The East High Alumni Page

Pictures, memories, memorabilia of specific interest to
the Class of 1967

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                Atten-hut! Orders of the Day

August 11, 2008
To my Friends and fellow Mustangs,

       Although I was not able to attend the 1967 Class Reunion last year, I visit the webpage on occasion, which led me to notice that memorabilia is sought. While recently cleaning out a closet, I came across this document that my morn had framed. While unfortunately water damaged, it's a certificate of the marksmanship program in ROTC. Attached is the "medal"' that I earned, (Mom was so proud) plus a couple of uniform (?) patches that you're welcome to have. Interesting to note are the students and their levels of marksmanship. Fortunately, I never had to use my ability in Vietnam or the military. In fact, I hated "Rot-cee", hated it also in college (2 years of Air Force at Auburn, right, Luke Prescott?) and have ended up working at an Air Force Base as a contractor.

       I also wonder - how many high schools today have programs that allow students to shoot weapons with live ammunition? If my feeble mind remembers, there was a shooting range in the basement of East and we were popping off .22 rounds, as well as breaking down M-l 's and "drowning them in oil", as I remember SSgt. Carl E. Parker stating. What an easy assignment that must have been for him! But I digress....

       Maybe you will find these amusing. Best wishes to all my friends....

Jack Logan
Click on the image for a larger version
ROTC certificate
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