- Malcolm P. Anderton
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
- Beverly Berryhill (Maurine) [last updated March, 1999]
I married Hal Huggins (Abbeville, MS) June 10,1952. We have 5 children and 9 grandchildren. I am a homemaker who enjoys boating, golfing, needlework, crossword puzzles and now the computer. This has been our home since 1987 as Hal owns his own business here.
My home address is 303 N. Madison Avenue - Eatonton, GA 31024-1317. Phone
706/485-7826. Fax 706/484-0186.
- Mary Elizabeth Birdsong
Reported deceased.
If anyone has a copy of the obituary and would like to supply a copy, we would like to post it on The East High Alumni Page.
- James Boone
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
- Eleanore Bradford
Reported deceased. Some obituary information is available. Click here to read the obituary.
If anyone has a copy of a published obituary and would like to supply a copy, we would like to post it on The East High Alumni Page.
- Thomas E. Brinkley
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
- Billy Callicott [last updated January, 2000]
Retired after 34 years at NOAA. Worked in the part of NOAA which manages the National weather satellites. Now consult on a part time basis in the area of information technology with emphasis on data management. Also involved with the NASA/IEEE mass storage conference planning. Married to Lavine Greene in 1960. We have two sons, now 32 and 35. Both reside and work in the Washington DC area.
After graduating in the first graduation class of East High, I attended
college, graduation from Southwestern at Memphis (now Rhodes College). I
spent two years in the service (drafted into the army) and was fortunate
enough to spend my military service in Anchorage, Alaska. If you haven't
been to Alaska, it's a must see place. After marriage, Lavine and I came
to the Washington DC area where I worked for what is now NOAA in Suitland,
MD. We have resided in the same location for 37 years.
- Jimmy Canfield
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
- Jim Chambers
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
- Linda Crump [updated December, 2020]
Deceased. . An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
Prior to her death, Linda Crump was a participant with our alumni page. The following was her last posting with us.
[Posted January, 2000]
Retired after 30 years in the securities and investment
business. My husband, Charles (Gus) Morris retired as Senior V.P. and
Correspondent Banker, in which capacity I often traveled with him. We have
no children. Our friends are our family. We have always lived in Memphis.
Interests: Travel, friends (of whom many are from our East High Class),
tennis, golf, Bible Class, Church, and our two shelties. I participated in
organizing our 31st and 40th Reunion and am anxiously awaiting word that
some of you will do the same for the 50th Reunion!
- James Cunningham
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
- Ann Davis
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
- Faynelle Duncan [last updated April, 1999] [E-mail address updated May, 2009]
Attended East High in l949 and l950. Married to Fred Penick. Attended Memphis State University
and graduated in l954. Two children and two grandchildren, ages l3 and 4. Attended Georgia State University in l970-l972 and graduated with a masters in counseling. Worked in Decatur, Georgia for 20 years as a psychotherapist and marriage and family therapist. Moved to Calhoun, Georgia in l997 to be near family and am semi-retired. Spend my time gardening, doing community work, some counseling, and enjoying my 4-year old grandaughter.

- Bill DeMuth
Reported deceased.
If anyone has a copy of the obituary and would like to supply a copy, we would like to post it on The East High Alumni Page.
- Leslie Eason
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
- Joann Eldridge (Jo) [last updated May, 1999]
Attended the University of Mississippi and married Bob in 1956. We have 4 childen -- Rusty, 40; Sandy, 39; Kim, 38; and Shane, 36 and 7 grandchilden. We have lived in our current home for the last 34 years, but since Bob's retirement from the Fire Department, we are looking for a few acres in the country. I am a Master Flower Show Judge and so, of course, enjoy gardening, playing bridge and anything having to do with nature (hiking, fishing, studying habitats of all creates, great and small. Bob's hobbies: hunting, fishing, nature.
E-mail: none
- Ralph Farmer ('51) [posted November 6, 2014]
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
- Hazel F. Forrester ('51) [posted April, 2003]
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
- Fredrick B. Glover
Reported deceased.
If anyone has a copy of the obituary and would like to supply a copy, we would like to post it on The East High Alumni Page.
- Algeane Graham
Reported deceased. An obituary is available.
- Phil Hancock [posted December, 2005]
Reported deceased. An obituary is available.
- Margaret Harrison [last updated November, 1999]
After graduating East High I attended the University of Memphis and graduated from Auburn University. I was happily married for 30 years to Jewett H. Miller who became Executive Assistant to the Attorney General in Memphis. We had 4 children and I now have 8 grandchildren and maybe more coming!
I lost my husband in 1986. I've lived in my house for 32 years and was pleased to discover that 2 of my classmates, June York and Shirley Thompson, moved close by to become my neighbors. My high school friend, Linda Crump has become a best friend. I also keep up with Donna Kesler,
Rusty Massey and Arden McGee. I enjoyed teaching school for a short time and now spend my time with family and friends, gardening, travel, and church and volunteer work.
E-mail: not provided
- Martin Patrick Hayes
Reported deceased.
If anyone has a copy of the obituary and would like to supply a copy, we would like to post it on The East High Alumni Page.
- Barbara Hill
Reported deceased.
If anyone has a copy of the obituary and would like to supply a copy, we would like to post it on The East High Alumni Page.
- Patty Holley [last updated March,1999]
After graduating, I attended the University of Memphis. It was called Memphis State Teachers College at the time I was there. My education was interrupted by marriage and two sons. When my husband "to be" asked me to marry him and go to Hawaii for a year, well, there are priorities. He was taking an Army Medical Internship, so we married and sailed away to Hawaii.
When our sons entered college, I returned to my studies at the University
of Arizona in Tucson where I received my BA and Master Degrees in
Education. I started my teaching career in a rural community located in
Southeast Arizona, where we have lived since 1961. I taught fourth grade
for nine years. For the next nine years, I taught Remedial Reding and Math
in a computer lab to fourth, fifth, and sixth grades. I retired from
teaching in 1995.
In 1981, I earned my pilot's license and in 85 I got my Instrument Pilot
Rating. I have my own little airplane, a Piper Warrior, and I am a Captain
in the Civil Air Patrol. I am now the Public Affairs Officer for the
Arizona Wing. I keep a Wing Newsletter on the Web.
AOL has an Academic Assistance Center (AAC) which provides homework help
for kids. I am a teaching member of this service to help kids K-8 with
their homework or to help them find the information on the internet.
We have 5 grandchildren, ages 10-18. Grandchildren must be our link to
immortality and they are a joy.
- Pete Hookings [last updated March, 1999] [e-mail address updated June, 2014]
Retired from sales. Married former East High ninth grader Barbara R. Robbins 1957
Graduated Memphis State 1959 after U. S. Marine Corps
Two children. Mark and Diana
Two grandchildren Cole and Emily
Thoroughly enjoy myself running all over the country and some of the world
just for the hell of it.
Been there, done that, not too tired yet.
Really nice to hear that so far Billy, Cliff and Jerry are alive and
kicking. Had Flash Myers for a neighbor in Birmingham, but lost track of
him in l968. He is married to an Icelandic viking goddess named Thyre.
Let's all meet on the web sometime.
- Frank L. Horton
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
Frank Horton also taught and coached at East High.
- Chessley H. Hulsey
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
- Betty Johnson [last updated Ocober, 1999]
I graduated from the University of Wisconsin in 1955, and taught high school English for six years in California. In 1995 I retired as a senior real property agent for the County of San Diego. I have two grown kids and two grandchildren, ages 6 and 12. I now keep busy with folk dancing, volunteer teaching of conversational English for foreign students, and the World Affairs Council for which I serve on the Executive Board. I have travelled to 26 countries, staying in some of them for 3-5 weeks. Last year my gypsy days almost came to an end when I had a mysterious illness that seemed to be
undiagnosable. Finally my doctor discovered a spinal tumor, which was
sucessfully plucked out (six hours under the knife). I have had a virtually
complete recovery.
E-mail: relay through her son at
- Donna Kesler [last updated April, 1999][E-mail address updated March, 2001]
Three days after we graduated, I moved to Houston with my
family. I attended the University of Houston, and afterwards worked for
six years for Humble Oil & Refining Co. (now EXXON). In 1956 I married
Robert M. (Bob) Wilkins, and we had two girls, now 39 and 37. We now have
four grandchildren, ages l0, 8, 5 and 2. Bob and I have travelled all over
the world since this is our mutual favorite thing to do. He retired as
General Counsel for Prudential's Southwestern Home Office, and since then
we have been active in volunteer opportunities. I have been a member of
the Board of Houston Taping for the Blind for 15 years, and have had a
radio program for the blind reading the Houston Chronicle. I still keep up
with Linda Crump, Margaret Harrison and Shirley Wilkes. I have seen
Carolyn Massey and Arden McGee a few times since graduation, and would be
pleased to hear from any of you.
- Joanne Loewenberg
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
- Carolyn Massey (Rusty) [last updated April, 1999]
My husband and I reside in the metropolitan Washington, DC area. I retired in 1993 as a public policy analyst. My husband has a consulting business and probably will never retire! Three children, four grandchildren.
- Dick McCutchen [last updated August, 1999]
I was in the first graduating class, on the first basketball team, was the first class chaplain (and maybe the last after my prayer at graduation), and Paul and I nearly caused Ms Vollmer cardiac arrest in her first typing class (acutally, it was mostly Paul Posey's fault).
After extensive undergraduate work for ten years at Baylor University, I
picked up a degree in History, and a Mrs. named Ann from Corpus Christi,
TX; we were married in '61.
In '66 we moved from Seminary in Ft. Worth, TX, to Sheffield, AL, to First
Baptist Church where I convinced the membership that I was their Music,
Youth, and Educational Director on staff for ten years before they got
wise. They said that I could leave and get a master's degree in counseling
at UNA, but Ann had to stay because she sang, directed children's choirs,
and was the organist. (Ann also has a web page at http://www.hsv.tis.net/~shoals/annstdo.html) I faked FBC off by becoming a deacon at their church while I worked on the staff at Helen Keller Hospital for two years in alcohol and drug counseling, and at Riverbend Center for Mental Health for three years as a Psychotherapist. I was also on a local TV station for three years with a call-in program dealing with mental health issues... I called it the Mental Health Comedy Hour. Before getting that degree, I drove eighteen wheelers all over America and a bit of Canada; what an education that was. Semi-retired (pun intended). I still have some clients who call, and I even drive a tour bus on occasion taking "old folks" to points of interest and ammusment. Mark is 32, living in LA, CA, working for Leiber & Stoler Music Publishers. Wendy is 33, married to David and, when they are home from Birmingham, they let us play with Anna Joy, born Sept. '98.
Thanks, use-to-be Beverly, for calling and letting me know about "our page"
for East High folks.
- Jerry Merrill [last updated January, 2007]
Class President, First Graduating Class.
Entered service in 1951, commissioned 2nd Lt. Field Artillery, U.S. Army 1952, served with 82nd Airborne Division until September 1953. Left Army and graduated from Florida State University in 1956. Was married in 1955 to Pat,
my wife of 44 years. Went back into the Army where I served in Vietnam, Hawaii, Germany and numerous stateside posts. Received graduate degree from University of Pennsylvania 1968. Retired from Army in grade of Colonel in 1981. Have since been a hospital administrator, management consultant, college instructor and active in many volunteer activities.
We have a son who was career Navy with three children and a daughter married to a retired Air Force officer with two children.
- James Robert Myers (Flash)
Reported deceased.
If anyone has a copy of the obituary and would like to supply a copy, we would like to post it on The East High Alumni Page.
The following was sent in by a classmate(s).
Flash was born in October 1933 and died February 1989. He was a graduate of Memphis State and went into the Air Force afterwards. At one time Flash was stationed at Roswell Air Force Base, Roswell, NM. He met his wife, Thyre Johansdottir, when on a tour of duty in Iceland.
- Jerry Nichols [last updated March, 1999] [E-mail address updated May, 2003]
Married classmate Peggy Stout ('51) Sept. 28,1951. Two children, 4 Grandchildren.
Jerry - Retired from International Harvester Co. in 1986 as Operations
Supervisor in data processing Dept. Contract PC programmer around Memphis for 6 years. Currently Data Processing Manager for local Insurance Co.
Peggy - Homemaker, housewife.
- T. David Noe [posted December 14, 2005]
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
- Patricia Noland
Reported deceased.
If anyone has a copy of the obituary and would like to supply a copy, we would like to post it on The East High Alumni Page.
- Peggy Anne O'Banyel
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
- Jack Payne
Reported deceased.
If anyone has a copy of the obituary and would like to supply a copy, we would like to post it on The East High Alumni Page.
- John Pfaff
Reported deceased.
If anyone has a copy of the obituary and would like to supply a copy, we would like to post it on The East High Alumni Page.
- Paul Posey [posted April 9, 2009]
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
- William Rainey
Reported deceased.
If anyone has a copy of the obituary and would like to supply a copy, we would like to post it on The East High Alumni Page.
- Carolyn Reeves
Reported deceased.
If anyone has a copy of the obituary and would like to supply a copy, we would like to post it on The East High Alumni Page.
- George H. Robinson
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
- Jane Rice [last updated August, 1999]
Reported deceased. No obituary is available but an entry has been made on the obituary page.
Prior to her death, Jane Rice was a participant with our alumni page. The following was her last posting with us.
[Posted August, 1999]
I married Paul Posey after graduating from East High in March 1952. We had three children, two girls and one boy.
Divorced after twelve years. I moved to Ft. Lauderdale, Fl. Managed Dobbs houses for 20 years. Had my own restaurant for 2 years. I worked in the food business till 1975 at which time I had to have open heart surgery. I had
a mitro valve replacement. I went to Emory Univeristy in Atlanta to have
my surgery and stayed with my sister in Georgia till I was able to come
back home to Ft. Lauderdale.
In October of 1988 the artifical valve deteriated and I had to go thru another surgery. This time I went to the hospital in North Miami Beach. Everything was going fine until two weels ago when I had a slight heart attack and found that my arteries were clogged. I had to have angioplasty and had a stent inserted to my artery so it would stay open. I'm feeling much better and hope this is the last surgery for me.
I'm looking forward to another reunion. By the way I have 6 grand children ranging from age 23 to 13. Love them all very much and enjoy them all.
E-mail: no e-mail address provided
- Robert Shropshire
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
- Margaret Smith
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
Prior to her death, Margaret Smith was a participant with our alumni page. The following was her last posting with us.
[posted October, 1999]
I worked in Memphis and California prior to my marriage. George and I have been married 40 years. We have 5 children (3 his, 2 ours) and 7 grandchildren, ages 4 - 20.
Until we moved to Iuka, MS, in 1986, we lived in Memphis with exception of a few years in Panama where George had contracts with the U.S. Government
in construction. Presently, he is developing his Iuka property with a
little assistance from me in the office. The remainder of my time is spent caring for the house and yard, working with the Community Food Panry, and
sitting with grandchildren while their parents travel.
- Clif Thompson [last updated March, 1999]
- Norma Sue Thornton [last updated October, 1999]
After spending the past 25 years in Illinois, my husband Bob and I retired to Indianapolis two years ago. We chose Indiana to be centrally located to our four grown children and their families, including two grandchildren. My husband is serving his second Interim Pastor position since retirement. I have been retired several years and now enjoy learning my way around the internet, genealogy and water aerobics. We both enjoy traveling, walking and seeing the grandchildren.
- Wanda Wallace [last updated March, 2013]
Deceased. An obituary is available on the obituary page.
Prior to her death, Wanda Wallace was a participant with our alumni page. The following was her last posting with us.
[posted April, 1999]
Married 46 years, 4 grown children, 5 grand children. Husband retired, was in the lumber business, Duke Forrest Products!
Billy D. White [updated February, 2018]
Deceased. An obituary is available.
Prior to his death, Billy White was a participant with our alumni page. The following was his last posting with us.
[last updated July, 1999]
I attended East High from 1948 (10th grade) until l95l (12th grade). I enlisted in the Marine Corps in Mar. '52 and in Nov i was sent to Korea. In 1968 I was transferred to Vietnam and spent 15 months there. I held every enlisted rank from private E-1 to master gunnery sergeant E-9. In l966 I was commissioned a second lieutenant and rose to the rank of captain. In l980, I retired from the Marine Corps and went to work for the Anne Arundel County Police Dept in Maryland. I retired from the dept in l995. I married Mary Emily Shappley (Walnut, Miss.) in l954. We have two daughters that live in the Maryland area. Home address 436 Ingram Court, Glen Burnie, Md 21061 - phone 410-768-5611
- Bethel Whitener
Reported deceased.
If anyone has a copy of the obituary and would like to supply a copy, we would like to post it on The East High Alumni Page.
- Shirley Wilkes [updated May, 2018]
Deceased. An obituary is available.
Prior to her death, Shirley Wilkes was a participant with our alumni page. The following was herlast posting with us.
[last updated November, 2000]
A graduate of the 1951 class (the first class), I am presently Professor of Music at the University of Memphis, where I have been teaching for 23 years. I also have published textbooks, articles for professional journals, and numerous choral compositions. I am a frequent presenter at music in-service workshops for teachers, regional and national professional conferences, and choral festivals. My specialties are Orff Schulwerk and the child voice. I am the mother of two grown children, a daughter and a son.
- Betty Lee Wilson
Reported deceased.
If anyone has a copy of the obituary and would like to supply a copy, we would like to post it on The East High Alumni Page.
People who attended East with the class of 1951 but were not graduated from East.
- Billy Joe Campbell [posted May, 2009]
Deceased. An obituary is available. Click here to read the obituary.
- James Robert Maher - Reported deceased before graduation.
If anyone has a copy of the obituary and would like to supply a copy, we would post it on The East High Alumni Page.
- Robert Harvey Parish - Reported deceased before graduation.
If anyone has a copy of the obituary and would like to supply a copy, we would post it on The East High Alumni Page.
- Harold Petty [last updated April, 1999]
I attended East High in the 10th and 11th grade from Sept. 1948 to June 1950. When the Korean War started I was 1 of 4 East Students in the Army National Guard. We were called into active service and when my class graduated I was in Korea with a Field Artillery Batttalion from Memphis. I returned home and married Mary Alice Eady (Messick '54) and we have one son and 2 grandchildren. I retired fron BellSouth with 42.5 years of service. My hobbies are working in my woodshop and a little traveling.