Community Church.
George and I sold our weekly newspapers about three years ago but I still write a weekly cooking column---this by someone who only knew how to fry bacon, eggs and a hamburger when she moved to New York City in 1963. We have one daughter, Meredith Mascitello, who works for a commodities broker; she and her husband live about an hour away. My mailing address is P.O. Box 6007, Monroe Twp., NJ 08831.

David Bryant [last updated March, 2006]
In December of 2005, I sent out some e-mails to my business associates of the past 41 years to announce my retirement. One of the responses stuck in my mind. Well, David, you finally figured out what you wanted to do when you grew up. How right he was.
We retired on our small acreage in Spring Texas.

Jim Carey [last updated May, 2013]
BAE64 Ga Tech. Program Officer in the Imaging Intelligence Office of the NRO in Ca & Va. Retired at 62 (2003). Married two kids. Consider myself one lucky guy.

Joe Davis [updated June, 2018]
Deceased. An obituary is available.

Prior to his death, Joe Davis was a participant with our alumni page. The following is his last posting with us.
[posted September, 2004]

After a career in banking, I chose to leave the working world in late 1996 after my bank was purchased. It was a great decision as I finally learned what I do best. Nothing! Well, that is not entirely true as I love to plan and take trips. Still married to Diane Dean of Memphis, we have two grown children, one married and living in Memphis and the other single and living in Denver.

Donna Dickens
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Jane Dowdy
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Doris Jean Elder [last updated October, 2009]
I was born in Mississippi and moved to Memphis when I was 8. 10 years ago we moved back. Married Aug.9,1959 to Fred Valentine. Had family right away. Derrick 1960. Michelle McInvale (Charles)1962 gave us 2 Grandchildren Dustin Murphy 1984 and Misty 1987. Baby daughter Crystal Moore 1966 gave us our last Grandchild, Bradley Moore 1997. Dustin has one daughter Veda Murphy 2007. I go to Maples Methodist Church, Play Bridge,(teach too)am a Red Hatter, Line Dance, Sew, Cook, Travel, Cruise, Dance ,Beach Bum,and enjoy Family gettogethers. Fred died 10-10-2005. I sure do miss my Valentine. I do stay busy and plan to take some more classes about the computer and Guitar lessons and mah-jong and more Ballroom Dancing. I did enjoy working on the 50th reunion and was rewarded with talking to many classmates some who have never before come to a reunion. What a wonderful time we all had, even the spouses joined right in and enjoyed it too. I only wish everyone could have been here. Good Health and Happiness to All. 9366 Austin Dr. Olove Branch,Ms., 38654    662-890-4699

Nancy Ezell
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Uldis Ezernieks
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

David Gibson ("Gibby")
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Tom Faber
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Harriet Sue Feinstein ("Susie")
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Jack Fisher [last updated May, 2008]
I retired in 2000 and am single and living on a small island off of the southwest coast of Florida. It is about 6 miles long and a half of a mile wide at its largest point and just a little slice of paradise.
I have two children, Jay who lives in a suburb outside of Chicago with his wife Jill and my two terrific grandsons, Jacob and Alex. My daughter lives in Victor, Idaho which is just across the Grand Teton pass from Jackson Wyoming. She has her own businesses which keeps her very busy, when she is not sking or mountain bike riding.
I still love to play golf, travel the world, drink fine wine(some things do not change) and dabble in painting and photography from time to time.
I can be reaches at Jack.Fisher@live.com or by phone 941-964-0813
My hope is to be happy and healthy until the day I die.

Jane Fransioli [last updated June, 1999]
I had a wonderful time at our 40th reunion. Everyone looked great, and we had lots of hugs and laughter.
I went to MSU after high school, and became a teacher in the city school,before meeting my husband at Pickwick, in the ole swimming hole. We moved to Dallas, where I taught 6th grade in Richardson, Tx. We moved back to Memphis in 1967, I taught one more year, and then we started our family, which includes 3, Jeffrey,30, getting his PHD at Yale this September in nueropsychology, Hunter,27 degree in environmental science, manages Outdoors,Inc. on Union, and Meredith Jane, 22, a senior at Auburn, in graphic Arts. I stay busy as an independent travel consultant,gardening, and painting. Nick just retired from a medical firm after 25 yrs, and enjoys playing golf and projects that I think up on his do list. My folks are both gone now, Daddy 3 yrs, ago, and Mother last year. My brother,Steve is in Dallas and is looking forward to retireing soon to his house in Panama City Beach. My brother, Bill lives in Germantown with his family. Linda Newell is my sister-in-law having married Larry, Nick's younger brother. Small world isn't is? God Bless you all, and send me e-mail at

Rhitt Fraser [posted December 23, 2016]
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Ames Guyton [last updated June, 1999] [E-mail address updated August, 2005]
Ames Lee Guyton, Class of '59, East High'57-'59, left Memphis about 1962, when my family moved to New York City. I went to Columbia University in New York; served as an officer in the Air Force; have lived in New York, Atlanta, and Miami; and now live in Jacksonville, FL, about eight blocks from the beach. I'm living with Kathe Kasten who has been my companion for about ten years. We have no children. I'm an architect who has just opened my first web site. www.AMESGUYTON.com

Paul Harmel
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Henry Hathaway
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Joan Jefferson
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Patricia Karnowsky
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Kay Killebrew
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Donna Locke [last updated October, 2019]
Deceased. An obituary is available.

Prior to her death, Donna Locke was a participant with our alumni page. The following is her last posting with us:
[posted June, 1999]
Hello, everyone, it's Donna Locke McNees here. After East I went to William Woods College, Fulton,Mo. for 6 months. Returned to MSU for spring, then went to So. Meth. U. in Dallas, Tex. for 2/3 yrs. Returned to MSU and graduated a teacher. Taught in Memphis City schools for 21 years (Oakhaven, Porter Jr. and Corry Jr.) In 1987 moved with then husband, Mickey McNees and son, Chris to B'ham, Ala. for one yr. Then to Jacksonville, Fl. Substitue teacher now for over 10 yrs. Divorced in 1991. Remained in Fl., but moved down the road to Middleburg. Currently going back to college to return to classroom to teach Science in jr. high. Also am a "people greeter" at WAL-MART, the largest retail discount store in the world, still cheering the world on. Son recently married Easter weekend, lives in Jacksonville. I am also a MARY KAY beauty consultant, yea the girl who wore no makeup is now selling it and sure is fun and profitable. Our number is in our book.! Can always use another team member. That's all folks!!!!

Andrea Lynn [last updated November, 2000]
My husband David, a graduate of Kingsbury High School, have lived in Lindsborg, Kansas, for 30 years. David is self-employed in the music field (a violist), and I am a clinical social worker and marriage and family therapist.
Our two children are grown; our daughter, Becky and family live 30 miles away; our son Zach lives in Michigan. We have two grandchildren, our daughter's children, Nick, currently age 6, and Kendra, currently age 20 months.

Toni Madden [last updated March, 2009]
Just a quick update on my previous profile. In December, my husband of 42 years, Mel Peters, passed away following double surgery for lung cancer and a double heart by-pass. He was looking forward to attending the 50th reunion with me this year. I'm still hoping to attend and waiting for more information on when it will be.
I now have 45 grandchildren - 2 girls in New Orleans and a boy and a girl in Burlington, Vermont. I retired from the Tacoma Public Library in 2005, after working there for 23 years. I'm loving retirement and have been doing lots of traveling. Now that Mel is gone, I'm not sure where my life is headed. I miss him terribly and am still adjusting to being a widow Hope to see many of you at the 50th.
Toni Madden Peters

Ann Macdonald [last updated January, 2010]
Trying to update ..My husband, Don and I still live on 15 acres just south of Millington with 4 dogs, 2 cats and cows.I love my herb and flower gardening and Don loves the vegetable garden. Graduated from The Univ of Southern MS where I met my husband. Don played professional football for 12 yrs and we were her and there. Settled in Memphis after that..have a son and his family (2 grandsons) in Germantown,a daughter (1 grandaughter) in Bartlett, and a daughter in Houston, TX. Was a real estate broker for 20 years, then worked as a buyer and decorator for a small herb shop in AR. That shop closed 3 years ago and so here I am..can't believe how much time has passed. Best to everyone..

Bob Mason [last updated January, 2015]
I have few roots at East High because I attended four different schools for grades 9-12. Band was my major activity, with photography as a hobby. My flying career (I soloed in 10th grade) was in limbo at East, except for flying model airplanes.
I attended Memphis State for 3 semesters, where I continued playing the Sousaphone. (Tuba) I did one more semester after the Army.
US ARMY 1961-64 Advanced aircraft mechanic. Stationed in Texas, Washington State, Korea, and finally the D.C. area in time for the JFK assasination. I finished my Private Pilot license there, as well as my SCUBA certification.
I married Betty Bates, from Milan, TN, and worked in consumer finance and insurance while finishing my Commercial Pilot, Instrument Rating, and Flight Instructor Rating. This led to becoming a journeyman level radar air traffic controller at the Memphis Air Route Traffic Control Center on Democrat Road in Memphis.
I also added a Multi-Engine rating, and continued to give flight instruction and fly commercially part-time. The best rating of all was becoming a father of two great kids.
I lost my 2nd Class Airmans physical in 1975, (for both air traffic control and commercial flying.) I went to International Bible College in Florence, Alabama to begin preaching, and did commercial photography part time.
I made a number of evangelistic campaigns to the Caribbean islands and Venezuela, and we moved to Aruba, Netherlands Antilles, to preach after finishing school. We had to return to St. Jude when our son got Leukemia. The treatment was successful, and I preached in Oakland, TN for that period.
We moved to North Carolina in 1983, and Pinebluff, NC in 1994. I still preach in Aberdeen, NC. (2.5 miles north.) We live 8 miles from the "No. 2" golf course where the 1999, 2005, and 2014 US Opens were played.
Betty does volunteer work at our 450 bed hospital, and I volunteered as a Chaplain for 20 years. Our daughter graduated from Elon College and Appalachian State Graduate School, is married and lives in Raleigh. Our son graduated from Auburn and Florida State Law School. He is married, has two girls, and lives in central Florida, where he is a partner in a law firm.
2014: I got my ham radio license (General Class) and operate on VHF/UHF for local and emergency, and the short wave bands for long distance and international contacts.
I also bought a Tuba in December and joined a community band as the second tuba. (I highly recommend this!)

Heather Mathieu [last updated January, 2000]
I have been living in Houston since my marriage to Jack Amuny in 1972. Our daughter, Heather Elizabeth, who just married in September is now Heather Amuny Dey and lives in Portland, Oregon where she and her husband are both designers for NIKE. My husband Jack has a graphic design studio and is the Managing Director of the Wings Over Houston Airshow. We are doing well, thinking about retirement and how we can do it.

Linda Miles
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Linda Newell [last updated September, 1999]
Howdy! from Dallas,Texas!
Linda Newell Browndyke wants to say hello, and so sorry that she could not be with everyone at the reunion, but Larry and Linda were in Nottingham, England visiting their oldest son, Chip and his wife Brandi, and 4 yr. son Travis.
I graduated from SMU, where I was a Chi O, and met and married Larry Browndyke in 1963. We lived in Norfolk,Va. for 3 yrs, while Larry served in the Navy. We returned to Dallas, and started our family as civilians . Our children are "Chip", 34yrs, who now lives in Boise, Idaho with his family. David 31yrs, and wife "Angie". live in West Harrison, Indiana. Todd 26 yrs. lives in Huntington Beach, California.
I work for a group of psychiatrists, enjoy Bible Study, gardening, antiques, and we enjoy being "empty nesters"!!! Hope we can make it to the next reunion.
Our e-mail address is

Tommy Nichols [last updated September, 2009]
After graduation I joined the Airforce and served until 1964 and was stationed on Okinawa as my last base. While on Okinawa, I joined the flying club and received my private pilot's liscense.
After discharge I went to work for Friden division of Singer Inc. and worked in Memphis until 1975 then transferred to Atlanta. In 1977 I was hired by Data General as a Field Engineer to work in the Macon Ga. area.
In 1966 I married Patricia Williams and we have one son, Todd. Todd has a B.S.degree in environmental science from Mercer University and a MS degree in Biology from Georgia State College and University.
While in Memphis, I attended State Technical Institute evening division and received my AE degree in 1974,after which I started back to flight training and received my Commercial Pilot's liscense with Instrument rating.
In 1995 my son convinced me to take SCUBA lessons which we have enjoyed for several years.
My wife still works for Robins Air Force but hopes to retire before too long. I retired about four years ago and play golf, fish, ride my motorcycle and anything else I can find to do. I sold my last airplane about five years ago and sure miss flying but as the saying goes, there is a time for all things.

Judith Lynn Parks ("Judy") [last updated August, 2009]
Greetings from Judy, living for the last 26 years in Austin, Texas, the jewel of the Texas hill country.
After graduation, I attended Memphis State, now The University of Memphis, married Russell Mullins, '58 graduate of Messick High School, and continued my education after the birth of our only daughter, Robin. I took the next 9 years to complete my education, attending part time while raising our daughter. Robin lives in Dallas and is a Senior Specialist in Database Marketing for CitiGroup. We have 2 grandchildren, Natalie and Justin, who is a crptological radar technician with the Navy in Japan. We have one great-grandson, Jaxon, from Justin's marriage. Natalie works in Dallas with a wine merchant and is unmarried.
After graduating in 1970, I began my teaching career until Russell was transfered to Dallas. We returned to Memphis, living there for the next 3 years. In 1983, we moved to Austin, Texas when Russ accepted a new position. He is currently Sales Manager for DAC International, a local avionics firm specializing in corporate, military, and private sales. I began teaching at Westwood High School in the Round Rock Independent School District concentrating in the area of AP and IB English.
I retired in 2003 and am curretnly doing volunteer work and enjoying our new house. I read a great deal (So many books, so little time!)and also like to garden and am continually redecorating our house.
I had not planned on attending the 50th reunion, but Flora Terry threatened me with bodily harm if I did not show up. I am looking forward to the reunion and reconnecting with those who attend.

Ben Reisman
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
Ron Rich (Ronnie) [last updated January, 2025]
My wife, Ginny, and I moved from San Diego to Atlanta and are enjoying being back in the South. We live very close to my family here in Marietta, a suburb of Atlanta. Many reasons to move of course. The political climate in California changed for the worst over the years with crime, illegal immigration, wild fires and taxes constantly increasing. And it was time for some new adventures. We can still get our ocean fix by going to my sisters beach house in South Carolina or driving down to the Gulf of Mexico. Been on about 8 cruises since we moved here. We’re enjoying a far more relaxed lifestyle in Georgia. Seeing our property taxes drop from $38,000 per year to $3,700 per year certainly was a nice bonus. Atlanta is an exciting place to live. We’re enjoying also being able to reach a lot of great new places by car. I have been retired for 22 years and enjoying retirement. Ginny is a fabulous wife, gourmet cook and keeps me on my toes. So far at 83 year old, I am super healthy and so is Ginny which is the best blessing of all. Miss our 1959 reunions. Wish someone in Memphis would try to organize another one. Cell 415-518-3691 or [e-mail address below]. Take care and keep on truckin’ !!

Dale Richardson [last updated September, 2004]
I graduated from Harvard in 1963. After working briefly as a reporter for the New Orleans Times-Picayune, I went up to Charlottesville to get an M.A. degree in English at the University of Virginia. Then I taught English at Washington and Lee in Lexington, Va., for three years.
During the years in Lexington I married Leslie Buchman from Memphis (Hutchison, 59; Rhodes, 63) who was doing graduate work at UVa. We went up to Princeton, where I got a Ph.D. in English and then moved to L.S.U. in Baton Rouge where I taught before moving to Sewanee (The University of the South) in 1973. We've been there ever since. I teach English and Leslie teaches Italian and film studies. I usually teach courses on Shakespeare, eighteenth-century satirists, and the history of literary criticism and theory.
We have three daughters: Gabriel Lear of Chicago; Leslie Long of New York City; and Dana, a student at Savannah College of Art and Design.

Bill Routt
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Charlie Safley
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Sylvia Scyster [last updated September, 2004]
Hi Everyone:
It certainly does not feel as if we could possibly be this old! I prefer to describe us as being like "fine wine." I have been blessed with great health, and like the wine-full bodied. Where has the time gone?
After graduating from East, I attended Ole Miss for 2 years. I then worked for Delta as a stewardess for 9 years. I married and moved to North Carolina where both my children were born. In 1975, I moved to Paducah and finally got around to completing my degree at Murray State. After my divorce in 1983, I became a travel agent. After 20+ years, I closed my travel agency and retired. That did not last long. I began a part-time jobe as an insurance adjuster, and still do private consulting for former clients. In my spare time, I still love to read, travel, and spend time with my 2 schnauzers.
I have 2 children. Carolyn (33) is a dentist and Jim(31) is a biomedical engineer. Both live in Dallas and neither are married. If they do not hurry, I will miss the grandma bit. I do spend a lot of time in Dallas, and am thinking of moving to Georgetown, TX.
I hope all of you are well and happy.

Randall Shepard [last updated October, 1999] [E-mail address updated November, 2008]
Tulane, Rhodes(Southwestern), OCS, Damage Control School,US Navy, Vanderbilt, Holiday Inn University, Memphis Advertising, Stark Raven, Inc.
From the sublime to the ridiculous, but all quite serious. And home again Flannigan.
You may have heard some of my radio spots. Stark Raven was the first creative advertising boutique to develop humorous ads for agribizness, then parlay that talent into work for acute care hospitals. As Monty Python put it, "always look at the bright side."
During Navy I married Martha Hunter, a Southwestern gal from New Orleans. No, she's a preacher's daughter, not an entertainer.
Have one son and my own business, one of which is well past adolescence.
I've given up most hobbies and outside interests in pursuit of mere health which becomes more elusive every day.
By the way, I stumbled onto the East Alumnae web site via YAHOO. Here's a hint of what caught my eye: www.easTHIGH.org.

Anita Smith
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Charles Speed [last updated August, 2009]
After graduation I went to Memphis State for a few years and then in the Marine Air Corp Reserve at Millington, TN. from 1961-1967 and then Shelby Co. Sheriff Reserve 1969-1975. I was also in the Memphis JCC’S from 1958 to 1976. During all this time I worked with my dad in construction and got my residential and commercial contractors license 1972 till present. I also own Germantown Lumber Co from 1990 to present.
In 1968 I married Shirley Timmons and had three kids, Charles Jason 1969 and he had my four grandchildren Charles Wyatt 2000, Cody 2002, Abigail 2004 and Marshall 2007. My two daughters, Kelli 1972, a controller at Holiday Inns and Shannon 1975 a VP at Trust Mark Bank. Shirley died in 2001 and I married again in 2003 to Jane Pugh. I like fishing, genealogy, and golf. I’ve been going on a golf trip for 35 years with a group of guys to the Masters and we play just out of Augusta. Some of us have enjoyed playing at the courses of St. Andrews, Royal Troon, Turnberry, Carnoustie, Pebble Beach, Spyglass, Spanish Bay and of course Augusta. We went to the French Riviera and played the Monte Carlo golf course. Also this next year will be my 49th year at the St Jude Classic and we won the pro-am in1997 and I’ve had a hole in one twice.

Mary Ann Styers [last updated September, 2004]
My husband, Taylor, and I have been married 44 years; most of that time spent in Memphis. We have 3 children and 8 grandchildren who also live in Memphis (having a family business helps keep them at home). We both enjoy traveling (cruises esp.), grandchildren and our church (Germantown Baptist). I have my grandchildren around quite often and am a member of Germantown Women’s Club and the King’s Daughters and Sons. This keeps me very busy. Taylor is retired now and we look forward to our future together.

Jim Tackett [updated September, 2015]
Deceased. An obituary is available.

Prior to his death, Jim Tackett was a participant with our alumni page. The following is her last posting, sent to us in July, 1999.
99 Michael's Cove
Talladega, Alabama 35160

Susan Theurer
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Lewis Trotter [last updated February, 2009]
I recently retired from being an active Presbyterian minister of 42 years. I served in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). I am married to Constance Jean Mills of Memphis and a White Stateion graduate and we have three children, a son Lewis Jr. (Lee) living in Bradenton, Florida, a daughter Christian Hennessey living in Bradenton, Florida, and a daughter Cathy Trotter living in St. Louis, Missouri. We have two grandaughters and are expecting our first grandson.
After graduating from East I received a B.S. from Memphis State University (now Memphis Univeristy) in 1963, a Master of Divinity degree from Columbia Thological Seminary in Decatur, Georgia in 1966 and then a Doctor of Ministry degree from Columbia Theilogical Seminary in 1984. I served the church as a Pastor in churchs in Mississippi, Tennessee, Forida, and finally Illinois.I was also active in the work of presbytery where in 2007 I served as Moderator of the Giddings-Lovejoy Presbytery (churches in the St. Louis area of our country) followed by chairing the Mission Council of that Presbytery the next year.
Up until I was 55 I played competitive softball, giving up sliding at the age of 50. Now I am into walking and do over three mile walks 3 to 4 times a week. I enjoy baseball and following the St. Louis Cardinals...but now I leave near Tampa and will catch the Rays. The future may hold for me some old-man softball but who knows.
It has been a great journey from high school and I still hold found memories of those days.

Kay Valvik ("Peanuts")
Deceased. An obituary is available.

Prior to her death, Kay Valvik was a participant with our alumni page. The following is her last posting, sent to us in May, 1999.

I'm excited to be the first '59er to register. I now live in Germantown enjoying a partially empty nest with my husband. Our daughter has come back home. She plans to teach (after pursuing other interests since Ole Miss graduation.) My husband and I own a liquor store on the way to Tunica. Stop in and say hello.

Wayne Webb
Deceased. An obituary is available. . Click here to read the obituary.

Patricia Williams
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Tom Wilson [last update November, 2004]
The first four years of my career were spent with General Electric in finance, the next 20 with Celanese and Hoechst Celanese’s polyester business, and the last 21 in my own businesses restructuring large corporations and working with start-ups. In the 1980’s I commercialized a membrane business for Celanese. This division manufacturers membrane for the blood oxygenator and is used as the separator for the lithium batteries in your watch, computer, camera, etc. In 2000 a partner and I developed CSBFirst to out source human resource transactions.
In the mid-1980’s I began serving as a trustee for a local liberal arts university and I am currently completing my fifth term as chairman.
My wife of 40 years is Alice Ford from Owensboro, KY. We met at the University of Kentucky. We have two daughters and three granddaughters. Half the year we live on our farm on the Blue Ridge Parkway and the other half in Charlotte, NC.
My only tie to the Memphis area is farm land in Fayette County.

Jerry Yancey
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Patia Young (Pat) [last updated December 3, 2000]
Deceased. An obituary is available. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.

Prior to her death, Patia Young was a participant with our alumni page. The following was her last posting with us.

[posted October, 1999]
I live in the small, rural south Georgia town of Ocilla, where I am the media specialist at the middle/high school. Widowed several years ago. Two daughters, both of whom live in suburban Atlanta. Stephanie VanHoosier Kandzierski, 34,who has a law degree from UGA. Her husband, Chuck,is a UGA grad and a computer exec. Stephanie is on hiatus with their 3 children-Emily , 5, Rachel ,3, and Peter, 11 months. Younger daughter, Kimberly VanHoosier-Carey, 31, and her husband, Greg, both have PhDs from Univ. of Texas and teach at Georgia Tech. I am a breast cancer and bone marrow transplant survivor and have 1 cat, Mittens.

People who attended East with the class of 1959 but were not graduated from East.

Wayne McKinney - [last updated April, 2000]
Served four years in the United States Navy as a radar technician, after which, I enter a bank management program in Philadelphia. Had difficulty counting higher than five, so I overcame that problem by becoming a golf professional in 1965. Helps with a low score! I now reside in Boca Raton, Florida and work as a consultant to corporations that conduct golf tournaments for their clients. For fun, I donate as much time as possible to two junior golf programs in the area, which have about 400 kids playing golf each week. When the golf chores are done, I relax by going deep-sea fishing and listening to Jimmy Buffet. Anyone can come join me for a round of golf (must give me strokes)or you can just send e-mail to

Bob Metcalf
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.



* Entries with the "reported deceased" designation indicate a reunion committee or other persons believed closely associated with the class have indicated they have information they believe quite reliable about the death of the individual so designated. The East High Alumni Page has not received sufficient documentation to verify the information and therefore does not confirm the death or that the individual who died is the one of the same name who attended East High School. Such reports without confirmation should be taken with a degree of skepticism. Anyone with documentation to confirm the report or with information to refute the report is strongly encouraged to contact the editor of The East High Alumni Page at editor@EastHigh.org promptly. Please see our obituary policy.

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